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1、高中英语必修1期中测试外研必修一 期中考试一套第I卷一、单项填空1The scenery is wonderful! It doesnt look like any other place I_before.Ahad ever been to Bhave had toChave ever been to Dhave gone to解析:C。句意是:景色真是太美了,不像我以前去过的任何一个地方。此处要用have ever been to表示到现在为止曾经去过的地方。have gone to表示去某个地方还没有回来,所以不符合题意。2The Great Wall winds its way fro

2、m the west to the east _ the mountains,across the deserts and _ the valleys.Aacross;through Bover;acrossCover;through Dthrough;over解析:C。句意是:长城蜿蜿蜒蜒从东向西,跨越山脉,横穿沙漠,穿越山谷。第一个空用over表示“跨越”;第二个空用through表示“穿过”。3Late in the afternoon,they arrived at _ small village _ north of the West Hill.Athe;the Ba;/Ca;the

3、 Dthe;/解析:B。句意是:那天下午很晚的时候,他们到了西山北边的一个小村庄。第一个空用a表示“一个村庄”;第二个空不用冠词,north在此句中作副词用。4The following table shows the result of a recent US. _ in which children spend up to 25 hours a week watching TV.Aview BsummaryCinterview Dsurvey解析:D。句意是:下面的表格显示出最近美国的一项调查结果,孩子们每周花在看电视的时间高达25小时。view观点;summary总结;interview

4、面试;survey调查。5I have passed the English exam._ ! You always work hard.AGood luck BDont mention itCThats all right DCongratulations解析:D。句意是:“我已通过英语考试了。”“恭喜!你总是工作很认真。”此句要用Congratulations!来祝贺对方。Good luck! 的意思是“祝你好运!”;B项和C项的意思都是“不客气”。6All passengers except Chuck died in the plane crash.Only he _ that acc

5、ident?Asurvived BsearchedClived Ddied解析:A。句意是:“在那次飞机失事中,除了查克之外,所有的乘客都死了。”“只有他在那次事故中大难不死吗?”此题要用survived表示“死里逃生;大难不死”。7The Chinese _ fiftysix nationalities,each of whom has their own characteristics.Ais consisted of Bconsists inCis made of Dconsists of解析:D。consist ofbe made up of,没有被动语态;consist in在于;b

6、e made of由制成。8. _ a strange disease,Tom has been feeling exhausted and has no strength to stand up.AContacting BContractingCCatching DApproaching解析:B。句意是:汤姆得了一种罕见的病,他一直觉得疲备不堪,连站起来的力气都没有。此句要用contracting表示“得病”。contacting表示“联络;联系(某人)”;catching抓住;approaching接近。9.Another _ day began;Tom got up at 630,aft

7、er having a wash,ate his breakfast and then went to school on his bike as _.Acommon;before Busual;usualCordinary;usual Dnormal;before解析:C。句意是:又开始了一个平凡的日子。汤姆630起床,洗刷完毕,吃了早饭,然后,像往常一样骑着自行车去上学了。第一个空用ordinary表示“普通的;平凡的”;as usual是习惯短语,表示“像平常一样”。as before的意思是“像以前一样”。10Shall we run around the park or go for

8、 a bike ride?_.They are both good activities.AThats all rightBIt makes no difference to me CYes,I like them very muchDId prefer a bike ride解析:B。句意是:我们是围着公园跑步,还是骑自行车?“对我来说没什么区别,它们都是很好的锻炼”。根据“They are both good activities”可推知B项正确。11When I met him the other day,it was the first time we _ each other sin

9、ce we graduated from school.Asaw Bhad seenCwere seeing Dhave seen解析:B。此题考查时态。句意是:“当我几天前见他的时候,那是我们毕业以来第一次见面。”time是先行词,由序数词first修饰。we _ each other是定语从句,要用过去完成时,因为前面用的是系动词was。12They two,as members of a British team,were the first to _ to the summit of Mount Qomolangma.Aget it BarriveCmake it Dreach解析:C

10、。此题考查词汇辨析。句意是:他们两个,作为英国登山队员,是首先登上珠穆朗玛峰的。这句话要用make it to地点表示“成功地达到某处”。13I know computers will play a big part in the school life,but what will become of those in the mountain villages who cannot have _ to them?Aused BgotCaccess Dchance解析:C。此题考查词汇辨析。句意是:我知道,电脑在学校生活中起了很大的作用,但是山区中没有机会使用电脑的学生会是什么样子呢?”hav

11、e access to 是固定短语,意为“使用”。14My computer must be infected with virus,for it will _ immediately when I _.Acrash;log Bbreak;log onCdie;work Dcrash;log on解析:D。此题考查词汇辨析。句意是:我的电脑一定中了病毒,因为我们一登录系统,就死机。crash死机;log on进入(系统)。15Standards in health care have improved enormously_40 years ago.Acomparing to Bcompari

12、ng withCcompared to Dcompare with解析:C。此题考查非谓语动词作状语。句意是:与40年前相比卫生保健水平得到了极大提高。表示“与相比”,我们既可以用compared to也可以用compared with。二、完形填空(共20小题,满分20分)A rich man was camping alone on a hill. One day it began to rain and the rain made the tent 16 .At last he had to make his way home.As he passed a beautiful house

13、 he 17 to look for rest. 18 lady in silk walked past him with her 19 holding up high.Following her were her two pretty daughters.They stopped and stared at him 20 .“Who are you? We dont like tramps(流浪汉) going 21 our home,” one of them shouted.“Go away at once,” cried the other.“But Im not a 22 ,” sa

14、id the man.“ All I want is food and I will stay 23 the night.”“How dare you come here? Go away at once!” they 24 “We dont like your feet around our house.Go,go!”The man moved on and reached a 25 house.On entering it he saw a couple preparing their supper.Though the light was 26 and the furniture poo

15、r, 27 made him feel warm and comfortable.“Can I have some food and rest for 28 ?” he asked.“Of course friend,” said the woman. 29 forward a little chair for him. “Were going to 30 our supper.Come and 31 us.”The 32 was not enough but they 33 it with the stranger.That night they let him sleep on their

16、 bed 34 they themselves used the stable(马厩).Early the next morning,the man said goodbye to them.Their kindness left him a memory full of thanks.When he reached home he quickly ordered a lovely house to be 35 to the couple in the woods.16.A.warm B. dry C. wet D. hot17.A.tried B. managed C. asked D. s

17、topped18. A./ B. An C. The D.A19. A. nose B. head C. eyes D. hands20.A.curiously B. eagerly C. surprising D. angrily21.A.around B. over C. with D. at22.A.madman B. tramp C. thief D. stranger23. A. for B. up C. at D. in24.A.explained B. continued C. repeated D. announced25. A. big B. small C. lovely

18、D. dirty26. A. weak B. bright C. dark D. strong27. A. he B. she C. it D. which28. A. the night B. a while C. some time D. a day29. A. taking B. bringing C. giving D. pulling30. A. prepare B. cook C. buy D. have31. A. join B. help C. attend D. enjoy32. A. water B. food C. room D. bed33. A. left B. of

19、fered C. shared D. provided34. A. when B. since C. as D. while35. A. sent B. given C. built D. found16. C 从上文it began to rain知:把帐篷弄湿了。17. D stop to do sth.停下来休息一下。18. D 第一次出现的人、物应用不定冠词来修饰名词。19. B 从文章可看出身着绸缎的女士很傲慢,所以用with her head holding up high表示她的形态。20. D 从下文知这母女三个不喜欢这个流浪汉,所以样子是愤怒的。21. A go around

20、 our home指从我们家周围走过。22. B 这个富人辩解自己不是流浪汉。23. A stay for the night想在这里过一夜。24. C 从下文“We dont like your feet around our house. Go, go!”可见她们反复重复前面说过的话“We dont like tramps going around our home,”Go away at once。25. B 与前文形成对比。26. A weak表示灯光昏暗,但并非完全黑暗,所以A对。27. C 这道题非常容易做错,关键在看清楚,上文的though 与下文有转折之意,意为“虽然灯光昏暗,

21、家具贫乏,但这却使他感到温暖、舒适。”28. A 同选项stay for the night 意义一致。29. D 因为这家人家具少,所以顺手拽过一把小椅子给他。30. D have our supper 吃晚饭。31. A join sb.跟某人一道做。32. B 从上文知这家人并不富裕,所以食物不够吃。33. C 虽然食物不够却与陌生人分享。34. D 说明这对夫妇的善良,让出床铺给他,然而自己却睡马厩。35. C 富人给这对夫妇建美丽的房子,注意不能选A,因为房子不是玩具,它应建立在地面上,所以A错。三、阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分)(一)阅读下面短文。从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最

22、佳选项(每小题2分,满分20分)。AToday,I read an interesting article about television viewing.In one experiment,families were paid to stop watching TV for either a week or a month.Many could not complete the task and some families quarrelled or even fought.It was quite interesting and now I will say something abou

23、t TV.After TV became a product most families could afford,people bought and started to watch their new TVs.Both adults and children became less creative in problem solving,less able to focus on tasks,and less tolerant of flexible time.In my family,we grew up with the TV on.Every weekend,we watched G

24、un Smoke and Bonanza together as a family.TV provides us with a comfortable background when we want to learn a foreign language at home,and it entertains us cheaply with live action sports,incomparable performing arts and important events of the world.In addition,it educates us about everything from

25、 the cells in our body to the galaxies in the universe.Perhaps its not even practical to live without television unless our views change unexpectedly as we get older.I dont think that TV damages us so much as it robs us of time that could be spent doing other things such as learning new skills,getti

26、ng some exercise or doing volunteer work.I was lucky to have a family that watched TV together.Today there seems to be a TV in every room of the house and theres no need to agree on a program to watch.To watch TV or not is more of a question for adults than for us,and even though we all say we want

27、to cut down the time we spend in front of the tube,we never really do.TV_has_us_hypnotized!36The experiment in Paragraph 1 shows_.Ahow interesting watching TV isBhow much people like watching TVCwhether people like watching TVDwhy people give up watching TV37After most families could afford a TV,the

28、y_.Agot more active at workBfound it easier to solve problemsCbecame more independent of TVDfixed less attention on tasks38From Paragraph 3,we can learn that_.Athe author likes to spend weekends watching TV by himselfBwatching TV too much prevents the author from growing up wellCTV programmes bring

29、only fun to the author and his familyDthe author and his family get a lot of valuable experience in watching TV39According to the author,which of the following is TRUE?AIt is a waste of time to watch TV.BWe benefit little when we watch TV.CIt is hard to live without television.DWe change our views a

30、s we live with television.40The underlined sentence in the last paragraph implies that_.Awe depend too much on TVBwatching TV makes us unitedCTV robs us of valuable timeDTV changes our daily life36B考查细节理解。根据文章第一段“many could not complete the task and some families quarreled or even fought”可知人们在实验过程中,因为在一段时间没有看电视,而引发危机,足以说明人们对电视的依赖程度,所以选择B。37D考查细节理解。根据文章第二段中“Both adults and children became less creative in problem solving,less able to focus on tasks”可知。38D考查推理判断。根据文章第三段最后一句“it educates us about everything from the cells in our body to the galaxies in the universe”可知D项正确;根据文章第三段第一句“in my fami

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