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1、合川市中考人教新课标英语教材夯实讲练4八上U34及答案合川市2018中考人教新课标英语教材夯实讲练4(八上U3-4)及答案中考能力自测The customs in different countries are rather different. If I have dinner with a Chinese host, he always puts more food onto my plates as soon as I have emptied them. It often discomforts me greatly. I have to eat the food even if I

2、dont want to, because it is considered bad manners in the West to leave ones food on the plate. I have already noticed that when a Chinese sits at an Americans dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still hungry or thirsty. This might be good manners in c

3、hina, but it is not in the West at all. In the US it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on him accepting something. Americans have a direct way of speaking. If they want something, they will ask for it. If not, they will say “No, thanks”. When an American is fed with beer b

4、y the host, for example, he might say, “No, thanks, Ill take some Diet. Pepsycola if you have it.” That is what an American will do. So when you go to the US, you had better remember the famous saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.1. From the passage, we know that the Chinese are usually _ to

5、 the guests. A. eager to give all they have B. polite C. impolite D. cold2. When a foreigner has dinner with a Chinese host, he often feels _. A. pleasant B. uncomfortable C. satisfied D. happy3. Why does a Chinese often refuse the offer of food or drink at a dinner party? Because _. A. he has had e

6、nough B. he is shy C. he is afraid that others will laugh at him D. he thinks its polite to do that4. When an American wants something to eat or drink at dinner, he will _. A. go and take it himself B. refuse the hosts offer C. ask for it directly D. ask another to fetch it for him5. “When in Rome,

7、do as the Romans do.” Means _. A. when you get to Rome, you should act as the Romans do B. when you stay in Rome, you should do as the Romans do C. when you are in a new country, you should do as the natives do D. Romans can be example for you【参考答案】15 、BBDCC第一部分:教材基础知识梳理八年级(上)Units 34,基础知识梳理重点单词1.ou

8、tgoing adj.爱交际的;友好的;外向的2hard working adj. 工作努力的;辛勤的3both adj.&pron. 两个;两个都4competition n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争5fantastic adj. 极好的;了不起的6which pron.&adj.哪一个;哪一些7though conj.& adv.虽然;尽管;不过;可是;然而8laugh n&v.笑声;笑;发笑9mirror n. 镜子10kid n. 小孩;年轻人11necessary adj.必需的;必要的12grade n. 成绩等级;评分等级13.should modal v. 应该;应当;可以14han

9、d n. 手15touch v. 感动;触摸16heart n. 内心;心脏17arm n. 手臂;上肢18share v分享;共享;共用;分摊19similar adj.相像的;类似的20information n信息;消息21theater n戏院;剧场 22.screen n银幕;屏幕23close adj.(在空间、时间上)接近24ticket n票;入场劵25song n歌;歌曲26.fresh adj.新鲜的;清新的27service n接待;服务28pretty adv.&adj.相当;十分;很;漂亮的29menu n菜单 30act v& n扮演;表演者31meal n早(午、

10、晚)餐;一餐所吃的食物32role n作用;职能;角色33prize n奖;奖品;奖金34everybody pron.每人;人人;所有人35example n实例;范例36poor adj.贫穷的;清贫的词汇拓展1.talent n. talented adj. 有才能;有才干的2magic n&adj. magician n. 魔术师3beauty n. beautiful adj. 美丽的;美好的beautifully adv. 美好地;漂亮地4compete v. competition n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争competitor n. 参赛者;竞争者5win v. won (过去式/

11、过去分词)获胜;赢;赢得winner n. 获胜者;优胜者6care v. careful adj. 小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的carefully adv.细致地;小心地;谨慎地7say v. saying n. 谚语;格言;警句said (过去式/过去分词)说;讲8break v. broke(过去式)broken(过去分词)(使)破;裂;碎;损坏9choose v. chose(过去式)chosen(过去分词)选择;挑选 choice n选择;挑选10report v&n. reporter n. 记者11comfort n&v. comfortable adj. 使人舒服的;舒适的c

12、omfortably adv. 舒服地;舒适地uncomfortable adj. 使人不舒服地;令人不舒适地12.serve v. service n接待;服务servant n仆人13create v. creative adj. 有创造力的;创造性的creativity n创造力;独创性14give v. gave(过去式)given(过去分词)提供;给15good adj. well adv.好;令人满意地better (比较级)较好的(地);更好的(地)best (最高级)最好的;最好地;最16quiet adj. quietly adv.轻声地;轻柔地;安静地17clear adj

13、. clearly adv.清楚地;清晰地;明白地18true adj. truly adv. 真正;确实truth n实情;事实19serious adj. seriously adv. 严重地;严肃地;认真地20loud adj.loudly adv. 喧闹地;大声地;响亮地21bad adj.worse(比较级)更差(的);更坏(的);更糟(的)worst(最高级)最差(的);最坏(的);最糟(的)22cheap adj.cheaply adv.便宜地;低廉地23sit vseat n. 座位;坐处(如椅子等)重点短语 about关心;在意2as long as只要;既然3b

14、e different from与不同;与有差异4bring out使显现;使表现出5the same as和相同;与一致6in fact确切地说;事实上;实际上7be similar to与相像的、类似的8so far到目前为止;迄今为止9.havein common有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方面)相同10all kinds of各种类型的;各种各样的11be up to是的职责;由决定12play a role发挥作用;有影响13make up编造(故事、谎言等)14for example例如15takeseriously认真对待续表核心句型1.But the most important

15、 thing is to learn something new and have fun.但是最重要的是学习一些新的东西,而且过得愉快。2I think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为好朋友使我开心。3A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,使你感动的人。4My best friend helps to bring out the best in me.我最好的朋友能够帮我激发出自己的潜能。5.How do you like it so far?到

16、目前为止你认为它怎么样?6Thats up to you to decide.那由你自己来决定。7When people watch the show,they usually play a role in deciding the winner.人们看这样的节目时,通常承担着评判优胜者的角色。8However,if you dont take these shows too seriously,they are fun to watch.但是如果你不把这些节目太当回事,它们还是有看头的。话题与情景交际Unit 3 谈论人的外貌特征和人物对比谈论人的外貌特征1Is that Sam?No,th

17、ats Tom.Sam has longer hair than Tom.人物对比2Is Tara more outgoing than Tina?No,she isnt.Tina is more outgoing than Tara./Yes,she is.3Does Tara work as hard as Tina?Yes,she does./No,she doesnt.4Whos more hard working at school?Tina thinks she works harder than me.Unit 4 谈论喜好和作对比谈论喜好1How do you like it

18、so far?Its fantastic.2What do you think of 970 AM?I think 970 AM is pretty bad.It has the worst music.作对比3Whats the best movie theater to go to?Town Cinema.Its the closest to home.And you can buy tickets the most quickly there.4Which is the worst clothes store in town?Dream Clothes.Its worse than Bl

19、ue Moon.It has the worst service.语法聚焦1.形容词、副词的比较级2形容词、副词的最高级第二部分:基础跟踪训练词汇运用。A)从方框选词,并用其正确形式填空。win,magic,talent,beautiful,say1The girl is _talented_She can learn everything easily.2Do you know who is the _winner_ of the singing competition?3The boy wants to be a _magician_ when he grows up(长大)4My sis

20、ter Mary sings _beautifully_ in her school.5Do you know the _saying_ “Never forget to say thanks”?B)根据汉语提示写词,完成短文。The following true story moved me deeply.It happened several years ago in the Paris Opera House.The organizer had 6._invited_(邀请) a famous singer to sing.In fact,on the night of the conc

21、ert,the manager found that the house was 7._full_(满的) of people.And the 8._tickets_(票) had been sold out. The feeling of expectation and excitement was in the air when the manager appeared and said,“Ladies and gentlemen,thank you for your 9._support_(支持)I am afraid that because of illness,the singer

22、 who youve all 10._come_(来) to hear cant perform tonight,11._however_(但是),we have found a suitable substitute(代替者)We hope he will 12._provide_(提供) us with the same fun.”The crowd felt disappointed and complained.The standin performer performed everything he had.When he had finished,there was 13._not

23、hing_(没有东西) but an uncomfortable silence.No one applauded(鼓掌).14._Suddenly_(突然),a little boy stood up and shouted,“Daddy,I think you are wonderful!” The crowd broke into thunderous applause.15_In_(在) our life,we all need people who are willing to stand up once in a while and say,“I think you are won

24、derful.”第三部分:拓展训练题一、完形填空完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Do you have a plan for your future? Our country has its plan. It sells what China hopes to _1_ in next five years.The plan promises higher pay, better education and _2_ pollution by 2010. If the promises all come true, Chinese peo

25、ples _3_ will change a lot._4_ the plan, people in the country will benefit a lot. For example, the government will _5_ safe drinking water to 100 million countryside people in 2010. _6_ roads will be built to connect all towns and villages. So people living in the rural areas will soon drink runnin

26、g water_7_dirty well water.As the plan describe, China will make steps forward in science. China spacemen will land on the _8_. China might build its own big planes. If you go to university _9_ air in 2010, you will probably find that the plane is not from Boeing (波音) or Air Bus. Its made in_10_.(广东

27、省深圳市中考试题)( ) 1. A. be B. do C. make D. have ( ) 2. A. more B. little C. less D. fewer ( ) 3. A. life B. house C. clothes D. food ( ) 4. A. In order to B. According to C. So far D. As for ( ) 5. A. offer B. take C. bring D. carry ( ) 6. A. Far B. High C. Low D. Broad ( ) 7. A. in front of B. because

28、of C. instead of D. tired ( ) 8. A. North Pole B. moon C. earth D. sun ( ) 9. A. through B. on C. with D. by ( ) 10. A. Europe B. America C. China D. France 答案详解:1. B 解析:该句意为“该计划内讲述了五年中希望中国完成的事情”,“ hope to do sth. ” 意思为“希望做某事”,根据题意B项正确的。2. C解析:此句意思为“该计划承诺在百2010年之前,提高收入,改教育,减少污染”, 故此处比较级“ less ”。3. A

29、解析:此句意为“中国人民的生活将会发生极大的改变”, B,C,D三项均为生活一部分,过于片面。4. B解析:A项意思为“为了”,B项意为“根据”。 C项意为“到目前为止”, D 项意思为“至于” 根据题意B项是正确答案。5. A解析:A项意为“提供”, B项意为“带走”, C 项意为“带来”, D 项意为“随身携带”,根据题意A项是正确答案。6. D 解析:此句的意为“将修建宽阔的马路,连接所有的村庄与城镇”, 根据题意选择D项。7. C解析:A项意为“在前面”, B项意为“因为”, C项意为指“取代”, D项意为“厌倦”,根据题意选择C项。8. C 解析:该句意为“中国宇航员将登陆上月球”,

30、 A,B,D三项有违常识。9. D 解析:乘坐交通工具有介词by, 故选择C项。10. C解析:该句意为“你可能会现你所乘坐的飞机不是来自波音或空中客车,而是由中国制造的”,故选择C项。 【小结】该题主要考查以下三个方面的内容:1、词汇:此类题目考查的内容是:近义词的区别,词语的固定搭配和习惯用法。近几年广东省中考题中的完型填空题考查的词汇类别涉及到名词、代词、动词、介词、连词、形容词、副词和短语动词。2、语法:此类题目考查的是:各种语法规则在文章中的运用。其中包括名词的单复数,形容词、副词的比较等级,动词的时态和语态,介词、数词、代词和连词的用法,主谓一致,各种从句的用法等。3、结构:此类题目考查的是:文章中间句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间,上文与下文之间的逻辑关系。二、任务型阅读阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中。We cant always meet lucky things in our

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