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1、初中英语数词专项数词讲解专项练习1 数词的讲解一、定义:表示数目或顺序二、分类:分为基数词和序数词两种。表示数目或数量多少的词叫基数词;表示数目顺序的词叫序数词。三、基数词的构成:1)1-12的基数词是独立的单词,即: one ,two ,three ,four ,five ,six ,seven ,eight ,nine ,ten ,eleven ,twelve 。2)13-19的基数词以-teen 结尾。如: fourteen ,seventeen 等,但13,15,18较特殊, 13thirteen, 15fifteen, 18eighteen 。3)20-90的整十位均以-ty 结尾。

2、如: sixty ,ninety ,但20,30,40,50,80较特殊, 20twenty, 30thirty, 40forty, 50fifty, 80eighty 。4)十位数与个位数之间要加连字符号- ,如:28-twenty-eight ,96-ninety-six 。5)百位和十位(若无十位则和个位)之间加and ,如:148one hundred and forty-eight406four hundred and six6)hundred (百),thousand (千),million (百万),billion (十亿)等前面即使有具体的数词,several, some, m

3、any也不能在它们的后面加-s 。如:six hundred, eight million。如果表示不确定数目时,用hundreds of /thousands of /millions of /billions of +名词复数, 前面不能再加数字。7)1000以上的数字,从后往前数每三位加一个逗号 , 第一个逗号前为千(thousand ),第二个逗号前为百万(million ),第三个逗号前为billion (十亿)。英语中无“万”这个词,我们可以用 几十个千(thousand ) 表示几万, 几百个千(thousand ) 表示 几十万 。如:2,510two thousand fiv

4、e hundred and ten84,296eighty-four thousand two hundred and ninety-six274,350two hundred and seventy-four thousand three hundred and fifty。四、序数词的构成:1)序数词一般是以与之相应的基数词尾加-th 构成,如: fourth, tenth, 但以下的这些基数词变为序数词时,有特别之处。One first, two second, three third, fivefifth, nine ninth, twelve twelfth2) 以_ty 结尾的单词

5、, 要先变y 为i, 在加-eth. 。如:thirty thirtieth, fiftyfiftieth3) 以one, two, three 等结尾的多位数词, 要将个位数变成序数词。 如:twenty-one twenty-first, one hundred and oneone hundred and first注意: 序数词前常用定冠词, 有时还可以用不定冠词 a/an 则表示 又一 的意思。(没有具体范围的限制) 如:Mr. Brown has a second car. 布朗先生另外还有一辆车。He has tried a second time. 他又尝试了一次。五、数词的应

6、用1)时刻的表示:小时、点钟、分钟、秒钟要用基数词。“几点钟”用基数词加 oclock 。 oclock 可省略。如:5点钟 -five (oclock ) “几点过几分 ” , 30分钟 用介词 past 。如:7:15 fifteen/ a quarter past seven 7:30 half past seven“差几分几点”用介词 to 。如:7:40 twenty to eight 7:45 fifteen / a quarter to eight 。日常生活中的时间读法常常简化,直接按基数词的顺序读。如:7:05 seven o five 7:15 seven fifteen。

7、2)年月日的表示: 年份用基数词,如:1999年 nineteen ninety-nine 1900年 nineteen hundred2000年 two thousand 1905年 nineteen o five; 年用基数词, 日用序数词。如:1998年 6月 8日 写作:June 8, 1998;读作:June the eighth, nineteen ninety-eight或 the eighth of June, nineteen ninety-eight。3)世纪、年代表示法,如:(在) 90年代 (in) the nineties(在) 19世纪 (in) the ninet

8、eenth century(在) 18世纪 30年代 (in) the 1730s或 in the 1730s4)编号的表示: 基数词放到名词的后边 , 该名词一般要大写;序数词放到名词的前面,加定冠词。 Lesson 1/ the first lesson第一课 Row 3/ the third row 第三排 Bus No. 3=the No. 3bus 3路公共汽车。 表示住所时不用 No .如:Room 302读作:room three o two 302房间。 如果编号的数词比较长,一般用基数词。如:Page 457 第 457页。 电话号码,用基数词,如:3855633-three

9、 eight double five six double three。5)分数的表达:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于 1 ,分母则加 s 。如:1/3 one third 2/3two thirds1/2 a / one half 1/4one fourth或 a/ one quarter3/4 three fourths或 three quarters6) 表示有小数的词用基数词,如: five point five twelve point one three five7)表示百分数,如:5 :five percent zero point eight percent注意:分数、百

10、分数与主谓一致当分数、百分数 修饰可数名词的复数 时, 谓语动词用复数形式 ;当分数、百分数 修饰不 可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式 。如:Eighty percent of the students in our school come from Henan.我们学校百分之八十的学生来自河南。Three fourths of the students in my class are interested in English.我们班四分之三的学生对英语感兴趣。Two thirds of the water on the earth is sea water.地球上三分之二的水是海水。8)其他

11、用法,如: 基数词+单数名词+形容词构成合成形容词。如:a five-year-old boy 一个五岁的男孩an 800-metre-long bridge 一座 800米长的桥girls 400-metre relay race 女子 400米接力 具体数词+metre (s )/kilometre (s )/kilo (s ) long /high /tall /deep / away 等。如:The Changjiang River is 6, 300 kilometres long.长江长 6300公里。 表示“几十岁”用基数词的复数形式,如:in his thirties 在他三十

12、几岁时 倍数的表达:一倍用 once ,两倍用 twice ,两倍以上用基数词+times 。如: five times 5倍补充:倍数的表示法:1. 表示“几倍大小(长短;数量) ” ,由“倍数 + the size(length, amount width age height.) +of ”结构组成。如:The earth is forth-nine times the size of the moon. 地球的大小是月亮的四十九倍。2. 表示“比大几倍” ,由“倍数 +形容词(副词)比较级 + than +被比较部分”结 构组成。如:This box is three times bi

13、gger than that one.这个箱子比那个箱子大三倍。 (这个箱子是那个箱子的四倍。 )数词练习( ) 1. Every year, _ people go to visit their factoryA. a thousand of B thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of( ) 2. Tom has just finished writing a _ article.A. nine-hundred-words B. nine-hundreds-wordC. nine-hundred-word D. nine-hundreds-words

14、( ) people lost their homes in Japan s earthquake.A. Two thousands B. Thousand C. Thousands of D. Thousand of( ) 4. Last year, I visited a chemical factory in Baise, there are about _ workers in it.A. six thousands B. six thousand C. six thousands of D. six thousand of ( ) 5. About _of the students

15、in our class were born in the_.A. two-thirds, 1990s B. two-thirds, 1990C. two-third, 1990s D. two-third, 1990( ) 6. Nowadays of business letters are written in English.A. two third B. two thirds C. two three C. second three( ) 7. If a=4, b=5, whats the answer to the question “ a + 2ab +1 =” A. Forty

16、-fifth B. Forty-fiveC. Twenty-three D. One hundred and twenty-one( ) 8. How often do you exercise _a week.A. Two B. Twice C. Second ( ) 9. The teacher said that_ of the boys would take part in the talent show.A. three five B. three fives C. thirds fifths D. three fifths( ) is the boys _ birthday.A.

17、seventh B. seven C. seventeen D. a seventh( ) 11. Which is the biggest number of the four .A . One-third B . Two-thirds C . A half D . A quarter( ) 12. Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket You can go to the Mens Wear Section on the_ floor.A. two B. twice C. second D. three( )13. _ _ of the land is co

18、vered with trees and grass in Pingjiang, Yueyang.A. Three fives B. Three fifthsC. Three fifth D. Threes fifth( ) 14. September is _ month of the year.A. ninth B. nine C. the nine D. the ninth( ) 15. How was your day off yesterday Perfect! It was my grandma s _ birthday. We had a big cake.A. eighty B

19、. eightieth C. the eightieth D. the eightieth ( ) 16. Excuse me, how can I get to the museum Sorry. Its my_ time to be here.A. one B. first C. once ( ) can see _ if you go out at night.A. million stars B. thousand of starsC. hundreds stars of stars( ) 18. Is this your _ visit to my hometown, Zunyi N

20、o. I ve been here for many times.A. one B. the first C. first D. twice( ) than nine students are doing sports now.A .hundreds B. hundred of C. hundred D. hundreds of( ) 20. Now, everybody, please turn to Page _ and look at the _picture. A. Fifth; five B. Five; fifth C. Fifth; fifth D. Five; five( )2

21、1. For breakfast, I usually have_ and two pieces of bread.A. a cup of mild half B. half a cup of milkC. a half milk cup D. half a milk cup( ) 22. The government of Chongqing is building_ cheap and good houses for the people.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of( ) 1. There are abou

22、t _ students in our school.A. two thousand of B. two thousands C. two thousands of D. two thousand( ) 2. There are _ students in our grade.A. three hundreds and forty-five B. three hundred and forty fiveC. three hundred forty-five D. three hundred and forty-five( ) 3. Sunday is _ day of the week.A.

23、the first B. one C. he seventh D. the seven( ) 4. Please come to my office _.A. at half past eight B. at half passed either C. in half past eight D. on half past eight( ) 5. If you want to go to the cinema, take _.A. bus No. the ninth B. the No. 9 bus C. No. 9 the bus D. No. the ninth bus( ) 6. The

24、Greens came to China _.A. in 1984 October 27 B. in October 27, 1984C. on 27, 1984 October D. on October 27, 1984( ) 7. The story took place in _.A. nineteen centuries B. nineteen centuryC. the nineteenth century D. nineteenth century( ) 8. I was told they would stay in China for _.A. one and a half

25、years B. one and a half yearC. one and half years D. one half and one year( ) 9. Tomorrow we are going to learn _.A. Lesson Second B. the Lesson Two C. Lesson Two D. second lesson( ) 10. I think that the first day of spring is _.A. twenty-two of March B. twenty-second on MarchC. twenty-two in March

26、D. the twenty-second of March( ) 11. _ letter of the word “restaurant” is “n”.A. The nineth B. Nineth C. The ninth D. Ninth( ) 12. We talked for _.A. half a hour B. half hour C. an hour half D. half an hour( ) 13. The bus will leave at _ this afternoon.A. three fifteen B. three and fifteen C. three

27、quarters D. fifty to three( ) 14. The earth is _ the size of the moon.A. 49 the times B. 49 times C. 49 time D. fourty-nine times( ) 15. Its a _ ruler.A. two-feet-long B. two feet long C. two-foot-long D. two-foot-long( ) 16. _ students are planting trees.A. Several hundreds B. Several hundred C. Fi

28、ve hundreds D. Five hundred of( ) 17. _ to finish quickly.A. No every student wants B. No every student wantC. Not every student wants D. Not every student want( ) 18. _ ago, our country was covered by thick forests.A. Several million of year B. Several million yearC. Several million years D. Severa

29、l million of years( ) 19. The weight of the moon is only about _ of that of the earth.A. one eighty B. one of eighty C. one the eightieth D. one eightieth( ) 20. Its 11:45. Yes, its _.A. fifteen past twelve B. fifteen from twelveC. a quarter past eightieth D. a quarter to twelve( ) 21. What date is

30、it Its _.A. July twentieth-first B. of July twenty-firstC. the twenty-first of July D. a quarter to twelve( ) 22. - _, please - It was April 25th.A. How old are you B. What was the date yesterdayC. What time was it D. What day is it today( ) 23. I have _ things to do. I cant play _.A. many, no more B. a lot of, any more C. much, more D. much, any more( ) 24. I have a _ paper on my desk.A. little B. lot C. lots D. little of( ) 25. This is _.A. the question thirty B. the question thirtee

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