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1、快乐英语六年级上册阅读理解训练快乐英语六年级上册阅读理解训练快乐英语Unit1一、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。A judge was working in his room one day when a neighbour ran in and said, “If one mans cow kills anothers, is the owner of the first cow responsible?”“It depends,” answered the judge.“Well,” said the man, your cow has killed mine.“Oh,” answered

2、 the judge. “Everyone knows that a cow cannot think like a man, so a cow is not responsible, and that means that its owner is not responsible either.”“I am sorry, Judge,” said the man. “I made a mistake. I meant that my cow killed yours.”The judge thought for a few seconds and then said,“ When I thi

3、nk about it more carefully, this case is not as easy as I thought at first. ”And then he turned to his clerk and said, “Please bring me that big black book from the shelf behind you.”( )1.The neighbour asked the judge_. Awhether the first cow was responsibleBwhether the owner of the first cow was re

4、sponsibleCwhether both cows were responsibleDwhether both the owners were responsible( )2.When the neighbour reported that the judges cow had killed his, the judge answered that_.Aa cow was responsible Bits owner was not responsibleCneither a cow nor its owner was responsible Dhis cow was responsibl

5、e( )3.When the neighbour heard this, he told the judge that_.Athere was nothing happened Bhis cow had been killedCit was his cow that had killed the judges Dboth cows had been killed( )4.When the judge heard that his cow had died, he_.Agot angry Bsaid nothingCput his neighbor into prison Dchanged wh

6、at he had said at first( )5.In this story the judge was_.Aa clever judge Ba humorist Cunfair DFoolish二、Ugly Duckling(丑小鸭)The mother duck had eight little yellow ducklings, but one of them was different from the others. They called him Ugly Duckling.“You are an Ugly Duckling,”the other ducklings said

7、.“You dont look like us. We dont want to play with you.”“You have made fun of me since I was born,”the poor duckling said sadly(难过地).“You have hurt(伤害)me for years! I dont want to stay here any more.”So he left(离开)them and tried to find a happy place. Finally, he came to a lake. Many beautiful swans

8、(天鹅)were there. The Ugly Duckling swam to them.“Hello, little one. Ive never seen you before. Where are you from?”One of the swans saw him and asked.“Hello, I came from a place far away. I walked a long way. Now Im tired. Can I join you?”“Sure, you are welcome, my dear child,”the swan answered.“Your

9、e just one of us!”The Ugly Duckling was very happy, but a little surprised. He looked at himself in the clear water. Instead of an ugly duckling, he saw a beautiful swan. It was himself!He became the most beautiful swan of them all.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误(T/F)。()1. At first, all the ducklings liked Ugly Du

10、ckling.()2. Next, Ugly Duckling left the ducklings.()3. Then he grew into(长成)a swan.()4. Finally, he didnt become the most beautiful swan of them all.()5. In fact(实际上), Ugly Duckling is a duck.快乐英语Unit2一、A rainy dayIt was a rainy morning.Tina was getting ready to leave her house.She put on her rainc

11、oat and carried an umbrella.The rain beat on her.She felt cold and wet.She wore a pair of slippers to walk to walk to school.She would change into her school shoes when she reached school.Her school shoes and socks were in her bag so that they would not get wet.It was difficult to see where she was

12、going because the rain was heavy.The ground was wet and slippery.She walked slowly and carefully so she did not slip and fall.She also had to be very careful of passing cars that might splash water on her.She was eager to reach the school so that she could dry herself and get out of the cold.根据短文内容,

13、判断下列句子的正误(T/F)。( )1.It was a sunny morning.( )2.Tina didnt put on her raincoat.( )3. Tinas school shoes and socks were at home. w( )4. Tina walked slowly and carefully so she did not slip and fall.( )5. Tina was eager to reach the school so that she could dry herself and get out of the cold.根据短文内容,选

14、择正确答案。(10分)( )1.How did Tina go to school? A.on foot bike C.By bus( )2.Where were her school shoes and socks? A at school home her bag( )3.Did Tina slip and fall? A Yes,she did. B.No,she didnt. C.Sorry,I dont know.( )4.How did Tina feel? A cold B.wet C.cold and wet( )5.What did Tina n

15、eed to use because of the rainy weather? A raincoat B raincoat and an umbrella C.shoes二、A golden touch Long long ago, there lived in England a king named Midas. He was a greedy(贪婪的) man and loved gold(金子) better than anything else in the world.Oneday,heaskedagodtogivehimmoregold.Thegoddecidedtopunis

16、hhimand said,“Yourwishisgrantedalready.Everythingyoutouchwillturntogold.”Midaswasveryhappywhenheheardthis.Thenextmorning,hegotupearlytotest hisskills.Whenhetouchedhisbed,itturnedtogold.“Gold!”criedMidas,laughinglikealittleboy,“Itworks.”Notonlystones,flowers,andthefurnitureinhishouseturnedtogold,but,

17、whenhesatdowntotable,sodidthefoodheateandthewaterhedrank.Hewasunhappynow.Justthenhisdaughterranuptohim.Midastouchedherhand.Atonceshebecameagoldstatue(雕像)!Alast,hebeggedthegodtofreehimfromhiswish.“Gototheriverandbatheinit.”saidthegod.SoMidasdid,andthewatertookawayhisgoldentouch.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。( )1.Wh

18、eredidthekinglive?A. Greece B. China C.England D.India( )2.ThegoddecidedtopunishMidasbecausehewas_.A. greedy B. proud C.unhappy D.lazy( )3.Theunlinedword“granted”inParagraph2canbereplacedby“_”.A. satisfied B. finished C.discussed D.expected( )4.Whichisthecorrectorderaccordingtothestory?a.Midasbecame

19、thekingoftheEnglandb.Hisdaughterturnedtogoldc.Midaswashappywithhisskilld.Thegodfreedhimfromhiswishe.MidasaskedgodformoregoldA. d-e-c-b-a B. a-e-c-b-d C.a-e-b-c-d D.e-a-c-d-b( )5.Whatcanwelearnfromthestory?A.Itistheearlybirdthatcatchestheworm.B.Donotputallyoureggsinonebasket.C.Goddoesnotalwaysbringha

20、ppiness.D.Abirdinhandisworthtwointheforest.快乐英语Unit3Modern Mothers Day began about 100 years ago in the US.Anna Jarvis started it.She received great love from her mother.When her mother died in 1905,she wrote to the government and asked for a day to honour all mothers.In 1913,the US Government made

21、the second Sunday of May Mothers Day.She gave birth to you. She makes your food.She helps you with your homework.She gives all her love to you.Who is this person?She is your mother.Mothers Day is a day for us to show love to our mothers.On Mothers Day lots of people give their mother gifts,like cake

22、s and cards.Many people also give them carnations.In the language of flowers,carnations mean best wishes for mothers.一、根据短文内容,判断正()误()。( )1.Modern mothers Day began about 100 years ago in the US.( )2.Mothers Day is on the second Saturday of May.( )3.Government stared Mothers Day.( )4.Many people giv

23、e their mothers cakes,cards and carnations.( )5.Anna Jarviss mother died in 1913.二、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。( )1.Where did the Modern Mothers Day begin A.In the UK B.In the US C.In china( )2.Who started Mothers Day? A.The king B. The government C. Anna Jarvis( )3.When is Mothers Day? A Its on the first Sunday

24、 of May Mothers Day. B. Its on the second Saturday of May Mothers Day. C.Its on the second Sunday of May Mothers Day.( )4.Give a title for this artile. A. Fathers Day B.A specil day for Mum. C.Buy flowers for mothers5.What can we do on Mothers Day? 快乐英语Unit4阅读理解。 Once there was a farmer. He worked f

25、or a landlord (地主). The landlord made the man work all day long, but paid him very little money and didnt give him enough food to eat. One day when the man was having breakfast, the landlord came and said to him. Its too much trouble to go to work and come back for supper. So I want you to have brea

26、kfast and lunch and supper now,before you go to the field. How can I eat three meals at the same time? The man thought. But he said, A11 right. He finishedhis breakfast and went out. Two hours later, the landlord went out for a walk. Now what did he see? He saw the man sitting under a tree and smoki

27、ng. The landlord was very angry? Why arent you working in the fields?He said. The man said with a smile,I have had my supper and you know very well what I should do after supper. ( )1. The landlord gave the farmer_. A. very little sleep B. very little work C.much food to eat D. very little money( )2

28、. The farmer had three meals together because_. A. it was good for the landlord B. it was good for the farmer C. the landlord was very kind D. the farmer liked to do that( )3. Two hours later, the landlord saw the farmer_. A. working hard on the farm B. having his lunch under a tree C. sleeping unde

29、r a tree D. smoking under a tree( )4. The farmer told the landlord that after supper it was time_.A. to work B. to rest C. to lie D. to sit under a tree( )5. The farmer was very_. A.lazy B.angry C.clever D.foolish The magic violinOnce there lived a landlord who loved money very much. He hired a young man named John. He forced John to work all day long. But he gave him little money. So John met a poor old lady. He gav

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