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1、高考冲刺一级考点交际用语高考冲刺一级考点:交际用语(一)社会交往1. 问候1)Hi! / Hello! 你好!(或:嗨!/ 喂!) Good morning (or: afternoon, evening). 早上(或:下午、晚上)好。 -How are you? 你好吗? -Fine, thank you, and you? / Very well, thank you. 好,谢谢。你也好吗?/ 很好,谢谢你。2)Please give my regards(best wishes, love) to Tom. 请带我向汤姆致以问候。 Please remember me to Tom. 请

2、代我向汤姆问候。3)How is everything? 情况如何? How are things with you? 你过得好吗?2. 介绍1)This is Mr (Mrs, Miss, Ms) Green. 这是位格林先生(夫人、小姐、女士)。 May I introduce you to my friends? 我来把您介绍给我的朋友们好吗? Id like you to meet Mr Green. 我想请您见见格林先生。2)-How do you do? 您好。(初次见面时用) - How do you do? 您好。 Nice (Glad, Pleased) to see(mee

3、t) you. 见到您我很高兴。 Nice meeting you, Mr Green. 格林先生,我真高兴能认识您。(多用于分手时)3)My name is Li Ning. 我的名字叫李宁。 Im a teacher. 我是老师。 Excuse me. Whats your (full) name, please? 请问您贵姓(您尊姓大名)?3. 告别1)Im afraid I must be leaving (must be off, have to go) now. 恐怕我得走了。 I think its time for us to leave now. 我想我们该走了。 Its t

4、ime I met Tom (did my homework). I have to go now. 我该去见汤姆(或:去做作业)了。(从句要用虚拟语气)现在我得走了。2)Good-bye!或:Bye-bye! 再见! See you later (tomorrow). 回见。(明天见。) Good night. 晚安。再见。(用于晚上分手时)3)Take care of your self, and dont forget to keep in touch. 照顾好自己,别忘了保持联系。 Ill miss you! 我会想你的!4. 感谢和应答1)Thank you (very much).

5、 (非常)感谢。 Thanks a lot. 多谢。 Its very kind of you (to help me). 你真是太好了(帮了我的忙)。2)Its a pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。 Dont mention it. 别提这事了。 Not at all. 不用谢。不客气。Its (Thats ) all right. 没关系。 Youre welcome. 不用谢。3)Its most thoughtful of you. 你真是想得太周到了。 I dont know how I can thank you enough. 我不知道怎样感谢你才好。5. 祝愿、祝贺和答应1)

6、Good luck! 祝你好运! Good journey (to you)! 旅途愉快! Have a good trip. 旅途愉快。 Have a nice (good) time/day. 祝你玩得高兴。 Id like to congratulate you on your success. 祝贺你的成功。 2)Wish you all the success! 祝你成功! Every success in your study! 祝你学业有成! 3)Happy New Year! 新年好!新年快乐! Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 4)Thank you. 谢谢。 Y

7、ou, too. / The same to you. 也祝贺你。 6. 道歉、遗憾和应答 1)Pardon. 请原谅。(应读降调。若读升调,表示没有听清对方的话二希望对方能再重复一遍。) Sorry. / Im sorry. 对不起。 Im sorry for (about) that. 我为此感到抱歉(难过、遗憾等)。 Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个我很难过(遗憾)。 Im sorry to have (Im sorry that I have) kept you waiting for a long time. 抱歉让你久等了。 2)Excuse me (for

8、having kept you waiting for a long time). 请原谅(让你就等了)。 I am afraid (that) Ill be late. 恐怕我要迟到了。 What a pity! 真可惜!真是遗憾! What a shame! 真丢脸! Its a pity that you cant come. 你不能来真是遗憾。 3)Never mind. 别放在心上。 Forget it. 忘了这件事。 Thats all right. 没关系。 It doesnt matter. 不要紧。 4)I must apologize. 我得向你道歉。 I really d

9、idnt mean that at all. 我真的完全没有那个意思。 Dont worry about that. 不要为那事觉得不安。 Thats okay. Dont let it bother you. 没事,别想得太多了。 Dont think it any more about it. 别再去它了。7. 邀请和应答1)Will you come to my birthday party? 您能来参加我的生日聚会吗? Would you like to come to my birthday party? 您愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?2)Yes, Id love to (go to

10、your birthday party). 好的,我非常愿意(去参加你的生日聚会)。 Yes. Its very kind (nice) of you. 愿意。承蒙你的好意(你真是太好了)。3)Id like you to join us very much. 我非常希望您能加入我们之中。 Shall we have a drink? 我们喝点东西好吗?4)That would be very nice. 那太好了。 With pleasure. 好的。5)No, thank you. 不,谢谢你。 Its very nice of you, but my mother is ill. 你太好

11、了,但我妈妈病了。 Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time. 我非常想去,但我恐怕没有时间。 Im sorry I cant. What about another time? 对比起我去不了,下次怎么样?8. 提供(帮助等)和应答1)Can (Could, Shall) I help you? 我来帮你好吗?/ 你要买什么? Would you like me to help you with your lesson? 我来帮你做功课好吗? Is there anything (else) I can do for you? 有什么(别的)事我能帮你

12、做吗? Do you want me to help you? 您想要我帮你吗? What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么呢? Let me do it (carry it) (for you). 让我来(替你)做(搬)吧。2)Thanks. That would be nice (fine). 谢谢。太好了, Thats very kind of you. 你真好。 Thank you for your help. 感谢你的帮助。 Yes, please. 好的,请(做)吧。 Here take this (my) bag. 给,请帮忙拿这个(我的)包好吗?3)No, t

13、hanks (thank you). 不必了,谢谢。 No, thanks (thank you). I can manage it myself. 不必了,谢谢。我自己能应付。 Thanks all the same. (尽管无需你帮忙,但)还是要谢谢你。9. 约会1)Are you (Will you be, Do you happen to be) free this afternoon (tomorrow)? 今天下午(明天)你有空吗? How about tomorrow morning (afternoon, evening)? 明天早上(下午,晚上)怎么样? Shall we m

14、eet at 4:30 at the school gate? 我们4:30在校门口见好吗? (At) What time can I see you? 我什么时候可以见到你?2)Yes, thats all right. 行,可以。 Yes, Ill be free then. 行,到时候我有空。 All right. See you then. 好吧。到时候见。3)No, I wont be free then. But Ill be free the next day. 不行,那会儿我没空。但是第二天我有空。Lets make it 8 oclock. 我们约定8点吧。 10. 打电话

15、1)Hello! Is Tom in? 喂!汤姆在吗? May (Could) I speak to Tom? 请汤姆接电话好吗? Extension 6226, please. 请接6226分机。 Can I leave (take) a message? 我能留个口信吗? Hello, this is Mary speaking. 喂,我是玛丽。 Who is that (speaking)? 你是谁呀? 2)Ill call him back. 我会再打电话给他的。 Ill try another call in half an hour. 过半个小时我再打个电话试试。 Ill ring

16、 him / her again. 我还会给他/ 她打电话的。 3)A minute, please. Ill connect / put you through. 请稍等片刻。我会给你接通电话。 One moment, Ill switch you over. 等一下。我给您转过去。 The line is busy / engaged. 电话占线。 The line is through. 电话接通了。 4)Sorry. I cant hear you.对不起,我听不到你的声音。 He / She isnt here right now. 他/她现在不在这儿。 No, youve got

17、the wrong number. 不,你的电话号码错了。11. 就餐 1)Would you like something to eat / drink? 你想要点吃/喝的东西吗? What would you like (to have)? 你想要吃点什么? Would you like some more tea? 再来点茶好吗? Help yourself to some fish. 请吃些鱼吧。 2)Thank you. Ive had enough. 谢谢。我吃饱了。 Im full, thank you. 我饱着呢,谢谢。 Just a small piece (a little

18、), please. 只要一小块(一点儿)。 May I have just a little to taste? 给我一点儿尝尝。 No, I enjoyed it very much, but I wont have any more. 不要了,我非常喜欢,但我再也吃不下去了。 12. 就医 1)Whats the trouble / matter / problem with you? 你哪儿不舒服? What seems to be the trouble? 有什么问题? Do you have a fever / cough / headache? 你发烧/咳嗽/头疼吗? How l

19、ong have you felt like this? 你这种感觉有多久了? 2)I have a headache / cough / fever / stomachache. 我头痛/咳嗽/发烧/胃痛。 I feel ill / bad / unwell / terrible / horrible / awful. 我觉得很不舒服。 Ive got a pain in my back. 我的背疼。 Ive been losing sleep. 我一直失眠。 Ive got a bad appetite. 我的胃口不好。 It hurts terrible. 痛得很厉害。 13. 购物 1

20、)Can / May I help you? 我能为你效劳吗? What can I do for you? 你要买什么? Anything I can do for you? 你想买什么? How much / many do you want? 你要多少? What color / size / kind do you want? 你要什么颜色/多大尺寸/哪种? What about this one? 这个怎么样? Heres your change. 这是你的零钱。 2)I want / Id like a pair of shoes. 我想买双鞋。 How much is it /

21、are they? 多少钱? Its a bit too small for me. 这个我穿小了点儿。 Do you have any other colors / sizes/ kinds? 你们还有其他颜色/尺寸/品种吗? Well, Ill think about it. 嗯,让我考虑考虑。 Thats fine. Ill take it. 那个很好,我买了。14. 问路 1)Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the railway station? 劳驾,你能告诉我去火车站的路吗? Excuse me. Which bus goes to W

22、orld Park? 请问那辆公共汽车去世界公园? Excuse me. Wheres the washroom? 请问卫生间在哪儿? Excuse me. Which way is the station, please? 请问火车站走哪条路? Can you tell me how to get to the post office? 你能告诉我怎么去邮局吗? How can I get to the park? I dont know the way. 去公园怎么走?我不认识路。 2)Go down this street. 沿着这条街走。 Turn right / left at th

23、e first / second crossing. 在第一个/第二个十字路口处向右/左拐。 Its about two hundred meters from here. 离这儿有两百米。 You can take bus No. 103. 你可以坐103路公共汽车。 Youd better take a taxi. 你最好坐出租车。 Its about half a mile away. 大约半英里远。 Oh, you can walk it within ten minutes. 哦,十分钟之内你就能到。 3)Sorry. I dont know. Im a stranger here.

24、 对不起,我不知道,我对这儿也很陌生。 Its about five minutes walk / ride. 步行、乘车约5分钟的路程。15. 谈论天气 1)Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? Hows the weather in Beijing? 北京天气怎么样? What a lovely day! 多么好的天! 2)Its a beautiful day today. 今天天气真好。 Its sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy / snowy / foggy. 晴天/阴天/有风/有雨/有雪/有雾。 Its getti

25、ng cool / cold / warm / hot. 天气转凉/变冷/转暖/变热。16. 语言交际困难1)Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗?(要用升调说) Would you please say that again / more slowly? 请你再说一遍/说慢一些好吗? What do you mean by saying that? 你说这话是什么意思? Im sorry I cant follow you. 抱歉,我没听清楚。 Im sorry I know only a little English. 抱歉,我只会一点点英语。2)What does that word mean

26、 这个词怎么发音? How do you pronounce this word? 这个词怎么发音? I cant catch the pronunciation. 我还是没怎么听出这个词的音是怎么读的。 Is there any other way of saying it? 这句话还有别的说法吗?17. 提醒注意1)Dont forget to take a raincoat with you. 别忘了要随身带上雨衣。 Dont you remember the days when we met for the first time in Beijing? 难道你想不起我们在北京首次相识的

27、那些日子了吗? Make sure that everything is OK now. 看一看是不是一切都好了。2)Mind youre your heads / step! 小心头、楼梯! No smoking! 请勿吸烟! No spitting! 请勿随地吐痰! Wet floor! 小心地滑! Look out! 小心18. 劝告和建议1)Youd better go out for a walk. 你最好出去走走。 Youd better (not) go there. 你最好(别)去那儿。 You should / ought to put on more clothes. 你应

28、该多穿点衣服。 You need (to buy) a new coat. 你需要(买)件新大衣。 2)Lets go and have a look. 我们去看一看吧。 Should we go now? 我们现在走好吗? What / How about a picnic this Sunday? 这个星期日去野餐怎么样? Why dont you buy a computer? 你为什么不买台电脑呢? Why not go to a movie? 为什么不去看电影?(二)态度 1. 同意和不同意 1)Certainly. / Sure. / Of course. 当然可以。 No pro

29、blem. 没问题。 Yes, I think so. 对,我认为是这样。 Thats true. 是真的。(的确是这样。) All right. 行。可以。 Thats a good idea. 是个好主意。 I agree to your plan. 我同意你的计划。 2)No. I dont think so. 不,我认为不是这样的。 Im afraid not. 恐怕不是。 No way. 没门。 Im afraid I (really) cant agree with you. 恐怕我(实在)不能同意你的看法。 2. 喜好和厌恶 1)I like / love English (very much). 我(非常)喜欢英语。 I like / love singing. 我喜欢/热爱唱歌。

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