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1、启航英语答案启航英语答案txt(2007年考生适用) section i use of english directions: read the following text. choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark a, b, c or d on answer sheet 1. (10 points) large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public the same problem,a small scale, faces practicall

2、y every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. there can be of raising the sums needed from friends and people we know. and banks may agree to provide short-term finance. they are generally unwilling to provide money on a 25basis for long-term projects. so companies the public,

3、inviting people to lend them money, take a share in doing so they can use the savings of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas, when the inventor needs his money back, he does not have to go the company with whom he placed it. , he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some oth

4、er person who is seeking to his money, many of the services needed by industry and by each of us are provided by the government or by local authorities. without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, etc, this country could not all these require continuous spending on new equipment and

5、 new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money that through taxes alone. the government, local authorities, and nationalized industries frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, come to a stock exchange. there is a man or woman in this

6、 country job and standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. in one way or this new money must come from the investment funds of the country. stock exchanges exist to provide a channel through which these funds can reach those

7、who need financing. 1. a at largeb at lengthc detaild at last 2. a in b on c ford with 3. a expectationb perspective c prospect d prosperity 4. a if b even ifc when d while 5. a potential b perpetual c patent d permanent 6. a turn tob turn upc turn out d turn down 7. a andb or c alsod and then8. a p

8、ublishing 9. a put off 10. a originally 11. a indeed 12. a finance 13. a both 14. a operated 15. a raised 16. a thus 17. a hardly 18. a whos 19. a or other 20. a access b grantingb put intob primitively b insteadb offer b each b manipulate b raisingb nevertheless b quite b whoseb and some other b pa

9、ssagec issuing c put away c formally c nevertheless c investc allc handle c be raised c therefore c almost c which c or another c wayd delivering d put aside d formerly d yet d mortgage d either d function d is raised d hence d nearly d that d or others d channel section ii reading comprehension par

10、t a directions: read the following four texts. answer the questions below each text by choosing a, b, c or d. mark your answers on answer sheet 1. (40 points) text 1 past immigration good, present immigration bad. each new wave of immigration has been greeted by wide-spread suspicion or outright hos

11、tility. “ignorant, unskilled, inert, accustomed to the beastliest conditions,” thundered an article about east europeans in 1892 “the arrival on our shores of such masses of degraded peasantry brings the greatest danger that american labour has ever known.” it was opinions such as this that eventual

12、ly led, from the 1920s, to americas doors being virtually closed to immigrants. the doors opened again in the mid 1960s, and widened admirably with the 1990 immigration act. the essence of todays anti-immigration case is that this latest wave of newcomers is likely to be difficult, if not impossible

13、, to absorb. the pro-immigration riposte is that most such arguments have been heard before and proved false. both sides in the debate can twist the numbers. the antis point out that the number of people entering america legally or illegally (about in a year) is higher than at any time since the ear

14、ly years of the century. the pros reply that, as a proportion of the population, immigration is still relatively low by 20th-century standards. more controversial is the origin of the new immigrants. between 1810 and 1900, more than 80% of immigrants came from europe. by the 1980s, the european shar

15、e had dropped to 9%. the vast majority of americas immigrants today come from asia, latin america and the caribbean. does this matter? the antis think the mix is a danger to the fabric of american society. the pros think that view differs little from that of those who wrote darkly about the “alien h

16、ordes” from southern and eastern europe who would “steadily reduce the average intelligence of the country”. many of the other objections to immigration also have a familiar ring. in the past, too,americans worried (though perhaps not quite as much as they do now) about the effects of the arrival of

17、 these people on their environment, about the newcomers commitment to america and its values. but in a few respects the worries about the current influx are genuinely new. one concerns the skills of the new arrivals: they are declining compared with those of the native-born population. lower skills

18、mean more poverty and-because of the second new factor, the growth of the welfare state-greater cost to the taxpayer. in 1970 the typical immigrant had a lower participation in welfare than the american average; by 1990 the participation rate was higher than average (immigrants were 9% of households

19、 but took 13% of welfare money). if these statistics are true of legal immigrants, they are likely to be even more true of illegal ones. a third worry is that assimilation has become harder with the rise of “multiculturalism” and the new emphasis on group rights. some of these worries might be dealt

20、 with by adjusting immigration policy. for example, the united states could follow canada in placing greater emphasis on skills as a criterion for entry. but often immigration is merely a symptom of a wider problem, not the cause. blame the rising cost to taxpayers on welfare policy and federal mand

21、ates, not on immigrants. the strongest advocates of multiculturalism are to be found among university teachers and blacks whose ancestors came to america hundreds of years ago. there is little reason to believe that todays immigrants want anything other than the millions who have com before them-tha

22、t is, to be part of the american (an not least the californian). 21. from the 1920s to the mid 1960s, americas doors was virtually closed to immigrants because _. a the immigrants were thought to be inferior to the native americans. b american labor was afraid that the immigrants might grab their wo

23、rking opportunities. c the immigrants could not be easily absorbed. d the native americans were afraid of being absorbed by the immigrants. 22. it can be inferred from the passage that_. a the immigrants in america outnumber the native-born americans. b the illegal immigrants in america are even mor

24、e than the legal ones. c the proportion of immigrants in america has decreased. d americas immigrants are more than its emigrants. 23. according to the passage, which of the following is true? a all the americans think too many immigrants from asia, latin america and the caribbean will change the fa

25、bric of american society. b the immigrants from asia, latin america and the caribbean received a warm welcome in america. c americans used to worry about the effects of the immigrants on their environment. d americans now have more worries about effects of the immigrants. 24. according to the passag

26、e, illegal immigrants in america_. a are not allowed to take the welfare money. b have a higher participation in welfare than both the american average and legal immigrants. c cannot take more welfare money than legal immigrants. d have a much lower participation in welfare than the american average

27、. 25. in the last paragraph, the author implies that_. a those worries about the immigrants can be removed thoroughly by adjustingimmigration policy. b people cannot attribute their worries about the effects of the immigrants to immigration itself. c the rise of “multiculturalism” is the main cause

28、of immigration. d todays immigrants dont want be part or the american. text 2 astronomers have witnessed the biggest bang since the big bang-the moment about 15 billion years ago when the universe was created in a massive explosion. the huge burst of energy from the edge of the universe is estimated

29、 to be second only to the moment of creation in its explosive force, releasing more energy in two seconds than the sun will give out in its lifetime. scientists hope the explosion-known as a gamma-ray burst because it emits energy in the form of gamma radiation-will shed light on the earliest stages

30、 in the evolution of the stars and galaxies. gamma-ray bursts cannot be seen by the human eye but if they could the sky would light up like a camera flash each time they occurred. they are by far the most energetic events in the universe and, until now, have remained largely a mystery. the latest ga

31、mma-ray burst to be detected accurately occurred last december. using a network of telescopes and satellites, the astronomers were able to calculate its distance from earth at about 15 billion light years. this means it must have happened soon after the big bang itself, while the intensity of the ra

32、diation revealed it to be the biggest bang recorded by man. scientists from the american national aeronautics and space administration and the california institute of technology are to announce details of their analysis this week. the huge distance between the source of the explosion and the earth suggests gamma-r

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