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1、学年高中英语Module4MusicSectionIntroductionSection Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary课前自学导引刘芳专访第一部分刘芳是一位国际知名的音乐家,以弹奏中国传统乐器见长。她出生于1974年,从6岁起就开始弹奏琵琶。11岁起她就开始举办演奏会,包括英国女王访华期间为女王做的一场演出。刘芳毕业于上海音乐学院,1993年她还在那里学习弹奏古筝。请您谈谈您在音乐方面的背景及训练情况,好吗?我母亲是滇剧演员。滇剧是一种中国戏剧,里面有声乐、舞蹈及表演。我小的时候,母亲就带我去看节目。在会说话前,我就接触了音乐! 我5岁那年,妈妈教




5、跟他们合作,并吸取其他音乐传统之长,创作自己的音乐。我也希望能使中国传统的琵琶和古筝音乐传遍世界的各个角落。课堂合作探究破解重点词汇He asked me some questions relative to the subject.他问了我一些有关这个题目的问题。归纳拓展(1)be relative to 与有关(2)relate v. (有)关联,关系(3)relation n. 亲戚,亲属;关系in relation to 有关;关于(4)related adj. 有关的be related to 与有关联;跟有亲属关系Wealth is seldom related to happin

6、ess.财富与幸福没有多大关系。relative“亲戚”,常可与relation换用,有时指一般的亲戚。relation“亲属”,包括父母、子女,不仅有血缘关系,而且有法律规定的关系。They are relations by marriage.他们是姻亲。【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)He wasnt feeling well all day, which I think is relative _ the food he ate.B.单句写作(2)我有个远房亲戚在这个小镇。I have a distant _ in this small town.答案:(1)to(2)relative

7、/relationIt is true of everybody.这件事适用于每一个人。归纳拓展be true to忠于come true (预言、梦想等)成为现实,实现true to life 逼真He was true to his word and arrived on time.他信守诺言,准时到达。I dont think the characters are very true to life.我觉得这些人物不太真实。【即景活用】单句语法填空The same is true _ the young adults going to college.答案:of/forAre there

8、 any different characteristics between the Americans and the Canadians?美国人和加拿大人有什么不同特征吗?归纳拓展character n. 性格、人物、品质、特点Girl as she is, she has a strong but gentle character.虽然她是个女孩,但她有坚强而又温柔的性格。【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for _ (characteristic)

9、 building.B.单句写作(2)每个阶层都有独特的特性。Each class had unique _.(3)戏中有三个主要人物。There are three main _ in the play.答案:(1)character(2)characteristics(3)charactersThe accident was similar to the one that happened in 1980.这次事故和1980年发生的那起事故很相似。归纳拓展similar adj. 相似的be similar in 在方面类似Our cars are similar only in colo

10、r.我们的车子只是颜色类似。名师点津be similar to中to为介词。【即景活用】单句语法填空The climate here is very similar _ that in the USA.答案:toThose words have given life to this article.那几句话增加了这篇文章的生气。归纳拓展give ones life to 为而献出生命bring . to life 使复活,给以活力come to life 苏醒过来,变得生动(有趣)save ones life 救了某人的性命lose ones life 丧生,死He gave his life

11、 to the cause of peace.他为了和平事业而献出了自己的生命。A great actor can bring a character to life.一个伟大的演员能使角色生动起来。【即景活用】单句写作(1)那位新来的老师总是用他的幽默使得课堂充满活力。The new teacher always _ with his humor.(2)喝了一些热水之后,冻僵的男孩苏醒了过来。After drinking some hot water, the frozen boy _.答案:(1)brings the class to life(2)came to lifeThe two

12、old schools are to combine to form one big new school.这两所旧学校将合并组成一所新的大学校。归纳拓展(1)combine against 联合起来反对combine . with/and . 使与结合(2)combination n. 联合,结合in combination with 与联合The two countries combined against their common enemy.这两个国家联合起来抗击他们共同的敌人。【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)The firm is working on a new product

13、in _ (combine) with several overseas partners.B.单句写作(2)建筑师灵活地结合了不同历史时期的元素。The architects took the freedom _ elements from different historical eras.答案:(1)combination(2)to combineThe thought of going back to work tomorrow depresses him.一想到明天要回去工作就令他沮丧。归纳拓展(1)depressing adj. 令人沮丧的(2)depressed adj. 消沉的

14、;萧条的be depressed about/at 因而感到沮丧(3)depression n. 抑郁,沮丧;不景气,萧条(期)一句背诵:I felt depressed to see the depressing film last night.昨晚看了一场令人沮丧的电影使我感到心情抑郁。【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)I was _ (depress) at the thought of all the hard work ahead.B.单句改错(2)It is depressed to hear the traffic accident._答案:(1)depressed(2)depr

15、esseddepressingA teacher should often make contact with the students.教师应常常和学生进行交流。归纳拓展be in contact with 与保持联系get in contact with 与取得联系keep in contact with 与保持联系lose contact with 与失去联系bring sth. into contact 使取得联系be out of contact with和失去联系If you have any questions, be sure to get in contact with me

16、.如果有任何问题,请务必跟我联络。Have the children been in contact with the disease?孩子们同这种疾病有过接触吗?【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)He made contact _ wealthy people in raising money for the project.B.单句写作(2)请及时和我们联系。 Please _ with us in time.答案:(1)with(2)make contact withShe was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition.她很聪明

17、,但缺乏远大志向。归纳拓展achieve/fulfil/realize an ambition 实现了一个志向an ambition to do sth./of doing sth. 做的雄心壮志ambitious adj. 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的一句背诵:Its easier for the ambitious students to succeed in their studies than those with little ambition.有抱负的学生比那些几乎没有抱负的学生在学习上更有可能成功。名师点津ambition, wish, dream等名词作主语时,后面须用不定式作表语,表

18、示预定要发生的动作或未来的可能性或假设。Her ambition is to be a famous singer.她的理想是成为著名的歌唱家。【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)In his youth he had the _ (ambitious) of being a pianist.B.单句写作(2)他最新的书比以前的书更显得野心勃勃了。His latest book is more _ than his earlier books.答案:(1)ambition(2)ambitiousI had very little to say regarding the accident.关于这

19、次事故,我没什么好说的。归纳拓展介词regarding一般放在句首,后接名词、动名词或what从句,表示叙述的内容。regard n& v. 尊敬,关注,认为,看作regards 问候,致意with/in regard to 关于(用于点题)regard . as . 将看作regardless of 不管,不顾He is regarded as the best actor in town.他被看作是镇上最好的演员。Give your family my best regards.祝您全家幸福。名师点津regarding是以动词ing形式构成的介词。【即景活用】单句语法填空(1)Stop _

20、 (regard) yourself as the victim.(2)Our club is open to everyone regardless _ age, sex or educational background.答案:(1)regarding(2)of掌握难句解析1.She graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where she also studied the guzheng in 1993.(P44)她毕业于上海音乐学院,1993年还在那里学习弹奏古筝。句中where引导的从句为非限制性定语从句,修饰the S

21、hanghai Conservatory of Music。注意where引导的定语从句与状语从句的区别。where引导定语从句,where在从句中是关系副词,它前面要有先行词;而where引导的状语从句中,where是连词,它不能修饰名词。We have reached a stage where we must make a choice.我们到了一个必须做出选择的地步。They have reached the point where they have to split up.他们已经到了必须分手的地步。【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)The book has helped me g

22、reatly in my daily communication, especially at work _ a good impression is a must.(2)Half an hour later, Lucy still couldnt get a taxi _ the bus had dropped her.B.单句写作(3)我刚听说Dora工作的银行被抢劫了。I just heard the bank _ Dora works was robbed.答案:(1)where(2)where(3)where2.Its the same with classical Chinese

23、music.(P45)中国古典音乐也是如此。It is the same with . So it is with . 该句型可用于陈述两种以上的情况。(1)在肯定句中,用sobe(have,助动词,情态动词)主语,表示前面所说的情况亦适合于另一人或物。(2)在否定句中,用neither/norbe(have,助动词,情态动词)另一主语,表示“也不”。He likes English but he doesnt study it well. It is the same with his brother./So it is with his brother.他喜欢英语但是学得不好。他弟弟也是如

24、此。Lily cant ride; neither/nor can Lucy.莉莉不会骑车,露西也不会。名师点津如果句意不是“也是如此”,而是对前面内容的肯定或附和(此时的soindeed),那么,句子不可使用倒装式。应用so主语be(have,助动词,情态动词)。【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)English football should be proud that we have Michael Ballack playing in this country and it is the same _ Thierry Henry.B.单句写作(2)由于开车经过的人数下降了,所以他们的收入

25、也下降了。As the number of people driving past dropped, _.答案:(1)with(2)so did their incomes课堂总结演练单句语法填空1.Its one of the few countries_ people drive on the left.答案:where2This kind of _ (combine) of theory and practice is very meaningful.答案:combination3Anyone with any information about the incident should

26、make contact _ the police.答案:with4He asked me some questions which are _ (relate) to the subject.答案:relative 5Hes a very _ (ambition) man and he wants to play at the highest level.答案:ambitious单句改错1My teaching style is similar with that of most other teachers._答案:withto2In regarding to his work, we h

27、ave no complaints._答案:regardingregard3Dont hesitate to make in contact with me if you need any further information._答案:去掉in4Just thinking about the crowd on the way home is depressed._答案:depresseddepressing5The weather in China is different from area to area, which is true in Canada._答案:第二个inof/for演

28、练通关提升夯实基础知识单词拼写1The government has set up some rules _ (关于) the food safety.答案:regarding2Yesterday my younger sister bought a book of _ (诗歌)答案:poetry3Have you got any _ (亲戚) in our city? If not, I can put you up.答案:relatives4This is a book about nice memories, _ (有诗意的) life, and ideals of the future.答案:poetic5At the end of the performance, to my astonishment, I won the prize for best sweet _ (独唱者)答案:soloist6He felt greatly d_ at the news that he had been

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