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1、八年级英语下册练习 所属支部: 学员姓名: 亲爱的同学: 小博士教育机构全体教职工欢迎你的到来,感谢你选择了小博士。在接下来的一个月里,小博士将以专业、负责的教学态度和高效、创新的教学模式帮助你补差培优,做一个学习上的强者。 为了营造安全、和谐的学习环境,小博士要求你遵守以下规章:1、严禁迟到早退、旷到晚归;(特殊情况须由家长向老师请假)2、严禁接触危险水源、电源、火源,严禁接触有毒的危险禁品;3、严禁接触管制刀具等危险物品,严禁打闹、谩骂。以上规章不得违反。一旦违反,小博士会严肃处理,采取通告家长、强制休假教育、无条件开除、报警等维安措施。小博士温馨提示你:1、按时上学按时归家,切勿逗留马路

2、等,切勿出入网吧等娱乐场所;2、特殊情况须由家长向老师反映、请假;3、衣着得体,举止文明,态度端正,按时按量完成作业;4、虚心求教,尊重你的老师;友好为伴,善待你的同学。小博士希望你从现在开始,完善自己,做一个有素养、有追求、有个性的人。小博士教师团是一群青春、有想法、有实力的本科大学生,他们将带领你领略高效学习的乐趣。 祝快乐学习,学有所获!第一单元.英汉词组互译。1 .less pollution 2. get bored 3. wake up 4.less free time 5.我不同意 6.over and over again 7.那是个好主意 8.实现 9.将来 10.让某人做某

3、事 11 .就像一样 12.尽量做 .用more,less,fewer 填空。 1. We plant trees every year, there will be _ trees. 2. If we waste water, there will be _ water.3. If every family has a baby, there will be _ people. 4. I think English is _ popular than Chinese.5. There will be _ robots everywhere, and humans will have _ wo

4、rk to do.6. There will be _ free time when people retire.用一般将来时填空。(借助will)1.I _ (visit) my uncle tomorrow. 2.There _ (be) a football match in our school next week.3.He _ (help) you with your English this evening. 4.They _(play) soccer if it doesnt rain.5. We _ (have) a meeting tomorrow.选择题。1. She wi

5、ll be a teacher _ two months. A. on B. after C. in D. at2. Please pass me two _ . A .pieces of paper B. pieces of papers C. pieces paper D. piece papers3. I think he _ finish doing the work. A. will B. will can C. will be able to D. be will able to4. Its sunny today. _ , it is very cold. A. Although

6、 B. But C. So D .However5. Mike asked me to help him _ his lesson this evening. A. at B. with C. for D .on6. -Will there be any paper money _ 100 years? - No, _. A. after, there wont. B. after, they wont. C. in, they arent., there wont.7.In the future people will live _ 100 years old. A./

7、C. for be8. I think _ be more tall buildings and cars in five years. A.there are B.there is C.there will D.there 9. Kids _ go to school in the future. A.dont B. didnt C.wont D. wouldnt10.I think she _ be a doctor in 5 years. A./ B.would C.likes D.will11._ do you think your life will be like in

8、10 years? A.How B.What C.When D.Why12. Will there be _ money in 100 years? A. some paper B.any paper C. many paper D. any paper13. They will study at home _computers. C.on D.from14.I will live an apartment _ my best friends. A.with D.for15. She will have many _ of goldfish.A. dif

9、ferent kind B. different kinds C.difference kind D. differences kinds.根据括号中的提示完成句型转换。1.The students will go to the zoo this Sunday.(一般疑问句)2. Mike will finish middle school in one year.(否定句)3. Hell ring you tonight. (对划线部分提问)4.She will come to see us this weekend. (对划线部分提问).翻译句子。1.你认为人们的家里会有机器人吗? Do

10、_ _ there will be robots _ _ homes?2.人们将活到150岁。 People _ _ _ _150 years old.3.我认为她会当医生。 I think she _ _ a doctor.4.你住哪儿? 我住在北京。 _ _ _ _? I live in Beijing.5.他反复看她的来信。 He read her letter _ _ _ _.6.等了很长一段时间后他厌烦了。 He _ _ after he waited for long.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1.He _ ( read ) an English book now. 2.Be

11、tty _ ( write ) to her parents tomorrow.3. Look at those clouds. It _ (rain ). 4.They _ ( not have ) any classes next week. 5.There (be) fewer cars in 100 years. 6. Look! Many girls _ (dance) over there.7. She (be) 20 next month. 8. the Browns (go) to Shanghai for vacation? Yes, they will. 9 There w

12、ill be (few) birds in the future than now.10. Kids (study) at home on computers in 100 years.第二单元.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Therewasan_(argue)happenedbetweenTomandJacklastnight.2.Lucyisusedto_(have)awalkaftersuppereveryday.3.ThepeopleinIraqkeepfightingfortheirown_(free).4.Theteenagershavetoworkhardbecauseofthe



15、.(同义句)He_getup_hismother_.单项选择。()1.Themanoverthere_ourChineseteacher.A.may B.maybe C.maybe,finish B.take,finishing C.took,finished D.took,tofinish() B.are C.were

16、h?A.except B.but C.besides D.beside()5.Wouldyoulike_forsupper?A.somethingChineseB.ChinesesomethingC.anythingChineseD.Chineseanything()6.Marywasdisappointedwhenshefoundouttheyhadgonetothecinema_her.A.except B.besides C.for D.without()7.ShallIgetacupofwaterforyou?Yes,_.A.please B.youshall C.youwill D.

17、youmay()8.Wouldyouplease_ontheroad?A.nottoplay B.tonotplay C.playnot D.notplay()9.ImafraidIllhaveto_thelostbook.A.payfor B.paidfor C.payof D.paidon()10.LittleTomisanorphan.Henowfeels_withouthisonlyfriendthedog.A.verymorelonely B.evenmorelonely C.morestilllonelyD.morefaralone()11.Atlast,shefoundher_p

18、etdog.A.lost B.lose C.losing D.loses()12.ImsorryI_myexercisebookathome.Dontforget_itheretomorrow,please.A.forgot;totake B.forgot;tobring C.left;totake D.left;tobring()13.Couldyou_whentheplanesarrives?A.tell B.lookfor C.findsout D.findout()14.Heusedto_verylate,butnowheisusedto_early.A.getup;gettingup

19、 B.getup;getup C.gettingup;getupD.gettingup;gettingup()15.Whatswrongwithyou?_.A.Ivegotaheadache B.Shelltakesomemedicine. C.ShesgotaheadacheD.Thankyou.根据汉语完成英语句子。1.我发现学好英语不容易。I_tolearnEnglishwell.2.我头疼,心烦意乱,我不知道该怎么办。Ivegota_,Imvery_andIdontknow_.3.从图书馆借书必须按时归还。Whenyou_books_thelibrary,youmust_ontime.

20、4.他和他的同班同学相处的很好Heis_hisclassmates.5.看上去他们完全能自己做好它。_thattheycandoit_.第三单元.英汉词组互译。1.去野外露营_2.howlong_3.去度假_ 4.babysithersister_ 5.远足_ 6.goaway_7.玩得开心_ 8.thinkabout_9.去观光_ 10.returnto_.根据提示完成单词。1.Xianisf_formanyplacesofinterests.2.Canyoutellmes_interestingaboutChina?3.Iwanttothec_(乡村)forvacation.4.Dontf

21、_totaketheraincoatwithyouwhenyougoout.Becauseitsraining.5.Theboyf_(完成)hishomeworktwohoursago.6.Therearealotoft_(游客)cominghereforvacation.单项选择。1._areyoustayingthere?Justfortwodays.A.Howoften B.When C.Howlong D.Howmany2.Ihave_totellyou.A.anythingexcitingB.excitingsomething C.excitinganythingD.somethin

22、gexciting3.ImgoingtoTibetnextMonday._.A.Iknow B.ThatsoundsexcitingC.ImsorrytohearthatD.Thankyou4.What_she_forvacation?A.does,does,doing,do D.are,doing5.Whenareyougoingthere? B.on D.for6.Wecantseehernow,becauseshe_animportantmeeting.A.ishaving B.has C.had D.wi

23、llhave7.Heissocarelessthathealways_hisschoolthingsathome.A.forgets B.forget C.leaves D.left8.Couldyoutellme_youllbeaway?Aboutthreeweeks.A.howlong B.howfar C.howsoon D.howoften9.Thereis_intheartexhibition.Pleasecomeandvisitit.A.somethingnew B.nothingnew C.newsomething D.newthings10.ThebestthingtodoinHainanIslandisscubadiving.Thefishandthecoralreefsarebe

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