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七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 Whats this in EnglishSection A教学设计 新版人教新目标版.docx

1、七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 Whats this in EnglishSection A教学设计 新版人教新目标版Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?词汇学习热身:激活学生知道的简单词汇,如:pen, ruler, desk, chair等。教学活动设计意图:引出本单元话题,即询问物品的英文名称。使学生为掌握本单元目标语、更好地进行语言交流做好准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step1利用PPT展示相关图片,启发学生说出他们知道的教室内物品的单词。并带领学生读出这些单词。Ask students to look at the things

2、in the classroom and tell their English names.Look and say.快速说出英语单词。Read the words.读单词。the teachers desk, chair, desk, window, door, book, pen, pencil, ruler, school bag, pencil case 学中活动一Section A重点词汇和字母学习:key, map, orange, pen, ruler, jacket, quilt学习内容:教材Section A中的1a、2b教学活动设计意图:复习已经学过的字母的写法,学习本单元

3、的新的词汇的读法和写法,引出本单元的功能句,为对话交流做好词语的准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step2播放录音,并按课本中的要求布置1a学习任务。Play the tape and ask students to repeat.Listen and repeat.听,并且跟读。 Whats this in English? Its an orange. Whats this in English? Its a map.Step3播放动画,让学生两人一组练习对话。Play the flash and ask students to practice the conversation in pa

4、irs.Watch the flash and practice the conversation in pairs.看动画,两人一组操练对话。Step4布置1b任务。请学生观察图片,让学生找到学过的字母和认识的字母。Ask students to look at the picture and find out the letters they know.Look at the picture. Find the letters they know.看图片,找出他们认识的字母。Step5播放动画,带读图片中的词语。Play the flash. Read the new words in t

5、he picture and ask students to read after the teacher.老师带读的时候可以用升调或者降调来带读。Watch the flash. Read after the teacher.观看动画,跟读词语。map, key, jacket, quilt, ruler, pen, orangeStep6要求同桌的两个学生看图并操练对话。Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs.操练对话。Practice the conversation in pairs.Step7建议:在此处出现了不定冠词a和

6、an,教师可以适当讲解冠词的相关知识。例如:1)冠词的种类冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词两种。前者包括a和an。a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,如:a bag;an用于以元音音素开头的单词前,如:an egg, an orange。2)不定冠词的作用泛指某一类事物。例如:A the tree.表示“每一个”的概念。例如:We have three meals a day.Listen and take notes.听并记笔记。学中活动二巩固词汇:map, key, jacket, quilt, ruler, pen, orange教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step8利用动画演示功能句,布置1c对话操练任

7、务。Ask students to look at the key structures, and then make their own conversations in pairs.Sample:A: Whats this in English?B: Its a an Look at the key structures. Make up conversations in pairs.结对操练句型。Step9利用PPT展示图片,选择几组学生表演他们自编的对话。Ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the c

8、lass.Some students show their conversations and others listen carefully and try to write down the words especially the nouns they hear.一部分学生展示,其他学生倾听并尽量记下听到的名词。学中活动三字母学习:1) Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr2)在对话中学习和巩固本单元的功能句。学习内容:教材Section A中的2a、2b、2c、2d活动设计意图:通过听、读和写,学习本单元的字母I到R。教学步骤教师行为学生行为St

9、ep10教播放听力音频,布置听力2a任务。Play the tape and ask students to repeat what they hearListen and repeat.听,并且跟读。Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, RrStep11再次播放听力音频,让学生跟读。Askstudentsto listen to2aagain and repeat the letters after the tape.Listen and repeat.听,并且跟读。Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, RrStep12要求

10、学生用铅笔描写2a中字母的大小写。目的是通过此活动使学生掌握字母书写的正确笔顺。Askstudentsto trace the letters in2ausing pencils.Trace the letters in2a.描写2a中的字母I到R的大小写。Step13播放动画。布置2b任务。Play the flash. Askstudentsto finish the task in2b.Write the correct small letters for the big letters in2b.写出大写字母对应的小写形式。I_ J_ K_ L_ M_ N_ O_ P_ Q_R_Ste

11、p14利用PPT演示,让学生核对答案。Check the answers in class.Check the answers in class.全班核对答案。Step15播放2c听力音频,布置2c听力任务。Askstudentsto listen to2c.Listen and number.听,并给字母编号。_l_o_q_k_i_n_p_r_m_jStep16再次播放2c听力音频,让学生跟读。Askstudentsto listen to2cagain and repeat the letters after the tape.Listen and number the letters t

12、hey _p_r_m_jStep17利用PPT演示,让学生核对答案。Ask students to check the answers with the PPT.Check the answers.核对答案。Step18要求学生按照顺序朗读2c的字母。Ask students to read the letters in the alphabetical order.Read the letters in order.按顺序朗读字母。i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, rStep19播放动画,按课本上的要求布置2d练习。Play the flash. Ask students

13、 to finish the exercise in2d.Watch the flash and finish2d.观看动画,写出所给大写字母的小写形式。Step20让学生结对核对答案。Ask students to check the answers in pairs.Check the answers in pairs.结对核对答案。Step21播放动画,让学生学唱字母I-R歌谣。Play the flash. Ask students to learn to chant.可先让学生看、听歌谣,然后跟着唱,注意要有一定的韵律。Watch the flash and learn to cha

14、nt.观看动画,学唱字母I-R歌谣。学中活动四缩写词:P, NBA, kg学习内容:教材Section A中的Activity3活动设计意图:通过对缩写词的讨论,进一步巩固字母写法,掌握或了解一些常见的缩写词。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step22布置Activity3任务,让学生讨论并共享答案。Askstudentsto give the meanings of these letters. They can discuss them with their partners.利用PPT展示这些缩写词的中文意思。Show the answers tostudents.Discuss what t

15、hese letters mean with their partners.讨论并共享答案。P停车场NBA美国职业篮球协会kg公斤Step23要求学生说出Activity3中缩写词的意思,明确这些词的意思。Askstudentsto tell the meanings of the words.Make sure the meanings of the words.确定缩写词的中文意思。Step24利用PPT展示一些常见的缩写词。Show students some acronyms and abbreviations.Discuss their Chinese meanings and ma

16、tch the meanings with the words.讨论这些缩写词的中文意思并连线。10 cm一月HK星期六ID香港SOS博士Sat.10公分CCTV身份证p.m.求救信号Jan.午后Dr.公元前BC中央电视台Step25要求学生给出这些缩写词的中文意思。利用PPT演示,进行核对。Ask students to give the meanings of the words. Check the answers in class.Give the meanings of the words.给出缩写词的中文意思。学中活动五巩固词汇和目标语学习内容:教材Section A中的4a、4b

17、、4c、Activity 5活动设计意图:通过听、说、写训练,进一步运用和巩固所学词汇和功能句。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step26布置4a听力任务。让学生给图片编号。Askstudentsto listen to4aand number the pictures.Listen and number.听,并给图片编号。Step27再次播放4a听力材料,布置4b任务。让学生补全单词。Ask students to listen again and complete the words in4a.Listen and complete the words.听,并补全单词。Step28核对答案。Ch

18、eck the answers in class.Key:ruler, map, jacket, key, quilt, orange, pen请学生读一遍单词。Askstudentsto read the words.Check the answers.核对答案。Read the words.读单词。a ruler, a map, a jacket, a key, a quilt, an orange, a penStep29给学生讲解不定冠词的基本用法,目的是使学生掌握不定冠词的基本用法。Explain ”.Listen and take notes.听老师讲解,做笔记。Step30按课本

19、中4c的要求布置学生结对进行目标语的口头表达练习,并鼓励学生进行适当的扩展。Ask students to talk about the things in4ain pairs and encourage them to use more words and structures they have learned or know.Make conversations in pairs.结对进行对话练习。Sample:Whats this in English?Its an orange.Step31选择几组学生表演对话,关注目标语的表达并及时表扬表达丰富的学生。Ask several pai

20、rs to present their conversations in front of the class and praise the pairs doing good job.Listen and try to find others useful expressions in their conversations.倾听,发现、欣赏并学习他人精彩的表达。Step32播放听力材料,组织学生做Activity 5的游戏。Explain the letters they hear.Listen and draw lines between the letters.听,连线。学后活动学习效果

21、评价学习内容:询问和回答有关物品的英文词汇及功能句。活动设计意图:在学习活动中,巩固和熟练掌握Section A中的重点词汇和功能句。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step33让学生找新的同伴做结对练习,用英文就身边的物品进行问答。Askstudentsto ask and answer questions about the things in4aor in the classroom with different partners.鼓励学生尽可能多的说出自己会的东西。Ask and answer questions about the things in4aor in the classroom with different partners.和新的伙伴做结对练习。Step34选择几组学生表演对话,关注目标语的表达并及时表扬表达丰富的学生。Ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the class and praise the pairs doing good job.Listen and try to find other useful expressions in their conversations.倾听,发现、欣赏并学习他人精彩的表达。

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