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1、沪教版牛津英语六年级下册6B期中知识点总结Module 1 City LifeUnit 1 Great CitieS in ASia【知识点梳理】1.方位词: east / WeSt / north / south / north-east / north-west / SaUth-east /SaUth-WeSt用法:a.两地不相邻:e.g. A is north B. (= to the SaUth of ) b. 两地接壤:e.g. A is On the north of B.c. 所属关系,A包含 B, B 属于 A: e.g. B is in the north of

2、 +交通工具 表示“乘”交通工具” ,用how进行提问e.g. by bus / ferry / train / ShiP / Un dergro und, by pla ne = by air, by ShiP =by Sea3.HoW far ,多远 (询问距离的远近,路程的长短)e.g. Hae far is it from your home to school? 从你家至 U学校有多远?4.HaW Iong ,多长,多久 (询问时间的长短,提问 一段时间)e.g. HaW Iong does it take to travel from Shan ghai to Beiji ng b

3、y trai n? 坐火车从上海到北京要花多长时间?5.It takes (sb.) Same time to do sth. 做某事需要花费(某人)多少时间e.g. It takes me five hours to make this modal pla ne. 做这个模型飞机花了我 5个小时。 / love / enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事e.g. The people in Ban gkok like / love / enjoy eat ing SPiCy food. 曼谷人喜欢吃辛辣食物。6.词组句型Module 1 City LifeUn it 2 A

4、t the AirPart【知识点梳理】1.have/has been to去过,到过 (表示现在已经回来) have/has bee n in 住在 =have lived / Stayed inhave/has gone to 去,至U,(表示现在还没有回来 ) e.g. We have already bee n to Changfeng Park.I have lived in Shan ghai for thirtee n years.Where is Henry? He has gone to JaPa n. He Will Come back n ext week.2.alrea

5、dy 已经(多用于肯定句,放于动词前 )yet迄今,还(多用于疑问句和否定句,放于句末 )just刚刚(用法和位置和already相同)e.g. I have already been to Lily S home.HaVe you been to Lily S home yet?No, I haven t been to her home yet.3.plan to do 计划做,,e.g. Tom is pla nning to ViSit Rome this SPring FeStiVal. 汤姆正计划今年春节到罗马旅行。for +段时间,多与现在完成时连用表示动作从过去延续到现在的一段

6、时间,并用 howIong 提问。 e.g. We have learned English for SiX years. 我们学习英语已经六年了。9.have / has got 有、拥有”否定形式 haven t/ has n t got ,疑问形式 Have/ HaS , got , ?10.too many + 可数名词复数 太多的,” too much + 不可数名词太多的,”11.plenty of 许多,大量”,后面可跟不可数名词或可数名词复数12.this SUn dayOne and a half hour Slook at this Signbuy sb. sth. =bu

7、y sth. for sb.Write down One S addresslive in Los An gelesat eleve n thirty in the morni ngover theredeparture time / arrival time What time , ?重要词组句型Module 1 City LifeUn it 3 Drago n Boat FeStiVaI【知识点梳理】1. know SOmeth ingabout the Dragon Boat FeStiVaIknow about知道/ 了解关于,的事情了解一些关于端午节的知识know认识HiS job

8、WaS to give advice to the king.他的工作是给国王出谋划策。be +to do,不定式做表语,表示主语和表语在概念上是等同的。e.g. HiS pla n is to clea n the room.My WiSh is to be a doctor. give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.他的任务是打扫房间。 我的愿望是称为一名医生。给某人某物advice 劝告,忠告”,不可数名词a PieCe of advice 一条建议give advice to sb. 想某人提出建议listen to在本文中指听从,听信”some advice

9、一些建议take Sb S advice 采纳某人的建议e.g. She n ever liste ns to me.她从不听我的话。in dan ger 在危险中dan ger n. 危险 dan gerous adj. 危险的would like to do 想要做, =Want to do-Would you like Some ?表示你想要,吗?” ,用于询问对方的意见。-Yes, please.( 肯定回答)/ No, thanks.( 否定回答)later adv. 后来,以后 late adj. 晚的,迟的 e.g. Ill tell you later. 我以后再告诉你。He

10、WaS late for school. 他上学迟到了。a salty rice dumpli ng With / WithOUt meatWith 表示有” ,WithOUt 表示没有” With还有和,”、用”等意思e.g. I Write the report With my pen.一只(没)有肉的咸粽子我用我的新钢笔写报告。She lives With her son.她和儿子住在一起。I like salty rice dumpli ngs, but I don 我不喜欢甜粽子。One用来指代一个人或事物,而 but但是,表示意思的转折。would rather do 宁愿做,t

11、like SWeet ones. 我喜欢咸粽子,但OneS用来指代一些人或事物。would rather not do 宁愿不做,e.g. He would rather Stay at home at Weeke nds. 他宁愿周末呆在家。the fifth day of the fifth IUnarmon th 农历五月初五2.在英语中,用序数词 表达农历的第几个月和第几天。 重要词组句型two hun dred years ago jump in to a riverthe fifth day of the fifth IUnarmont

12、h of that year On that dayeat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember himMOdUIe 1 City LifeUnit 4 Stayi ng HeaIthy【知识点梳理】1.Iike /Iove / enjoy doi ng 喜欢做,,the storyof the festivalbe born许多小孩喜欢吃油炸e.g. Many ChiIdre n like/love/enjoy eat ing fried。2.Stay healthy 保持健康Stay在本课中“意为”保持,

13、为联系动词,后面只能跟 形容词。e.g. I hope the Weather Will Stay fine. 我希望天气能持续放晴。 n. 健康 healthy adj. 健康的 Un healthy adj. 不健康的e.g. health problems 健康问题healthy / Un healthy food ( 不)健康食品4.Work and play, We love both. 工作与学习,我们都喜欢。both pron. 意为“两者(都),”,在此句中指的是学习和工作这两件事。e.g. Both of the twins like doing PUZZle

14、s. 这对双胞胎都喜欢玩拼图。5.forget doing 忘记做过,(已做)forget to do 忘记去做,(未做)【反义】remember,用法与foeget相同e.g. I forgot posti ng the letter. 我忘了信已寄出。Dont forget to post the letter. 别忘了去寄信。6.Whaf S your favourite , ?你最喜欢的,是什么? ( What用来询问具体的信息)e.g. What should I do to Stay healthy? 要保持健康,我应当做些什么?7.I like playi ng football

15、 in the PIaygrOU nd. 我喜欢在操场上踢足球。“在操场上”可以用 in / On the PIaygrOUnd 表示。定冠词the的用法:a.在球类运动前不加定冠词 the e.g. play football / basketball / tennis,etc.b.在乐器前必须加定冠词 the e.g. play the Pia no / violi n, etc.c.在 WatChing televisiOn 中,不加定冠词 the8.Why ?用于询问原因,回答用 (It S) becaUsee.g. Why do I always feel tired, MUm?It

16、 S becaUse yoU WatCh too mUch television.9.have a headache 头痛 “身体部位+ache ”表示疼痛。此处的e.g. have a StOmaCh ache 胃痛 其他身体不适的表达有:10.too mUch 太多+不可数名词 too many太多+可数名词复数 e.g. Don t drink too mUch cola.不要喝太多的可乐。吃太多糖对你的牙齿不好。Too many SWeetS are bad for yoUr teeth.11.too little 太少+不可数名词too feW 太少+可数名词复数可以用not.eno

17、Ugh (修饰可数或不可数名词)结构改写句子。e.g. YoU eat too little frUit. = YoU don t eat enoUgh frUit.12.less更少+不可数名词 (IeSS是little 的比较级)fewer更少+可数名词 (fewer是few的比较级)more更多+可数名词、不可数名词 (more是many、mUch共同的比较级)e.g. You shoUld have less meat, fewer soft drinks and do more exercise.应该少吃肉,少喝软饮料,多做运动。13.enOUgh +名词 足够的,”形容词/副词+e

18、nOUgh 足够地,”e.g. We have eno Ugh ChairS for every one. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。They Cannot Walk fast eno ugh. 他们走得不够快。14.How often , ? 多久一次”,用于对时间频率提问。e.g. How Ofte n do you go to See a film? 你多久看一次电影?【比较】 how ofte n 与 how many timeshow often 提问频率次数+时间范围”how many times 提问频率次数”e.g. How ofte n do you exercise? TW

19、iCe a week.How many times have you bee n there? Twice.15.三次及以上:数字+timese.g. I See them OnCe every two mon ths.I go to the Iibrary three times a mon th.16.PraCtiSe doing ,练习做,,训练,e.g. She PraCtiSeS dancing every do the housework 帮忙做家务help sb. (to) do sth. 帮某人做某事e.g. Ben helps me lea

20、r n En glish.Ben helps me With my En glish.18.exercise n. & v. 锻炼(身体),:e.g. You don t do enoUgh exercise. You n eed do more maths exercises.可数名词)I think you should exercise more.19.重要的词组句型我每两个月与他们见一次面。 我一个月三次去图书馆。她每天下午练习跳舞。=help sb. With sth. 帮某人某事,练习你锻炼不够。(“锻炼”,不可数名词) 你需要做更多的数学练习。 (“练习”,我认为你应该多运动运动

21、。once 一次 twice 两次really love musicThat S my favourite in door / outdoor activity I m afraid.should Wear more clothesWatCh too much televisi Onnot, enoUghWatCh less televisio nhave eno Ugh exercisego to bed lateOnCe / twice / , times a day/week/mOnth/yearn everUnit 5 What will I be like?【基础知识】1.tomor

22、row, n ext + 时间What will I be like? = How will I be? 我将是怎么样的?一般将来时:用于表示将来某个时间发生的动作或状态。常与词,in+段时间,in the future 等连用。其动词形式有 will/Shall + do 或is/am/aregoing to + do( 动词原形)e. g. There is going to be/ will be a SPOrtS meet ing in OUr school next week.下周我校将有一个运动会。I will POSSibIy be a doctor in the future.

23、 将来我可能是一个医生。POSSibIy ad.可能地一POSSibIe a.可能的2.Stand in front of a magic Camera 站在魔幻照相机前 Stand stood stood3.take a photograph With it 用它拍一张照片 take took taken4.Wait for the red light 等待红灯5.look for the “START buttOn 寻找“开始”按钮6.PUt in a 20 note 放入一张20元面值的纸币7.PreSS the “START buttOn 按“开始”按钮 the note

24、On the back 阅读背面的注释 15 year S time在十五年以后(多与将来时连用) ,提问用HoW 165 Centimetres tall 将是 165 厘米高,提问用 Howtall are you?或 What S your height ?11.Weigh 55 kilograms 称得 55 公斤,提问用 HoW much do you weigh? 或 What S your Weight ?或者 How heavy are you? 回答也可用 I am 55 kilograms astronaut 个宇航员 g

25、row bigger 长得更大13. be good at Singing擅长唱歌be good at cook ing擅长烹饪be good at SPOrtS擅长运动be good at Chin ese擅长英语be poor at En glish不擅长英语be good at/ be poor at(do ing) sth.擅长于/不擅长于(做)某事14.Wear a Pair of glasses 戴一畐U眼镜 Wear 穿着; 戴着 强调状态; Wear woreWornPUt on 穿上,戴上 强调动作 PUt on your coat 穿上你的大衣 helping

26、 people 爱帮助人 love listening to music 爱听音乐love tak ing photograph 爱扌白照片 good-looking 是好看 be strong 是强壮的 be slim 是苗条的 a bakery 在面包房 a baker 一个面包师 bake some bread 烤一些面包 and Write a lot 读和写许多19.a report on/about my future 一个关于我的将来的报告report an accide nt 报告一起事故 a reporter 一个记者20.would lik

27、e to be a doctor 想要做一个医生 =Want to be a a SPaCeCraft 驾驶一架航天飞机 fly flew flowne/be back at night 在夜晚回来23.learn how to make SiCk people better 学会怎样使生病的人更好lear n to do sth. 学会做某事 lear n Iearnt Iearnt24.have to PraCtiCe English more 不得不更多地练习英语PraCtiCe doing sth. 练习做某事 v. (AE)练习=PraCtiSe v. (B

28、E) do much PraCtiCe 做许多练习 n. 练习 PraCtiCe makes perfect. 熟能生巧。have to do sth. 表示“不得不做某事”,意思与 must do sth.相近,但用法上有一定区别。have to do sth. 有时态的变化,因此否定句与疑问句需要助动词构成。肯定句:He has to do a lot of homework. 他不得不做许多回家作业。否定句: He does nt have to do much homework. ( does nt have to = does n t n eed to =needn t)一般疑问句:

29、 Does he have to do a lot of homework?25.连词主要连接两个简单句。 并列连词有and并且,和;but但是;Or或者,否则的话;so所以;for因为。I like eating fruit and VegetabIeS and I always eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. 我喜欢吃水果和蔬菜,并且我总是吃大量的水果和蔬菜。Kitty likes dogs, but She doesn t like cats. 凯蒂喜欢狗,但是她不喜欢猫。HUrry up, or you will be late for scho

30、ol. 赶快,否则的话你将会上学迟到。He WaS ill, so he asked for SiCk leave. 他病了,所以他请病假了。Tom WaS fat, for he ate too much Un healthy food. 汤姆胖,因为他吃了太多不健康食品。【词性转换】POSSibIe adj. -possibly adv. -impossible adj.heavy adj. 比较级 heavier 最高级 the heaviestslim adj. 比较级 SIimmer 最高级 the SIimmeStbeautiful adj. 比较级 more beautiful 最高级 the most beautifulreport v. - reporter n.bake v. - baker n. -bakery n.PraCtiCe n. -practise good at/ be poor at(doing) sth. 擅长于 /不擅长于(做)某事【动词结构】V+do inglove/like/enjoy/PraCtiSe doinglove help ing people 爱帮助人like liste ning to music 爱听音乐enjoy tak

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