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本文(上海建平中学西校完形填空汇编中考英语专项训练含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上海建平中学西校完形填空汇编中考英语专项训练含答案解析上海建平中学西校完形填空汇编中考英语专项训练含答案解析一、中考英语完形填空汇编1阅读下面的短文,从各题所给的四个备选项中选出最佳答案。 The junior high school graduates(毕业生) have to take a P.E. test in many places around China. The full marks are 1 forty-five points, but now, the number rises to sixty! And it means 2 in the senior high sch

2、ool entrance exam(中考). In Hechi, the test is held in May or June every year. Students of Grade 9 3 a test in their own schools. Each student is tested on three sports. They can choose long jump, basketball dribbling (运球) 4 skipping. The pull-up(引体向上) is for boys and girls can choose the sit-up(仰卧起坐)

3、. 5 boys and girls must run 50 meters. Some students find the test is 6 and they can get full marks. Students of Grade 9 usually do lots 7 practice in P.E. classes. The training makes the test easier than it seems to be. Students dont have to 8 a lot for the test. But in P.E. 9 , they still run a lo

4、t. Most teachers and parents welcome the P.E. test. They say it helps students 10 their health.1. A. neverB. veryC. seldomD. usually2. A. littleB. lessC. muchD. most3. A. hasB. haveC. hadD. having4. A. orB. thenC. butD. so5. A. EitherB. NoneC. BothD. Neither6. A. easyB. easierC. difficultD. more dif

5、ficult7. A. inB. atC. ofD. to8. A. runsB. runningC. ranD. run9. A. classesB. classC. testD. tests10. A. built inB. build upC. built upD. building up【答案】 (1)D;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)C;(6)A;(7)C;(8)D;(9)A;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍在中国的许多地方,初中毕业必须参加体育考试,多数的老师认为考体育是好事,有助于提高学生们的身体素质。 (1)句意: 满分是45分,但是现在,这个数字上升到了60分。A

6、从未,B非常,C很少,D经常,根据 have to可知必须的是经常的行为 , 故选D。 (2)句意:这在高中入学考试中意义重大。A没有,B少于,C多,D最多,此处表示重要性,故意义重大是much修饰动词means,故选C。 (3)句意: 9年级的学生在他们自己的学校进行测试。主语是复数students,客观事实用一般现在时,故谓语是have,故选B。 (4)句意:他们可以选择跳远、篮球运球或滑雪。A或者,B然后,C但是,D所以,此处是选择故选故是or,故选A。 (5)句意:男孩和女孩都必须跑50米。A要么,B没有,C都,D两个都不,根据 boys and girls可知是两者的肯定故是both

7、 , 故选C。 (6)句意:大多数学生觉得考试很容易,他们能拿到满分。根据他们能拿到满分可知是容易的此处没有比较范围,故用形容词原形easy,difficult是困难的,故选A。 (7)句意:一些学生通常在体育课上做大量的练习。lots of固定搭配,许多,故选C。 (8)句意:学生不需要为考试跑很多。have to是情态动词其后是动词原形,故选D。 (9)句意:但是在体育课上,他们仍然跑很多。根据 practice in P.E. classes,可知此处是体育课,故是classes , 故选A。 (10)句意:他们说这有助于学生增强体质。help sb do,固定搭配,帮助某人做,故选B。

8、 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 For thousands of years, people farmed the land. They grew fruits and vegetables. They hunted and fished for meat. They 1 cloth, dyes(染料) and paper from plants. They used ston

9、e and metal for weapons and tools. People progressed to making machines powered 2 water and steam(蒸汽), and even later, by coal, oil, and petrol. Large cities were built. Factories 3 of machines created jobs in the cities for thousands of people. The Industrial Revolution(工业革命) changed the lives of m

10、any people because, for the first time, more people lived in cities than on 4 . Companies built power plants(工厂) to make 5 to run the machines, factories and cities. People did not realize these activities were 6 the Earth. They didnt realize bow 7 oil, gas, coal and minerals were being used up. 8 c

11、ities grew bigger and spread across the land, plants and animals began to disappear. Their nature homes were destroyed(破坏) as people moved into new places. As time passed, people began to 9 the need to protect the Earth and its natural resources(资源). They saw that plants and animals needed protectio

12、n, so they wouldnt disappear forever. People joined together to tell 10 around the world to conserve(节约) our natural resources and care for the Earth. And so. Earth Day was born. Each year, more and more people take part in Earth Day. What can you do to help?1. A. separatedB. washedC. madeD. mixed2.

13、 A. asB. forC. withD. by3. A. fullB. proudC. sickD. short4. A. mountainsB. riversC. grasslandsD. farms5. A. metalB. waterC. electricityD. oil6. A. helpingB. harmingC. wastingD. losing7. A. clearlyB. hardlyC. quicklyD. slowly8. A. BeforeB. IfC. AsD. Though9. A. forgetB. seeC. rememberD. get10. A. the

14、mB. otherC. anotherD. others【答案】 (1)C;(2)D;(3)A;(4)D;(5)C;(6)B;(7)C;(8)C;(9)B;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】本文呼吁人们要保护我们的自然资源和,关心地球。 (1)句意: 他们制作布料,染料和纸,用石头和金属制造武器和工具。A分离,B洗涤,C制作,D混合,根据 They used stone and metal for weapons and tools 用石头和金属制造武器和工具,可知此处是制作的意思 , 故选C。 (2)句意:人们逐渐发展到以水和蒸汽为动力,甚至后来以煤、油和汽油为动力的机器。根据by coal,

15、oil, and petrol,可知是介词by , 故选D。 (3)句意:满是机器的工厂为成千上万的人在城市创造了就业机会。A满的,B骄傲的,C生病的,D短的,修饰机器的是full,故选A。 (4)句意: 工业革命改变了许多人的生活,第一次住在城市里的人比住在农村里的人多。A山,B河流,C草地,D农场,根据常识,宜居的地方除了城市就是农场,故选D。 (5)句意:公司建造发电厂制作电来运行机器,工厂和城市。A金属,B水,C电,D油,根据power plants,可知是电,故选C。 (6)句意: 人们没有意识到这些活动对地球的伤害。A帮助,B伤害,C浪费,D丢失,根据,故选B。 (7)句意: 他们

16、没有意识到石油、天然气、煤炭和矿产正在迅速枯竭。A清晰地,B几乎不,C迅速地,D慢地,根据 were being used up ,可知是副词修饰动词,此处表示用完的速度之快,故选C。 (8)句意:随着城市变得更大,遍布大地,植物和动物开始消失。A在之前,B如果,C随着,D尽管,根据 As time passed ,可知是as,故选C。 (9)句意: 随着时间的推移,人们开始看到保护地球及其自然资源的必要性。A忘记,B看到,C记得,D得到,根据 They saw that plants and animals, 可知是saw,故选B。 (10)句意: 人们联合起来告诉世界各地的人们要保护我们的

17、自然资源和,关心地球。A他们,B其他的,修饰名词,C另一个,修饰名词单数,D其他的,不修饰名词,tell后缺少宾语,此处没有名词,根据 around the world 可知全世界修饰others,故选D。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Chinese are very generous (慷慨的) when it comes to educating their children. N

18、ot caring about the 1 , parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad-to England, the USA or Australia. The Chinese 2 that the more expensive the education is, the better it is. 3 parents will spend a lot of money on their childrens education. Even 4 parents will buy a compute

19、r for their son or daughter. Though theyre not rich, they would rather pay for the education. Parents can 5 that their childrens skills are different, skilled (有技能的) in some areas while poor in others. But most 6 fail to realize that the children today need more self-confidence. The problem is that

20、parents are only educating their children on how to 7 tests and how to study well, but they are not teaching them the most important skills that they need. And these skills are important to help them to be 8 , happy and clever. Parents can achieve this 9 teaching their children the skills like cooki

21、ng or doing other housework. Teaching a child to cook will 10 many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking needs patience and time. It is an interesting but difficult experience. A good cook 11 tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish 12 job suc

22、cessfully. His result, a well - cooked dinner, will make him 13 good and give him a lot of self-confidence. Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play 14 , will make him interested and want to know more. He will spend hours studying them and trying to fix th

23、em. Your child might become an engineer when he 15 . These activities are teaching a child not only to study at school, but also to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.1. A. moneyB. educationC. childrenD. power2. A. compareB. believeC. disagreeD. let3. A. OrB. SoC. AndD. But4. A. oldB

24、. richC. youngD. poor5. A. seeB. hopeC. allowD. daughters6. A. sonsB. daughtersC. parentsD. friend7. A. discussB. passC. giveD. friend8. A. educationalB. differentC. sadD. confident9. A. beforeB. byC. ofD. to10. A. improveB. chooseC. missD. make11. A. sometimesB. anytimeC. neverD. always12. A. myB.

25、hisC. herD. your13. A. soundB. lookC. feelD. thought14. A. withB. forC. againstD. as15. A. wakes upB. grows upC. shows upD. stands up【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)B;(4)D;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)D;(9)B;(10)A;(11)D;(12)B;(13)C;(14)A;(15)B; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:中国人对于孩子们的教育是慷慨的,他们认为花钱越多孩子们的成绩越好。家长会把孩子送到最好的学校,甚至国外。但是教给孩子生活技能对未来生活

26、更为重要。 (1)句意:不考虑钱的问题,父母经常送他们的孩子去最好的学校,甚至国外,去英国,去美国,去澳大利亚。A.钱;B.教育;C.孩子们;D.力量。根据 Chinese are very generous (慷慨的) when it comes to educating their children. 可知家长对孩子们的教育是慷慨的,不会考虑钱的问题,故答案是A。 (2)句意:中国人相信教育越贵越好。A.比较;B.相信;C.不同意;D.让。根据 parents will spend a lot of money on their childrens education. Even4pare

27、nts will buy a computer for their son or daughter. Though theyre not rich, they would rather pay for the education. 可知,中国人相信教育花的钱越多越好,故答案是B。 (3)句意:因此父母们会在孩子们的教育上花很多钱。A.或者;B.因此;C.和;D.但是,根据 The Chinese2that the more expensive the education is, the better it is. 可知中国人相信对教育上的投入越大效果越好,因此他们在孩子的教育上花很多钱,故答案

28、是B。 (4)句意:甚至贫穷的家长会给孩子们买电脑。A.老的;B.富裕的;C.年轻的;D.贫穷的,根据 hough theyre not rich, they would rather pay for the education. 可知甚至贫穷的家长会给孩子们买电脑,故答案是D。 (5)句意:父母们可以看到他们孩子的能力是不一样的,在某些方面有技能,而在另一方面则很差。A.看见;B.希望;C.允许;D.女儿们,孩子们能力的大小是能够看得出来的,故答案是A。 (6)句意:但是大多数的父母们没有意识到现在的孩子需要更多的自信。A.儿子们;B.女儿们;C.父母们;D.朋友,根据 he problem

29、 is that parents are only educating their children on how to7tests and how to study well, but they are not teaching them the most important skills that they need. And these skills are important to help them to be8, happy and clever. 可知家长们不知道自信在教育孩子的时候的重要性,故答案是C。 (7)句意:问题就是父母们只在如何通过考试,如何学得好上教育,但是不交给他

30、们所需要的最重要的技能。A.讨论;B.通过;C.给;D.朋友,pass the exam,固定短语,故答案是B。 (8)句意:这些技能在帮着孩子们的自信、快乐和聪明上至关重要。A.教育的;B.不同的;C.伤心的;D.有信心的,根据 But most6fail to realize that the children today need more self-confidence 可知技能对于孩子们的信心很有帮助作用,故答案是D。 (9)句意:家长可以通过教给孩子们想做饭和其他的家务活来实现这一点。A.在之前B.通过;C.的;D.表示会动作的方向,根据根据文章内容可知教给孩子们这些技能是提高孩子

31、们信心的方法和手段通过某种方式应使用介词by,故答案是B。 (10)句意:教给孩子们做饭将会提高以后生活中的许多技能。A.提高;B.选择;C.失去;D.制造,根据下文的描述可知,学会了做饭对提高孩子技能上的帮助,故答案是A。 (11)句意:一个好的厨师总是尽力提高他们的厨艺。A.有时;B.任何时候;C.从不;D.总是,根据下文的叙述可知厨师一直在提高自己的厨艺的,故答案是D。 (12)句意:因此,他将努力学习,逐步成功地完成他的工作。A.我的;B.他的;C.她的;D.你的,本句话说的是好的厨师,因此使用形容词性物主代词his。故答案是B。 (13)句意:他的成绩一顿精心准备的晚餐,将会使他感觉不错并且给他自信。A.听起来;B.看起来;C.感觉到;D.尽管,根据宾语him可知这里指的是厨师,所以应该是他内心的感受不错,故答案是C。 (14)句意:一些旧的机器,比如你给你孩子玩的坏收音机或者电视机。play with玩,固定搭配,故答案是A。 (15)句意:当他长大时,

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