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本文(人教版高中英语选修7高考一轮复习学案人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea.docx)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版高中英语选修7高考一轮复习学案人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea.docx

1、人教版高中英语选修7高考一轮复习学案人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea 必修 Unit 3.单词拼写1He is a key _ (目击者) to this case.答案:witness2She _ (放弃) all the hope of ever seeing her brother again.答案:abandoned3He _ (极力主张) all the students to take part in this activity.答案:urged4MidAutumn celebrations _ (反映) Chinese cultural traditions.

2、答案:reflect5The water gets quite _ (浅的) towards the shore.答案:shallow6The frightened people _ (逃走) from the burning building.答案:fled7There is a _ (狭窄的) path through the woods,but it is too lonely.答案:narrow8The poor workers _ (拖) the heavy stones in teams with ropes over their shoulders.答案:dragged9She

3、gave the class a _ (生动的) description of the beautiful seaside.答案:vivid10The _ (每年的) death rate in the United states is increasing.答案:annual.完成句子1Everything is _ _ in his house.他房子里的东西都颠倒了。答案:upside down2I want you to _ _ _ the situation before it affects you.在它对你产生影响之前我想让你意识到目前的局势。答案:be aware of3The

4、 girl _ _ _ _ at the sight of the snake.一看到这条蛇,这个女孩就被吓死了。答案:was scared to death4Can you _ _ _ when I lost my job?当我失业时,你能帮我摆脱困境吗?答案:help me out5_ _ _,a big storm happened in our hometown.在此期间,一场大暴雨在我的家乡爆发了。答案:In the meantime.单项选择1Are you _ the climate is quite different this year?Yes,extreme weather

5、 happens now and then.Aknown that Baware thatCknowing that Daware of that解析:句意:你意识到今年的气候有些异常吗?be aware that知道,意识到。由于宾语是从句,故应选B项。答案:B2(2012芜湖模拟)Owing to bad weather,the police had to _ the search for the missing boy.Aresign BabandonCconduct Drelease解析:句意:由于坏天气,警察不得不放弃对失踪男孩的搜寻。abandon“放弃”;resign“辞职,辞去

6、”;conduct“组织,实施”;release“释放”。答案:B3Police have appealed for _ to come forward.Aevidences BwitnessesCcitizens Dexplanations解析:句意为:警方呼吁目击者挺身而出予以协助。witness在这里用作名词,意为“目击者”。evidence“证据”;citizen“公民,居民”;explanation“解释”。答案:B4(2012太原模拟)With no one to _ in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless.At

7、urn to Bturn onCturn off Dturn over解析:句意:在这么令人恐怖的局势下无人求助,她感到很无助。turn to sb.for help向某人求助;turn on“打开”;turn off“关闭”;turn over“翻转”。答案:A5After retirement,Mr smith _ painting,which he had always loved but had not had time for.Atook up Bgot upCheld up Dlooked up解析:句意:退休后,史密斯先生开始画画,在过去他很喜欢画画,但就是没有时间;take u

8、p“开始;从事”;get up“起床;起来”;hold up“阻塞”;look up“向上看;查阅”。答案:A6(2011连云港模拟)_ the weather,the athletic meeting will be held on time.AIn contrast with BIn relation toCOn behalf of DRegardless of解析:句意:不管坏天气的影响,运动会将如期举行。regardless of“不管;尽管”;in contrast with“与对比”;in relation to“与有关”;on behalf of“代表”。答案:D7You buy

9、 the fruits;_ Ill cook breakfast.Aon the other hand Bthe same timeCin the meantime Dat all time解析:in the meantime“同时,在期间”。句意:你去买水果,同时我来做早餐。at all time意为“总是,随时”,不符合句意;on the other hand“另一方面”。答案:C8The frequent attacks on the schoolyard _ the local police to take immediate action to fight against the c

10、riminals.Acalled on BchargedCurged Dimpressed解析:句意:频繁发生的校园袭击案件促使当地警方立即采取行动,打击罪犯。urge“催促,极力主张,驱策”,urge do sth.“敦促某人干某事”,符合题意。charge“收费,控诉”;impress“使印象深刻,使铭记”。答案:C9At first Mr.John was _ of planes,but two years later,_ to other countries on business is his main business.Ascared;flying Bfrighteni

11、ng;flightCfrightened;flight Dscaring;flying解析:句意为:起初,约翰先生害怕飞机,但两年过后,坐飞机出国做生意是他的主要业务。be scared of“害怕”,第二空是动名词作主语。答案:A10(2012南通质检)Many Palestinians were forced to _ where they lived when the air attack began.Aleave from Bhide fromCrun from Dflee from解析:考查短语辨析。flee from意为“从逃走”。句意为:空袭一开始,很多巴勒斯坦人就被迫离开了自己

12、的家园。leave from“从离开”;hide from“隐瞒”;run from“从跑开”。A项有一定的干扰性,但不与from连用。答案:D11(2012苏州模拟)The hotel is not big enough and it hasnt a(n) _ for 500 Japanese youths.Acollection BabilityCaccommodation Dreception解析:accommodation“住所,住宿”;collection“收集”;ability“能力”;reception“接待”。答案:C12A beautiful sunrise is a(n)

13、_ sight. Aawkward BhandsomeCabsolute Dawesome解析:这四个词中只有awesome含有“令人惊叹的”之意。句意为:太阳出来时的美丽景色真是令人叹为观止。handsome“英俊的”;awkward“令人尴尬的,使人难堪的”;absolute“完全的,全部的,绝对的”。答案:D13The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to _ over two hundred people.Asupply BprovideChunt Daccommodate解析:句意:几个月前建起的新公寓楼可容纳

14、200多人居住。supply和provide均表示“提供”。hunt“打猎”。答案:D14(2012烟台模拟)You should _ the likely result before you decide to do something.Apick out Breflect onCmake use of Dtest out解析:句意:在你决定做某些事情之前,你应当认真考虑一下它可能出现的后果。pick out“挑出来”;reflect on“仔细思考”;make use of“利用”;test out“试验”。答案:B15(2012广州模拟)He had a _ escape from th

15、e fire when his car burst into flames.Ahardly BalmostCnarrow Dnearly解析:当汽车燃烧时,他勉强从大火中逃了出来。narrow为形容词;“勉强的;窄的”;narrow escape意为“九死一生”。答案:C.完形填空It was her giggling that drew my attention.Note taking really wasnt all that funny.Walking over to the offender,I asked for the _1_.Frozen,she refused to give

16、it to me.I waited,all attention in the classroom on the quiet _2_ between teacher and student.When she finally _3_ it over she whispered,“Okay,but I didnt draw it.”It was a handdrawn _4_ of me,teeth blackened and the words “Im stupid” coming out of my mouth.I managed to fold it up calmly.My mind,_5_

17、,was working angrily as I struggled not to _6_.I figured I knew the two most likely candidates for drawing the picture.It would do them some _7_ to teach them a lesson,and maybe it was high time that I did it!Thankfully,I was able to keep myself _8_.When there were about six minutes remaining,I show

18、ed the class the picture.They were all silent as I told them how _9_ this was for me.I told them there must be a reason _10_ and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me.Then I let them write silently while I sniffed in the back of the classroom.As I _11_ the notes later,ma

19、ny of them said something like,“Ive got nothing _12_ you.”or “Im sorry you were hurt.” Some kids said,“Were afraid of you.” But two notes,from the girls who I _13_ were behind the picture,had a list of issues.I was too _14_,too strict.Reading those notes,I realized that over the course of this year,

20、instead of _15_ my students,I had begun commanding them to _16_.Where I thought I was driving them to success I was _17_ driving them away.I had some apology to do.But the next day in the classroom,one boy and one girl each handed me a card.The one _18_ by all the boys expressed sincere regret for t

21、he ugly joke.The one from the girls asked for _19_.This was a lesson for both the kids and me.Forgiveness does not change the past,but it does enlarge the _20_.解题导语一次令人不愉快的玩笑让作者意识到自己对学生的严加管教实际上背离了自己的初衷,他们需要的是鼓励,而不是命令。1A.note BadviceCreason Dhelp解析:女孩儿咯咯的笑声吸引了作者的注意,作者认为记笔记没有那么可笑,就向“冒犯者”要“笔记”。 上文的“Not

22、e taking”是线索提示。答案:A2A.battle BcompetitionCargument Dconversation解析:她拒绝把笔记交给作者,作者在等待,教室中所有的目光都转向了这场师生之间的沉默的“战争”,此处是比喻用法。答案:A3A.took BthoughtCturned Dhanded解析:上文提到作者向她要笔记,所以此处是她把笔记“交”给了作者。答案:D4A.statue BgraphCpicture Dposter解析:根据上一段最后一句中的内容可知笔记本上面是学生手画的作者的“画像”。下文6空后面的“for drawing the picture”也是线索提示。答案

23、:C5A.otherwise BhoweverCtherefore Dbesides解析:作者努力平静地把学生给作者画的画像折叠起来,“但是”内心却感到非常气愤。前后内容表示转折,故用however。答案:B6A.leave B cryCexplain Dargue解析:根据上一段中描述的画像的内容可知这是对作者的侮辱,所以作者看过之后努力不“哭”出来。下文的“I sniffed in the back of the classroom”是线索提示。答案:B7A.good BharmCfavor Dpunishment解析:作者认为这么做太过分,教训她们一顿会对她们有些“好处”。do sb.g

24、ood表示“对某人有好处”。答案:A8A.amused BcontrolledCuninterested Drelaxed解析:上一段的后半部分提到作者打算教训她们一顿,所以此处表示作者最终能够“控制”自己。答案:B9A.meaningful BforgetfulCregretful Dhurtful解析:根据下一段中的“Im sorry you were hurt.”可知这张画像深深地“伤害”了作者。A项表示“有意义的”,B项表示“健忘的”,C项表示“懊悔的”,均不符合语境。答案:D10A.aside BaboveCbeneath Dbehind解析:作者告诉他们画像“背后”肯定有原因。下文

25、14空所在句揭示了画像背后的原因。答案:D11A.wrote BfinishedCread Dcollected解析:上一段的倒数第二句提到作者让学生写下需要对作者说的任何事情,所以此处是“阅读”学生写的内容。另外,下一段的开头部分也是线索提示。答案:C12A.beyond BfromCagainst Dfor解析:有些学生写道:我没有不喜欢你。have sth.against sb.表示“不喜欢/不赞成某人”。答案:C13A.figured BpromisedCconcluded Dconfirmed解析:此处与6空后面的“I figured.”相呼应,表示作者“认为”她们是画像背后的“真凶

26、”。figure表示“认为”她们是画像背后的“真凶”。figure表示“认为,认定(某事将发生或属实)”。答案:A14A.talkative BmeanCclumsy Dconsiderate解析:根据本空后面的内容可知她们认为作者过于严厉,非常“刻薄”。A项表示“健谈的”,C项表示“笨拙的”,D项表示“体贴的”,都不符合语境。答案:B15A.forcing BencouragingCcomforting Dteaching解析:作者意识到今年以来,没有“鼓励”学生,而且采用了命令的方式。答案:B16A.appreciate BapologizeCcompromise Dachieve解析:根

27、据下一句中的success可知作者开始采用命令的方式迫使学生“完成”。前三项分别表示“欣赏;感激”“道歉”“妥协”,均不符合语境。答案:D17A.actually BnormallyCimmediately Dgenerally解析:作者原以为这样会让他们成功,而“实际上”是让他们离成功越来越远。B项表示“正常地”;C项表示“立刻”;D项表示“普遍地”;均不符合语境。答案:A18A.decorated BofferedCsigned Dbought解析:在有全部男生“签名”的那张卡片上他们表达了为这次令人不愉快的玩笑的真诚的后悔。答案:C19A.thankfulness Bforgivenes

28、sCcompensation Dcommunication解析:根据下一段第二句中的“Forgiveness does.”可知,女生们请求作者的“原谅”。A“感激”;C“补偿”;D“交流”,都不符合语境。答案:B20A.friendship BeducationCknowledge Dfuture解析:此处与本句中的the past相对,故选D,表示“将来”。答案:D.阅读表达1A good English dictionary is probably the most valuable tool you have while studying.As well as a definition,

29、a good dictionary will also show you how to pronounce the word and give examples of ways that the word is commonly used.Unfortunately,there are quite a number of dictionaries on the market.2You should first make certain the dictionary _.Examples are very important.This will not only help you better understand the meaning of the word,but will provide valuable grammar information as well.3A good dictionary will provide more than one definition for a word.And_knowing_the_right_definition_of_a_word_is_necessary_to_learn_the_language_b

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