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1、代理申请书格式英文 代理申请书格式英文第一篇:代理申请书上海影格电子科技有限公司 地址:上海普陀区光新路128弄阳光大厦4号1305室 电话:021-5169-7209 传真: 5169-7209拔分机2 网址: 代理申请书 authorized dealer application 产品名称(product name): 第一部分: 公司一般资料 section one - company general information 1公司全称(full name of company): 2公司详细地址 (full address of company ): 3电话号码 (telephone

2、number): 4传真号码 (fax number): 5负责人 (person in charge): 职位 (title): 6联络人 (contact person): 财务 / 会计 (finance / accounting): 职位 (title): 工程 / 客户服务 (engineering / customer services): 职位 (title): 订货 / 运输 (order administration / shipment): 职位 (title): 7员工人数 (number of employee): 第1页 第二部分: 公司商务 上海影格电子科技有限公司

3、 地址:上海普陀区光新路128弄阳光大厦4号1305室 电话:021-5169-7209 传真: 5169-7209拔分机2 网址: section two company business 8申请代理地区及领域 (area you want to cover): 9目前是否代理其他产品 (do you currently representing other products): 10.若是,请列出公司名(if yes, please give us the company names) 11.公司开始业务多久(how long the company in business) 12.公司主

4、要业务为(what is the companys principle business) 13.请列出目前与所申请的领域有业务关系的三家单位 (please list three major vendors the company currently applying the business): 1. 2. 3. 14.请附业务计划书,最小包括下列各点 ( please attach a business plan including , but not limited to , the followings ): 1. 公司所属( company ownership ), 2. 年销售额

5、( annual sales revenue ), 3. 主要业务( major business ), 4. 如何在你的领域进行推广业务( how to promote this product in your areas ). 15是否同意订购样品及派员学习以表示将此产品投入所申请的地区 (will you agree to purchase the machine and send your engineers to training to showyour commitment to market this product in your assigned area(s) )?() y

6、es() no 授权签署(authorized signature)日期(date) 第2页 第二篇:英文代理翻译下面为一些具体格式和步骤: a为委托方,b为被委托方 首先是委任: 1 appointment 1. 委任 a hereby appoints the b as the global distributor for the distribution, sale and promotion of the goods all over the world (“territory”) upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

7、 a现根据以下条件和条款委任b作为其全球分销商,并在全球为其配送,销售和推广产品. 跟着写一些相关的权利和义务(只是参考例子): a shall not sell or otherwise make available the goods to anybody from or about whom a knows or has reason to know that such person might sell those goods to bs customers.a不会销售或以其他方式提供此类货物给来自a,或a知道或有理由知道可能销售那些货物给b客户的任何人. general d

8、uties 2.b的义务 b agrees and undertakes with the a that, for the duration of this agreement the b shall punctually and faithfully observe the following: b同意并承诺a在本协议有效期内如期并忠实遵守以下条款: 然后列举一些条款如: it shall use its best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the goods throughout the territory. 我们会尽最大努力

9、在全球推广和扩大货品的销售 b shall not sell the goods to as customers, unless authorized in writing by a, for the duration of this agreement. b不会销售货品给a的客户, 除非在协议有效期内得到a的书面授权. except for otherwise expressly provided herein, any contracts for the sales of the goods by b to its own customers shall be exclusively co

10、ncluded between b and its customers. b shall have the sole right to offer and/or accept terms and conditions of such contracts. 除另有明文规定外, 任何b给自己客户的销售合同,应只由b与其客户独立签订. b应具有唯一权提供和/或接受这类合同的条件. except for otherwise expressly provided herein, a shall have no right to receive from bs customers any payment

11、for the goods. 除另有明文规定外, a没有权利收受来自b客户的任何货款. 3. as obligations 3. a的义务 a shall in no manner whatsoever modify the price for the duration of this agreement.a在该项协议的期限内不得以任何方式修改价格. a shall be obligated to timely respond to bs letter, fax, notice, telephone and other inquiry. a应有义务及时回应b的信件,传真,通知,电话及其他需求.

12、 4. intellectual property 4. 知识产权 except as expressly authorized by the manufacturer, the distributor shall have no rights in respect of any trade names or trade marks used by the manufacturer in relation to the products of the goodwill associated therewith, and the distributor hereby acknowledges t

13、hat, except as expressly provided in this agreement, it shall not acquire any rights in respect thereof and that all such rights and goodwill are, and shall remain, vested in the manufacturer. 除非本协议另有制造商授权,分销商没有利用制造商产品的商品名称或商标以及与商誉相关联的权利。分销商在此承诺,除非本协议另有明确规定,分销商不应得到任何关于持续拥有及归附于制造商所有权和商誉的权利。 5 represe

14、ntation and warranty 5 声明和保证 each party hereby represents and warrants that neither the execution and delivery of this agreement, nor the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereunder, nor compliance with any of the provisions of this agreement, will conflict with, violate, result in a brea

15、ch of, constitute a default (or an event that, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default) under, or require any authorization, consent, approval, exemption or other action by or notice to any court or other governmental body or any other person under any of the terms, conditi

16、ons or provisions of any contract or other agreement or to which such party is bound. 双方在此声明并保证,本协议的签署与交付、本协议项下交易的完成、遵守本协议的任何规定,不会与任何法庭或者其他政府机构给予或者接受的授权、同意、许可、免除或者其他行为,或者在任何合同或者其他协议的条款、条件或者规定下约束该方的其他人员、发生冲突、违反、或者构成违约(或者是随着通知或时间的流逝,构成违约). 6. term and termination 6. 期限与终止 the duration of this agreemen

17、tis one (2) years after the execution hereof 该协议在签订后的两年内有效。 either party shall have the right to terminate this agreement as of right and without judicial recourse, upon giving notice to the other party, under any of the following circumstances: 在任何一种情况下,任何一方均有权不经司法程序通知另一方解除本协议: 你可以在这个地方添加一些合乎双方利益的情

18、况,因公司性质不一样,情况也不一样,所以我不列举了 7. non-assignment 7. 不可转让 neither party shall have the right to assign the benefit of this agreement (or any part of it), without the prior written approval of the other party. 没有另一方事先书面授权,任何一方无权转让本协议项下的利益(或其任何部分). 8. applicable law 8. 适用法律 this distribution agreement shall

19、 be construed in all respects in accordance with the law of hongkong and the a hereto agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the court of the domicile of the b. 这项分销协议应视为在所有方面均按照国家法律和a同意服从b所在辖区法院的权限。 9. miscellaneous 9. 杂项条款 the appendices are the integral part of this agreement. the appendices and

20、 this agreement have the same effect. 甲方:party a:(公司名) 乙方:party b:公司英文名 甲、乙双方经友好协商,本着平等、自愿、诚实、互惠互利的原则,就乙方在中国大陆地区代理甲方产品在市场推广,销售等合作事宜达成如下协议: party a and b through friendly and voluntarily co(谢谢你访问好范文WWw.HaoWorD.COM)nsulting on the basis of equality, honesty, and mutual benefit reached the following ag

21、reements on the market promotion and sales of production of party a in mainland of china. 1.甲方授权乙方作为氦检,食品及包装工业的总代理,以气体种类n2/he,he/air,co2/n2,co2/o2,o2/n2,o2/co2/n2作为依据。 a authorized party b as china agency for helium inspection,food and packing industry , and based on the category of the gas

22、n2/he,he/air,co2/n2,co2/o2,o2/n2,o2/co2/n2. 2.甲方授权期限为本协议签署日起至 2.the privileged time is from the date signed the contract to dec.31st, 20xx. 3.乙方可以用“甲方授权总代理”的身份在中国大陆地区进行一切合法的商业活动,包括市场品牌的推广(展会、网络营销、媒体广告等)、战略合作伙伴的选择和确定、产品销售计划、价格策略的制订与实施以及工作范围内所有客户的售后服务(技术培训、备品备件供应、仪器设备维修等) b can conduct all leg

23、al business as “ general agency of party a”in mainland of china, including promotion of market brand ( trade show, online marketing, media ad. ect.), choosing partners, product saling plan, formulating and implenting the pricing policies, and after-sale service for customers within work range( techn

24、ical training, standby redundancy supply, equipment maintenance ect.). 4.甲方有义务在乙方进行市场品牌推广宣传过程中提供支持。甲方应充分利用乙方提供的市场宣传资源配以适当投入,积极开展市场推广活动。甲方全资投入包括:主要专业媒体的合作专栏和国内专业大型展会1至2个等。 a has the obligation to provide support to party b for promotion of market brand. party b should make full use of the mar

25、ket promotion material source offered by party a ,and be active in promoting marketing. party a should invest in cooperative column of professional media and1 or 2 domestic large-scale exhibition ect. 授权书 今xx公司授权于xx公司销售及推广本公司所有产品,即报价,价格协议,签合同,竞标等事宜。 特此授权 授权人:xx有限公司 20xx年xx月xx日 authorization we hereb

26、y authorize xx company the right in the territory distribution; product promotion; quotation; pricing agreements; competitive bidding and so on authorized person:xx co.,ltd m/d/y 第三篇:英文申请书application for russesu scholarship my name is zhao ruoyu. i come from uibe(university of international business

27、 and economics) as an exchange student. i hope to apply for the russesu scholarship. firstly, i would like to make a brief introduction of my study of japan and the japanese language. speak of my major, you may be surprised because i major in interpreting between chinese and korean. you may wonder w

28、hy i learned japanese all by myself for that was absolutely not easy work. that is because i was totally attracted by japanese culture and society,especially their eating habits which reflects wisdom and attitudes towards life. through the nhk documentary , i got to feel very proud of japan ,for the

29、 reason that after the second world war, japanese peoples dream was shattered, but their wisdom ,diligence, sense of responsibility and innovation helped them to rebuilt the economy ,the society and then the whole country. so i spared no efforts learning japanese by myself. until now , i have learne

30、d japanese for almost three years andhave passed jlpt n1. secondly i would like to draw a plan of study at ritsumeikan university. although i stay in japan for only four months, i hope that this period will be the best memory in my life and it can be a plus when i hunt for a job in 20xx. as i have l

31、earned some courses about economics and marketing before, i will try to connect the knowledge mastered to the courses at ritsumeikan university, trying to learn more about the history of japanese economy development.and their modern marketing strategy. at the same time , i will make more communicati

32、ons with our professors without fear or embarrassment. after school ,i will take part in some club activities which is a good chance to get to know more japanese friends. thirdly i intend to introduce my plan after completion of the exchange program. i have applied for a position in hr department in

33、 ali-baba,which is a famous chinese b2b electronic platform through an internship program. i think it will be a great stage for me to turn the knowledge learned at ritsumeikan university into practice. after that i may start to hunt for a job in japanese companies in china which can offer me more chances to go between china and japan. finally i would like to make

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