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1、英语作文2记叙文英语作文2-记叙文二、记叙文1记人A写作结构指导 记叙你所喜欢、感激或难忘的人物,可在开篇点题之后,抓住人物的性格特征展开记叙,通过具体事例说明其性格特征,也可从该人物的优秀品质对你的影响这个角度来写。文章可用强调句型构成排比句式增强描述性,以突出人物特征。B常用句型 When asked who impresses me/I love/respect most, I will respond without any hesitation如果被问及给我印象最深/我最热爱/最尊敬的人是谁,我会毫不犹豫地回答 I admire him for his positive outloo

2、k towards life. 我敬佩他对人生的积极态度。 It seems that nothing is impossible for him. 对他来说,似乎没什么是不能做到的。 As a man of enthusiasm, he has a power to fan the sparks of wisdom in us. 他热情四射,并有一种能够激发我们智慧火花的力量。 He really has a great influence on me. 他的确对我有很大的影响。 I lovebecause 我爱因为 He has set a good example for us. 他给我

3、们树立了个良好的榜样。 Whenever I meet with difficulties, he gives me courage and determination to overcome them.每当我碰到困难,他总是给我战胜困难的勇气和决心。 He practises what he preaches. 他总是身体力行。 His deeds inspire me to make continuous efforts to fulfill my dream.他的事迹激励我不断努力去实现梦想。 The reason why I admire him is that 我之所以敬佩他是因为

4、He is really a man worthy of our respect. 他的确是一个值得我们尊敬的人。 He is held in high esteem because 他受人尊敬是因为 He is a hardworking person who has been devoted toheart and soul.他工作勤奋,全心全意地投入到 It is you who enlighten my mind;it is you who tap my potential in; and it is you who lead me to是你启迪了我的智慧,是你发掘了我方面的潜力,是你

5、指引我走向C全国高考学生习作点评 (2008年湖南卷)请从下列人物中选择你最喜欢的一位,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文。要求根据所给信息作适当发挥,且需包括以下三部分内容:(1) 对该人物的简单介绍; (2) 喜欢该人物的理由; (3) 从该人物身上得到的启示。Thomas EdisonHelen KellerWilliam Shakespeareinventor;creative; diligent;full of wisdomordinary but great woman;disabled; optimistic; eager to learnwriter;talented; imagi

6、native;man of all ages“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”“ if I had the power of sight for three days.”“Life is a stage ”范文My favourite person among the three is Helen Keller, an ordinary but great woman. She lost her sight when she was three in an accident. But

7、 she overcame a lot of unimaginable difficulties to learn languages, and eventually she mastered 8 different languages and finished her book Three Days to See. I like Helen Keller for her optimism and perseverance. Disabled as she was, she didnt lose hope for life. Instead, she was eager to learn. D

8、espite all the difficulties, she didnt give up halfway. The book she wrote is the best proof of her unrelenting efforts. The story of Helen Keller has a great influence on me. Whenever I want to quit because of the failure or frustration, the image of Helen Keller will flash into my mind. I seem to

9、hear her saying, A little more effort, and you will achieve your goal. Inspired by Helen Keller, I come to realize the meaning of the saying Nothing is impossible for a person with perseverance.D实战演练 以 “People I Love Most”为题,写一篇不少于120字的记叙文。 If asked who I love most, I will tell you without a moments

10、 delay that my parents are dearest to me. I love my parents most, for it is my parents who create a sweet home for me. It is not as magnificent as a palace, but it is bright, clean and tidy. Mother and father think more of others than themselves. In our home, not a single complaint can you hear. It

11、is full of love, warmth and harmony, which is the source of all my confidence, wisdom and strength.I love my parents, for it is my parents who teach me to take the first step. With their help, I learnt to walk and speak and stepped into the gate of knowledge. With their enlightenment, I look at the

12、world with great curiosity and develop my interest in history, music and sports. They stick to the principle that example is better than precept and they practise what they preach. They tell me that we are important when we are lending our helping hands. Under their influence, I know what makes an a

13、ll-round person and I know the importance of honesty, generosity, enthusiasm and perseverance.I love my parents, for they encourage me to steer my ship with hope, leaving fears behind. When I make progress, they give me warm praise; when I meet with difficulties, they offer me courage and determinat

14、ion? Without their love and encouragement, how can I grow healthily?I am very lucky to have my parents. I owe all my success to them and I want to tell them how much I love them and how much I am grateful to them.语言亮点Useful phrases: an all-round person全面发展的人 steer my ship with hope怀揣希望,乘风破浪 owe all

15、my success to them把我所有的成功归功于他们Useful sentences: In our home, not a single complaint can you hear. It is full of love, warmth and harmony, which is the source of all my confidence, wisdom and strength. 在我家里,听不到任何抱怨。它充满了爱、温馨与和谐,这些是我自信、智慧和力量的源泉。 With their enlightenment, I look at the world with great

16、curiosity and develop interesting a variety of things在他们的启迪之下,我带着好奇的眼睛看世界,并形成了各种各样的爱好。 They stick to the principle that example is better than precept and they practice what theypreach. 他们信守“榜样的力量是无穷的”这个原则并凡事以身作则。二、记叙文2叙事A写作结构指导 叙事型作文要牢记六要素,即人物、时间、地点、事件、过程及结果。事件过程的叙述要有情节性,要娓娓道来,要通过多种句式使叙述生动。B常用句型 I

17、still clearly remember the day when 我仍然清晰地记得那天 Vivid memories come flooding back to the day when的生动记忆如潮水般涌来。 Never will I forget 我永远也不会忘记 I will cherish the memories and make them rooted in my heart我会珍藏这些记忆,让它们永留心间。C全国高考学生习作点评 (2008年江西卷)学校计划举行英语作文竞赛,主题为We Need Advice from Older Generations。请根据下列要求写一

18、篇作文:你遇到了困难或问题,不知该怎么办。你去请教一位长辈,后来问题得到了解决。要求写清楚下面三点:(1) 当时面临的困难或问题是什么? (2) 你获得的指教是什么? (3 )结果如何?注意:作文总词数为100左右范文There are times when you meet with difficulties or find it hard to make a choice. It is the time when the advice of the older generations is of great value.Take my own experience as an exampl

19、e. At the end of Senior Two, I had to make a decision whether to major in arts or science. Being good at science subjects, I intended to choose physics as my major. However, my best friend Lily chose geography, saying there would be more chances for us to be admitted into a key university because of

20、 relatively fewer examinees in this subject. Then I was at a loss which to choose.Seeing I was hesitant, my father had a talk with me. He suggested that I should choose according to my own interest and ability, regardless of others thoughts. He told me my interest will inspire me to tap my potential

21、 fully and my ability will give me more confidence to overcome difficulties.With my fathers help, I firmly chose physics and Lily, finally understood me and respected my choice. From this experience, I realize that older generations, having rich experience, can help us young men make sensible decisi

22、ons.D实战演练 以“An Unforgettable Traditional Festival”为题,写一篇不少于120词的作文。范文As soon as I see the title, it produces an extraordinary sequence of mental images. Vivid memories come flooding back to the Spring Festival ten years ago?Everyone was fully occupied to welcome the most important festival in China.

23、 My mother shuttled between markets, buying food, fruits, gifts and so on. Tired as she was, she neither complained, nor asked us for help. It seemed that she had inexhaustible energy. Father, a man who seldom stepped into the kitchen, should claim he would cook delicious fish for us! To fulfill his

24、 promise, he practised cooking secretly at night when we fell asleep. My brother and I didnt want to sit still. We spent a whole afternoon cleaning the house thoroughly. Not a single dirty corner escaped our eyes. When Mum came back, she was surprised and satisfied, saying that we children had grown

25、 up and were considerate to parents. On New Years Eve, the whole family sat around the table, making dumplings. It was the first time for us children to make dumplings, so we did not have enough experience to be good at it. All the good humour reawoke in my mind as I recalled the funny arguments we

26、had that night about who made genuine dumplings. Time flies! Ten years has already passed before I know it, but the warmth and good feelings remain in my heart and will be there forever?B语言亮点 Useful phrases: welcome the most important festival 迎接最重要的节日 shuttle between 穿梭在之间 inexhaustible energy 无限的精

27、力 be surprised and satisfied 感到惊喜和满足Useful phrases: As soon as I see the title, it produces an extraordinary sequence of mental images. Vivid memories come flooding back to the Spring Festival ten years ago. 一看到这个作文题目,我的脑海里就浮现出了一连串的图像。记忆如潮水般回到十年前的春节。 Tired as she was, she neither complained, nor ask

28、ed us for help.虽然很疲劳,但她并不抱怨,也不要求我们帮助她。 All the good humour reawoke in my mind as I recalled the funny arguments we had that night about who made genuine dumplings当我回忆起我们那晚就谁包的饺子最正宗进行有趣的争诊时,所有令人发笑的场景在我脑海里重现。 Time flies! Ten years has already passed before I know it, but the warmth and good feelings r

29、emain in my heart and will be there forever时光飞逝!不知不觉十年过去了,但美好温馨的回忆依然没有消逝并将永远留在心间。二、记叙文 3叙事言情A写作结构指导第一段:引出记叙的主体事件。第二段:事件和故事的叙述要有情节性,要通过多种句式使叙述生动。千万不要用说明或议论的套路,比如first, second, last but not least等表示层次的连接词就不适合在叙述中出现。第三段:用一到两句话总结此事给自己留下的深刻印象或对自己产生的影响。B常用句型 The unforgettable experience makes me convinced

30、 that这次难忘的经历使我深信 I really benefit a lot from the experience, which inspires me to这次经历的确使我受益匪浅,它激励我 I think it is my duty to be actively involved in it and do my part我认为我有责任积极参与,尽自己的一份力。 I cannot look on, doing nothing我不能袖手旁观,什么也不做。 To ensure its success, we made a detailed plan为确保成功,我们制定了一个详细的计划。C.

31、全国高考学生习作点评 (2009年北京卷) 假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为响应绿化祖国的号召,你班4月12日去郊区植树,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍植树活动的全过程,给某英文杂志的“绿色行动”专栏写一篇以Green Action in Our Class为题的英文稿件。 注意:词数不少于600 提示词:郊区suburbs范文April 12 is unforgettable because our class carried out a meaningful activity on that day. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees as arranged, talking and laughing all the way. Despite the cold wind, nobody let out a complaint. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. Everyone was actively involved in it, with some carrying and plant

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