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1、福师18春听力口译三在线作业二() 1: Itwasreallyverydangerous;you (c)himseriously.A: mighthaveinjuredB: couldinjureC: shouldhaveinjuredD: mustinjure: A() 2: A:Was it in 2003 (c)Yang Liwei succeeded (c)being launched into space? B:Quite right.A: when,onB: that,onC: when,inD: that,in: D() 3: Thedoctors_themedicinesto

2、thepeopleinthefloodarea.A: distributedB: packedC: prayedD: undertook: A() 4: _ are kept on the farm for their meat or milk.A: 200 head cattleB: 200 head of cattleC: 200 head cattlesD: 200 heads of cattle: B() 5: It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother.A: closeB: c

3、loselyC: closedD: closing: A() 6: Whenyoubuythesparepartsforyourcar,trytogetthe_onesfromtheauthorizeddealer.A: genuineB: generousC: geniusD: gentle: A() 7: Icantfindtherecorderintheroom.It (c)bysomebody.A: mayhavebeentakenawayB: mayleaveC: maytakeawayD: musthavetakenaway: A() 8: A: are you sure that

4、 you have met him before? B:_Im mistaken.A: UnlessB: WhetherC: IfD: Though: A() 9: A: What do you think of those curtains? B: Oh, they (c)very well with the wallpapers, I think.A: suitB: goC: fitD: take: B() 10: The new research team _ charge of a _ engineer will carry out the plan.A: in; mainB: tak

5、e ; majorC: in the ; chiefD: with the ; primary: C() 11: Mary_myletter,otherwiseshewouldhaverepliedbeforenow.A: shouldhavereceivedB: hasreceivedC: CouldnthavereceivedD: oughttohavereceived: C() 12: This law is so difficult to understand that only a lawyer can _ us.A: enlighten(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c

6、)(c)B: illustrate (c)(c)(c)C: explain (c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)D: demonstrate: A() 13: A:Did He have anything to do with the trade? B:Yes, He had a (c)in it.A: handB: headC: legD: foot: A() 14: Weare_attherapidprogressMarkhasmadeinthissemester.A: distinguishedB: annoyedC: astonishedD: scored: C

7、() 15: Withthe_ofMary,allthegirlstudentsareeagertogototheparty.A: exhibitionB: exceptionC: exceptD: reception: B() 16: Pleasebeserious.Iamnot (c).Youshouldconsideritcarefully.A: sortingB: jokingC: countingD: comparing: B() 17: Theengineersinthislabspentseveralweeks_theirplansforthenewbicycle.A: coun

8、tingB: strippingC: elaboratingD: casting: C() 18: I (c)liketomakeasuggestion.A: couldB: wouldC: mustD: might: B() 19: A:He seldom (c)you in the game, did he? B:No, He did not.A: beatB: defeatC: lostD: won: A() 20: Whenyoufillintheapplicationform,pleaseuseyour_addresssothatwecancontactyoueasilylater.

9、A: policyB: plainC: permanentD: principal: C() 21: A:do you like the material? B:Yes, it _ very soft.A: is?feelingB: feltC: feelsD: is?felt: C() 22: Ifyouuse_,youcangetahigherqualitypicture.A: waxB: shameC: gooseD: slides: D() 23: Marywasnotinherbedroomyesterdayafternoon.She (c)inherclassroom.A: sho

10、uldhavebeenB: musthavebeenC: mustbeD: shouldbe: B() 24: A:time to get up. dont you hear the alarm clock is_? B:Yeah, yeah. Im dressing myself.A: going?offB: going?onC: going?outD: going?up: A() 25: A:Have you been here long? B: (c).A: No, not veryB: Not too muchC: Yes, only littleD: Yes, only yester

11、day: A() 26: Wait till you are more _ . Its better to be sure than sorry.A: inspiredB: satisfiedC: calmD: certain: D() 27: Myhandsandfeetwere (c)withcoldasIwaitedforthebus.A: cliffB: stillC: stiffD: stick: C() 28: Iam (c)tobelievethathewontcomebacktoseehiswifeagain.A: inclinedB: puzzledC: accompanie

12、dD: performed: A() 29: A: the film Harry Potter became very popular in England. B: _ the movie Hero in China.A: Either?didB: So?,wasC: Neither?didD: So?did: D() 30: If I had been_ to be the group leader, I would have done much better than him.A: chosenB: checkedC: chargedD: picked: A() 31: Manykinds

13、ofanimalsarebelievedtohave (c)fromtheearth.A: withdrawnB: vanishedC: foundD: hung: B() 32: We always travel _. The seats are more comfortable and the food is better.A: business classB: first classC: tourist classD: economic class: B() 33: After the earthquake, the injured were cared _ in the hospita

14、ls or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.A: ofB: forC: afterD: with: B() 34: He is a man who believes in strict (c)and he seldom deviates from his principles.A: wisdomB: brotherhoodC: worshipD: discipline: D() 35: Jim is one of the most popular (c)in my company.A: classmatesB: c

15、oachesC: citizensD: colleagues: D() 36: She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would _ her long effort.A: justifyB: testifyC: rectifyD: verify: A() 37: A:Have?you?been?here?long? B:_.A: No,?not?veryB: Not?too?muchC: Yes,?only?littleD: No, Only?yesterday: A() 38: Where_myum

16、brella?Somebody_itawaybymistake.A: is,musthavetakenB: is,musttakeC: havebeen,musttakeD: is,takes: A() 39: A: If you are free tonight, Id like to invite you to a film. B: Thats very nice of you, but are you_?A: richB: carefulC: seriousD: true: C() 40: Whathesaidinthemeeting_everybodypresent.A: disgus

17、tedB: dismissedC: disposedD: eliminated: A() 41: The wellequipped swimming pool is the favourite _ of the boys in summer.A: residence (c)(c)(c)B: site (c)(c)(c)C: haunt (c)(c)(c)D: hotel: C() 42: A:Its?a?wonderful?party. B:Its?very?nice?of?you?to?come._.A: Please do make yourself at homeB: Please en

18、joy yourselfC: Help yourselfD: Have a good time: A() 43: A:He seldom _ you in the game, Did he? B:No, He Did not.A: beatB: defeatC: lostD: won: A() 44: Sometimesitisverydifficultto_someoftheEnglishwords.Eventhenativespeakercannothelp.A: decreaseB: createC: defineD: delight: C() 45: Iamfeelingsick.I

19、(c)somuchchocolate.A: neednthaveeatenB: couldnthaveeatenC: mustnthaveeatenD: shouldnthaveeaten: D() 46: Studentswith_problemsmayapplyforstudentloans.A: economicB: financialC: maleD: economical: B() 47: Hetriedto_withthemanagerforhassalary.A: evaluateB: objectC: bargainD: pause: C() 48: A:Shall?we?me

20、et?at?6:00?or?at?6:30? B:_.A: At?any?timeB: Yes,?at?6:30C: Well,?either?time?willD: oE: Any time is?OK: C() 49: A: (c)he open the door? B: Yes, please.A: WillB: doesC: WouldD: Shall: D() 50: (c)are kept on the farm for their meat or milk.A: 200 head cattleB: 200 head of cattleC: 200 head cattlesD: 200 heads of cattle: B

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