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1、高中早读句型1. despite the fact that尽管医生建议他休息,他还是去上班了。He went to work despite the fact that the doctor advice him to rest. 2. Only + 副词/状语从句/介词短语位于句首,主句部分倒装。只有缺钱的时候,他才会给父母电话。Only when he lacks money will he call up his parents.只有在逆境(adversity)中我们才能锤炼(forge)出坚强勇敢的性格。Only in adversity can we forge strong an

2、d brave character. 3. 表示否定的副词放在句子开头,句子部分倒装(never, seldom, hardly, little)我永远不会忘记你的鼓励。Never will I forget your encouragement.她很少在乎别人的想法。Seldom does she care about others thoughts.我对时尚了解很少。Little do I know about fashion.他们刚冲出来房子就塌了(collapse)。Hardly had they rushed out when the house collapsed. 4. It i

3、s/was whenthat 强调时间 “当才”当他被宣布成为冠军的时候他才从压力中解脱出来。It was when he was announced as champion that he was released from pressure.强调not until:It is not untilthat强调原因:It is becausethat5. of: 表范围,“在当中”在所有自愿去灾区的学生中,有80%都是来自中山一中的。Of all the students who volunteered to go to the disaster-stricken area, 80% are

4、from Zhongshan No.1 Middle School. 6. 担心孩子们的安全,很多家长聚集在学校门口。(adj作状语)Worried about the childrens safety, many parents gathered in front of the school gate.下定决心要成为一个出色的舞者,Chris不顾伤病每天坚持训练12个小时。Determined to be an outstanding dancer, Chris keep practicing for 12 hours everyday regardless of the injuries

5、and illness.被眼前的场景吓到了,这个小孩突然哭了起来。Frightened by what he saw, the kid burst into tears.7. 他给我了一份在三个月内不可能完成的任务。He gave me a task impossible to finish within three months. 勇于攀登珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Everest)的人值得我们尊重。People brave enough to climb Mount Everest deserve our respect.8. 同位语从句:对前面名词的内容进行解释和说明(fact, news,

6、 doubt, idea, hope, suggestion等)教育部做出了这个决定:取消文理分科,英语一年两考。The ministry of education has made the decision that the division of arts and science subjects should be cancelled and the English test can be taken twice a year. 我们对这个问题进行了热烈的争论:是否允许人类克隆实验?We carried out a heated debate over the question whet

7、her human cloning experiment should be allowed. 我不明白为什么这些人会乱闯红灯。I have no idea why these people ran the red light. 9. 当时,纸的发明打开了人们的眼界,让人们看到了传播思想和文化的可能性。At that time, the invention of papers opened everybodys eyes to the possibility of spreading ideas and cultures.10. so that 引导目的状语从句,“为了,以便”他努力保持镇定,

8、以便警察不会怀疑他。He tried to keep calm so that the police wouldnt suspect him.引导结果状语从句,“因此,所以”这条河被严重污染,因此政府下令关闭附近的化工厂。This river is seriously polluted so that the government commanded the nearby chemical factory to be closed.11. 常见的if省略句:if necessary, if possible, if any, if so, if not我听说你明天要离开, 要是这样的话, 我祝

9、你一路平安.I heard you would leave tomorrow. If so, I wish you a safe journey.如果必要的的话,我会提前预定机票。If necessary, I will book the air ticket in advance. 12. 在when, while, if, once, unless, although等引导的句子中,若主句主语和从句主语一致,从句可发生省略。When first introduced to the market, these products enjoyed great success. If travel

10、ing to the north, you must change from bus to train at the next station. I told a lie when questioned in the office by my teacher. Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the meeting. 当和飞机相比较,高铁(high-speed railway)不仅便宜而且能提供欣赏沿途风景的机会。When compared to airplane, the high-speed railway is n

11、ot only cheaper but also offers an opportunity to enjoy the scenery along the way.13. It做形式主语他收藏了很多价值不菲的世界名画,真是难以置信。It is unbelievable that he has collected a large number of world famous paintings that worth a great deal.It 在句子中充当形式宾语:find/think/consider/ feel + it +adj.+ to do sth发现/认为/感觉to do sth

12、专家认为他们能在短期内找到这种疾病的治疗方法是不可能的。The experts think it impossible that they can find a cure for this disease at such a short notice.教育家们明确表示只有改革考试体系,学生的能力才能得到提高。The educators make it clear that only by reforming the educational system can students ability be improved.很多人认为父母花钱为儿女办豪华婚礼是理所当然的。Many people take it for granted that parents should spend a lot of money on a luxury wedding for their sons or daughters.

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