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1、黑龙江省绥化市初中毕业学业考试英语试题原卷版.2018年绥化市初中毕业学业考试英语试题第一部分英语知识应用一、单项选择1. I spend_ hour playing _drums everyday.A. a;the B. an;/ C. an;the2. -Whats this in English?-_ a jacket.A. Thiss B. Its C. This is3. An earthquake happened in Songyuan, Jilin_ the morning of May28,2018.A. on B. in C. at4. Would you mind _do

2、wn the music? Its too noisy.A. to turn B. turning C. turn5. You cant _ the bus until it stopsA. get up B. get away C. get off6. Work hard, _youll catch up with your classmates next timeA. and B. or C. but7. People are supposed_ hands when they meet for the first time in America.A. shaking B. to shak

3、e C. shake8. This is my _day to be here.A. a second B. the second C. second9. Here is a banana, please_ .Well make a banana milk shake.A. cut them up B. cut up it C. cut it up10. My mother doesnt allow me_ _outside too late on school nights.A. to stay B. stay C. staying11. Can you give me some_ _,pl

4、ease?A. message B. suggestion C. advice12. -_do you like Wolf Warriors II?-.Because its exciting.A. Why B. What C. How13. He_ his grandparents in the countryside last week.A. visits B. visit C. visited14. He asked me_.A. if I would go skating with himB. when did I buy the CDC. that I had a good time

5、15. Neither you nor he _good at drawing.A. are B. is C. be16. Alice is _one of the twins.A. the taller B. taller C. tallest17. I _this magazine for three months.A. have bought B. have had C. have borrowed18. She is a teacher_ _has much teaching experience.A. whose B. who C. whom19. Nowadays,most peo

6、ple prefer to_ computer games rather than_books.A. play;reading B. play;read C. playing; reading20. Jim can swim,_.A. neither can I B. so I can C. so can I二、完形填空The Shirt of a Happy ManOnce upon a time, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an unhappy king. He slept _21_and didnt feel like ea

7、ting. The queen and his people worried about him very much. One day ,a doctor was called in to examine the king. But he couldnt find _22_ with his body. It was all in his mind. He said the king needed the shirt of a happy person to wear. Then the prime minister, the kings banker and the palace singe

8、r were called to the palace. But they all had_23_worries.They werent happy, either. The prime minister thought many people were trying to _24_,then he would lose his power. The banker was afraid _25_ his money. The singer said he couldnt get freedom because he always worried about being followed by

9、_26_27_,the kings top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days time.Two days passed, the general still couldnt find a happy man. Everyone had their ownproblems, Just as he was about to give up, he saw a poor man _28_happily on the street. The general didnt understand why the poo

10、r man was so happy, though he seemed to have _29_ power, money or fame. So he went up to the poor man and asked him about the reason. The poor man said he was happy because he had everything he wanted, and he didnt want to have what he couldnt have. Hearing this, the general was excited. The poor ma

11、n was the Happy Man. So he asked the poor man to give his shirt_30_the king.Shirt? said the poor man in surprise, “I dont own any shirts!”21. A. badly B. bad C. worse22. A. something wrong B. wrong anything C. anything wrong23. A. much B. a lot of C. lot of24. A. take his place B. keep his place C.

12、make his place25. A. losing B. to lose C. lose26. A. the other B. other C. others27. A. In the end B. By the end C. At the end28. A. singing B. sing C. to sing29. A. never B. not C. no30. A. / B. to C. for三情景交际从方框中选择合适答语(其中有一项是多余的)31.Whos the boy?32.Could you please take out rubbish? 33.How are you?

13、34.Whats your favorite subject?35.Lets go for a walk.A. Sure.B. No , thanks.C. Fine, thanks, D. Hes my brother.E. Good idea.F. Geography.31. _32. _33. _34. _35. _完成下列交际用语,词数不限。A:_36_?B:My telephone number is 929-3176.A:_37_?B:She usually takes the bus to school.A:Happy New Year!B:_38_.A: _39_?B: I a

14、m 13 years old.A: Im going on a trip next week.B:_40_.根据对话内容,用适当的短语或句子将对话补充完整。(D-Doctor M-Mike)M:Good morning, doctor!D:Good morning, young man! _41_?M:Im not feeling well. I have a sore throat and cough a lot these days.D:_42_?M:Yes,I have. But I dont have a fever.D:_43_?M:Ever since last weekend.D

15、:Dont worry. Many people have the same situation as you because of the heavy smogM:Really?_44_?D:Drink more water and try to reduce the outdoor activities, then youll get better soon.M:OK.I will. Thank you!D: _45_四综合运用用所给词的适当形式填空。(词数不限)46. Its 9:00 oclock in the morning, Zhu Huis parents_(make) zong

16、zi at home.47. She used to_ (be) shy, but now shes outgoing.48. My watch doesnt work, Ill have it _(repair).49. Gina always keeps_ (silent) in class.50. Weve worked for a long time, lets stop _(have) a rest.51. Im going to be a_(science) when l grow up.52. No one knows what robots will be able _(do)

17、 in the future.(B)改错。(每题只有一处错误,请将错误部分的字母标号填在答题卡相应题号后面的括号内,并将正确答案写在横线上,保持句意不变。)53. What will he do if it wont rain tomorrow.A B C54. There is going to have an art festival in our city next month.A B C55. It s very kind for you to help me carry the box.A B C56. What fast the boy runs!A B C57. Some men

18、 teachers entered into the library quietly.A B C根据句意或中文提示完成下列句子。(每空一词)58. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet_ (记忆)in our hearts.59. He _50 yuan for the dictionary yesterday.60. China is famous_ the Great Wall.61. He made a_(决定)to go abroad after graduation.62. Australia is a(an)_(讲英语的)country

19、.英汉互译。63. 我们学校有太多的规则。64. 邮局在旅馆和图书馆之间。65. Knowledge comes from questioning.66. A good friend is like a mirror.67. What were you doing when the rainstorm came?句型转换,按要求变化下列各句。68. It s half past eight.(对划线部分提问)_ _is it?69. My sister isnt old enough to dress herself.(改为同义句)My sister is_ young_ she cant d

20、ress herself.70. People drink Chinese tea all over the world.(改为被动语态)Chinese tea_- _ all over the world.71. He hardly watches TV.(变成反意疑问句)He hardly watches TV,_ _?第二部分阅读理解六、阅读理解(A)If you live far from school, you may have to use lunch boxes to take lunch to school. Do you want to know what the early

21、 lunch boxes looked like?_72_From the 19h century, people used baskets to take meals .A nice wooden box would be used by the rich people._73_ The tins were large enough for a piece of meat, some bread and some cheese, Walt Disney made thefirst character lunch box in 1935 by putting Mickey Mouse on t

22、he box._74_ In 1950,TV cowboy, Hopalong Cassidy, agreed to put his picture on the outside of the blue and red lunch boxes. Over the next 30 years, different popular characters controlled the market, such as Aladdin ,Miss America, and the Flying Nun. The Florida government said that the metal boxes c

23、ould be used as weapons(武器)and they were dangerous for children._75_In 1986,people began to use lunch boxes which were made of plastic._76_Now we can see many plastic lunch boxes with beautiful pictures on them.根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。A. By the 1860s,people started making tins to take

24、 meals.B. The plastic lunch boxes werent used by people.C. Lets see the history of lunch boxes.D. Children liked this kind of lunch box very much.E. Lets see their shapes and sizes.F. The plastic lunch boxes have been using since then.G. The last metal lunch box was made in 1985.(B)Do you have a nic

25、kname(呢称)?Most of us do by our looks, clothing, or personality, But for cities, the meaning of their nicknames has much more than that.Many big cities have nicknames, such as New York-The Big Apple, London-The GreatSmog, and Rome-The Eternal(永恒的)City. Why do cities have such nicknames?In the 1920s,t

26、here were many races in New York. People called the prizes of these race.apples. Writer John J.Fitz Gerald first called New York the Big Apple, because New York is the place that many people dreamed of going to for the biggest prize of all.For Rome, as the name suggests, the answer is simple, Romans

27、 believed that no mater what happened to the world, Rome would go on forever. Rome has been an important center of power for more than 2,000 years.As for London, in the Victorian period, it had problems with its air. Later in 1952,serious air pollution made 10,000 people fall ill. But now the air of

28、 London has become better.Does that sound interesting? Does your city have a nickname?77. Most of us get our nicknames only by our looks.78. The Great Smog is the nickname of London.79. The nickname of New York was given by writer Johnl.Fitz Gerald.80. Rome has been an important center of power for

29、2000 years.81. Later in 1952,the air of London became better.(C)This Sunday is grandpas birthday. The Smith family are going to celebrate it at home, so they will have a busy weekend.SaturdayMorningDad-clean the car in the gardenMum-clean the kitchen and bedrooms of their houseAmy-have dance lessons in the gymRose-work on science projects in the libraryAftern

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