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1、怎样写英文感谢信精选多篇怎样写英文感谢信(精选多篇) 1.简介感谢信是向对方表达谢意的书信。感谢对方的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待等。主要内容是说明感谢的事由并表示真诚的谢意。2.写作流程及要素说明写作目的说明事由再次表示真诚感谢3.选用语域注意事项表达的感激之情要恰到好处,不要草率,也不要过于夸张。言辞应真挚、得体。建议在结尾尽量表达希望回报对方的愿望,显得更加真诚。4.模板句型首段:thank you so much for.i am writing to express my thanks for.i am writing to extend my sincere/hearty grati

2、tude/appreciation for.i would like to convey in this letter my heartful thanks to you for.i warmly appreciate your hospitality.中间段:thank you very much for the gift you sent me.iis one of the most wonderful gifts i got on my birthday.i am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality acc

3、orded to my delegation and me during our recent visit to your beautiful country.i would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which i found very informative and useful.尾段:thanks again.again,i would like to express my warm thanks to you!please accept my gratitude.thanks again

4、 and i hope that i will have the opportunity to return/repay your kindness.i am looking forward to.5.例文directions:while your family were on vacation,yourfriend cathy looked after your dog, you came back.write a letter to her to show your gratitude.your letter should be no less than 100 word

5、 dont need to write the address.dont sign your own name at the end of the letter;use “li ming”instead.参考范文:dear cathy,i am writing to express our heartfelt thanks for your taking good care of smart while we were on vacation.he was such a happy dog when we got home.we knew he must have had lots

6、of loving attention.when we picked him up from the kennel in your home he would whimper and carryon for not only saved us some money,but also spared us the worry about him while we were away.your kind help is very appreciated,not only by smart,but also by our whole family.please accept our

7、 thanks again.yours sincerely,li ming怎样写感谢信怎样写感谢信概念解说感谢信是一种礼仪文书,用于商务活动中的许多非协议的合同中,一方受惠于另一方,应及时地表达谢忱,使对方在付出劳动后得到心理上的收益,它是一种不可少的公关手段。格式内容感谢信的写作格式是书信体。写作时应篇幅短,中文200字左右即可;对收信人为自己做的好事了然于胸,不要忘了什么;把对方给你带来的好处都写清楚,不要含糊其词;表示感谢的话要合乎商家往来的习惯,语气不应过于卑屈。谢意之外,如果允许别人什么应切实可行,能说到做到。范例参考感谢信xxxx电缆有限公司于xx年x月x口在南京举行隆重开业典礼,


9、多用于综述、会议报告等。该类摘要可用于帮助潜在的读者来决定是否需要阅读全文。报道-指示性摘要:以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分,以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分。传统的摘要多为一段式,在内容上大致包括引言,材料与方法,结果和讨论等主要方面,即imrad结构的写作模式。20世纪80年代中期出现了另一种摘要文体,即“结构式摘要”,该摘要实质上是报道性摘要的结构化表达。写摘要的注意事项1 摘要主要讲述本论文的要点。2 结论写完以后再写摘要.3 摘要给人第一口苹果的品尝效果.4 审稿人一般用15分钟看摘要和引言.如果第一印象不好,他/她会去寻找理由建议主编退稿. 5 摘要的读者面比论

10、文全文的读者面大得多。6 不要用第一人称。写摘要的顺序第一句话: 讲一下你这篇文章的研究意义第二句话: 以 to eluicdatie the mechanism., to investigate. ,或者for the purpose of .开头来讲述你这样研究的目的。第三句话:. was carried out . with .treatment. 讲述你研究的内容,研究的方法, 第四句话: the resulted showed that ., 讲述你这样研究得出的主要研究结果。第五句话: the result of the present work implied that. 讲述由

11、你的研究结果得出的结论。 另外,在摘要中不要用到参考文献,如果一定要用的话,那么一定要讲全部的细节写出来。要始终记住一点,abstract 是一个独立的部分,换句话说,别人不看你的文章,只看你的abstract 就能了解你的研究工作英文文摘写作及参考文献引用技巧目的 主要说明作者写作此文的目的或本文主要解决的问题。一篇好的英文摘要,一开头就应该把作者写作本文的目的或要解决的主要问题交待清楚,且要极其简练。应避免在摘要的第一句话重复使用题目或题目的一部分。过程与方法 在英文摘要中,过程与方法的阐述起着承前启后的作用。它们主要说明作者主要工作过程及所用的方法,也应包括众多的边界条件、使用的主要设备

12、和仪器。可以结合论文中的公式、实验框图等来进行阐述,这样既可以给读者一个清晰的思路,又给那些看不懂中文的英文读者一种可信的感觉。结果和结论 代表着文章的主要成就和贡献。论文有没有价值,值不值得读者阅读,主要取决于你所获得的结果和所得出的结论。因此,在写作结果和结论部分时,一般都要尽量结合实验结果或仿真结果的图、表、曲线等加以说明,使结论部分言之有物,有根有据;如有可能,在结尾部分还可以将论文的结果和他人最新的研究结果进行比较,以突出论文的主要贡献和创新、独到之处。怎样写英文电子邮件?一、文法上1、切忌主客不分或模糊例子: deciding to rescind the earlier esti

13、mate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for new equipment.”应改为:deciding to rescind our earlier estimate, we have updated our report to include $40,000 for new equipment. 2、句子不要凌碎例子: he decided not to audit the last ten contracts. because of our previous objections about compliance. 应该连在一起.3、

14、结构对称,令人容易理解.例子: the owner questioned the occupants lease intentions and the fact that the contract had been altered with ink markings.应改为: the owner questioned the occupants lease intentions and ink alterations of the contract.4.单众数不要搞乱,不然会好刺眼,看不舒服.例如: an authorized person must show that they have s

15、ecurity clearance.5.动词主词要呼应. 想想这两个分别:1).this is one of the public-relations functions that is underbudgeted.2). this is one of the public-relations functions, which are underbudgeted.6.时态和语气不要转变太多.看商务英语已经是苦事,不要浪费人家的精力啊.7.标点要准确.例如: he did not make repairs, however, he continued to monitor the equipme

16、nt.改为: he did not make repairs; however, he continued to monitor the equipment.8.选词正确. 好像affect和effect, operative和operational等等就要弄清楚才好用啦.9.拼字正确. 有计算机拼字检查功能后,就更加不能偷懒.10.大小写要注意.非必要不要整个字都是大写,除非要骂人例如: must change to os immediately. 外国人就觉得不礼貌和喝令人一样. 要强调的话,用底线,斜字,粗体就可以了.二、 写信提示1.人家的名字千万不要错.老一辈的看到名字错就干脆撵去垃

17、圾桶. 同样, 头衔都不要错. 头衔或学位,任择其一吧.以下是一样的: howard e. wyatt, d.d.sphd. dr. howard e. hyatt2.多过一个男人,用messrs,就是misters的意思,不过不要跟名字,跟姓就行啦.例如: messrs. smith, wyatt, and fury 。女人呢? 用mesdames, mmes., or mses. 同样不要跟名字. 例子: mses. farb, lionel, and gray 。男女一齐呢? 弄清楚称呼就行.例如: dr. and mrs. haroldwright ;mr. harold wright

18、 and dr. margaret wright ;mr. and mrs. harvey adams-quinn 。3.有人有自己头衔就要跟紧,例如有人有荣誉学位就不喜欢用一般的头衔啊有时大头不知道对方头衔,干脆用ms.算了. ms. sarah gray4.处名时,职衔短可以一行过,长就下一行吧.例如:ken green, president ken green vice president of international operations但这个就显得有点。:ken green vice president of unicom china正确应为:ken green vice pre

19、sident, unicom china5.老外的名字有时有jr. 或 sr.,之前的逗点是随你喜欢的,以下都是正确,不要笑人:michael j. smith, jr. michael j. smith sr.6.外国国名尽量用大写.是为尊重,也方便邮差叔叔.7.127 ninth avenue, north127 e. 15 street5 park avenueone wingren plaza556 - 91 street三、其他内容从问候开始用问候语开始邮件内容非常重要,例如”dear lillian,”。根据你与收件人的关系亲近与否,你可能选择使用他们的姓氏来称呼他们而不是直呼其名

20、,例如”dear mrs. price,”。如果关系比较亲密的话,你就可以说,”hi kelly,”如果你和公司联系,而不是个人,你就可以写”to whom it may concern:”感谢收件人如果你在回复客户的询问,你应该以感谢开头。例如,如果有客户想了解你的公司,你就可以说,”thank you for contacting abc company.”如果此人已经回复过你的一封邮件了,那就一定要说,”thank you for your prompt reply.”或是”thanks for getting back to me.”如果你可以找到任何机会那一定要谢谢收信人。这样对方就

21、会感到比较舒服,而且显得更礼貌。表明你的意图然后,如果是你主动写电子邮件给别人的话,那就不可能再写什么感谢的字句了。那就以你写此邮件的目的开头。例如,”i am writing to enquire about ”或是”i am writing in reference to ”在电子邮件开头澄清你的来意非常重要,这样才能更好的引出邮件的主要内容。记得要注意语法,拼写和标点符号,保持句子简短明了并句意前后一致。结束语在你结束邮件之前,再次感谢收信人并加上些礼貌语结尾。你可以”thank you for your patience and cooperation.”或”thank you for

22、 your consideration.”开始接着写,”if you have any questions or concerns, dont hesitate to let me know.” 及”i look forward to hearing from you.”结束最后是写上合适的结尾并附上你的名字。”best regards,” “sincerely,”及”thank you,”都很规范化。最好不要用”best wishes,”或”cheers,”类的词因为这些词都常用在非正式的私人邮件中。最后,在你发送邮件之前,最好再读一遍你的内容并检查其中有没有任何的拼写错误,这样就能保证你发

23、出的是一封真正完美的邮件!许多求职者都认为一份漂亮的简历是求职成功的必备条件,而忽视了求职信 “画龙点睛”的妙用,到底什么是求职信,应该怎样写?一起来学习一下吧!if you apply for a job position with a foreign company, chances are you will be asked to provide an english cover letter along with your resume. 如果你申请一家外企的职位,那么你很有可能需要在提交简历的同时附上一封英文求职信。but what exactly is a cover letter

24、? how long should it be? and most importantly, what should you write about?但是求职信到底是什么?篇幅多长?最重要的是,应该写些什么呢?a cover letter, or motivation letter, is almost a standard requirement when applying for international jobs. in brief, it is a letter introducing yourself as a person and explaining why you are a

25、pplying for the position. but there is more to writing a good cover letter.申请外企工作时,求职信几乎已经成为一条标准规定了。简而言之,求职信就是一封介绍个人情况、阐述你申请该职位理由的信件。但是想要写出一封精彩的求职信远没有这么简单。usually a cover letter should be one page in length, including the senders and the recipients address, which should be placed at the top of the p

26、age. under this, write a short header in bold print to inform the reader what the letter is about. for example, “internship opportunity at haier group”. if you are sending an e-mail, put this information in the subject box.通常,求职信的长度应为一页纸,其中页面上方应注明寄信人以及收信人的地址。地址下方,应用粗体短标题来告知读信人这封信的主要内容,例如:“申请海尔集团的实习机

27、会”。如果你使用电子邮件的话,可以将这一信息作为邮件主题。next, address the employer by name if you know the contact person. otherwise it is acceptable to use “dear hiring manager”. in the first paragraph you should then say what position you are applying for and how you found out about it.接下来,如果你知道公司联系人,可以写上对方姓名。反之,也可以用“尊敬的招聘经

28、理”来称呼对方。在第一段中你需要说明自己所申请的职位,以及你对该职位的见解。in the next few paragraphs explain in detail why you believe yourself to be a suitable candidate for the position. the aim of the cover letter is to encourage the reader to look at your resume, so be confident but try to avoid repeating the same information that

29、 is already in your resume. 在接下来的几段中,你需要详细阐释你认为自己胜任该职位的原因。求职信的主要目的在于激起读信人的兴趣去翻阅你的简历,所以要充满自信,同时也应该尽量避免反复提及简历中的已有信息。it is very important to tailor your cover letter to the position you are applying for. read through the job description carefully and explain why you meet its requirements.写求职信时,根据所申请的职位

30、来“量体裁衣”也是十分重要的一点。仔细阅读职位描述,然后给出自己可以胜任这份工作的理由。it is best to provide concrete examples of where you learnt the skills necessary for the job, so include some information from your work experience and studies.最好能列出具体事例来证明你从何处学到了这项工作所需要具备的技能。因此,要包含一些有关学习及工作经历的信息。dont lie, as hr managers can easily assess

31、whether you are saying the truth or not. also, remember that if you are invited for an interview, you will most likely be asked questions about your previous experience, so think of good examples that demonstrate your skills, such as teamwork or problem solving. this is where you can really stand out from other applicants.不要撒谎,人事经理们能轻而易举地判断你所言是否属实。同时切记,如果你被通知参加面试,你极可能会被问及之前的经历。因此,想出一些能充分证明你能力的

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