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学年高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroadSection Ⅳ.docx

1、学年高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroadSection Unit 5 Travelling abroadSection Learning about Language &;Using Language原文呈现读文清障PeruPeru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America. It has three main geographical areas: a narrow coastal belt; the Andes Mountains running parallel to the coast; and h

2、igh, flat plains in the southeast. In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel. Peru has abundant plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle.Once the centre of the powerful and extremely wealthy Inca Empire, much of South America was gov

3、erned by Spain from the sixteenth century onwards. Peru finally gained its independence from Spain in 1821. The capital of Peru is Lima, which is in the north on the coast. The ancient Inca capital, Cuzco, is found high in the Andes. It is a popular tourist destinationas it is close to the famous In

4、ca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu. Cuzco is a lively city with many hotels and inns, where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen. 1Why is Cuzco popular with tourists?2What is special about Lake Titicaca?3What do you think the two official languages of Peru are?on the coast of 在的海岸线上

5、the Andes /ndiz/ Mountains安第斯山脉parallel/prlel/adj.平行的;相同的;类似的Lake Titicaca /tItIkk/ 的的喀喀湖In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca是倒装句。还原后是Lake Titicaca is in the high plains area。 the highest lake in the world是Lake Titicaca的同位语,on which引导非限制性定语从句。abundant/bndnt/adj.丰富的;充裕的Inca /Ik/ Empire印加帝国govern/

6、vn/vt. &vi.统治;支配;管理onwards /nwdz/adv.向前地;前进地gain ones independence 获得独立which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰Lima。destination/destIneIn/n目的地ruin n废墟;崩溃;垮掉 v毁坏,断送Machu Picchu /mtupiktu/马丘比丘(秘鲁)inn/In/n客栈where both Indian and Spanish .是非限制性定语从句,定语从句与先行词隔开,该定语从句叫分隔式定语从句。秘鲁秘鲁是南美洲临太平洋海岸的一个国家。秘鲁有三大主要地理地区:狭长的海岸带,与海岸平行的安第斯山脉以及


8、ERUPeru offers a variety of experiences from ancient ruins and centuriesold Spanish villages to thick forests, high mountains and desert coastline. TRAVEL PERU offers tours for all ages and tastes. The following tours are based at Cuzco, the site of the ancient capital of the Inca civilization.Tour

9、1Experience the jungle and its diverse wildlife close up. During this fourday walking tour, you will be amazed by mountain scenery and the ancient ruins we pass on our hike. On the last day, we arrive at the ruins of Machu Picchu in time to see the sunrise over the Andes. Spend the day visiting the

10、ruins of this ancient Inca city before catching the train back to Cuzco.Peru /pru/n秘鲁(南美国家)a variety of许多的;各种各样的centuriesold adj.有几百年历史的taste n口味;爱好,喜好Cuzco /ksk/n库斯科(秘鲁南部城市)civilization n文明diverse adj.种类不同的close up靠近,接近fourday walking tour 4天的徒步旅行,fourday是合成形容词,作定语,此时day不用复数形式。动名词walking作定语,修饰tour。

11、be amazed by/at 对叹为观止,对惊叹scenery nU风景,风光we pass on our hike是省略了that的定语从句,修饰先行词the ancient ruins。hike /haIk/vi.&n远足;徒步旅行in time to see . 及时看到秘鲁秘鲁提供各种各样的旅游经历,从古代的遗址、具有数百年历史的西班牙式的村庄,到茂密的森林、耸立的高山和临海的沙漠。“秘鲁之旅”为各个年龄段不同品位的人提供旅游服务。下列旅游项目都是从库斯科出发,库斯科是印加文化的古都所在地。旅游路线1体验丛林,近距离观赏种类繁多的野生生物。在四天的徒步旅游中,山区的风景和步行途经的古

12、代遗址将会令你叹为观止。最后一天到达马丘比丘遗址,正好能及时看到安第斯山上的日出。白天参观古印加城的遗址,然后乘火车返回库斯科。Tour 2A fullday trip by road from Cuzco to Puno with fantastic views of the highlandcountryside. From Puno, we travel by boat across Lake Titicaca, stopping on the way at thefloating islands of the Uros people. These floating islands an

13、d the Uros Indians housesare made of the water plants that grow in the lake. A fullday stay with a local familygives you an opportunity to learn more about their life. Return to Puno on the fourth dayfor your flight back to Lima.Tour 3Spend four days high in the Andes at Cuzco. Learn about its histo

14、ry and visit the museums. Admire the Spanish architecture, enjoy some excellent Spanish cuisine and take some time to bargain for some souvenirs at the colourful markets. Take the train up to Machu Picchu for a guided tour of the ruins and the royal tomb of the Inca king.Tour 4A short flight from Cu

15、zco takes you from the Andes into the lowlands of the Amazon Jungle. From here youll travel by boat to your accommodation in a forest reserve, which holds the record for the most bird sightings in one area. From the guesthouse you can explore the jungle in the company of a local guide.Puno /pun/n普诺(

16、秘鲁)fantastic adj.极好的;奇异的;难以置信的现在分词短语“stopping on the way .”作状语,表补充说明。the Uros people乌罗族人动名词“floating”作定语,修饰islands。be made of由制成(从制成品能看出原材料)that引导定语从句,修饰the water plants,that在从句中作主语。opportunity n机会Lima /lim/n利马(秘鲁首都)admire vt.羡慕;钦佩architecture n建筑cuisine n菜肴bargain v讨价还价 n便宜货souvenir n纪念品guided adj.

17、有指导的tomb/tum/n坟墓accommodation n住所;住宿reserve n此处作“保护区”讲,还可作“保护;保留”讲hold a record保持纪录which holds the record .是which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰a forest reserve。company n陪伴旅游路线2全日乘车旅游,从库斯科到普诺,观赏高原乡村的秀丽景色。我们从普诺乘船穿过的的喀喀湖,半途停歇在乌罗族人的浮岛上。这些浮岛和乌罗印第安人的房子都是用种在湖里的水草做成的。有一整天的时间待在当地居民的家里,这样你会有机会更多地了解他们的生活。第四天返回普诺,再乘飞机返回利马。旅游路线

18、3在库斯科的安第斯高山上玩四天。 了解它的历史,参观博物馆。观赏西班牙式的建筑,品尝西班牙美味,在五颜六色的市场上花些时间讨价还价买点纪念品。乘火车去马丘比丘,由导游陪同去参观遗址和印加国王的皇家墓地。旅游路线4从库斯科乘飞机作一次短途飞行,从安第斯山到亚马孙河丛林的低地。从这里可以乘船到森林保护区的接待站,这个护林区保持着一项观鸟纪录,即在一个地区可以看到最多的鸟类。你还可以在当地导游的陪同下,从接待站出发去丛林探险。Read the text and choose the best answers.1On which tours can you visit the famous Inca

19、ruins of the city of Machu Picchu?ATour 1 and Tour 2.BTour 2 and Tour 3.CTour 1 and Tour 3.DTour 3 and Tour 4.2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?APeru has the highest lake in the world.BPeru is short of wildlife.CPeru has only one official language.DPeru mainly has f

20、our geographical areas.3Which is not mentioned in the passage?APeru lies on the Pacific coast.BBoats can travel on Lake Titicaca.CPeru has two official languages.DLima is the capital of Peru.4From the second paragraph, we can find out that_played an important role in the Inca civilization.ASpain BRu

21、ssiaCChina DAmerica5Why is Cuzco popular with tourists?ABecause it is the capital of Peru.BBecause it is close to the famous ruins of the city of Machu Picchu.CBecause it is a lively city.DBecause it is the ancient Inca capital.6If you want to get an opportunity to learn about the Uros Indians life,

22、 you can choose_.ATour 1 BTour 2CTour 3 DTour 4答案:16CACABB一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.routinen 常规;日常事务adj. 通常的;例行的2.cagen. 鸟笼;兽槛3.drillvi. &vt. 钻(孔)n. 钻;钻机4.oilfield_ n. 油田5.paralleladj. 平行的;相同的;类似的6.destinationn. 目的地.拓展词汇1.apologyn道歉;谢罪apologize v道歉;谢罪2.optionaladj.可选择的;随意的option n选择3.agentn代理人;经纪人ag

23、ency n代理机构4.abundantadj.丰富的;充裕的abundance n. 丰富5.governvt. &vi.统治;支配;管理government n. 政府governor n统治者;主管;州长1.routine n常规;日常事务adj.通常的;例行的词块break the routine打破常规 daily routine 例行公事2.optional adj.可选择的;随意的反义compulsory adj. 强制的,强迫的词块optional/compulsory subjects 选修/必修课3.与“旅游”相关的高频词汇集锦destination n. 目的地touri

24、st attraction 旅游景点a place of interest 风景;名胜schedule n. 时刻表accommodation n. 住处;膳宿guide n. 向导;导游route n. 路线travel agency 旅行社二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.make_an_apology道歉2day_in_and_day_out 日复一日3out_of_the_question 不可能;不允许;不值得讨论4search_for 寻找;搜寻5a_variety_of 种种;各种各样的6settle_in (迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来 parallel t

25、o the coast与海岸平行2abundant plants 多种多样的植物3a popular tourist destination 旅游热点4all ages and tastes 各种年龄和品位的人5walking tour 徒步旅游6a guided tour 导游陪同一起旅游三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.In the high plains areais Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel. 在高原地区有的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的湖,在湖上可以行船。地点状语放

26、于句首,句子使用全部倒装句式。In_the_front_of_the_lecture_hall_sat the speaker. 演讲者坐在演讲厅前面。2.From here youll travel by boat to your accommodation in a forest reserve, which holds the record for the most bird sightings in one area. 从这里可以乘船到森林保护区的接待站,这个护林区保持着一项观鸟纪录,即在一个地区可以看到最多的鸟类。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代先行词a forest reser

27、ve并在从句中作主语。He told me a story yesterday, which_I_think_is_very_interesting. 他昨天给我讲了一个故事,我认为这个故事很有趣。1(教材P40)Sara acknowledged her mistake and made an apology immediately.莎拉承认了错误并且立刻道歉。 apology n道歉;谢罪(1)make an apology to sb. for . 因向某人道歉owe sb. an apology 应该向某人道歉accept an apology 接受道歉demand an apolog

28、y 要求道歉(2)apologize vi. 道歉apologize to sb. for sth./doing sth. 因某事向某人道歉You should make an apology to her for your carelessness.你应该为你的粗心大意向她赔礼道歉。Im afraid I was rather badtempered yesterday. I think I owe_you_an_apology.恐怕我昨天的脾气不怎么好,我认为应该向你道歉。Harry apologized to his teacher for coming to school late.

29、哈利为上学迟到向老师认错。2(教材P40)Day in and day out I follow almost the same routine. I fit in quite well.日复一日地,我遵循几乎同样的惯例。我适应得相当好。 day in and day out日复一日day after day 日复一日(强调动作)day by day 一天天(强调变化)day and night 日日夜夜He plays tennis day in and day out.他日复一日地打网球。Day_in_and_day_out,_no matter what the weather is l

30、ike, she walks ten miles.不管天气如何,她每天步行十英里。He often went to see the tree he planted and found it taller and taller day by day.他常去看他栽的那棵树,发现它一天天地长高了。Youve spoiled your eyes by watching the computer screen day_after_day.你日复一日地盯着电脑屏幕,已经损害了眼睛。3(教材P43)Peru has abundant plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle.秘鲁有着多种多样的植物,从沙漠中的草到大片的热带丛林。 abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的(1)be abundant in 富有;很丰富(2)abundance n. 丰富;充裕in abundance 大量;充裕an abundance o

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