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导学案人教版七年级下册英语导学案 unit10导学案5课时.docx

1、导学案人教版七年级下册英语 导学案 unit10导学案5课时Unit 10 Id like some noodles.第1课时 教师寄语:You cant judge a tree by its bark. 人不可貌相。学习目标:1.学习词汇:noodles, beef, chicken, mutton, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, would like etc.2. 学习怎样用英语点餐和情态动词would用法3.能够听懂听力内容,完成任务。学习重难点: 能够正确使用英语点餐的句型:-What kind of noodles would you like? - I

2、d like the beef noodles, please.课前储备:领悟基础知识我能行英译汉:noodles beef mutton chicken cabbage potatoes tomatoes carrots vegetables special would like a large bowl of what kind of beef and tomato noodles 自主学习:Task1,独立完成1a图文配对。Task2.两人小组联系文中对话并理解。Task3.各小组仿照例句就special 2. special3编写自己的对话。Task4.听录音,完成2a.2b.合作探究

3、:1,1a中的名词中属于可数名词的是:_属于不可数名词的是_2,说话练习:- What would you like? - Id like beef noodles,please.-What kind of noodles would you like? - Id like the beef noodles, please.注:1,would like的用法(1):would like 意为想要,愿意,相当于want,用于提出要求或建议;但语气比want委婉,一般有一下三种形式:would like sth. 想要某物 如:我想要些冰淇淋。I would like some ice cream

4、. would like to do sth. 想要干某事 如:我想要和你一起去。I would like to go with you. would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 如:我想要她去接你。I would like her to meet you. 注意:would like 中的would 在句中经常和前面的主语缩写成d, 如 Id = I would, Youd = You would, Hed = He would.2, What kind of ? would you like? 你想要? 本句是特殊疑问句,用来询问某人想要什么种类的东西,经常用W

5、hat kind of + 名词+ would you like? EG:-What kind of noodles would you like? -Beef and tomato noodles, please. 展示反馈1、小组互展:对话中使用句型是否正确,听力填入空格中的单词是否准确。2、全班大展。自我反思小结:_达标训练: 基本题型我过关一、 英汉互译 1. 想要 _ 2. what kind of _ 3. 特色菜 _ 4. 牛肉西红柿面 _ 5. noodle(复数)_ 6. tomato(复数) _ 7. Hed(完全形式) _ 8. potato(复数)_9. Id(完全形式

6、)_ 10. would like_二、按要求改写句子。1. Id like some beef.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ beef?2. Those boys want four large bowls of rice.(改为同义句) Those boys _ _ four large bowls of rice.3. Mary would like tomato and egg noodles.(对画线部分提问)_ _ of noodles would Mary like?4.Anna would like a small bowl of rice (对划线部分提问)_5. 你想

7、去看电影吗?_ you like _ _ to the movies?6. 你喜欢鸡肉还是羊肉? Do you like _ or _?Unit 10第2课时Section A 2d-3d教师寄语:You cant judge a tree by its bark. 人不可貌相。学习目标:1、与食物相关的各种词汇,;2、总结归纳并学会运用Section A部分知识重点;3、能分辨并正确使用可数名词及不可数名词。学习重难点:点餐时常用的句型和不定代词some和any的用法。What kind of dumplings would you like? Id like.课前储备:英汉互译:1. 两碗

8、米饭_2,一些鸡肉_3. beef and tomato noodles _4. Id like some noodles . _5. a small bowl of noodles._ 6.一大碗牛肉汤_7. chicken, potato and cabbage noodles _8,_热身练习:- What would you like? - Id like .-What kind of would you like? - Id like .自主学习:Task1.自学Role-play,回答问题: a) What would Sally and Tom like to eat? _ b)

9、 How many bowl of soup would Sally and Tom like to have? _ c) What size would they like? _Task2.完成3a-3c的任务合作探究:根据Grammar Focus, 梳理总结Section A部分知识重点;would like的用法(2)一般疑问句与特殊疑问句:句式一:陈述句变一般疑问句,把情态动词移到句首, I 变为you。eg: I would like some milk. Would you like some milk? 注意:其中的some 没有变成 any 是因为句子表达的是“要求,请求,提

10、供需要”的意思,在这种情况下,句中的some 不需要变成any 句式二:陈述句变成否定句 eg: I would like some milk. I would not like any milk? 变为否定句时,在情态动词后面加not,将some变any.句式三:特殊疑问句(对划线部分提问) I would like some milk? What would you like? 展示反馈:1、小组互展。2、全班大展。自我反思小结:_达标练习:一,根据句意、首字母、汉语提示完成下列句子。1.China is a l_ country with long history. 2.What s_

11、shoes would you like? 3. We often have rice,meat,_(西红柿) for lunch every day.4.They usually _(订购) food and drink in this restaurant.5._(星期四) is the fifth day of a week二,根据汉语完成句子。 1. 你要点什么?_ I _ you _? 2. 你想要多大的短裙?_ _ skirt _ you like? 3. 我想和你一起共进晚餐。I _ _ to have dinner _ you. 4. 我想要一小碗牛肉面。I _ _ a _ b

12、owl of _ noodles.三,根据要求完成下列句子。1. Can I help you? (同义句) _2.Anna would like a small bowl of rice (对划线部分提问) _3. Shed like a medium bag of apples.(对画线部分提问) _ _ bag of apples would she like?Unit 10第3课时教师寄语:One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,缪之千里。学习目标:1、掌握本课词汇:dumpling, porridge, onion, fis

13、h和句型;2、通过听听力,提高听说能力;2学会打电话订购自己喜欢的水饺和饮料。学习重难点:提取听力中的重要信息,会在电话上点餐。课前储备:领悟基础知识我能行写出下列名词的复数形式。 bowl dumpling apples beef leaf child tomato potato strawberry family day story orange photo hero radio zoo policeman man woman 二、复习the Grammar Focus in Section A 注意would like的用法既可数名词与不可数名词的特点。自主学习:1.将图片与词(组)合理

14、搭配,完成1a.2. 用 1a中的食物和饮料练习说话,完成1b任务。-I like dumplings, fish and orange juice.-I dont like onions,green tea or porridge.3.听听力,完成1c order form.4.完成Self check 1合作探究:说话练习,讨论and和or 的用法展示反馈:1、小组互展。看图片与词组合理搭配是否正确;听力内容是否听懂,填写是否正确。2、全班大展。自我反思小结:_达标测练:一、选择题( ) 1. Would you like something to eat? _. Im not hungr

15、y. A. Yes, Id like to B. Yes, Id love to C. No, thanks( ) 2. Do you want a big watermelon(西瓜) or a _ one? A big one, please. A. thin B. small C. heavy( ) 3. He is too hungry and he wants two _. A. bowl of noodles B. bowls of noodles C. bowls of noodle ( ) 4. What _ coat would you like? A medium one.

16、 A. size B. kind C. color( ) 5. Lets do something at the party. What about _? No, Id like _. A. to sing; to dance B. to sing; dancing C. singing; to dance二、句型转换 1.Hed like a large bowl of porridge.(对划线部分提问)_ _ bowl of porridge would he like?2.My father would like beef dumplings.(改为同义句)3.My father _

17、dumplings _ beef.4.3.Can I help you?(改为同义句) _ can I _ _ you? 5.Id like a small orange juice.(改为一般疑问句)5._ you _ a small orange juice?Unit 10第4课时名人名言:One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,缪之千里。学习目标:1、单词及短语:answer, different, cake, candle, candy, idea, around the world, make a wish, blow ou

18、t, good luck, get popular, cut up, bring good luck to. 2、学习2b短文,了解世界各地庆祝生日时的不同饮食文化;3、根据上下文猜测词义,培养学生的语篇分析能力学习重难点: 掌握词汇,了解不同国家的生活饮食习惯。课前储备:写出下列词汇:蔬菜_ 胡萝卜_ 西红柿_ 土豆_卷心菜_ 沙拉_ 水果_ 苹果_梨_ 鱼 _ 香蕉_ 草莓_牛肉_ 羊肉_ 鸡肉_ 鸡蛋 _ 水 _ 橙子 汉堡包_ 面条 将上面的单词分类:Countable noun可数名词:_ Uncountable noun不可数名词:_ Countable and uncountab

19、le noun既是可数名词又是不可数名词:_自主学习:Task1.话题呈现:1,When is your birthday? _2, What do you do on your birthday? _3, Wha do you eat on your birthday? _4, What do people like to eat on their birthday in other countries?_Task2.阅读短文,了解世界各地庆祝生日时的不同饮食文化,完成表格。Task3.尝试回答2c问答任务.合作探究: 小组合作我最棒Task1.阅读2b短文,标画出新词及词组,小组讨论不理解

20、的句子。Task 2.讨论、核对所填问题答案。展示反馈1、读短文。看谁读得又准确又有语感。2、展示2b与2c答案。看那组的答案最恰当。自我小结反馈:_巩固练习: 基本题型我过关一、完成对话。 Waiter:What _ bowl of noodles would you like ?Boy: Id like a large _ of noodles.Waiter:And what _of noodles would you like ?Boy : Id _ chicken ,Potato and cabbage noodles.Waiter: And how _ you ?Girl: Id l

21、ike a _ bowl.Waiter: What kind _ you like ?Girl: Id like beef and tomato _.please. 二用括号内所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Would you like some _ (potato)? -Yes, please.2. Shed like _ (eat) a large bowl of beef noodles.3. Id like some _ (tomato) with eggs for lunch.4. She _ (have) noodles for breakfast every day.5. He w

22、ould like some _(strawberry).6. Do you like _ (carrot noodle)? 7. What size bowl of noodles _ (will) you like?8. Can I help you _ (do) your homework?9. _ (China) food is very popular in the world.10. Would you like _ (some) apples?Unit 10第5课时 Section B 3a-self check学习目标:1本单元重点词汇与语法结构;2.提高学生的阅读能力与自主学

23、习能力;3.巩固提高对本单元所学词汇句型的运用能力。学习重难点:为自己的餐馆设计菜单并撰写广告,在语境中运用本单元所学重点语言结构与词汇。课前储备: 领悟基础知识我能行重点句型:1.- What would you like? - Id like . 2,-What kind of would you like? - Id like . and.英汉互译:around the world_ make a wish,_blow out_ good luck,_get popular_ cut up_bring good luck to_ 实现_长生的象征_ 生日蛋糕_长面_ 一次性地_自主学习: 掌握基本技能我最棒学习3a-3cTask1.独立完成3a短文。并读顺句子,理解内容。Task 2.试想一下,你有一家餐馆,请写出餐馆有的食物和位置。Task3.参照所给句型结构试给你的餐馆写一则广告。合作探究:小组合作我最棒1.3a中的疑难问题小组交流解决。2.3c写作,组内探究交流写作方法。进行写作。展示反馈1读3a短文。看谁读得又准确又有语感。2.小组互展:选出组内好作文。3.班内大展:看谁写的最出色。质疑问难你还有什么地方不懂?_课后反思小结:_

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