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1、Infinitive1不定式概述1不定式的定义动词不定式与动词的-ing形式,过去分词一样是动词的一种非谓语形式。它与动词原形同形,但它的前面一般要带有一个不定式的符号“to”,我们为了把它与介词的to区别开来,也叫它小品词。它只是一个符号,没有词性,但动词不定式也存在不带to的情况。2 不定式的形式不定式的形式有六种:(以动词give为例)主动语态被动语态一般式to+动词原形(to give) to be+过去分词(to be given)完成式to have+过去分词(to have given)To have been+过去分词(to have been given)进行式to be+现

2、在分词(to be giving)-完成进行式to have been+现在分词(to have been giving)-3 不定式的用法动词不定式式非谓语动词中使用最广泛的一种,在句子中,它除了不能作谓语外,可以担当其它任何部分:主语宾语表语状语定语和宾语补足语。它在句子中起名词、形容词和副词的作用。2 不定式作名词的用法1概述 动词不定式在句子中的作用有时和名词相同,在句子中可以作主语、表语或宾语。1. He likes to play ping-pong ball.他喜欢打乒乓球。2. For him to draw such a picture is not easy.对于他来说,画

3、这样一张画是不容易的。3. His job is to clean all the windows.他的工作就是擦所有的这些玻璃。4. The guard ordered me to show him my passport immediately.守卫命令我立刻向他出示通行证。2 不定式作主语1. To see is to believe.眼见为实。2. To obey the law is important.遵守法律时非常重要的。3. To finish so much homework in a day is impossible.在一天之内完成这么多作业是不可能的。当作主语的不定式短

4、语较长时,常用it作形式主语而将真正的主语放在谓语后。常见的带形式主语it的句型有:句型1.It is easy (difficult, hard, important, right, wrong, impossible, necessary, unnecessary, foolish, wise, kind, cruel, nice)to do 句型2.It is a pleasure (pity, pleasant thing, crime, an honor)to do 句型3.It takes (sb.) +时间+to do sth.某人花了多长时间去作某事句型一中我们常用for sb

5、.或of sb.来作不定式的逻辑上的主语。但是什么情况下用for或of,主要从一下两方面来进行区分:a. for sb.的句型通常使用表示客观情况的形容词。下面式一些表示客观情况的形容词:(difficult easy hard important impossible interesting necessary) It is important for us to express our opinion.b. of sb.的句型通常使用表示主观感情或态度的形容词:(careful, clever, impolite, nice, polite, right, wise, wrong )It

6、is clever of him to leave that country.3 不定式作表语My wish is to be a doctor.Not to grasp firmly is not to grasp at all.What I want to do seems to tell you something.A 常见的动词不定式作表语,一般紧跟在系动词如be, seem, remain ,appear, get 等后边,用来说明主语的内容。B 常见的主语当我们用ones dream, business, wish, idea, plan, job, work, task, dut

7、y及what one wants to do等作主语时,常用不定式作表语。比较:主语(事物)+be+不定式(作表语) 表示主语的具体内容 主语(人)+be+不定式(作表语) 表示时态将来时,为“即将”之意He is to clean the room.他即将去打扫房间.His plan is to clean the room.他的计划是打扫房间.4 不定式作宾语I want to do it myself.We found it difficult to work with him.Our teacher promised to see the movie with us.He has no

8、 choice but to wait.He can do nothing but wait.A 不定式作动词宾语 不定式用在及物动词后担当宾语,常见的及物动词有:agree, aim, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, choose, decide, demand, desire, expect, fail, happen, hope, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, prove, refuse, seem, want, wish1. The theory proved to be corr

9、ect at last.2. I hope to study in Beijing University in two years.3. Do you plan to stay overnight herea. 形式宾语 如果宾语有自己的表语时,我们常先用it作形式宾语代替它,而把真正作宾语的不定式放在后面。句型:主语+及物动词+it+宾语补足语+to+VWe think it important to obey the law.I know it impossible to finish so much homework in a day.I do not think it possible

10、 to master a foreign language without much memory work.a. 不定式的省略 为了避免重复,作宾语的不定式第二次出现时往往省略,而只保留不定式符号to。在有些动词与助动词后 want, wish, hope, like, hate, plan, love, try, have to , ought to, needYou can try it again if you want to I do not want to bother you , but I had to as I forgot the address.Shanghai is n

11、ot the city as it used to.B不定式作介词宾语a. 当介词but, except, besides前面时其他动词时,介词后接带to 的不定式,而若前面有实义动词do及其各种形式时,介词后面的不定式可以省去to。except /but/besides +(to)do sth.What do you like to do besides play balls?There was nothing for the students to do except read the books aloud.b. 另外,介词instead of 前后两个成分必须对等,如果前面一个成分是一

12、个不定式,后面的不定式可以省去to。We want to watch TV instead of do our homework.c. 除but, except, besides 外,个别介词可用“连接代词(副词)+不定式“作宾语。The boy has his own idea of how to finish it.3 不定式作形容词的用法不定式有时起形容词作用,用来修饰名词或代词,在句子中担任定语。放在所修饰词之后。1 动宾关系和主谓关系He always has a lot of meetings to attend.A 名词或代词+不定式(to+不及物动词+介词)He is look

13、ing for a room to live in .B. 名词或代词(地点,工具等)+不定式(to+动作性动词)+介词Please pass me some paper to write on.Please lend me something to write with.注意:当不定式修饰的词是place, time, way时,不定式后边的介词可以省。He has no money and no place to live.I think the best way to travel is on foot.There is no time to think(about)C.主谓关系:不定式

14、所修饰的名词或代词是它的逻辑主语The factory to produce electricity will be set up next year.2 不定式修饰something, anything, nothing当不定式作形容词修饰something, anything, nothing时,放在被修饰词之后作后置定语,如果既有形容词又有不定式修饰时,语序为:something/ anything/nothing+形容词+不定式Do you have anything to read?Do you have anything interesting to read?3 不定式作定语时,

15、有时用主动语态表示被动含义a There be 句型中 在There is something to do 句型中,用主动语态表示被动含义。There is a letter to write.There is no time to lose.There is something to pay attention to .b 当不定式修饰want, have等动词的宾语,而句子的主语是不定式的逻辑主语时,用主动语态表示被动含义。We have no homework to do.Mary has three babies to look after.c 当不定式修饰buy, get, give

16、等动词的直接宾语,而间接宾语时不定式的逻辑主语时,用主动语态表示被动含义。Please buy me some newspaper to read.I will give you some novels to read on the journey.4 不定式作副词的用法不定式在句子中的作用有时和副词相同,在句子中可作状语,表示目的,原因,结果。另外,当副词用的不定式也可以修饰形容词。1 表原因He is lucky to get here on time.Li Ming seemed willing to do that.Be careful not to catch a cold.The

17、house is comfortable to live in.We found him was easy to get along with.2 表目的He came to help me with my English.I study hard to serve the people well.A 放在句首,加强语气。To serve the people well, I study hard.B 在不定式前加上in order 或so as加强语气In order to serve the people well, I study hard.I study hard so as to s

18、erve the people well.3 表结果 不定式经常和only, never连用,强调结果和失望的情绪。I hurried to get there only to find him out.After that day they were separated, never to see each other again. 4 其他用法A .too +adj./adv.+(for sb.)+to do sth.The book is too hard for the boy to read .She is too young to go to school.We are never

19、 too old to learn.B. 不定式修饰副词enough的用法He is old enough to go to school.The road is wide enough for three horses to go.C. 不定式在句子中作为独立结构出现,通常作为固定词组或固定搭配运用To tell you the truth, I do not think the film is good.To be fair, it is not all his fault.To be frank, you are lying.To makes matter worse, it began

20、 to turn dark .5 不定式作宾语补足语1是否可以省略to a. 不定式在某些感官动词(feel, hear, listen to, watch, look at, notice, observe)和使役动词(let, have, make)后作宾语补足语时,省去to,但在被动语态中不可省。Let me hear you play the piano.Do not look at other people dace.They made the workers work day and night.b. 在动词help后,to可省,也可以不省。2 to be 结构动词think, c

21、onsider, find, believe, suppose, know, understand, take后,不定式作宾补时用to be 结构。I consider him to be an honest man.=I consider him honest.The teacher thought the answer (to be) quite true.3 动词不定式作主语补足语句子的谓语动词是被动语态。句子的主语必须是动词不定式逻辑上的主语。动词不定式在主动句中作宾语补足语。The room was said to have been cleaned.It was said that

22、 the room had been cleaned.He was told to be quiet.The teacher told him to be quiet.6 不定式的否定 连接(副)词+不定式1 不定式的否定 not+不定式,never+不定式My father told me not to skate on the lake.我爸爸告诉我不要在湖上溜冰.My father told me never to see her again.我父亲告诉我不能再去看她.2 连接代词或副词+不定式Have you decided whether to go or not?你决定了吗?是走还

23、 是不走?The biggest problem is how to deal with the waste paper.最大的问题是如何处理这些废纸.Last summer I took a course on how to make dresses.去年夏天,我选了一门讲如何做衣服的课程.What to do next has not been discussed.下一步做什么还没讨论呢.7 不定式的时态1 不定式的一般式不定式的一般式所表示的动作通常与主要谓语所表示的动作或状态同时发生或几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。I am glad to see you.我很高兴见到你.He has

24、 decided to give her some money.他已经决定要给她一些钱.2 不定式的进行式不定式的进行式所表示的动作通常与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。它可以用来构成复合谓语,复合宾语或宾语。They seemed to be getting along well.他们看起来相处得很好.The teacher did not expect me to be working the whole night.老师没有想到我工作了一晚上.He pretended to be working hard when his boss passed him.当他的老板经过他那时,他假装努力地在

25、干活.3 不定式的完成式A.表示发生在主要动词之前的动作I am sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了.He happened to have seen the film before.我碰巧以前看过这个电影.B.表示过去没有实现的期待或计划(hope, promised, wanted, wished, expected, planned)+to +have+过去分词He wanted to have met you at the airport, but he did not get there on time.他原想去机场接你,但他没及时赶到那

26、.We planned to have done good deeds for the poor people last month.我们原计划在上个月为贫困的人们做些好事.C.在should/would like后面表示未能实现的愿望I should /would like to have given her the gift.我本想把这个礼物送给她.He would like to have played the violin at the concert.他想在音乐会上演奏小提琴的.D. should/ought to + have done表示应该做而没有做的事You should h

27、ave finished your homework.你应该完成作业.You shouldnt have been there.你不应该去那儿.E. neednt+ have +done表示一种不必要的过去的动作We neednt have worried about him.我们没必要为他担心.You neednt have visited there last week.上周你没必要去那儿.F. may, might+ have done表示对于过去一种没有把握的推测(用于肯定句中)Nobody opened the door. She may/might have left.没人开门 ,她可能已经走了.G. must+ have done表示对于过去一种没有把握的肯定的推测The road is all wet. it must have rained yesterday.路全湿了,昨天肯定下雨了.H. cant, couldnt +have done表示对于过去一种推测(用于否定句中)I saw her yesterday in shanghai. She cant have arrived in new York now.我昨天在上海看见她了,现在她不可能到纽约了.

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