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1、单词1.N-COUNT A lump of something is a solid piece of it. 块例: The potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.制陶工人把一块黏土塑形,压成漂亮的形状。例: .a lump of wood.一块木头。2.N-COUNT A lump on or in someones body is a small, hard swelling that has been caused by an injury or an illness. 肿块例: Ive go

2、t a lump on my shoulder.我的肩膀上有个肿块。3.N-COUNT A lump of sugar is a small cube of it. 一小方块 (糖)例: .a nugget of rough gold about the size of a lump of sugar.未加工的天然金块,约一块方糖大小。see also lump sumPHRASE If you say that you have a lump in your throat, you mean that you have a tight feeling in your throat becau

3、se of a strong emotion such as sorrow or gratitude. 喉咙哽咽例: I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears.我站在那儿,喉咙哽咽,拼命忍住眼泪。lump sum 总额;汇总lump coal 块煤lump ore 块矿in a lump 一次全部地lump sum payment 整笔付款;一次总算,一次总付. in the turn of a hand 顷刻间 in the very act of正当 in the vicinity of 在邻近

4、 .美 vsnti n.附近地区,近处;近邻So maybe your soul is located, more or less, in the vicinity of your body. 所以你的灵魂是有位置的,或多或少,就在你的身体附近steep1 s ti:p adj.陡峭的,峻峭的,险峻的 2.(上升或下降)急剧的,大起大落的 adv.陡峭地,险峻地 n.(山的)陡峭地;陡坡,悬崖峭壁1.A steep increase or decrease in something is a very big increase or decrease. 急剧的例: Consumers are

5、rebelling at steep price increases.消费者们正在抗议急剧的物价上涨。steeply 急剧地 例: Unemployment is rising steeply.失业率正在急剧上升。2.If you say that the price of something is steep, you mean that it is expensive. (价格) 高昂的 例: The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.每年的保险费可能

6、有点贵,但是如果您的狗受了伤就很值了。3.The road passes over a steep mountain. 这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。steep2 sti:pvt.浸,泡:to steep the tea in hot water用热水泡茶She steeped reeds for basket weaving.她把芦苇浸泡起来以备编织篮子。使湿泡,使浸透:Her skirt was steeped with blood.她的裙子上浸透了血。沉浸;笼罩;使渗透:to be steeped in happiness沉浸在欢乐之中an incident steeped in myste

7、ry笼罩着神秘色彩的事件The soil was steeped by the rain.雨水渗透了土壤。 短语:(be) steeped in 沉浸于;充满着 埋头于;精通soak suk vt. 吸收,吸入;沉浸在(工作或学习中);使上下湿透vi.浸泡,浸渍:The clothes should soak for a quarter before washing.洗这些衣服之前应浸泡一刻钟浸湿,湿透:He soaked all over.他浑身都湿透了。渗透:The sweat has soaked out of his shirt.汗水透过他的衬衣渗了出来。Immediately the

8、 water soaked into the sand.很快水就渗进了沙子里。铭记在心;深入脑海 (in):The lesson didnt soak in.这次的教训并未被吸取。soak in 吸收;被深刻领会soak up v. 吸收soak time 浸泡时间soak into v. 渗透入soak up the sun v. 沐日光浴Soak your tension away. 将你的紧张“泡”走。If you have it, soak it in aether for a while. 取出之后,将它放入乙醚中浸泡一会儿。Let the clothes soak for a fe

9、w hours in soapy water. 让衣服在肥皂水中泡几小时。reportorial ,rept:ril adj.记者的, 新闻报道式的 assignment problem 指派问题;分配问题;分派问题;配置问题pole assignment 极点配置assignment method 转让方法;指定分配方法school assignment 学生作业;课题channel assignment 信道分配;通道分配;信道指配1.I begged off that assignment. 我恳求免除分派的那个任务。21世纪大英汉词典2.Your assignment is to di

10、ssect the poem. 你的任务是仔细评论这首诗。21世纪大英汉词典3.He has just come off a difficult assignment. 他刚刚结束了一项艰巨任务。 n. 分配;任务;作业;功课 Scene: 1.(事件发生的)地点,现场 2.(现实生活中的)事件 3.场面,场景 4.(戏剧、故事等的)发生地;环境,背景 5.(戏剧、电影等的)一个片断;一个情节6.【电影】一个镜头;【戏剧】一场;(小说等的)章节on the scene 在场;出现;到场night scene 夜景new scene 新建场景;建立新场景;新场景behind the scene

11、幕后;幕后花絮;未开拓市场love scene n. 恋爱场面A scene in a play, movie, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place. 场面; 片断例: .the opening scene of A Christmas Carol.圣诞颂歌的开场。例: .Act I, scene 1.第1幕,第1场。例: Its a scene of complete devastation.那是一幅满目疮痍的景象。例: Thick black smoke billowed ov

12、er the scene.黑色的浓烟从现场滚滚升起。N-COUNT You can describe an event that you see, or that is broadcast or shown in a picture, as a scene of a particular kind. 场面; 事件例: There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom.难民们享受第一口自由的呼吸时,有一些感人至深的场面。例: Television broadcasters were

13、warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence.电视台受到警告,在描述暴力场面时要采取谨慎态度。N-COUNT The scene of an event is the place where it happened. 现场例: The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months.这个地区是3个月来激烈战斗的现场。例: .traces left at the scene of a crime.在犯罪现场留下的痕迹。PHRASE If someth

14、ing is done behind the scenes, it is done secretly rather than publicly. 秘密地; 在幕后例: But behind the scenes Mr. Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.但在幕后,凯恩先生将会不声不响地工作,努力把交易做成。PHRASE If you refer to what happens behind the scenes, you are referring to what happens during the making o

15、f a movie, play, or radio or television program. 在幕后; 在后台例: Its an exciting opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes.这是个令人激动的机会,可以了解幕后发生的事情。PHRASE If you have a change of scene, you go somewhere different after being in a particular place for a long time. 换个环境例: What you need is a change

16、of scene. Why not go on a cruise?你需要的是换个环境。为何不乘游轮去旅行呢?PHRASE Something that sets the scene for a particular event creates the conditions in which the event is likely to happen. 为做好准备例: An improving economy helped set the scene for his re-election.好转的经济为他的再选铺平了道路。PHRASE When a person or thing appears

17、 on the scene, they come into being or become involved in something. When they disappear from the scene, they are no longer there or are no longer involved. 登场/离场; 到场/消失例: He could react jealously when and if another child comes on the scene.如果有别的孩子加入其中,他可能会表现得相当嫉妒。preoccupationpri:,kjupein n. 全神贯注,

18、入神;当务之急;关注的事物;抢先占据;成见take ones preoccupation with 全神贯注于,专心致志于But sex is at the core of his work: women were his preoccupation. 但是性却是其作品的核心内容:女人是他关注的主题。 rub1 rbvt. 擦;摩擦;惹怒 vi. 擦;摩擦;擦破 n. 摩擦;障碍;磨损处rub off 擦掉;使显得暗淡rub shoulders with 与接触,并肩He rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.他用手背擦了擦前额。使互相摩擦

19、(常与together连用);使触碰;蹭(常与against连用):It was cold,so he rubbed his hands together.天很冷,他使劲搓着双手。Youve rubbed your trousers against some wet paint.你把裤子蹭上了未干的油漆。磨光;擦亮:The floor has been rubbed clean and shiny.地板擦得明光锃亮。Please rub the surface of the test tube dry before doing the experiment.在进行试验之前请先把试管的表面擦干。

20、涂(常与on或over连用):She rubbed the ointment on her arm.她把软膏涂在臂上。触痛;惹恼:Her talkativeness often rubbed him.她的多嘴多舌常常惹他发火。擦掉;磨去;使减色(常与out,off或away连用):The paint has been rubbed away from the edges of the table.桌子边上的漆都被蹭掉了。 拓印(碑文等)vi.摩擦;磨;蹭:She opened the door gently so as not to rub against the wet paint.她小心翼

21、翼地把门打开,生怕蹭上未干的油漆。揉;按摩:She rubbed at her ankle.她用手揉了揉脚腕子。互相摩擦:Their shoulders rubbed together as they walked.他们走路时,两人的肩膀互相摩擦着。 擦破;磨损;擦痛被擦掉(常与off或out连用):The mud will rub off easily.泥很容易擦掉。使人恼火:It rubs to work under such an obstinate man.在这种蛮不讲理的人手下工作真令人恼火。 1.a rub in(或on) ones way 某人前进道路上的障碍;妨碍某人的东西 2

22、.a rub of(或on)the green 【高尔夫球】对球的妨碍(指高尔夫球碰到人或其他东西) 偏离方向;受外界干扰 3.Here lies the rub. =Theres the rub. 4.Theres (或Thats)the rub. 问题就在这里;这就是困难所在 5.the rubs and worries of life 人生的辛酸a crowd of 一大群;许多的 crowd out vt. 挤出;推开crowd into 涌入;挤入a large crowd of 一大群的follow the crowd 随大流 in crowds 成群结队 ; 众多 ; 成群Cit

23、y crowds 城市老百姓的生活The Crowds 人来人往bob up and down上下跳动:The cork on a fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.钓丝上的浮子在水面上下跳动。The girl bobbed up and down in the water, waving for help.姑娘在水中上下晃动,挥手呼救。set off出发,动身:to set off in the direction of朝着的方向出发使开始(做某事):to set off on something开始干某事引起;激起:to set of

24、f a chain reaction引起连锁反应点燃:使爆炸;发射:to set a mine off引爆地雷划分出,拨出(作为他用):to set off some money for为拨出一部分钱平衡;抵消:to set off gains against losses得失相当Hook huk 钩;(用钩)吊,挂;用钩固定;用钩联结:I hooked his foot when he passed me and he staggered but didnt fall.他从我身边走过时我勾住了他的脚,他被绊了一个趔趄可并没摔倒。to hook ones umbrella on the clo

25、thes-rack把伞挂在衣架上钓(鱼):For over 3 hours Ive hooked only a small fish.钓了三个多小时,我就钓着这么一条小鱼。使成钩状:He led her to the masses with his arm hooked round her waist.他搂着她的腰,把她领到众人面前。引(人)上钩;用计谋把弄到手:He was hooked to buy 10 boxes of drink.他受引诱买下了十箱饮料。to hook someone into doing something施计让某人做某事Hook on挽住手臂;迷上,着迷(常用于被

26、动语态)Be hooked on 迷恋revel in酷爱,深爱;特别喜欢;醉心于,纵情于,沉湎于:Young men revel in doing dangerous tasks.年轻小伙子特别喜欢干有危险性的苦差事。The young movie star reveled in the publics admiration.这位年轻的电影明星沉湎于观众的赞美声中。 Crazy adj craze n 两者意思有重合处 都有“逐渐消失 平息” 的意思 主要是看所使用的语境了die away: 强调的是(情感,风、声音)减弱/平息;还有动植物的死亡,消失,以及 假死(昏厥)这个用的极少His

27、anger died away.他的怒气逐渐平息下来了。The winds die away after the typhoon passed.台风过后,风渐渐平息了。The noise of the car die away in the distance.汽车的声音消失在远方Almost as quickly as they appeared, these small plants die away.这些小植物很快就消失了,几乎就象它们长出来时那样迅速。She died away at the sight.她一看到这情况就昏过去了(这个少见)Eventually these conditi

28、oning methods will cause the thoughts to die down. 最后这些调节方法将使这些想法消失.The laughter died down.笑声停下来了。Curiosity died down.好奇心逐渐消失了。fade away 强调的是 图像,情感方面的东西“ 逐渐消失褪色”比如说记忆 ,人的感情,荣耀等Memories of my sister faded away after many years.过了多年以后,对我姐姐的记忆渐渐淡化了。The memory of his hard childhood will never fade away.

29、他童年时期的痛苦记忆永远不会逝去。The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.而曾经对你如此重要的成功与失败也将随风飘逝。Even the glory had fade away, but you can still shine if you meet the right sun.荣耀有退色,但你能仍然发光如果你遇见正确的太阳!逐渐衰弱:Old soldiers never die,they only faded away.老兵从来不是死掉的,他们只是慢慢消失了。悄悄离去,逐渐消失:When the poli

30、ce arrived,the crowd faded away.警察来了以后,人群渐渐散去。 Credit n. 信用,信誉;金融 贷款;学分;信任;声望 vt. 相信,信任;把归给,归功于credit to ;赞颂credit card 信用卡;记帐卡credit risk 信用风险;信贷风险;信用危机on credit 赊帐credit first 信用第一credit standing 信用状况;商业信誉credit crisis 信用危机I didnt credit that absurd tale. 我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。I think our credit has been

31、overextended to diversify. 我认为我们的贷款到目前为止太分散了。It is dishonest of you to take credit for work that was done by others. 你把别人所做的工作归功于自己是不诚实的。enthusiasm inju:zizm; inu:- enthusiastic in,ju:zistikenthusiast inju:zist; inu:- n. 狂热者,热心家enthusiasm for 热爱with enthusiasm 热情洋溢;狂热地arouse the enthusiasm of 调动积极性creative enthusiasm 创作热情go completely out of fash

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