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1、杭州四中教育集团下沙校区高三年级第二次月考英语试题杭州四中教育集团(下沙校区)高三年级2008学年第二次月考英语试题卷 出卷人:赵丽瑾 200810考生须知: 1本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2答题前,在答题卷密封区内,填写卡号、姓名、试场号、座位号。 3所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试卷上无效。 4考试结束,只上交答题卷。注:机读卡请正确填涂:卡号为:5个0 + 试场号 + 座位号,共9位。如:3试场21号,其卡号为000000321.请分别用钢笔或圆珠笔填写好: 姓名 卡号用2B铅笔涂好:试卷类型-红色卡涂A型(蓝色卡涂B型)卡号 考试科目-英语 第一部分:英

2、语知识运用第一节 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1. Being _ good host takes more than helpful volunteers and building nice stadiums. Well-behaved fans are _ face of China, too.Athe; the Ba; a Cthe; a Da; the2. The great difficulty I had _ the patient who received a serious wound was unimaginable. A. treat B. to trea

3、t C. treating D. treated3. The boy _ five only had three _ notes in his wallet. A. ages, five dollar B. aged, five dollars C. aged, five-dollar D. aging, five-dollars 4.-“I think the teacher is wrong, _?” -“No, I dont think so.” A. dont you B. dont I C. doesnt he D. doesnt she 5. Dont you know _, my

4、 dear friend, it is you that she loves?A. who B. which C. that D. what 6. If the weather is fine, well go. If _, _. A. not, not B. no, no C. not, no D. no, not 7. The teacher paid no attention to the fact _ he had just lost his temper. A. how B. which C. what D. that 8. Mr. Smith is a journalist, as

5、 it is, _ I should also like to be. A. that B. which C. who D. it 9. With all these dishes _, I cant go and listen to the speech by the famous professor. A. to wash B. to be washed C. washed D. washing10.-“Shes not a dancing teacher, is she?” -“_.” A. Yes, and she isnt B. Yes, but she was C. No, but

6、 she isnt D. No, but she was 11. Mr. Black, who is a _, is now in love with Miss Smith, who is a _.A. cooker, typewriter B. cook, typist C. cooker, typist D. cook, typewriter 12. There is a saying , “life is 10% _ happens to us and 90%_ we respond to it.”Awho; why Bwhat; how Cwhich; when Dthat; that

7、13. About 40 houses fell down under the weight of the snow, with 22 people _ .Areported injured Breported injuringCreporting injured Dreporting injuring14. Some developed countries are trying to _ the serious problems resulting from the energy crisis.A. step up B. cope with C. cut off D. end up15. -

8、Im sorry, I shouldnt have been so rude to you.-You _ your temper , but thats OK.A. have lostB. had lost C. did lose D. were losing16. They thought the film _ boring, but it was, in fact, rather exciting and fascinatingA. was anything but B. nothing but C. was no more D. all but17. Noticing some brok

9、en toys _ on the floor, I picked them up and _ them on the chair, so I wasnt _.A. lay; lay; lying ; B. lying; lay; lying; C. laid; laid; laying; D. lying; laid; lying;18. All over the world there seems _ people out of work nowadaysA. to have a great many B. to be a great many C. to have a great many

10、 of D. to be a good many of19. The environmental disaster is bound to occur _we have to change the way we liveA. but B. although C. unless D. in case20. With the development of economy, his yearly total income , with his reward _, _ 62,000 yuan.A. added to; has added up to B. added; has added toC. a

11、dded up to; added D. adds to; adds up to第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2135各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Farmers, as we all know, have been having a hard time of it lately, and have turned to new ways of earning income from their land. This involves not only planting new kinds of cro

12、ps, but some _21_ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep _22_. Yes, you heard me _23_! A farmer now holds sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100,000 people have _24_to watch the race. “I was passing the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday, ”

13、 one punter (赛马经纪人) told me , “and I thought Id have a look. I didnt believe it was serious, to tell you the truth.” According to a(n) _25_visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on_26_. “At proper horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horse _27_ , and there are

14、 clear favorites. _28_nobody has heard anything about these _29_! Most people find it _30_to tell one from another in any case. ” I stayed to watch the races, and I must admit that I found it quite _31_. In a usual sheep race, half a dozen sheep race down hill over a course of about half a mile._32_

15、is (are) waiting for them at the other end of the _33_just to give them some encouragement, I ought to add! The sheep run surprisingly fast, _34_they have probably not eaten for a while. Anyway, the crowd around me were obviously enjoying their day out at the races, _35_by their happy faces and the

16、sense of excitement.21. A. common B. strange C. swift D. illegal22. A. racing B. hunting C. raising D. eating23. A. honestly B. surprisingly C. completely D. correctly24. A. showed off B. brought up C. turned up D. looked forward25. A. regular B. unexpected C. professional D. accustomed26. A. farms

17、B. horses C. stocks D. races27. A. behind time B. in progress C. in advance D. in time28. A. But B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise29. A. horses B. sheep C. races D. stories30. A. easy B. impossible C. normal D. difficult31. A. exciting B. dangerous C. boring D. peculiar32. A. Visitors B. Farmers

18、 C. Food D. Money 33. A. race B. hill C. track D. field34. A. if B. so C. yet D. although35. A. observing B. judging C. considering D. inferring第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。( A )Three surfers rushed to save a mans life after he was left drifting on a notorious stretch of wat

19、er. The men stayed with Greg Popple for 30 minutes and had to be rescued themselves by helicopter as the drama unfolded. The 45-year-old had floated out on a body board near Hutchwns Point at 8:30 am. He found himself in trouble about half-a-mile from the shore and dangerously close to rocks. Surfer

20、s Graig Evans, 31, Robert Miles, 19, and Owain Daviees, 23, were risking their own safety to keep him floating for 30 minutes. Luckily a passer-by noticed what was going on and raised the alarm. Porthcawl Coastguard, Porthcaw Lifeboat and an RAF helicopter all took part in the rescue. “The man who g

21、ot into trouble was a body boarder there was a big tide where he was,” said Joe Missen. “Three other surfers spotted he was in difficulty and he was going down. They kept him afloat because he was in a state of shock and out of energy. If Mr. Popple was closer to the rocks, it could have been a lot

22、worse, but they managed to keep him from harm”.Mr. Missens mum Alison, also part of the rescue team, said, “That part of the water is notorious for taking people out to nowhere”.The three men had clocked off a night shift at Ford Motor Company shortly before the incident. “I headed straight down to

23、the beach for a surf, when I saw him flailing(挥动). We just swam straight out to him and kept him calm while the help came”.The four men were taken to the life boat house to recover, without injuries. 36. What would be the best title for the text?A. Three Men to Be Praised B. Notorious Place for Surf

24、ersC. Surfers Rescue Man Caught in Tide D. Greg Popple-a Lucky Dog37. The helicopter came up at the request of _.A. Greg Popple B. Craig Evans C. Robert Miles D. a passer-by38. According to the text, what was the most important thing to do for the three men?A. Keeping him farther away from the rocks

25、.B. Keeping Mr Popple swimming in the sea.C. Asking him to have a good rest. D. Keeping him floating everywhere.39. What may the style of this passage be?A. A story. B. A news report. C. A poster. D. An advertisement. ( B )Surprisingly, no one knows how many children receive education in English hos

26、pitals, still less the content or quality of that education. Proper records are just not kept.We know that more than 850,000 children go through hospital each year, and that every child of school age has a legal right to continue to receive education while in hospital.Little wonder the latest survey

27、 concludes that the extent and type of hospital teaching available differ a great deal across the country. It is found that half of the hospitals in England which admit children have no teacher. A further quarter has only a part-time teacher. The special childrens hospitals in major cities do best;

28、general hospitals on the country and holiday areas are worst off.From this survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some contact with a hospital teacher and that contact may be as little as two hours a day. Most children interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in hospi

29、tal at all. They had not been prepared for it by parents or their own school. If there was a teacher they were much more likely to read books and do math or number work; without a teacher they would only play games.Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and mainta

30、ining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the teacher can do. The position and influence of many teachers was summed up when parents referred to them as the library lady or just the helper.Children tend to rely on intimate school friends to keep in touch with school work. Once back at school, children rarely get extra teaching, and are told to catch up as best as they can.Many short-stay child-patients catch up quickly. But schools do very little to ease the anxiety about falling behind expresse

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