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1、全国计算机C语言二级上机试题10套819081#include fun(int x) int n, s1, s2, s3, t;/*found*/ n=_1_; t=100;/*found*/ while(t999|x0) printf(Please input(0x=999): ); scanf(%d,&x); printf(nThe result is: %dn,fun(x);0000000000000000000#include #include void fun (char *s, char *t)/*found*/ int i; sl = strlen(s); for (i=0; i

2、sl; i+)/*found*/ ti = ssl-i; for (i=0; isl; i+) tsl+i = si; t2*sl = 0;main() char s100, t100; printf(nPlease enter string s:); scanf(%s, s); fun(s, t); printf(The result is: %sn, t);000000000000000000#include void fun(int a, int b, long *c)NONO ( )/* 本函数用于打开文件,输入数据,调用函数,输出数据,关闭文件。 */ FILE *rf, *wf ;

3、 int i, a,b ; long c ; rf = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001in.dat,r) ; wf = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001out.dat,w) ; for(i = 0 ; i 10 ; i+) fscanf(rf, %d,%d, &a, &b) ; fun(a, b, &c) ; fprintf(wf, a=%d,b=%d,c=%ldn, a, b, c) ; fclose(rf) ; fclose(wf) ;main() /* 主函数 */ int a,b; long c; printf(Input a, b:); scanf(%d%d,

4、&a, &b); fun(a, b, &c); printf(The result is: %ldn, c); NONO();82#include #include #define N 8typedef struct list int data; struct list *next; SLIST;void fun( SLIST *h, int x) SLIST *p, *q, *s; s=(SLIST *)malloc(sizeof(SLIST);/*found*/ s-data=_1_; q=h; p=h-next; while(p!=NULL & xp-data) /*found*/ q=

5、_2_; p=p-next; s-next=p;/*found*/ q-next=_3_;SLIST *creatlist(int *a) SLIST *h,*p,*q; int i; h=p=(SLIST *)malloc(sizeof(SLIST); for(i=0; idata=ai; p-next=q; p=q; p-next=0; return h;void outlist(SLIST *h) SLIST *p; p=h-next; if (p=NULL) printf(nThe list is NULL!n); else printf(nHead); do printf(-%d,p

6、-data); p=p-next; while(p!=NULL); printf(-Endn); main() SLIST *head; int x; int aN=11,12,15,18,19,22,25,29; head=creatlist(a); printf(nThe list before inserting:n); outlist(head); printf(nEnter a number : ); scanf(%d,&x); fun(head,x); printf(nThe list after inserting:n); outlist(head);00000000000000

7、000000000#include long fun (long num)/*found*/ long k; do k*=num%10 ;/*found*/ num=10 ; while(num) ; return (k) ;main( ) long n ; printf(nPlease enter a number:) ; scanf(%ld,&n) ; printf(n%ldn,fun(n) ;00000000000000000000#include float fun ( float *a , int n )NONO ( )/* 本函数用于打开文件,输入数据,调用函数,输出数据,关闭文件

8、。 */ FILE *fp, *wf ; int i, j ; float aver, score5 ; fp = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001in.dat,r) ; wf = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001out.dat,w) ; for(i = 0 ; i 10 ; i+) for(j = 0 ; j 5 ; j+) fscanf(fp,%f,&scorej) ; aver = fun(score, 5) ; fprintf(wf, %5.2fn, aver) ; fclose(fp) ; fclose(wf) ;main() float score30=90.5

9、, 72, 80, 61.5, 55, aver; aver = fun( score, 5 ); printf( nAverage score is: %5.2fn, aver); NONO ( );83#include #include #define N 5#define M 8int fun(char (*ss)M,char *t) int i;/*found*/ for(i=0; i _1_ ; i+)/*found*/ if(strcmp(ssi,t)=0 ) return _2_ ; return -1;main() char chNM=if,while,switch,int,f

10、or,tM; int n,i; printf(nThe original stringnn); for(i=0;iN;i+)puts(chi); printf(n); printf(nEnter a string for search: ); gets(t); n=fun(ch,t);/*found*/ if(n= _3_) printf(nDont found!n); else printf(nThe position is %d .n,n);00000000000000000000#include fun( int *b ) int k,a1,a2,i=0; for(k=10; k=55;

11、 k+) /*found*/ a2=k/1O; a1=k-a2*10; if(k%3=0 & a2=5)|(k%3=0 & a1=5) bi=k; i+; /*found*/ return k; main( ) int a100,k,m; m=fun( a ); printf(The result is :n); for(k=0; km; k+) printf(%4d,ak); printf(n);00000000000000000000000000#include void fun( char *a )NONO()/* 本函数用于打开文件,输入数据,调用函数,输出数据,关闭文件。 */ FI

12、LE *in, *out ; int i ; char s81 ; in = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001in.dat,r) ; out = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001out.dat,w) ; for(i = 0 ; i 10 ; i+) fscanf(in, %s, s) ; fun(s) ; fprintf(out, %sn, s) ; fclose(in) ; fclose(out) ;main() char s81; printf(Enter a string:n);gets(s); fun( s ); printf(The string after de

13、leted:n);puts(s); NONO();84#include #include #include void WriteText(FILE *);void ReadText(FILE *);main() FILE *fp; if(fp=fopen(myfile4.txt,w)=NULL) printf( open fail!n); exit(0); WriteText(fp); fclose(fp); if(fp=fopen(myfile4.txt,r)=NULL) printf( open fail!n); exit(0); ReadText(fp); fclose(fp);/*fo

14、und*/void WriteText(FILE _1_) char str81; printf(nEnter string with -1 to end :n); gets(str); while(strcmp(str,-1)!=0) /*found*/ fputs(_2_,fw); fputs(n,fw); gets(str); void ReadText(FILE *fr) char str81; printf(nRead file and output to screen :n); fgets(str,81,fr); while( !feof(fr) ) /*found*/ print

15、f(%s,_3_); fgets(str,81,fr); 0000000000000000000000#include /*found*/void fun (long s, long t) long sl=10; *t = s % 10; while ( s 0) s = s/100; *t = s%10 * sl + *t;/*found*/ sl = sl*100; main() long s, t; printf(nPlease enter s:); scanf(%ld, &s); fun(s, &t); printf(The result is: %ldn, t);0000000000

16、00000000000#include void fun(int a, int b, long *c)NONO ( )/* 本函数用于打开文件,输入数据,调用函数,输出数据,关闭文件。 */ FILE *rf, *wf ; int i, a,b ; long c ; rf = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001in.dat, r) ; wf = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001out.dat,w) ; for(i = 0 ; i 10 ; i+) fscanf(rf, %d,%d, &a, &b) ; fun(a, b, &c) ; fprintf(wf, a=%d,b=%d

17、,c=%ldn, a, b, c) ; fclose(rf) ; fclose(wf) ;main() int a,b; long c; printf(Input a, b:); scanf(%d,%d, &a, &b); fun(a, b, &c); printf(The result is: %ldn, c); NONO();85#include /*found*/_1_ fun(char ch)/*found*/ if (ch=0 & _2_)/*found*/ return 9- (ch-_3_); return ch ;main() char c1, c2; printf(nThe

18、result :n); c1=2; c2 = fun(c1); printf(c1=%c c2=%cn, c1, c2); c1=8; c2 = fun(c1); printf(c1=%c c2=%cn, c1, c2); c1=a; c2 = fun(c1); printf(c1=%c c2=%cn, c1, c2);00000000000000000#include void fun(char *p, char *b) int i, k=0; while(*p) i=1; while( i=3 & *p ) /*found*/ bk=p; k+; p+; i+; if(*p) /*foun

19、d*/ bk+= ; bk=0;main() char a80,b80; printf(Enter a string: ); gets(a); printf(The original string: ); puts(a); fun(a,b); printf(nThe string after insert space: ); puts(b); printf(nn);0000000000000000#include #include #define N 8struct slist double s; struct slist *next;typedef struct slist STREC;do

20、uble fun( STREC *h )STREC * creat( double *s) STREC *h,*p,*q; int i=0; h=p=(STREC*)malloc(sizeof(STREC);p-s=0; while(is=si; i+; p-next=q; p=q; p-next=0; return h;outlist( STREC *h) STREC *p; p=h-next; printf(head); do printf(-%4.1f,p-s);p=p-next; while(p!=0); printf(nn);NONO()/* 本函数用于打开文件,输入数据,调用函数,

21、输出数据,关闭文件。 */ FILE *in, *out ; int i,j ; double sN,ave; STREC *h ; in = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001in.dat,r) ; out = fopen(C:WEXAMYS240001out.dat,w) ; for(i = 0 ; i 10 ; i+) for(j=0 ; j N; j+) fscanf(in, %lf, &sj) ; h=creat( s ); ave=fun( h ); fprintf(out, %6.3lfn, ave) ; fclose(in) ; fclose(out) ;main()

22、double sN=85,76,69,85,91,72,64,87,ave; STREC *h; h=creat( s ); outlist(h); ave=fun( h ); printf(ave= %6.3fn,ave); NONO();86#include double fun(double x, int n) double f, t; int i; f = 1.0;/*found*/ t = _1_;/*found*/ for (i=_2_; in; i+) /*found*/ t *= x/_3_; f += t; return f;main() double x, y; x=2.5

23、; y = fun(x, 12); printf(nThe result is :n); printf(x=%-12.6f y=%-12.6fn, x, y);00000000000000000000000000#include #define N 100int fun(int *s, int n) int i,j,k,a,b,c; j=0; for(i=100; in; i+) /*found*/ k=n; a=k%10; k/=10; b=k%10; k/=10;/*found*/ c=k%10 if( a=b & a=c ) sj+=i; return j;main() int aN, n, num=0, i; do printf(nEnter n( 1000); num = fun( a,n ); printf(nnThe result :n); for(i=0; inum; i+)printf(%5d,ai); printf(nn);00000000000000000000000000#include #include double fun(double x10)NONO()/* 请在此函数内打开文件,输入测试数据,调用 fun 函数,输出数据,关闭文件。 */ FILE *rf, *wf ; int

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