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五年级 下册 英语 教案.docx

1、五年级 下册 英语 教案Lesson1 I Am Excited!【教学目标】1. 知识与技能:掌握四会单词 run dance jump sit ,down;2. 会运用所学单词进行简单对话【教学重、难点】掌握四会单词 sit ,down;并能运用于实际生活中进行简单的对话.【教学过程】一、 Class opening and review1. Greeting:How do you feel?2. Review :What did you do on the holiday?Talk about their holiday.这是开学后的第一课,通过让学生谈论自己寒假的事情及春节买的新衣服,

2、激活学生的思维,唤起记忆,为后面的有效学习打下良好的基础。二、 New conceptMrs. Li and Danny, Jenny will go to Beijing, but now where are they? What happened? Lets listen.1、播放光盘。2、整体感知课文,理解含义。同时听的时候给出问题,带着问题去听,让学生听的更集中更有针对性。Is Danny naughty?What does Mrs. Li say?Introduce :Dont_. Please _.3、Listen and write. Dont swim! Dont smoke!

3、 Dont turn left!Please go straight! Please close the door教师要借助图片、动作等直观形象的方式呈现新知,让学生理解性的去学习。4、Watch the video again, follow to read.听录音跟读,让学生模仿规范的语音语调,从人物的表情、语气变化中体会句子的含义。Can you perform?5、学生自编短剧,在惟妙惟肖的动作表演中理解运用本课的新知。三、practice1. Read the text. 分角色读课文并表演。指导学生朗读时的语音语调,养成良好的按意群朗读的好习惯。2. pair work:Liste

4、n and do.3. Lets do it!(1) Read and match.(2) Look, say and write.学以致用,学生能把文本中学到的知识运用到自己的生活实践中,表达各自的情感,实现了“用英语做事情”的目的。四、本课小结:对于今天所学的几个动词及句型,你都会说了吗?五、Homework: (1)Copy the new words;(2)Read the text fluently.Lesson 2 What Are You Doing?【教学目标】1. 要求学生掌握四会单词:行为动词drawsee look point2. 理解并能够运用短语:drawing a

5、picturelooking out ofthe window singing a song reading a book3. 句型what areyou doing ? I am _ing. What is he (she) doing? He (She) is _ing . I see_.【教学重、难点】1. 掌握四会单词draw ,see,look;并能运用于实际生活中进行简单的.2. 现在进行时态的掌握与运用。【教学过程】Step1 Class openingStep2 Teaching the new lesson.1本课的新概念look, see, 学生曾多次接触,比较熟悉,让其表

6、演looking, seeing, 教师要向学生说明look和see的区别,look表示看的动作,see表示看见,是看的结果。让学生多运用这些单词说句子。2 学生熟悉句式后,再利用实物和单词卡片学习。让学生看卡片,练习句型,Look! I see a _. 3 运用实物进行练习。让学生向周围或窗外看,练习句型Look! I see a _. 4 两人一组做问答练习。 What do you see? Look! I see _.5 听录音两遍,注意语音语调。第一遍听后回答问题,What does Jenny/ Danny/ Li Ming see?第二遍跟读,让学生足以模仿录音中的语调。6.两

7、人一组自编对话。(学生自创情景,火车上,飞机上,操场上,教室里) 教师先找一个口语较好的学生作一下示范。然后让学生分组练习,鼓励学生多说些知道的句子。如:Hello! How are you? How do you feel? Are you hungry? / thirsty? (出示一幅图画) What do you see?7.利用实物或单词卡片汇报演出。Step3、Learn Part21.唱歌曲:“I am Drawing”找一名唱的好的学生到前面做动作领唱。2.学生已学过,walk run jump sit stand 这几个行为动词,教师可以用自问自答的形势,借助体态语言说出下面

8、的话What am I doing? -I am standing .What are you doing? -You are sitting .What am I doing? -I am walking .What am I doing? -I am seeing.What am I doing ? -I am jumping.给全班发指令,使用新旧词汇,特别注意draw和sleep,开始时,教师边发指令,边做动作,然后只发指令。3、Read a book!Draw a picture! Sing a song!叫一名正在做动作的学生,提问并出示句子 What are you doing?

9、 I am _ing.4、两人一组做动作练习以上句型。5、指名到前面表演并练习对话。Step4:小结:今天所学的词汇和句型你还记得吗?Step5:Homework (1)Copy the new words;(要求:确保字母在四线三格中正确的位置)(2)Read the text fluently.Lesson3 Who Is Singing?【教学目标】1.要求学生掌握四会单词: man, woman, baby2.句型Is Jenny singing ?Yes, he is / No, he isnt.【教学重、难点】 1. 本课的四会单词: man, woman, baby 2. 对课文

10、的理解和句型的灵活运用.【教学过程】Step1 Class opening and review用Simon Says的游戏复习所学动词或动词短语,也可以猜词。(看卡片做动作)Step2 New Concepts1. 出示图片,教授单词 man woman baby 教师示范利用图片描述。(可以给他们起名字)This is Tim. He is a father.How old is he? He is _ years old. He is a man.在让学生依例描述图片,也可以手写。让学生描述woman 和baby.可以教师描述,让学生猜词。如:He is a father.How old

11、 is he? He is _ years old. He is a 。也可以让学生做动作表演,其他学生猜词。2. 领读课文第一部分。给学生一些卡片,让学生模仿课文进行描述。然后让学生模仿Li Ming 描述自己的家庭。可以先让学生画一画自己的家庭,然后再介绍。教师最好给一个示范。3. 复习句型:She/He is _ing. 创设情景,复习正在进行时。板书学生提出的动词短语,加上ing并朗读。(增加本课需要掌握的动词短语:sing cry talk sleep)4. 变换问题: What is he doing? What is she doing? What are they doing?

12、(引导学生做出正确回答。)5. 小组合作学习,操练句型。可以四至五人一组,两个学生对话练习,其他学生表演动作。综合练习所学的语言。6. 自读课文,说说了解到了哪些信息。7. 回答问题:Who is singing? Who is crying? Who is talking? Who is sleeping?8. 小组合作读课文,提出不懂的地方,互相帮助解决。9. 分角色朗读课文。情景表演。可以让学生借助课本进行对话表演。Step3 小结:你是否对现在进行时有了进一步的认识?Part 5:Homework (1)Copy the new words;(要求:确保字母在四线三格中正确的位置)(2

13、)Read the text fluently.Lesson 4 Who Is Hungry ?【教学目标】 1.掌握词汇:hungry、who、water、tea、candy2.理解并灵活运用下列句型 :Who is_?Would you like _? Yes, please./No,thanks.【教学重、难点】灵活运用句型: Who is_?Would you like _? Yes, please. / No, thanks.【教学过程】一、Greetings and review以教室里同学们的活动为主要情境,复习操练Who is _?,形成师生互动,生生互动.二、New conc

14、epts1.T: (作饥饿状) Well, I am very hungry now. I would like to eat some fruit. Look!There are so many foods here: apple、orange、 water、and cake.(像变魔术一样拿出各种饮料并一一展示给学生) Id like to eat an apple.Id like an orange. Would I like some cakes? No. Or some tea? No. Some water? Yes. I would like some water(倒一些水,然后

15、喝了). Wow, so good!2. T: Who is hungry too now? (重复Who is hungry? 边说边写在黑板的正上方 )3. Listening4. Reading ComprehensionRead the text aloud and find out : “What would Danny, Jenny and Li Ming like to drink?” (板书)(Ss answer the questions)三、 Practice1. Read the text in group of five and role-play it.(At lea

16、st two groups)2.Suppose you and your friends are at a restaurant, ordering. Make up a dialogue.3. Act out the dialogue. (At least two groups)四、小结:对于我们以前学过的动词短语,结合今天新教授的,你都掌握了多少?四、Homework 1、熟读课文2、完成课本P9练习题。Lesson 5 What Are They Doing?【教学目标】 掌握句型:What is _ doing? - He/She is _ing What are you doing?

17、 - Im _ing What are they doing? Theyre _ing 【教学重难点】灵活运用现在进行时的句型。【教学过程】一、 Class opening and reviewGreeting:How do you feel?Review :What do you like to do? What are you/is he/she doing now?二、 New concept1、There are many people on the train. What are they doing?2、Lets listen !3、播放光盘。Read the text, find

18、 the answer.通过实例介绍am, is, are的不同用法。4、Listen and follow to read.5、 Listen and repeat.单词重音要在不断的模仿与跟读中学习。三、 practice1.Read and perform the text.2. Lets do it!四、小结1、Practice2、Do “ask and answer” in pairs like this:(利用书中的图画。)Whats the baby doing? He is_ing.教师先与一名学生示范一组,然后再让学生联系。五、布置作业用Whats the _ doing?

19、He/She is_ing.自己造三组句子。Lesson6 Danny Is Lost!【教学目标】学生能听懂并理解这个简单的故事。【教学重、难点】能够问答关于这个故事的问题。【教学过程】一、 Pre-reading1、Greeting:2、Danny is naughty. What will happen at the train station?预测故事内容,培养学生思考能力。二、 While-readingStep 1:Listen to the story, order the pictures.整体感知故事,听之前布置任务,将图片排序,让学生听的更认真更有目的,同时理清故事脉络。S

20、tep 2:1.Read the story 14,then judge.个体或小组分页读故事,从细节处入手,理解故事内涵,完成练习。不同形式的练习,检测学生对故事的理解。2. Read the story 58, answer the questions.练习形式既要多样,还要分层次,由易到难逐步递进。Step 3:Look at the pictures and retell the story or act out the story.在图片和关键词的帮助下,让学生自己试着去复述故事或表演故事,体现了以生为本的课堂本质,更有利于培养学生的自主思维和表达能力。三、 Post-reading

21、:What will happen on the train?四、 Homework:Listen and read the story. Retell the story to your friends.Again, Please!【教学目标】1.学生养成和提高基本的学习策略。2. 在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。3. 学生养成听录音和跟读句子的习惯。【教学重难点】识记本单元的四会单词及所学句型,并能熟练运用。【教学过程】Step1开始上课和复习Class opening and review1、问候Greeting(1)教师播放录音。完成本节练习。(2)Listen and ti

22、ck.一道题,指名学生给出答案并站到相应的图片下。(3)指导学生完成,Listen and write.(4)师生共同完成,Look and write.Step2 Test利用活动手册进行测试。1、听录音,做活动手册的第二、三题。2、自我完成1题。Step3小结(1)选择本单元自己最喜欢的歌曲唱一唱。(2)小组讨论:课间同学们正在干什么?(出示ppt)Step4 Homework完成课堂练习册Exercise。Lesson 7 Arriving in Beijing【教学目标】1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:people, many, child, women, men 2.学生能

23、认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: They are on their way to _. There are many _.4. 学生能够理解并掌握下列单词的单复数形式:child/children ,man/men【教学重、难点】1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:people, many, child, women, men 2.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: They are on their way to _. There are many _.【教学过程】一、 Class opening and reviewGreeting:How do you feel?Revi

24、ew :What do you see on the street/ in the picture?What is he/she doing?What are they doing?二、 New conceptThey arrive in Beijing. When do they arrive? Where do they live?Lets listen !播放光盘。整体感知文本,理解大意。听的时候给出问题,带着问题去听,让学生听的更集中更有针对性。They are on their way to the hotel. What do they see on the way?Lets re

25、ad the text, find the answer.借助图片介绍单数句子与复数句子,注意is, are的用法。This/ That is a/an _.These /Those are _.介绍名词的单复数形式,尤其不可数名词:Woman-womenMan-men, child-childrenListen and follow to read.三、小结:检查学生掌握情况指名上台用英语描述。四、布置作业1.Read the text.2. Lets do it! Page 12, part 1 and 2.Lesson 8 Tiananmen Square【教学目标】1.学生能听懂、会说

26、、认读并书写下列词汇:say, help, worry, sad 2.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: This is difficult. Dont worry. I can help you.3.学生能讨论在天安门广场看到的景象和做的事情。【教学重、难点】1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:say, help, worry, sad 2.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: This is difficult. Dont worry. I can help you【教学过程】一、Class opening and reviewGreeting:How do you fee

27、l?Review :What do you see on the street/ in the picture?What is he/she doing? What are they doing?二、New conceptThey go to the Tiananmen Square.What do they see?Lets listen !(播放光盘。)What are the people doing on the square?Lets read and judge. 学生由听变为阅读,通过自读或小组合作读文本,判断正误,检测对课文理解,同时逐步提高阅读能力。Listen and fo

28、llow to read. 模仿标准的语音语调跟读介绍there is, there are 句型。There is a boy behind the tree.There are some monkeys at the zoo.难点的理解一是要借助图片、实物等直观形象的东西来呈现,二是要反复呈现,螺旋上升,滚动练习。三、practice:1.Read the text.2. Lets do it! Page 23, Look, talk and write.四、小结:通过本次课的学习,你都收获了哪些知识?五、布置作业 Copy the key words.Lesson 9 The Palac

29、e Museum【教学目标】1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:take,take a picture ,be 2.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: May I take your picture? Sure! Be careful!3.学生能学会一首关于照相的歌曲。【教学重、难点】1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:take,take a picture ,be 2.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: May I take your picture? Sure! Be careful!【教学过程】一、Class opening and reviewGreeting:

30、How do you feel?Review :What do you see on the street/ in the picture?二、New conceptThey go to the Palace Museum. How old is the Palace Museum. Lets listen !播放光盘。整体感知文本,理解大意。听的时候给出问题,带着问题去听,让学生听的更集中更有针对性。What do they do at the Palace Museum.Lets read and judge. 学生由听变为阅读,通过自读或小组合作读文本,判断正误,检测对课文理解,同时逐步提高阅读能力。Listen and follow to read.Listen and sing a song. 优美的旋律,不断复现的新知,让学生在轻松愉悦的心境下巩固知识。三、practice1.Read the text.2. Lets do it! Page 25, t

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