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1、第二学期初三第二次模拟考试第二学期初三第二次模拟考试英 语、考生须知:1全卷满分为120分;考试时间100分钟。试卷9页;7大题;72小题。 2本卷答案必须做在答卷I、答卷II的相应位置上;做在试卷上无效。3请用钢笔或圆珠笔将姓名填写在答卷I、答卷II的相应位置上。温馨提示:请仔细审题;细心答题;带*号的词可在后面的小词典里查阅。相信你一定会有出色的表现! 卷 一说明:本卷有4大题;共80分一、听力(本题有15小题;第一节每小题1分;第二、三节每小题2分;共25分)第一节:听对话;选择图片。(5分)( )1. How many people are there in the photo?( )

2、2. Who wants to learn to search the Internet?( )3.What does the woman want?( )4. How did Uncle Sam go?( )5.What are they talking about?第二节:听小对话;回答问题。(10分)( )6. What did the woman do yesterday evening?A. Visited Shanghai. B. Watched TV. C. Packed the bags.( )7. What time is it now?A. 8:45 B. 8:15 C.

3、8:30( )8. Who went to London last Saturday?A. Marry B. Ted C. Susan( )9. Why is Lucy crying?A. Shes crying. B. She hit the tree. C. Her father hit the tree.( )10.Why was the man late?A. He didnt catch the early bus.B. The bus was broken on the way.C. The taxi was broken on the way.第三节:听长对话;完成信息表。(10

4、分)Name:11How long:12English-speaking countries visited:13When:14Why:15( )11.A. Jim B. Tom C. Mike( )12. A. 13years B.3 years C. 3 months( )13.A. England B. America C. New York( )14. A. 13 years old B.3 months old C. 30 years old ( )15. A. To improve English. B. To travel. C. To live in America.第二部分

5、笔试部分二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分)( )16.-Mike; whats on the desk?-Cant you see? Theres _ apple on it.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )17. -Tom; Mary cant sharpen the pencil. Can you give _ a hand? -Certainly!A. she B. her C. hers D. his( )18. -_ day it is! -Lets go out and enjoy the sunshine!A. What a lovely B. How wi

6、ndy C. What a rainy D. How wet( )19. -My watch _. -Dont worry. Lets go to the Lost and Found.A. is lost B. is broken C. has found D. has stopped( )20. Will you pass me todays newspaper? - _.A. Yes; please B. Here you are C. You are welcome D. Not at all( )21. -Is Peter at home today? -No. he is at s

7、chool_ he has a bad cold.A. because B. if C. though D. until( )22. Which is _ to learn; fishing or swimming?A. easy B. easier C. the easiest D. more easier( )23. -Dont do that again; please. -_.A. No; I dont. B. Sorry; I wont C. Yes; I mustnt D. No; I cant do it again.( )24. China joined the WTO _ D

8、ecember 11; 2001.A. in B. on C. at D. from( )25.-Where is Mr Brown? -Over there. He _ the flowers.A. water B. watered C. waters D. is watering( )26. Excuse me; could you tell me _?A. the word mean what B. what does the word meanC. what the word means D. what the word meant( )27. -Where do you work?-

9、In a big hospital and there are _ doctors and nurses. A. thousand B. two thousand C. two thousands D. two thousands of ( )28 -Where are the boys playing? -_.A. After school B. Under the tree C. On Sunday D. To the park( )29. Next year many trees _ here and it will be a big green area.A. plant B. are

10、 planted C. will plant D. will be planted( )30 Would you please go and ask the waiter how much the meal _ ? A. costs B. spends C. pays D. takes一、完形填空(共小题;每小题1分;满分分)I have spent years of life traveling all over the world. When I arrive in a new country or city; usually I am very 31 and go to bed earl

11、y. For this 32 my first day or night in any new place is quiet and very little happens. 33 my first night in Algeciras was very different.At that time Algecras in southern Spain was a 34 and badly looked-after city. I arrived late in the evening by 35 . As soon as I got off a small boat; I went to l

12、ook for a 36 . I found a small hotel not far from the boat. This hotel looked dirty and untidy from outside. But I was very tired and did not know my 37 around the city of Alegeciras. And so I decided to stay in this small hotel. I also decided to stay in this hotel for another reason. The 38 was fu

13、ll and it was a clear; 39 night. From the hotel I could 40 the sea.The hotel had a narrow 41 and no name. When I went through this doorway; I had to climb up *narrow and dark *stairs to the first floor. I 42 a small cupboard with desk in front of it. This was the hotel office.An untidy and tired wom

14、an was sitting beside the desk. When I said I wanted a room for the night; she took me 43 some more stairs to a room on the second floor. Inside this room the owner of this hotel was sitting playing cards with some friends. He was 44 his game of cards so he said; “ 45 ” and turned back to his game.(

15、 )31. A. frightened B. excited C. tired D. pleased( )32. A. day B. reason C. so D. night( )33. A. So B. Because C. And D. But( )34. A. dirty B. clean C. well D. good( )35. A. bus B. boat C. plane D. train( )36. A. home B. driver C. hotel D. dinner( )37. A. friend B. address C. hotel D. way( )38. A.

16、moon B. sun C. cloud D. star( )39. A. dark B. cloudy C. bright D. sunny( )40. A. look down B. look C. study D. forget( )41. A. bedroom B. doorway C. stairs D. board( )42. A. came to B. picked up C. painted D. ran away( )43. A. over B. down C. up D. under( )44. A. tired of B. enjoying C. throwing D.

17、buying( )45. A. Five Room B. fifth room C. Fifth Room D. Room Five四、阅读理解(共小题;每小题分;满分分)AMENUFoodHamburger $3.50Hot dog $2.85Turkey $4.05Bread and butter $3.10Egg sandwich $3.60Beef sandwich $3.80Vegetable $5.10DrinksCoke small $1.65 large $1.85Orange juice small $1.95 large $2.15Coffee $2.10Tea $2.00

18、DessertsIce-cream $3.05Chocolate $3.10Apple pie $4.15Fresh fruit $3.80( )46. If you have only three dollars; what food can you buy?A. 1 chocolate. B. 1 egg sandwich. C. 1 hot dog. D. 1 apple pie( )47. Jeff order a hamburger; a large cup of juice and two apple pies. How much will he have to pay?A. $1

19、3.95 B. $13.75 C. $13.65 D. $9.08BTHE Acronym; our student newspaper; reports that the *average student goes to sleep at 1:30 am. Even if thats an *exaggeration; its too close to the *truth. Scientists say teens should sleep nine hours each night. But thats hard to do. Some even pull all-nighters. T

20、hese are lazy students who have to finish their homework. In the morning they dont look healthy and you can tell whos been doing it. One of my classmates did a survey on the *issue. She found that most kids pull all-nighters to finish homework; but some do it for other reasons; such as playing compu

21、ter games! Maybe our *lack of sleep is because of laziness - I think Im a fairly lazy student -or maybe its because we have too much to do in American high schools. I usually go to bed around midnight. If I stayed up past 1:30 am; I wouldnt get any work done. Id be falling asleep at my computer. My

22、classes begin at 7:30 am. Im *partly awake in my first class. By the second; Im *slightly *drowsy. By my third class; Im sleepy. By midday Im finally wide-awake. But by 3:00 pm; Im slowing down again. Yet I get more sleep than the Acronyms average student. Most American high schools seem to have a s

23、imilar problem with sleepy students. High school classes start at 7:30 am; so students have to wake up one and a half hours before that to get ready and catch the bus. Its believed that lack of sleep can *damage both *grades and health. Some schools are *paying attention. Classes in those schools st

24、art at 8:30 am.( )48. Whats the problem talked about in the passage?A. Many kids have too much homework to do.B. Many teenagers dont have enough sleep.C. Many children are crazy about playing computer games.D. Many kids are too lazy to finish their homework on time.( )49.What is “Acronym”?A. The nam

25、e of a school B. The writers best friendC. A kind of newspaper. D. A kind of club.( )50. Which of the following is NOT *mentioned in the passage?A. Laziness. B. Homework. C. Housework. D. Computer games.( )51. What may be the best way to solve this problem according to the end? A. Later start of cla

26、sses. B. Less homework.C. Going to bed early. D. Eating healthy food. CFoulsham House is a fine; large house of the 1790sIt stands by the River Byer; in twentyfive *hectares of the best farmland in the southwest The house was built by Smithson; and the story goes back to George; the son of King of W

27、hales; who fell in love with the beautiful Lady Kitty; at one of the first Foulshams wild woods partiesMany years ago many great men rode on the hills about Foulsham House; and many fine girls took tea in the Green Room The house has eight bedrooms; three bathrooms; two livingrooms; and a diningroom

28、 with a real Adam fireplaceIts library has a good *view over the park and the riverAll rooms are bright; with good; high windows; and wood floors At the back of the house there is a room for four carsThe third Foulsham once kept thereIn many other ways; this house of the 1790s meets the needs of the

29、 2000s If you wish to know more about Foulsham House; write to: HarveyPlatt; Longford Son 6; Castle Green; Gilham; Byreside ( )52.Which statement about Foulsham House is true? AIts built in1790.Bmany important people had been to Foulsham House CGeorge and Lady Kitty loved the house and had many part

30、ies here Dthe Green Room is a place for many girls to make tea ( )53The sentence Its library has a good view over the park and the river; means _ AThe park and the river can be seen clearly from the library BThe library has a picture of the park and the river on the wall CThe library was built in the park by the river DBooks about the park and the river can be read in the library ( )54Which of the following is true? AThe 3rd Foulsham often rode his horses at the back of the house BThe house has a room for four cars at the back of the house

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