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1、3高考2模拟英语外研一轮复习课件选修7Module1Basketball英语(外研版)Module 1 BasketballEl语言点用法过关defend疗活学巧用完成句子:(1)对于他们的指控他不得不为自己辩解。He had to their charges.(2)能提出什么观点来为这个说法辩护呢?What points can Be raised this argument?(3)有好几个人目睹了这次袭击事件,但没一个人站出来帮 助她。Several people witnessed the attack, but no one (4)那条狗袭击我时,我用木棍自卫。When the dog

2、 attacked me I myself a stick.(1 ) defend himselfpgainst (2 )in defence of(3 ) came s her defence (4 ) defended5 withvalue单项填空:(5) (2011吉林实验中学第一次模拟,22) You will find thismap of great in helping you to get round BeijingA. price B. cost C value D. expense(6) (2011浙江余姚中学第一次质检,10)The local authorityis t

3、rying to overseas investment by beautifying its environ-0答案(5)C 句意】你会发现这张地图在帮你逛北京方面很有价 值。price意为:价格,价钱;cost意为:花费9成本,代价;value意 为:价值,重要性,be of great value = be very valuable; expense 意 为:花费,开支。(6)B 句意:当地政府想通过美化环境来激励海外投资。 A意为:重视,尊重;B意为:激励,鼓励;C意为:介绍,引进;D意 为:影响,感动。根据句意答案为B项。attend暂活学巧用单项填空:(7 ) ( 201 1 湖

4、南,30 ) It is the most instructive lecture that I since I came to this school.A. attendetl B. had attendedC. am attending D have attended(8 ) (2012 届江苏如皋质检,25 ) I always have so many things to when I come back to the company after a trip abroadA. attend to B. add toC. contribute to D. appeal to乜答案(7)

5、0 句意:这是自从我到这所学校以来参加过的最有教 育意义的演讲。考查在特定语境中正确使用时态的能力。根据 主句的谓语动词is和从句since I came to this school可以判断空 格部分应用现在完成时,故选D项。(8)A 句意:每次我出国旅游回到公司,总是有那么多的事 情要处理。A意为:处理,照料;B意为:增加;C意为:有助于,导 致,对做出贡献;D意为:吸引,呼吁。根据句意答案为 A项。deserve活学巧用单项填空:(9)(2012届山东微山一中10月月考,22 ) She a re-ward for her efforts.A. offered B. worth C re

6、spected D. desenred(10 )(2011福建莆田高中考前适应,24 ) Maria is constantly making efforts; she cl esenes the goal of entering the key universit yA. achieving B. to achieveC being achieved D. to be achieved答案(9)D 句意:因为她的努力她应受到奖励。offer提供,出 价;worth值 钱;respect尊敬,尊重;desene应得,应受到。根据题意答案选Do(10 )B 句意:玛利亚一直在努力,她应该能实现进

7、入重点 大学的目标。考查sb. deserve to do sth,某人应该做某事。疗活学巧用完成句子:(11)他生性好斗。He is aggressive .(12 )按她的天性,她是不会做任何粗鲁的事的。It is not to do anything rude.(13)这幅画非常逼真。The painting really .(14 )自然灾害之后这个国家出现了很多社会问题。Many social problems occurred after the .0 答案 (11 ) by nature ( 12 ) in her nature ( 13 ) is; true to nature

8、 ( 14 ) natural disasterinstant丁活学巧用完成句子:(15 ) ( 就was the man the police were looking for.I knew he was the man the police (在那一瞬间)saw him.(16 ) When it started to rain ? the (立即).(17 )He was sentenced to _(18)Th巳 girl burst out crying caught sight of her mother)1 saw him, I knew hewere looking for c

9、rowd vanished (死刑立即执行).就 )sheE答案(15 )The instant; at that instant 句意:我一看到他就知道他 正是警方在寻找的那个人。(16 ) in an instant句意:下雨了,人群立艮卩消失了 o(17 ) instant death 句意:他被判处死刑立即执行q(18 )instantly 句意:那个女孩一看到她母亲就大哭起来。Q appointg活学巧用英译汉:(19 )Shall we appoint a place to meet tonight?(20)We have to appoint another day for th

10、e rest of the business (21)Our guests arrived at the appointed time.(22 ) An appointment must be made before you see your doctor.答案(19)今晚我们约个地方见面好吗?(20)我们只好另约一天来处理其余的事 (21 )我们的客人在约定的时间到了。(22)在你看医生前一定要预约。typical暂活学巧用完成句子:(23 )他的父亲是当时具有代表性的一位小说家。His father was at that time.(24)他一向好忘事,除了自己的名字外他什么都可能忘。I

11、ts to forget. He may forget eveiythingexcept his name.(25 )汤姆是那种很随和的人,跟谁都合得来。Toni is an easygoing person who gets along wellwith everyone.(26 )请给我打出这封信来好吗?Would you please for me?jQ 答案 (23 )a typical novelist type of (26 ) type this letter(24) typical of him (25 )Q aside歹活学巧用单项填空:(27 )(2012届浙江新安江中学1

12、0月月考,7) Considering hishealth, I advise him to an hour or two each day to work out.A.set about B. set offC. set up D. set aside(28)(2011湖南衡阳八中第二次月考,25 ) Jack , if s your fault You must your differences and get clown to the task.A.put awayB.put offC.put outD.put asi de(27)D 句意:考虑到他的健康状况,我建议他每天留出一 两个小

13、时来锻炼。set aside留出,拨出。(28 )D 句意:杰克,这是你的错。你必须把你们的分歧放 在一边,先开始这项任务。A意为:收起来;B意为:推迟;C意 为:熄灭,出版;D意为:把放在一边,暂不考虑。活学巧用完成句子:(29)政府承诺要改革医疗保健制度。The government has the health system(30)你现在不能改变主意了,你已经对那个问题表态了。You cant now ; you have already that question.(3D-个人不仅要对工作尽心尽力也要对家庭尽到责任。A man should not only himself his.

14、work but also his family.(32)她真的是自杀吗?Did she really ?呂答案 (29 ) committed to reforming ( 30 ) change your mind ; committed yourself on ( 31 ) commit; to ;to (32 ) commit suicideQ name after活学巧用完成句子:(33) 休婚后没改姓。 when she got married.Sue dicing change her (34) 房子是我妻子名下的。The house is(35 )我们用祖母的名字给宝宝取名为萨

15、拉。We the ha by Sarah her grandmother.答案(33 )last name(34 ) in niy wifes name(35 ) named ; after活学巧用单项填空:(36 ) (2011江西南昌三中第一次月考,33)Most of the movies directed by Zhang Yimou historical based on B. based onB.D. basing onC. are based on(36)C 句意:张艺谋导演的大多数电影都是以历史事实为基础的分析句子结构可知directed by Zhang

16、 Yimou是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰m()vies;he based on以 为基础;主语是most of the movies,谓语动词要用复数形式,所以答案为C项长难句突破h活学巧用单项填空:(37)(201 1河北大城一中第二次月考,14) She has that I find it hard to believe anything bad of a lovely lovely a facerC.such lovely faceD.such lovely a face(38 ) (2011 江苏苏、锡、常、镇联考,25 ) For Englis

17、h teachers a more effective role in teaching,they must make every effort to raise students cross-cultural awarenessB. playingD. playA. to playC having playedE答案(37)B 句意:她长着如此可爱的一张脸以至于我发现很难 相信她所做的坏事o so后面要接形容词;such后要接名词Q so lovely a face 二 such a lovely faceo(38)A 句意:英语老师为了在教学中发挥更具影响力的作 用,他们必须努力提高学生的

18、跨文化意识。本题考查不定式的 复合结构,即for sb. to do sth.,作目的状语。弹元能力过关口一、单项填空1.(2011 全国 II ? 16)As he reached front door, Jack saw strange sight.A.the;/ B. 3; the C/;a D. the ;a13答案 D 句意:杰克到前门时,他看到了 一个奇怪的景 象。本题考查冠词的用法。第一空处是特指前门,用定冠词; 第二空后sight在此是单数可数名词,意为“景象,情景,表泛 指,应用不定冠词,故选D。2.(2011 湖南,22 )Joan , what in your ha ml

19、?Look! Ifs a birthday gift for my grandmaA. had you held B are you holdingC. do you hold D. will you holdE答案B 句意:琼,你手里拿着什么?看!这是 给我奶奶的生日礼物。考查在特定语境中正确使用时态的能 力。根据句意(琼,你手里拿着什么?)和关键词Look可知该 题应用现在进行时态,故选B项。3.(2010 浙江卩)It is uncertain side effect the medicine willbring about, although about two thousand pa

20、tients have taken it.A. thatC. howB. whatD. whether旳答案B 句意:尽管说已经有大约两千名病人服用了这 种药品,但是,这种药品会带来什么副作用还不明确。本题考 查名词性从句本题设空处须引导主语从句,“皿无实际意 义,在从句中不作成分;什么,在从句中可作主语、宾语或 表语,还可修饰名词作定语;how如何,多么;在从句中作方式 状语或修饰形容词;whether是否,在从句中作状语,不修饰名 词 side effect为名词短语,故须用what修饰。4.(2012 届山东淄博一中 10 月质检,32 ) The country life he was

21、used to greatly since 1992.A. cha ngeC. changingB. has changedD. have changed(3答案 B 句意:他曾经习惯的那种农村生活自从1992年 以来发生了巨大变化。分析句子结构可知he was used to在句 中是定语从句,修饰the country life。空格处是句子的谓语动 词,根据时间状语since 1992可知此处应该用现在完成时,故 选B项Q5.(2012 届吉林普通中学模拟,32 ) Our English teacher devoted herself to her teaching and it ea

22、rned her a good reputationin our school.A. strongly B extremely C. entirely D. freely住答案 C 句意:我们的英语老师全身心投入到教学中,这 为她在我校赢得了很好的声誉o strongly强烈地;extremely , 非常;entirely全部地,完全地;fwely自由地。根据句意答案为 C项。6.(2012 届山东汶上一中 10 月月考,24In the countryside you can enjoy fresh air?Blue sky and quiet surroundings.一 more an

23、d more retired people are escaping from thecrowded city.JA. It is no wonder B. It is no cloubtC. There is no need D There is no possibility0 答案 A 句意:在乡下你可以享受到新鲜的空气、蓝 蓝的天空和安静的环境。难怪越来越多退休的人在逃离 拥挤的城市。A意为:难怪;B项正确形式为:There is no doubt毫无疑问 ;C意为:没有必要 ;D意为:没有 的可能性。根据句意答案为A项。7.(2012 届山东临沂期中,30 ) In many ways

24、 Chinas rapid growth has been seen as a( n) to improve the cooperation with other countries A. administration B motivationC. conception D. realization住答案 B句意:从很多方面来看,中国的快速发展被看做 是加强与其他国家合作的动机。A意为:管理,行政机关;B意 为:动机,原因;C意为:思想,概念;D意为:认识,领会。根据 句意答案为B项。8.(2012届山东寿光现代中学10月段测,35 )1 want to he a sei- entist wh

25、en I grow up.一A scientist must be in making tests.A. sacred B precise C. typical D. fluent15答案 B 句意:长大后我想成为一名科学家。 科学家在做实验时必须一丝不苟o sacred神圣的;precise周密 的,一丝不苟的;typical典型的;fluent流畅的,流利的。根据句 意答案为B项9.(2012届河北灵寿高中第二次月考,15)We don* doubt the boy can the angry teacher.A. if; apologize forC. that; apologize t

26、oB. whether;apologize toD. what; apologize(3答案 c 句意:这个男孩会向生气的老师道歉的,对此我 们一点也不怀疑。分析句子结构可知从第一个空到句尾是宾 语从句;第二个空应该是apologize to sb.结构,故排除A、D两 项;dont doubt后常跟that引导的宾语从句,故选C项。doubt 在肯定句中时后常跟whether引导的宾语从句o10.(2012 届山东临沂期中,25 ) Congratulations on your promotion. You really it.A. presence B. observe C. deser

27、ve D reserve乜答案 c 句意:祝贺你高升。这确是你应得的。P心 serve保护,维持;observe观察;deserve应得;reserve保留,预 定。根据句意答案为c项。11 (2011 浙江杭州长河高中二模,17) Your letter will get attention! They know you*re expecting the answer.A. careful B. common C. instant D. general答案 C 句意:你的信会得到他们的立即关注的!他们知道你在等答复o carefu 1仔细的,小心的;common 见的,普 通的;instan

28、t立即的,马上的;general总体的,大致的o根据句 意答案为C项。12.(2011福建厦门双十中学考前热身,34 ) The latest edition ofHarry Potter is as attractive as the previous editions. Jt ismore thrilling.A. If soB. If possibleC If necessar)rD. If anything0 答案 D 句意:最新版的哈利波特和以前的版本一样 吸引人。如果有什么区别的话,那就是更加令人兴奋了。A 意为:如果是这样的话;B意为:如果可能的话;C意为:如果 有必要的话;D意

29、为:如果(要说)有什么区别的话。根据句 意答案为D项。13.(2011 湖南衡阳八中第二次月考,30)1 wonder such a gentleman as he should an error,though it is a simple and smallone A. admit B. tolerate C. commit D. ignore13答案 c 句意!我纳闷像他这样的一位绅士竟然会犯 错,尽管只是一个简单的小错误。A意为:承认,认可;B意 为:容忍,忍受;C意为;犯错误,干蠢事;D意为:忽略,忽视。14.( 201 1 山西太原五中 4 月月考,25 ) According to

30、 the informationfrom the authority, there is no evidence to suggest that nuclear e-vents in Fukushima , Japan any health impact on us.D. would haveA will have B. should have C had答案A句意:根据权威方面的资料,没有证据表明日本福岛核事故会对我们的健康带来影响。根据题意时态应该用将来时态,故选A项。15.(2011湖南雅礼中学第七次月考,29 ) The farm welearned to feed cattle two years ago has changed a lot.A. when B. which C. that D. where13答案 D 句意;两年前我们在那儿学会喂牛的那个农场 已经发生了很大变化。分析句子结构可知从空格处到日go是 定语从句,修饰先行词the farm,扌巴先行词代入从句为:We learned to feed cattle on the farm two years ago.可知关系 词在从 句中作地点状语,故选D项。二、完形填空(2012届浙大附中期中)Russ was a lovable kid with a variety of

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