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1、人教版高中英语必修三复习 小测(5.12)【unit 1】1. mean vt. (meant ,meant )打算 :mean to do sth 意味着,意思是:mean doing ; 错过那辆车意味着要在等3个小时. Missing the bus means waiting for three more hours/another three hours.2. 三种表示发生的词语和他们之间的区别,他们为不及物动词,他们均无 被动 。 take place ; vi 有计划地发生 happen ; vi 偶然发生 break out ; vi 灾难,战争突然爆发 在过去几年里我的家乡发

2、生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years.昨天我的朋友在街上发生了车祸。A traffic accident happened to my friends on the street yesterdays.二战发生在1939年。The Second World War broke out in 1939.3. starve v 挨饿,饿死(意思) n. starvation(名词形式) starve to death 饿死(短语) 在战争期间数千万人饿死了。(数百万人 millons

3、of ) Thousands of people starvad to death during the war.4. harm n 损害,伤害 v 损害,伤害 harmful adj 有害的 harmless adj 无害的 do harm to . = be harmful to. 对.有害处的(短语) 首先,吸烟有害我们的健康。(两种方法)First of all,somking is harmful to our health. = To begin with, somking does harm to our heanlth. 5. (常用句型转换) It is +adj +to d

4、o sth = sth+be+adj+to do sth 英语很难在短时间之内学好。(两种方法)It is difficult to learn English well in a short time. = English is difficult to learn well in a short time. 6. in memory of sb = in honour of sb 纪念某人(短语) 他们写了一篇文章来纪念他的朋友。 They wrote an article in memory of his friends.7. be satisfied with. 对.感到满意(短语)8

5、. Dress up 盛装,打扮,装饰 ;dress sb 给某人穿衣服; be dressed in sth 穿着(衣服) ;那个女孩今天穿着红色衣服。That girl is dressed in a red today.醒来穿衣服!Wake up and dress yourself.大部分人喜欢为春节盛装打扮。Most people like to dress up for Spiring Festivals.9. play a trick/tricks on sb = make fun of sb 搞恶作剧,捉弄某人 孩子们喜欢捉弄他们的朋友 Chirldren like to pl

6、ay a trick on their friends.10. admire vt 欣赏,赞赏,钦佩,赞美,夸奖 ;admire sb for sth 因为.而钦慕/仰慕别人我们都钦佩他所取得的巨大成就。We all admired him for his great achievement.11. look forward to + sth / doing sth/sb 盼望;期待 我期待很快收到你的来信。 I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.12. as if = as though 好像,仿佛1 与事实符合,用 陈述语序 2 与事实

7、不符,用 虚拟语气 与现在事实相反,用 did ( be用were ) 与过去事实相反,用 had done 与将来事实相反,用 would do 13. turn up 出现; 露面;开大(音量); turn down 关小 ; 翻下 ; 拒绝 ; turn to 变成 ; 求助于 ; turn in 上交 ; 就寝 ; turn on 打开 ;14. keep ones words = keep ones promise 信守承诺(短语) 我们应该一直要信守承诺,要不没人会相信我们。 We should always keep our word or no one will belielv

8、e us.15. 道歉 v apologize ; n apology apologize to sb for (doing) sth = make an apolgy to sb for (doing) sth 因.而向某人道歉他为他的姗姗来迟而向老师道歉。(两种用法) He apologized to the teacher for coming later= He made an apology to the teacher for coming later.16. remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事;提醒某人做某事 remind sb to do sth 这

9、张旧照让我想起了我的童年。This old photo reminded me of my children.他提醒我不要忘记我的诺言。He reminded me not to forget my words.17. 很明显(两种表达) Obviously ,he is lying. It is obvious that that he is lying.18. set off 出发,出发=set out ; 引爆,燃烧 他们将要出发去澳大利亚They will set off Australia.19. 成功 v succeed ;n success ;adj secessful ; 健康

10、 n health ;adj healthful ;adv healthy ;失败乃是成功之母 Failure is the mother of success.我认为他的书很成功As far as I am concerned, his book is a success.【unit 2】1. go on a diet 进行节食(动作) ; be on a diet 在节食(状态);为了减肥,那个女孩已经节食一个月了。In order to lose weight,the girl has been on a diet for a month.2. 非谓语 doing ; 正在进行,主动,伴

11、随 to do ; 目的,将要做 done ; 被动,已经完成 他站在树下,听着那美妙的音乐(doing)He stands under the tree,listening to the beautiful music.3. frustrating adj 令人沮丧的 ; frustrated sdj 感到沮丧的 ; be frustrated at 对.感到沮丧(短语); 他们对这个令人沮丧的新闻感到沮丧。They felt frustrated at the frustrating news.4. ought to = should 应该;ought to have done = sho

12、uld have done本应该做某事却没有做 你本应该7点钟之前到课室的。 You ought to have come into classroom before 7 oclock.5. see sb do sth 看见某在做某事(强调动作的 全过程 ) see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(强调 正在进行 )【类似的notice watch feel hear observe 等感光动词】当时我看见那个小女孩在河边玩耍。At the same time, I saw the girl playing near/by the river.6. 比较级和否定词连用表示最高级

13、eg: I have never seen a better film 我从来没看过如此好看的电影 I cant agree more. 我万分同意 我没有去过比巴黎更美的城市了。 I have never been to a more beautiful city.7. must have done 过去一定做了某事(表对过去发生的事情给予肯定的猜测) cant/couldt have done (对过去发生的事情否定的猜测) 孩子们正在踢足球,他们肯定做完作业了。 They must have finished their homework,because they are playing

14、 football now.8. get tired of = be tired of 对.厌倦 我厌倦了每天处理这些问题。 I am tired of dealing with these problems every day.9. have sb doing sth 让某人(一直)做某事(表示动作 一直进行 ) have sb do sth 使某人做某事(表示动作的 完成 ) have sth done 使某事被做/请某人做某事 我昨天剪了头发 I had my hair cut yesterday. 我不能让你违法法律而不受惩罚。 I cant have you getting away

15、 with breaking the law. 10. get away with (做.坏事)被放过/逃脱惩罚 考试作弊必予追究。 If you cheat in the exam,you will never get away with it.=Youll never get away with cheating in the exam.11. earn ones living = make ones living 谋生 他一生靠卖画维持生计。 He earns his living by selling pictures all his life. 12. be in debt 欠债,负

16、债(短语); be out of debt 还清债务(短语) 自从她丢了玛丽的项链(necklace),她就负债累累了 She has been in debt since she lost Marys necklace.13. glare at 怒目而视; stare at 盯着.看,凝视; 我不知道他为什么怒视着我。 I dont know why he glared at me.14. spy on 暗中监视;侦查15. 电脑对我们的生活有好处(benefit三种用法) Computers benefits our life. Computers are benefical to our

17、 life. Our life benefits from computers.16. 联合 v combine ;n combination ; combine.with. 把和联合/结合起来17. before long 不久之后(单独作状语) long before 很久以前(单独作状语或后跟从句) 早在我来中国之前,我就学会了汉语。 I had learnt Chinese long before I came to China. 不久之后,他就打电话给我 He called my up before long, 18. 为了保持健康,你必须减少抽烟(cut down ) You mu

18、st cut down smoking so that/in order to keep health.19. It seemed that.= sb seemed to do 似乎 姚明似乎听不见(两种表达)It seemed that YaoMing didnt hear.= YaoMing seemed not to hear.20. 她穿着一件红色的裙子就出门了 Dressed in a red dress, she left home. 他正坐在椅子上读书 Seated on the chair, he is reading a book21. 及物动词与不及物动词的区别vi 不及物

19、动词 ; 后面不直接跟宾语 vt 及物动词 ; 后面直接跟宾语 22. 让 have sb doing 一直做 电脑,点灯 have sth done 被做 have sb do 完成 doing 一直做23. be +sdj =be of +n Eg : be benefical to =be great of benefit to be helpful = be of help be useful = be of use be important = be of importance【unit 3】1. bring up 抚养/养育我是由外祖父母抚养长大的。I was brought up

20、 by my grandparents.2. a large amount of “大量;一大堆”,常用于修饰不可数名词。 我有一堆工作要做。 I have a large amount of work to do.3. 处理 What. do with? How . deal with? 我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。 (两种用法)I dont know how they deal with the problem. = I dont know what they do with the problem.4. permit vt. 许可, 允许, 容许 permit doing 准许做某事

21、permit sb. to do sth. 准许某人做某事 我们不允许在这里吵闹。We dont permit making noise here. 老师不允许我们在这条河里游泳。The teacher doesnt permit us to swim in this river. 天气允许的话, 我们明天出发。 Weather permitting, well start tomorrow. =If weather permits, well start tomorrow.5. as a matter of fact 实际上, 事实上实际上, 他因未交作业而受到责骂。As a matter

22、of fact, he was blamed for his not handing in the homework. 6. by accident =by chance 偶然地, 意外地我只是碰巧找到的。I only found it by accident/chance.7. find + sb. / sth. + done 发现.被.当我醒来,我发现自己被一群陌生人包围了。When I woke up, I found myself surrounded by many strangers.8. be doingwhen 当.发生时,某人正在做某事 be about to do . wh

23、en 当.发生时,某人正要做某事我正在看电视的时候 ( 突然 ) 电话响起了。I was watching TV when the phone rang. 我正要离开的时候, 这时(突然)下起雨来。I was just about to leave when it began to rain.9. account for : 对做出解释, 说明原因 他因病缺席。 His illness accounts for his absence.10. patience n. 忍耐, 耐心 patient adj. 耐心的, 能容忍的 be patient with sb./sth. 对有耐心 你应该多

24、容忍他人一些。 You should be more patient with others.11. 说谎:lie ,lied,lied,lying 躺 :lie ,lay,lain,lying下蛋,放置:lay,laid,laid,laying12. be lost in 1)(在城市,森林,人群中)迷路 那个女孩迷失在森林中。 The pretty girl was lost in the forest.2) 专心致志于. be lost in thought沉思他陷入了沉思,差点被车撞到。 He was lost in thought. He was almost hit by a ca

25、r.13. lastly 最近lastest= newest 最新的Later 稍后Latter后者-former前者14.原因+account for +结果(对.作出解释,说明原因) 他因病缺席。His illness accounts for his absence14. I doubt whether/if he can speak English.i dont doubt that he can speak English. 15. too much 太多,后面接不可数名词 much too 极其,非常,后面接形容词或副词Eg: He ate too much only food a

26、nd become fatter and fatter. Its much too cold today. What you said was too much for her.Thats why she cried so sadly.【unit 4】1. in time 及时; 终于医生及时赶来救了她的命。The doctor came in time to save her life .我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。I was just in time for the flight.我们及时赶到车站去和他告别。We arrived at/got to/reached the station i

27、n time to say goodbye to him.2. as well as “(除 . 之外)也,又”,可连接并列的单词或短语 Mary as well as her parents likes to listen to music.A teacher should organize as well as teach.The child is lovely as well as healthy.A as well as B, 强调A,谓语动词与A保持一致。My wife as well as I visits my friend every month.不仅他而且他的妹妹也每天去打篮

28、球。His sister as well as he plays basketball everyday.2. give birth to生(孩子) be born in+ 地点 be born at+时间玛丽昨天生了一个小男孩。Mary gave birth to a baby boy yesterday.4. prevent sth. / sb. (from) doing sth. 制止(防止)某人(某物)做某事 没有什么能阻扰这个计划的进行Nothing can prevent this plan from being carried out.她的妈妈组织她独自外出。Her mother

29、 prevents her from going out alone/by herself.5. as a result of是短语介词,后跟名词、代词等,意为“由于的原因”,相当于because of。由于大雪他迟到了。He was late as a result of the heavy snow. 当我因为粗心而犯错时,她会帮助我解决困难。When I make mistakes as a result of my carelessness,she will help me to solve my a result为副词用法,意为“结果是”,后面指事情的结果。

30、他今天很晚起床。结果,他错过了第一班车。He got up very late today. As a result, he missed the first bus. 他玩太多电脑游戏,结果,他开始不及格。 He played computer games too much. As a result, he failed the exam. 6. too, 太以至(不)问题太难, 理解不了。 The question is too hard to understand.7. depend on 相信,信赖 视而定。 你可以相信约翰, 他总是很准时。You can depend on John he is always on time.8. begin with 以.开始begin,began,begun 这个聚会以一首歌开始。 The party began with a song. To begin with,=first of all,首先,第一次 首先,我们必须认真听老师讲课。 To begin with, we must listen to teacher careful

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