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1、大学英语四级强化书面表达作文大学英语四级强化班书面表达作 文四级作文评分方法五级评分制:2、5、8、11、14分注意字数适中用不同单词表达不同意思如何打动评卷人文章的整体脉络清晰段落的衔接畅顺用词造句经典书写美观英文写作的基本常识清晰的结构1)观点鲜明的开头2)紧扣主题的结尾3)由主题句引导的衔接自然的中间段落统一的中心自然的衔接:逻辑关系显性化4)重复词:概括;直接;齐头5)序数词6)关联词:递进;转折;因果平时如何提高写作阅读四级阅读理解文章等等背诵18篇优秀四级作文看电影阿甘正传、狮子王、老友记30遍图表类特点:有图趋势透,字数少段落安排:第一段:趋势(变化)第二段:分析变化的原因第三段

2、:自己的看法和感想正文:j第一段:1.如图所示a)As we can see from the chart/graph/table/diagram, b)Thedisplay that standing the carefully, we can see.c)The chart/graph shows/displays thatd)As can be shown in the table ,e)It is clear/apparent from the chart/table that2.比例a)B has the largest percentage/proportion of.b)acco

3、unt(s) for/take(s) up 10%.c)On the top of the list is , which accounts for 60%.d)At the bottom is ,which accounts for 10%.e)A is ranked/rated first, followed by B at 30% and C at 25%.3.增长与下降a)The number of increased/rose suddenly/rapidly/dramatically(戏剧地)/substantially(实质的)/considerably/sharply/stee

4、ply(险峻地) from 1990 to 2000.b)There was a sudden/rapid/dramatic/substantial/considerable/sharp/steep increase/ rise in the number of from 1990 to 2000.c)The number of increased/rose steadily(稳定地)/gradually(逐渐地)/slowly/slightly from 1990 to 2000.d)There was a steady/gradual/slow/slight increase/ rise

5、in the number of from 1990 to 2000.e)下降:decrease/fall/drop;a decrease/drop/reduction/decline in the number of 4.达到某点a)The situation/figures reached /hit a peak/high at 60% in .The situation/figures peaked at 60% in .b)The situation/figures bottomed out at 20% in . The situation/figures hit a trough

6、at 20% in .5.倍数a)A is twice/three/four times what it was in 1990.A is twice/three/four times the amount in 1990. A is twice/three/four times as much/many as in 1990.b)The figure was roughly doubled/tripled/quintupled between 1990 and 2000.c)d)e)f)g)h)j第二段:As the number of 动词+副词 during As early as 数字

7、,the number was , then it because 列举1.First, second, last(in addition)2.For one thing, , for another thing , , whats moreOn one hand , , on the other hand , more over, Therefore all these reasonsthe changes.j第三段:总结:Hence from the 喊口号: It is high time that +一般过去时Only through can we只有我们才能 +名人名言操辞:上升:r

8、ise , increase , go up , boon , rocket下降:decrease , reduce , come down , on the decline快速:rapidly , dramatically , sharply(锐)慢:slowly , gradually二选一类B特点:给出两个观点B段落安排:第一段:1)引出将要评论的事物或者观点;2)提出第一种观点;3)本观点支持性分论点。第二段:1)承上启下;2)提出第二种观点;3)本观点支持性分论点。第三段:我的观点B正文:第一段:1)引言:i.In recent years, with fast economic g

9、rowth, have appeared in many families in China. 近年来,伴随着经济的快速发展,在中国很多的家庭中出现了。人们对有着不同的观点。ii.With the increase in the general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a .Yet, 伴随着人们生活水平的提高,一些中国家庭开始能够买。但是,人们对的观点是不同的。iii.iv.Ever since early this century,has become an essential(本质

10、的) part of our modern the driving force behind the swift(迅速的) progress of industry, agriculture, science and technology. Nobody can deny that the development of our civilization depends on. 自从本世纪初夜,已经成为现代生活的一个重要部分。是工业、农业和科技飞速发展的动力。没有人能够否认人类文明的发展依赖于。v.The issue of has been widely argued/debat

11、ed(争论) currently. 关于是否的问题,如今公众已经展开了广泛的讨论。vi.has become a hot/popular topic among people recently. Opinions vary from person to person. 已经成为人们谈论的热门话题,不同的人对此有不同的看法。vii.There is a public/general/much debate/discussion/controversy(论战) today/nowadays about/on/upon/over/as to the problem/issue of. 关于的问题,公

12、众已经展开了讨论。viii.There is an argument/much disagreement/no consensus of opinions among people concerning/over/as to/on. 关于,人们的看法不尽相同。2)There is no consensus of opinion among people as to the view of i.Some people believe/argue/say/maintain/advocate(提倡)/advise/hold/claim/think that . 一些人认为ii.It is widel

13、y/generally/commonly/universally thought/believed/accepted/held that. To the general/public/poplar mind, . 人们通常认为iii.Those who criticize/oppose to/object toargue that. 那些反对的人认为。分论点i.There are several advantages in/of.The fist/biggest one is that. 有很多的优点。其中第一个/最大的好处是。ii.has appositive impact/influenc

14、e/effect on peoples lives. 对人类的生活起到了积极的影响。iii.Most people would agree that there can be no substitute for. They say that.Besides, they assert, 大多数人认为是不可替代的。他们认为。另外他们还认为。iv.Another attraction about is that 另外关于的另一个优点是。v.Moreover, one of the advantages of is that 另外,的另一个优点是。vi.The most important advan

15、tage of is that 最重要的优点是。vii.We must not lose sight of the fact that there are advantages to . More importantly, there can be no substitute for . 我们不应当不注意到有这样的优点。更重要的是,是不可替代的。viii.For one thing for another thingWhat we can take it for granted that第二段:1)承上启下i. 即使有其优点,但是它们仍然有自身的缺陷。ii.However, like anyt

16、hing else, they also have their own weakness/limits/negative effects. 和其它事物一样,它们也有着自身的缺点。iii.However, they are not without shortcomings/faults. 但是它们并不是没有缺点的。iv.Of course, the disadvantages can not be ignored. 当然,缺点也是不能忽视的。v.However, just as every thing has two sides, also has many drawbacks. 但是正如每个事

17、物都有两面性一样,也有很多缺点。vi.Yet others speak of the problems of have brought. They complain that. 但是还有人在谈论它所带来的问题。他们抱怨。vii.However, may also bring with it problems our society had not previously faced. 但是,也有一些我门未曾遇到的问题。viii.Despite the increase in efficiency and convenience generated by ,the changes they bri

18、ng could very well lead to potentially adverse consequences. 抛却所产生的效率和方便,它们所引发的变化也许会导致潜在的不良后果。ix.This may be so, but it must be pointed out that also that has its drawbacks. 这也许是这样(有好处),自身的缺陷也应当被指出。x.However, may also cause/bring about/lead to/result in/contribute to some problems. 但是,依然会带来一些问题。2)第二

19、种观点i.(However a coin has two side)On the contrary , some others think/believe/argue/emphasis/claim/maintainbecause,besidesii.However, the negative aspects are also apparent/obvious/evident. To begin with, .To make matters worse, .Worst of all, . 然而,不足之处也是显而易见的。首先,。更糟糕的是,。最后。iii.The side effects has

20、exerted on human beings can be boiled down to several major ones as follows. First, .Second, .In addition, . 对人类所产生的副作用归纳起来有以下几个方面。其一,。其二,。此外,第三段:1)As far as I am concerned the former point of view coincides with mine. From what has been discussed above, we may easily draw the conduction that2)Unque

21、stionably, the challenge of means we all should consider how we can control them, so that they well not control us. 毫无疑问,的挑战意味着我们应该思考怎样控制它们而不是被它们控制。3)Whether the are a blessing or a curse is a difficult question to answer, yet the desire for the comfort and independence can bring will not be elimina

22、ted. 究竟是一个祝福还是诅咒是一个很难回答的问题,但是它所产生的舒适和对立是不会被忽视的。4)Anyway/Anyhow/In any case, whether the effect is good or bad, one thing is certain: it has changed and will continue to change the way of our entertainment, our leisure and our life. 总之,不管是好还是坏,可以确定的是:它已经并且还将改变我们的娱乐、读家和生活方式。5)Given the choice between

23、these two methods of , I prefer . This is because I am the sort of person who finds it difficult to concentrate on . 在两者之间做一个选择,我会选。这是因为我是这样的一种人,我发现要专注于是很困难的。6), I feel, is the only one in which most people feel comfortable applying all their energies to the all-important task of . 我认为是唯一的(一种方式),从而人

24、们在把精力投入到很重要的事情上的时候会觉得很舒适。7)There is no doubt in my mind that A nowadays is a far better way to than B. 毫无疑问,我认为现在对于做A是比B更好的方式。8)In my opinion, the advances made in recently have made obsolete. 我认为,最近方面的进步使得过时了。9)Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach/draw/come to conclusion that. 考虑到

25、所有这些因素, 我们得出结论。10)Al reliable evidences point to one saying/reflect one fact, that is . 将所有可靠的因素归结为一点就是。11)For the reasons presented/stated above, I strongly commit to the notion that . 从上面提到的原因,我强烈地支持这样的概念是。12)While it is true that the argument I disagree hold a little bit of water, I think that .

26、有一个事实是,虽然我不支持的论点也有一些优点,但是我还是认为。13)Therefore/So/Hence/Thus, it is safely to draw the conclusion that. 于是我们得出结论。14)To put all into a nutshell, I . 综上所述,我。15)In my opinion, it is wise to support the statement that it is better to . 我认为,最好同意的论点是明智的。16)From my point of view, it is wise to chooses A rathe

27、r than B. 从我的观点来看,选择A而不是选择B将更加明智。17)At the risk of addressing the issue too direct, the advantages of A outweigh that of B. 请原谅我说得直接一些,A的优点要大于B的优点。18)There are different views as to/concerning this topic. In my part, I would like to vote for . 关于这样一个论题有各种各样的观点,就我个人而言,我倾向于同意。19)As far as I am concern

28、ed, I have a preference for A over B. 就我个人的观点来看,我选择A而不是B。20)Both patterns of present advantages and disadvantages, however, . 以上两种情况都有优缺点,然而。21)Certainly, I am aware of that both methods have shortcomings, nevertheless, from my point of view, I am for/vote for . 确切地来说两种情况都有一些缺陷,然而从我的观点来看,我倾向于。22)The

29、 advantages claimed for A over B are4 now being doubted/debated. Nonetheless, measure for measure , I confess that B is more advantages. A要优于B的观点越来越受到质疑,经过左右权衡,我认为B拥有更多的优点。23)The advantages of A carry more weight than those of B. A的优点大于B的优点。24)In my point of view, A is as important as, if not more important than, B. so it is sagacious to choose A. 从我的观点来看,A和B一样重要,如果不是更重要的话。所以选择A是比较明智的。25)No doubt, I prefer A, since there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages of not choosing it. But B, on the other had, has advantages no more than

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