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1、陕西省西工大附中届高三下学期四模考试英语2015届质量检测英 语第一卷(选择题,共95分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. island A. surprise B. machine C. invite D. children2. theater A. pleasant B. breathe C. really D. deaf3. cheer A. stomach B. character C. chain D. chemist

2、4. audience A. laugh B. fault C. aunt D. restaurant5. useful A. usual B. series C. consultD. husband第二节 情景对话 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两个为多余选项。W: David, we all know you took up skateboarding at ten . 6 M: Yeah, my parents even let me skate in the house.W:

3、7 M: Yes, they are pretty cool.W: 8 M: That was fine. I was able to get my school work done with good grades. My only problem was that I had too much physical energy that I could not sit still in class. Then some teachers started taking my skateboarding away.W: That couldnt stop you from skating?M:

4、9 .The cool thing was that my parents managed to find a different school. The headmaster there was wonderful. He let us plan our own PE classes. So guess what I created.W: Skateboarding.M: 10 .That was my PE class. By that time I was turning professional and starting to show off some techniques at c

5、ompetitions.A. Did they?B. But did your parents support you?C. No way.D. Are you kidding?E. How about your school work?F. You guessed it.G. I think so.第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。11. - How did he lose much weight? - _ eating less, he walked ten miles

6、every day.A. In terms of B. In spite of C . With regard to D. Apart from 12. I dont think he is the right person to do that job, _?A. isnt he B. dont I C. do I D. is he13. If anyone knows of recent research about this topic, I would greatly appreciate _. A. that B . this C. it D. one 14. A lot of ex

7、ercise outdoors could _ positive energy which helps you to reduce stress.A. give in B. give off C. give away D. give up.15. If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but _ an even greater challenge . A. meets B. meeting C. meet D. to meet16. - Do you mind if I leave my car here for a minute?-

8、 _.A. Great! I love cars B. Of course not. Its not allowed hereB. No, you cant D. Id rather you didnt, actually17. - My husband and I really liked that car, but we didnt have enough money at that time. - Or you _ it. What a pity! A. bought B. had bought C. would buy D. would have bought18. We can ne

9、ver expect _ bluer sky unless we create _ less polluted world. A. the; the B. the; a C. a ; the D. a; a 19. _, I think, and you will settle the problem. A. So long as you make your effort B. If you make your effort C. Making great effort D. A bit more effort 20. Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ s

10、hares her interest. A. no matter who B. no matter whom C . whoever D. whomever 21. More than one official _ the people heart and soul, which makes the public satisfied. A. serves B. serve C. serves for D. sever for 22. _ computer games, his parents were very worried about his future.A. Addicted to B

11、. Addicting to C. He addicted to D. His addicting to23. - What an easy examination paper , isnt it ? - Quite right. How I regretted that I _ such a silly mistake!A. could have made B. would have made C. should have made D. might have made 24. - Can you join us for the party to be held by old friends

12、 this weekend? - Awfully sorry. It is one year since I _ in China. A. lives B. lived C. live D. will live 25. Studying in our newly-built school is so wonderful a period _ every one of us will treasure forever.A. that B. as C. which D. when 第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适

13、合填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 When I was 17, I met a famous doctor named Paul Bragg. He gave me one of the most valuable 26 of my life; a statement that was filled with words of 27 . To this very day, I still 28 it; I am a genius (天才) , and I apply my wisdom. 29 ,I was a high school dropout (辍学学生) and

14、 was living in a tent in Hawaii. I had a very limited vocabulary and had never 30 reading a single book. When Dr Bragg taught me this statement, he held me to say it with feeling 31 it were true and present. To do so seemed so far away from 32 that it was funny. After saying it many times, 33 . I be

15、gan to feel what those powerful words meant. 34 every day I continued to say it, and it became 35 to believe; I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom. It was two and a half years later when I really saw the 36 of the statement. I was sitting in a college library 37 by fellow students whom I was helping

16、 with higher mathematics. I heard one of the students speak 38 to another, “John is really a 39 ! At the moment, I 40 what Dr Bragg had taught me, and I 41 to say this statement for the rest of my life. I cant quite put into words what a(n) 42 this statement has made in my life. 43 it, I was able to

17、 change from a dropout to the top of my college classes. I think that the key to 44 is putting your true feelings into a statement you 45 and saying it over and over every day. 26. A. enjoyments B. parts C. gifts D. knowledge27. A. idea B. comfort C. praise D. power 28. A. like B. need C. say D. use

18、 29. A. At the time B. For a while C. All at once D. For the moment 30. A. advised B. finished C. minded D. admitted 31. A. as if B. so that C. in case D. now that 32. A. history B. hope C. life D. reality 33. A. moreover B. however C. otherwise D. anyhow 34. A. Until B. Since C. So D. After35. A. e

19、asier B. funnier C. more unusual D. more impossible 36. A. evidence B. purpose C. details D. results37. A. followed B. surrounded C assisted D. invited 38. A. loudly B. kindly C. softly D. directly 39. A. star B. spokesman C. kid D. genius 40. A. read B. remembered C. showed D. doubted 41. A. decide

20、d B. asked C. expected D. learned 42. A. difference B. problem C. improvement D. impression 43. A. Except for B. More than C. Instead of D. Because of44. A. love B. success C. happiness D. understanding 45. A. think about B. look for C. believe in D. dream up 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分3

21、0分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A The day of my holiday arrived, but I wasnt looking forward to it. I had little money and had only been able to afford to stay with my Aunt Rosa in Spain. So, I wasnt really excited as I knew exactly what it was going to be like; Lots of noisy c

22、ousins and Aunt Rosa begged me to take her for a ride. After I had checked in, I made my way slowly to the departure gate. As I was waiting to board the plan, I kept thinking about my ideal holiday destination; Jamaica, with its long, sandy beaches and crystal clear water. As soon as the plane took

23、off, I fell fast asleep and only woke to the sound of the announcement; “Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts, as we will shortly be landing in Kingston.” I froze in my seat. Was I dreaming? Kingston? Jamaica? I had boarded the wrong plane! Immediately after the plane landed, I explai

24、ned the situation to the authorities. It seems there were also three of other passengers heading for Spain. Apparently it had been the airlines fault, since the flight numbers for Spain and Jamaica were exactly the same! Therefore, with no flight to London for a week, the airline had no choice excep

25、t to pay for our stay. So there I was, lying on the beach, enjoying the music and marvelous food of Jamaica! As for Aunt Rosa, I suppose she just had to live without me!46. Why did the waiter choose to spend her holiday with her aunt in Spain? A. She could hardly afford any better trip. B. Her aunt

26、begged her to go there. C. She missed her cousins very much. D. Spain was her ideal destination. 47. In the story, the writer ended up _. A. heading for Spain from Jamaica B. flying to London immediately C. enjoying a free beach holiday D. complaining to the authorities 48. Which of the following mi

27、ght be the best title of the passage? A. Terrible Adventure B. Nice Dream C. A Well-Planned D. Lucky Mistake BThe Swiss army knife is a popular device that is recognized all over the world. In Switzerland, there is a saying that every good Swiss citizen has one in his or her pocket. But the knife ha

28、d poor beginnings.In the late nineteenth century, the Swiss army issued (发给) its soldiers a gun that required a special screwdriver (螺丝刀) to take it apart and clean it. At the same time, canned food was becoming common in the army. Swiss generals decided to issue each soldier a standard knife to ser

29、ve both as a screwdriver and a can opener. It was a lifesaver for Swiss knife makers, who were struggling to ask for cheaper German imports. In 1884, Carl Elsener, head of the Swiss knife manufacturer (maker) Victorinox, seized that opportunity with both hands, and designed a soldiers knife that the

30、 army loved .It was a simple knife with one big blade (刀片), a can opener, and a screwdriver.A few years after the soldiers knife was issued, the “Schweizer Offizer Messer,” or Swiss Officers Knife, came on the market, Interestingly, the Officers Knife was never given to those serving in the army. The Swiss army purchasers considered the new model with a corkscrew (瓶塞钻) for opening wine not “essential for survival,” so officers had to buy this new model by themselves. But its special multi-functional design later launched(发行)the knife as a global brand. After the Seco

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