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1、高考英语新增分大一轮课件+精讲义+优习题模块加餐练一模块加餐练(一).单项填空1.He writing the paper now.He hadnt written a single word when I left him ten minutes ago.A.shouldnt be B.cant have finishedC.cant be D.mustnt have finished答案B解析句意为:他现在一定还没完成论文,十分钟前我离开他的时候,他还没有动笔。此处表示否定猜测“不可能做过”用cant have done。故选B项。2.Isnt it lovely to think tha

2、t I myself on the sunny beach tomorrow at this time?A.will enjoy enjoyingC.will be enjoying D.shall enjoy答案C解析根据时间状语tomorrow at this time可知,此处表示将来的一个时间点正在做某事,故用将来进行时。句意为:想到明天的这个时候我正在阳光明媚的沙滩上玩耍,难道不是一件快乐的事吗?3.Dont you know its the first time he this kind of meeting?A.attends B.attendedC.has atten

3、ded attending答案C解析在“It is the first time that.”结构中,that从句中的动词用现在完成时。4.I must have eaten something wrong.I feel like .I told you not to eat at a restaurant.Youd better at throw up;to eat B.throwing up; throw up;eat D.throwing up;eat答案D解析feel like想要,后接名词或动名词;had better最好,后接动词原

4、形。故选项D正确。5.Do you mind if I record your lecture? .Go ahead.A.Never mind B.No wayC.Not at all D.No.Youd better not答案C解析根据后面的“Go ahead.”可知,说话者同意(不介意)对方对其讲座进行录音,因此选C,即“不介意”。6.A good advertisement often uses words people attach positive meanings.A.that B.whichC.with which which答案D解析把与联系起来

5、,在本句中介词to前置,构成“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。句意为:一个好的广告通常使用让人产生积极联想的词汇。7.Nancy enjoyed herself so much she visited her friends in Sydney last year.A.that B.which C.when D.where答案C解析when引导的是时间状语从句,表示“当南希去年在悉尼拜访朋友的时候”。8.The good service at the hotel the poor food to some extent.A.made up B.made up forC.made for

6、de out答案B解析句意为:酒店的良好服务在一定程度上弥补了餐食上的不足。make up构成,化妆;make up for弥补,补偿;make for走向,有助于;make out辨认,理解。根据句意应选B项。9.I didnt know what to do but then suddenly an idea to me.A.happened B.occurredC.hit D.entered答案B解析occur作动词除表示“发生,存在”外,还可与介词to连用,意为“被想起,被想到,浮现在某人的脑海中”等。10.We havent seen each other for ages.No,I

7、 dont remember how many years ago I last saw was that B.was it was when D.was it when答案A解析特殊疑问句的强调句型作remember的宾语从句,此时从句中应用陈述语序。11.Theres no need for you to complain about the power cut for repair work about the line is being carried out.A.extraordinary B.explosiveC.extensive D.expe

8、rimental答案C解析句意为:你没有必要抱怨停电,因为正在进行全面的线路检修工作。extraordinary意想不到的,非凡的,特别的;explosive易爆炸的,爆炸性的;extensive大量的,广泛的,全面的;experimental实验(性)的,用于做实验的。根据句意可知,应选C项。12.Should you have a chance to swim in the river,you would make sure that youre safe and investigate is hidden in the water,like rocks or branches.A.wha

9、t B.whichC.that D.where答案A解析句意为:假如你有机会在河里游泳,你要确保自己是安全的并查明河里隐藏着的东西,像岩石或者树枝。分析句子结构并根据句意可知,空处在句中引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语,故应用what来引导该宾语从句。13.I crashed my fathers car.I really dont know how to escape the punishment.Youd better tell your father what happened and your heels B.face the musicC.drag your feet

10、D.beat the clock答案B解析句意为:我撞了我父亲的车。我真的不知道怎样才能逃脱惩罚。你最好告诉你父亲所发生的事情并接受批评。cool your heels久等;face the music为错误行为承担后果,不能躲避责任;drag your feet故意拖拉,勉强行事;beat the clock提前完成任务。根据句意可知,应选B项。14. as a volunteer for the campaign,the participants have to go through several rounds of interviews and receive strict train

11、ing.A.Chosen B.Being chosenC.To be chosen D.To have been chosen答案C解析句意为:为了被选中成为这个活动的志愿者,参与者不得不通过好几轮面试并接受严格的训练。根据句意并分析句子结构可知,此处应用动词不定式作目的状语,且用被动语态;又因此处动词不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之后,应用动词不定式的一般式。故选C。15.As we all know,childrens involvement in social activities,which as important as their academic achievement,sho

12、uld also be B.areC.was D.were答案A解析句意为:众所周知,孩子们参加社会活动也应该得到重视,这种参与和他们的学业成绩一样重要。题干陈述的是一般事实,故用一般现在时;又因which引导非限制性定语从句,指代先行词childrens involvement in social activities,在从句中作主语,故从句的谓语动词应用第三人称单数。.完形填空Terje Isungset is a Norwegian composer and performer.Recently he has become a 16 in the world of

13、 music.While most musicians seek to 17 a frosty reception at concerts,Terje Isungset is not 18 at a chilly(寒冷的) feeling.He performs with instruments he makes himself out of 19 .A recent performance at Londons Royal Festival Hall 20 a set including ice horns,ice drums and ice chimes, 21 singer Maria

14、Skranes.He 22 his work as being about more than making music,since he also 23 to display the characteristic of being beautiful and fragile.“I consider it a part of 24 bigger.Its not me and my project and my self-esteem(自尊)its the extreme weather,” he says.The Norwegian is 25 a background in traditio

15、nal Scandinavian music and jazz.Hes the 26 of Ice Music Festival in Norwayso people have a chance to enjoy ice musicand plays at about 50 festivals and concerts a year,many in the 27 conditions of Norway,Canada or Russia. 28 ,at concerts in warmer climates,higher temperatures can 29 difficulties,as

16、spending any more than 50 minutes at room 30 could damage the instruments.All of the instruments for the London show were made in Norway and shipped over in special 31 ,highlighting the fact that,when it comes to 32 ice instruments,not any water will do.“If ice is from polluted water,it doesnt 33 th

17、at good.If its from tap water it doesnt work because there are some 34 in it,” he says.“The best ice was from 2003 in the north of Sweden.Im really 35 to that ice.”语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了来自挪威的作曲家兼演奏家和冰乐器先锋Terje Isungset用冰制作乐器进行现场演奏的经历。16.A.hit B.heroC.model D.winner答案A解析由下文对Terje Isungset特立独行地用冰乐器进行表演的描述可知

18、,此处表示最近他在音乐界很受欢迎,故用hit “很受欢迎的人(或事物)”。hero英雄,崇拜的对象,男主人公;model模范,典型;winner成功者,获胜的人。17.A.prefer B.avoidC.arrange D.overlook答案B解析尽管大多数音乐家设法避免(avoid)在音乐会上得到冷冰冰的反响,但Terje Isungset并不害怕(alarm)冷的感觉。prefer较喜欢;arrange安排;overlook忽略。18.A.mad B.amazedC.disappointed D.alarmed答案D解析参见上题解析。 B.frostC.water D.w

19、ood答案A解析下文反复出现的“ice”是解题提示,此处指他用冰制作的乐器进行演奏,故本空填ice。20.A.collected B.displayedC.featured D.performed答案C解析最近在伦敦皇家节日音乐厅举行的演出以一组冰乐器为特色,这些冰乐器为歌手Maria Skranes伴奏。feature 以为特色。21.A.accompanying B.supportingC.appreciating D.introducing答案A解析参见上题解析。accompany为伴奏。22.A.values B.employsC.sees D.grades答案C解析他认为他的工作不仅

20、仅是关于创作音乐的。此处see作“认为,看待”讲。value重视;employ运用;grade (按能力、质量、大小等将)分级,给评分。23.A.offers B.promotesC.chooses D.aims答案D解析他还力争(aim)展现美丽和脆弱的特点。aim to do sth. 力争做某事,力求做某事。24.A.anything B.somethingC.everything D.nothing答案B解析他认为“美丽和脆弱的特点是更重要的事物(something)的一部分,这个更重要的事物不是我,不是我的项目,也不是我的自尊,而是极端的天气”。25.A.equipped with

21、B.based onC.reduced to D.surrounded by答案A解析这个挪威人有传统的斯堪的纳维亚音乐和爵士乐背景。be equipped with配备有。be based on以为基础(或根据);be reduced to沦落,陷入(更坏的)境地;be surrounded by被围绕。26.A.discoverer B.followerC.founder D.director答案C解析根据上下文可知,此处应指Terje Isungset是挪威冰雪音乐节的创始人(founder)。27.A.complex B.freezingC.pleasant D.diverse答案B解

22、析其中,有许多音乐节和音乐会在挪威、加拿大或俄罗斯极冷的(freezing)天气情况下举行。下文中的warmer与此处形成对比。complex复杂的;pleasant宜人的;diverse不同的。28.A.Instead B.HoweverC.Therefore D.Plus答案B解析然而(However),在更加温暖的气候中,音乐会上较高的温度可能会造成(cause)困难。该句与上文构成转折关系。29.A.prevent B.solveC.ease D.cause答案D解析参见上题解析。30.A.temperature B.spaceC.level D.convenience答案A解析根据上

23、文中的“warmer”“higher temperatures”可知,此处指的是在室温下(at room temperature)。31.A.materials B.sizeC.containers D.scale答案C解析这次伦敦表演所用的所有乐器都是在挪威制造,并用特殊的容器(container)运送的。material材料;size尺码;scale规模。32.A.carrying B.adjustingC.playing D.producing答案D解析当说到制作(produce)冰乐器时,并不是任何水都适合。33.A.appear D.feel答案B解析如果

24、冰是污染了的水形成的,那听起来(sound)就不那么优美了。34.A.wastes B.bacteriaC.chemicals D.supplies答案C解析如果冰是自来水形成的,它就不起作用,因为自来水里有化学物质(chemical)。35.A.accustomed B.relatedC.opposed D.addicted答案D解析此处表示“我对那种冰很着迷”,故用addicted构成be addicted to“对着迷”的固定搭配。be accustomed to习惯于;be related to与有关;be opposed to反对。.阅读理解AELIGIBILITYAll curre

25、nt University of Chicago(UChicago) students are qualified to take courses offered by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business(Booth) within the guidelines set forth by Booth and the students department/division.Tuition(学费) charges are based on the tuition policy of your department or divis

26、ion.If you are not a current University of Chicago student,enrollment(注册) is possible through the Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies.Booth graduates can take up 300 units tuition-free at any time after graduation.Note:Courses are offered only if a seat is available at the t

27、ime when your registration is processed.Booth students have priority for registration,so popular courses may be closed due to space limitations.ACCOMMODATIONSStudents who have or expect to obtain a letter of accommodation from the Universitys Office of Student Disability Services should indicate thi

28、s in their registration request poll and be prepared to present an accommodation letter after successful enrollment in a Booth course.Course Material FeesEach Booth course will have a fee of $ 25 for cases and articles that are delivered electronically through Canvas,faculty course webpages,or hard

29、copies in class.This Booth Book Fee is apart from any textbooks that may be required,and is non-refundable for courses dropped after Friday,Week 2 of the quarter.语篇解读本文是一篇应用文,介绍了Booth所开设的课程的相关信息。36.Which statement about the courses may the author agree with?A.Graduates from Booth have free access to

30、 all the courses.B.Popular courses are reserved for students from Booth.C.Only students from UChicago can take the courses.D.Courses are offered on a space-available basis.答案D解析推理判断题。根据ELIGIBILITY部分中的“Courses are offered only if a seat is available at the time when your registration is processed.”可知

31、,只有当你的注册申请被审核、有可用的座位的情况下,课程才会被提供。也就是说,课程是在有可用空间的基础上才会被提供的。故选D。37.What can be learned from the last paragraph?A.The $25 fee excludes textbooks needed.B.The Booth courses last for about eight weeks.C.The Booth courses are mainly delivered online.D.Fees can be paid back when one withdraws halfway.答案A解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Each B

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