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1、五年级34单元教案第二单元 第13课学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题Lesson13:Beijing is Great课 型新授课目 标可以读、写、说出并且听懂“U.K.”,能用英语向他人介绍有关英国的知识。重 点能用英语向其他人简单介绍英国这个国家难 点培养运用语言进行交际的能力,了解中西文化的差异。 教 学 过 程(第一课时)二次备课教师活动:.Leading the new lesson.1,出示世界地图指着美国问Whats this country? (The United States)What country is north of the United States)(

2、Canada)What do we speak in America?(American)Can you talk about the USs flag?(Its red and blue)2,指着加拿大地图问Whats this country? (Canada.)Can you describe Canadas flag? (Canadas flag is red andWhite. It has a leaf.).Teaching the new lesson.1.教师出示的相关图片,学生以小组的形式,从以下几方面进行资料总结,教师可以进行简单的提示。2.出示“China、 Canada

3、、 the U.S.、 the U.K.”这几个国家的国旗。T: Do you know which countrys flag this is?(指着英国国旗)S: 英国。 3. T: U.K. is short for the United Kingdom. Look at the map. Who can point to the U.K.?4. 根据讨论、看地图汇报 Do you know the capital city of the U.K.? What do they speak in the U.K.?学生活动Answer my questionsTo talk about t

4、he United StatesLook at the screen and answer my questions.What is the famous waterfall in Canada?(Niagara Falls.)Whats the mountains name in Canada?(Rock Mountains).根据讨论、看地图汇报第二单元 第14课学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题Lesson14:May I go to Beijing课 型新授课目 标可以学生读、写、说出并听懂Australia,表达自己对这个国家的认识和了解重 点掌握课文基本句型及单词难 点对所

5、学的内容,摆脱书本限制,使语言得到灵活的运用。 教 学 过 程二次备课教师活动:.Leading the new lesson.1, Class Opening and Review What country is this? What do they speak in this country? 2. 做“Simon Says”游戏以复习north, south, east, west, map以及全班学生已经学会了的国家的名称。.Teaching the new lesson.1.教师出示的相关图片,学生以小组的形式,Australia的地理位置:(Australia的西部、北部是哪些国家

6、) 小组学习,老师指导。Step 2:Report1、 Australia的地理位置。where is Australia?2、 Australia的首都。Do you know the capital city of Australia?Step 3:为学生介绍一下.PracticePlay a game .Make a conclusion.Talk about Australia in their own words.学生活动Answer my questions小组学习 新知识做“Simon Says”游戏以复习north, south, east, west, map以及全班学生已经

7、学会了的国家的名称。Look at the screen and answer my questions.每个小组派一名代表抓一个球,抓到哪个国家就为大家介绍这个国家第一单元 第15课学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题Lesson 15: May I invite Danny & Jenny课 型新授课目 标能够认识地图以及从图上指出本单元一些基本的国家重 点培养学生理解听到的指令并作出相应的肢体动作的能力。难 点用英语表达国家间地理位置 教 学 过 程二次备课教师活动:.Leading the new lesson.Review the content we learn last c

8、lass.Whats this?What country is this?.Teaching the new lesson.一、Class Opening and ReviewGreetings RevisionWhats this?What country is this?North is up. Where is west?(1)Who do you think these characters are?(2)Are they part of Maddys family?(3) Where do they live?a. Maddy speaks Chinese.( ) b. Maddy

9、likes to reading books.( )c. Maddyaunt lives in Australia. ( )B. discussionaMaddy is older or younger than her uncle?b. Where does Maddys cousin live?c. What do the students think a “photograph” is?d. Did you like the story? Why or why not?Talk about the students photographs三、Class ClosingMaddys Fam

10、ily PhotographsaMaddy is older or younger than her uncle?b. Where does Maddys cousin live?c. What do the students think a “photograph” is?.Make a conclusion.Review the content we learn this unit.学生活动North is up. Where is west?What country is east of China?What do they speak in this country?Review th

11、e content we learn this unit.To do the quiz together.Use the quiz in the student book as review.Look at the screen and answer my questions.第二单元 第16课学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题Lesson 16 How can we go to Beijing课 型新授课目 标能够认识地图以及从图上指出本单元一些基本的国家重 点培养学生理解听到的指令并作出相应的肢体动作的能力。难 点用英语表达国家间地理位置 教 学 过 程二次备课教师活动:.Lead

12、ing the new lesson.Review the content we learn last class.Whats this?What country is this?.Teaching the new lesson.Step one: Class Opening and ReviewGreetingsListen. Answer the questions.What is it?What is the capital city of China?What do we speak in china ?Where is the U.S.?What do they speak in t

13、he U.S.?Work in pairs: point to the countries you know on a map of the world. Talk about these countries with your friends.Make a conclusion.Review the content we learn this the game of“Simon Says” to review the word of north, south, east, west and mapWhat country is this?Step two: Practic

14、eGroup work: divide the students in group of five, discuss then finish the form. Do the activity book No.2 and No.3 to practice the students listening skills.Listen. Answer the questions.Work in pairs: point to the countries you know on a map of the world. Talk about these countries with your friend

15、s.Make a conclusion.Review the content we learn this unit.Answer my questionsReview the content we learn this unit.Play the game “Travel”Group work: divide the students in group of five, discuss then 第三单元 第17课学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题Lesson17 The travel plan课 型新授课目 标能够运用本课句型I want to go to _.I want_(som

16、ebody)to come.进行简单对话。重 点四会单词Beijing, hotel, trip的学习及掌握难 点Come and go的理解和运用. 教 学 过 程二次备课.Leading the new lesson.Whats this?What country is this?.Teaching the new lesson.一、Class Opening and ReviewGreetingsRevision Where do they live?Listen to the audiotape, readDiscussT: Where do you eat?(A restaurant

17、)T: What is the capital city of China? (Beijing).I live in a housean apartment.B: Do you have a house in _(目的地)?A: No! I go to a hotel! Here I go !I am going on a trip to_!与学生一起讨论有关北京的图片.他们最喜欢什么?谁曾到过北京?(the Palace MuseumTian an men Squarehotel) play a game : Come here Go there 请同学们打开书,边听录音边找出表示地点的词汇

18、。.Make a conclusion.Answer my questionsReview the content we learn this unit.Play the game “where in the world?” To review vocabulary about countries of the world.Open their books and find the place I told them.第三单元 第18课学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题Lesson 18: Billy Bee课 型新授课目 标使学生掌握重要的句型重 点正确地说、读、写、用难 点使学生能

19、练习用口头表达自己的想法和意愿 教 学 过 程二次备课.Leading the new lesson.Li Ming loves to go on a trip.Where does he want to go?Ask a student to answer my queation and tell us why Beijing is great.Teaching the new lesson.What can we do in Beijing?What do you want to do in Beijing?Teach the sentence structures:.PracticeAs

20、k two students to practice the dialogue in front of the blackboard.Make a conclusion.Answer my questionPlay the game “where in the world?” To review vocabulary about countries of the world.May I _? Yes, you may .No, you may not.第三单元 学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题 Again Please课 型新授课目 标掌握下列单词:come, go ,invite,

21、 leave for, arrive in重 点a.May I invite _? b. This is _. c. When do you leave/ arrive?难 点本单元复习 教 学 过 程二次备课.Leading the new lesson.Greeting with the students.Sing the song head,shoulder, knees, toes.Teaching the new lesson.Do you want to go to Beijing?If you want to go to somewhere interesting,who wil

22、l you invite?Who will you go with?Your friend? Your father or mother?Today,lets see who will Li Ming invite to go to Beijing together?1. Introduce: Explain the new words “invite” use a word card.2. Practice: Ask the students to practice the dialogue. (About “come” and “go”.).PracticeRoleplay: Check

23、the students, give the good ones praise.(通过角色扮演或分角色朗读课文,让学生体验中西方打电话中语言的区别,及朗读的能力。)To recite the text. (Practice in the groups of four.).Make a conclusion.Sing the song and do the actions happily.Lead the students to review what we learnt last class.Note “leave” and “arrive”. Can anyone guess what th

24、ey mean?Roleplay: Check the students, give the good ones praise第四单元 第 19课学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题Lesson19 Meet Li Mings family课 型新授课目 标能听、说、读、写this,that,these,those这些词汇。重 点培养他们合作学习的意识和自我解决问题的能力难 点本课的四个指示代词this、that、these、those. 教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1 : Class opening and Review 1) Greeting 2) Review Use a pi

25、cture-prompt drill to review “ bathroom , kitchen , living room , bedroom . ” Does this go in a . ? Step 2 Presentation and practice 一、Teach the words : bathtub, shower , toilet . Read one by one Play “ point ” game 二、Demonstrate “ mine ” and “ yours ”and practice 1、 T : (Hold up my pencil ) This is

26、 my pencil. This is my pencil. Its mine. Where is your pencil? 2、Ask the students to practice in pairs . This is mine. That is yours. 三、Teach the text 1、Listen to the tape to No.1 2、Ask the students to guess the meaning of “ dirty ”and “ wash ” . Then explain : 3、Ask them to read the text . 4、Role-p

27、lay the dialogue . Show pictures of objects that belong in each room and ask questions Listen and draw the pictures. Then, color the pictures.Note that Danny says hes “ dirty ” at the beginning of the song and “ clean ”at the end of the song . What does “clean” mean ?第四单元 第 20课学 科英语年(班)级五年级执 教王彤课 题L

28、esson 20 The Spring Festival is coming课 型新授课目 标packing my/your/his/her suitcaseDont forget_. 重 点Make up a dialogue about packing a suitcase难 点packing my/your/his/her suitcaseDont forget_. 教 学 过 程二次备课Step1 : Class opening and reviewSuggestions for class openingSing “in the bathroom” Suggestions for c

29、lass reviewReview locations and the structure “lets go to the .to ” with an object-prompt drill. When hold up an object, the students substitute a location and activity.Step 2: Key conceptsThis lesson primarily reviews vocabulary and skills from Level 6Step3 : practicePlay “living picture” with number 2 in the student book to reinforce the review vocabulary in this lesson. Ask for volunteers to make a “living room” the vo

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