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1、从广告看中西方文化差异定稿contents1. Introduction:The relationship between advertising and culture 22. The similarity between Chinese and western advertising 32.1 Commercial function 32.2 Mirror of the times 33. The differences between Chinese and western advertising .53.1 Different modes 53.1.1 Chinese mode 53.

2、1.2 English mode 63.2 Different senses of philosophy 73.2.1 Basic Chinese philosophy in advertising 73.2.2 Basic Western philosophy in advertising 93.3 Different psychological factors 103.3.1 Chinese psychological factors 103.3.2 Western psychological factors 123.4Different social systems in adverti

3、sing 133.4.1 Chinese social system 133.4.2 Western social system 134.Problem in Advertising Spread:Cultural obstacles 155.Solutions 175.1 the importance of understanding the target Market 175.2 Intercultural translation strategies 185.2.1 Transliteration 155.2.2 Free translation 206. Conclusion 22Ac

4、knowledgements 23Bibliography 241. Introduction: The relationship between advertising and cultureAdvertising is one of the most important cultural factors molding and reflecting our life today. It is an inevitable and ubiquitous part of everyones lives. Its overwhelming. Radio and television, newspa

5、pers and magazines, the Internet, highway boards, window shows, and any place imaginable are employed to get all sorts of information to all people. It is no exaggeration to say that the air we breathe consists of oxygen, nitrogen,and advertising. In other words, advertising has become an indispensa

6、ble part in our life. Advertising helps manufacturers and corporations to increase profits, and encourages competition in products or services. Success in the globalization of marketing environment requires the understanding of distinct patterns of communication in each target country. Cross-cultura

7、l study on advertising, therefore, could provide valuable information about cultural values and enable us to adjust our approach to a successful intercultural communication. Different cultures bring different attitudes and values to the reading of any text. So it is very necessary to investigate the

8、 culture behind the advertising. Especially in international advertisement, knowing different cultures is one of the most advantageous tools to get rid of obstacles in cross-culture communication.The advertising is a special kind of reflection of culture. Concretely, it is the reflection of literatu

9、re, psychology and aesthetics of the cultural community. It carries marks of influence of that cultural communitys tradition in its worldviews, social values, and religions. For instance, the family unification, friendship, kinship, harmony in Chinese culture is deeply reflected in Chinese advertisi

10、ng. To a large extent, it can be stated that the advertising inevitably mirrors its culture explicitly or implicitly. There are two main reasons. In the first place, employing cultural contents is one of the important strategies for advertisers to carry out a successful campaign. In the second place

11、, the advertisers work in a given cultural environment. What they think or do is unavoidably influenced by the culture to which they belong. In advertising, this is often reflected in an implicit way. Generally speaking, to make a good advertisement and to influence the behavior of potential custome

12、rs toward a predetermined direction, advertisers try to produce memorable and attracting works with the great help of the culture.2. The similarity between Chinese and western advertising2.1 Commercial function Advertisement has a commercial function at the very beginning of its appearance. Advertis

13、ement is the product of commercial economy. Sellers use advertisiements to promote the sale of product and enlarge the share of market, so as to gain more profit. Secondly, the idea, designation and fabrication of advertisement are in need of a great amount of expenses as the leading support in fina

14、nce. The release of the advertisement also has to pay for. In this sense, advertisement is an economic movement which has to pay and pay back. In all of the advertising movements, although there are commercial advertisements and non-commercial advertisements, the commercial advertisements are overwh

15、elmed, no matter at home or abroad. In addition, large number of so called public service advertisements are another way of propaganda movement. Enterprises show social responsibility and conscience to gain more supports of the public and customers through release such advertisements which reflect n

16、ew social tendency and morality and customs. Even more, enterprises can set up a better business image and get more money. For example, NongFu Spring“农夫山泉有点甜”,the movement of one cent taken from each bottle of mineral water for the children of west of China.Then we can get a conclusion that no matte

17、r Chinese or western advertisements, no matter how commercial advertisement changes, the advertisement is related with increasing economic efficiency, although the ads initiate new social tendency and morality and encourage people to bear the social responsibility. The commercial function is the fir

18、st similarity between Chinese and western advertisement. 2.2 Mirror of the timesCulture is changing all the time, its always in a situation of accumulation and reformation. When an old culture was injected with fresh blood, it can be changed or even recreated. The advertisements play an important ro

19、le in the changing movement of culture. It shows the times character and times spirit. The old saying“王婆卖瓜, 自卖自夸”reflected the old way of selling in the underdeveloped agricultural society. But in the modern society, there is more high-technology way for sale. In the 80s of China, all of the adverti

20、sements find a foothold at inexpensive, useful and durable goods. This is related to the low level of income and consumption. For example, the slogan of the oil engine of shanghai DongFeng brand was:“历史悠久,质量可靠,配套便利,配件齐全”. In the 1990s,peoples concept of consumption and value changed, they pursued go

21、od taste and beautiful commodity. For example , “非常可乐,非常选择”,“大宝明天见,大宝天天见”,“穿金猴皮鞋,走金光大道”。These advertisements reflected the times trail of the reformation and opening on the other side. In the 1960s, its an image era of America. During this time, advertisement had emphasized from the performance of t

22、he product to the image of product, and we can call this specific character. For example, Cadillac created the image of the successful businessmen and high-level luxurious life. On this side, only Marlboro rivaled with it. Equally, the famous Marlboro created an image of strong and sunshine cowboy,

23、which set up an example for male smokers. This creation made its sales top of the tobacco industry,and kept this record for 25 years. In the 1980s, it was a period full of troubles for America, Vietnam war, Watergate Event and shortage of natural resources. So many troubles made peoples moral concep

24、t changed, they become irresponsible, self-indulgent. permissivism became popular. All of these influenced the advertisement concept. 3.The differences between Chinese and western advertising3.1 Different modes Different people, especially two persons from different cultures, will have different pat

25、terns of thinking. Its often said that the western style of thinking is analytical while the Chinese is synthetic. However, such a saying is rather too sweeping and hasty because the western sometimes behaves in the synthetic thinking style and the Chinese one sometimes takes the analytical one. Hen

26、ce, we can only say that many Chinese advertisements are more synthetic than analytical in thinking style in comparison with some western advertisements. The people who speak English is different from the person who speak Chinese in the mode of thinking. The thought of a person who speak English pre

27、sents in a way of straight-line. On the contrary, the thought of a person who speak Chinese presents in a way of helical form. The former always state the view first, the latter state the reason than show idea. In Chinese and western advertising, we need to concern about the differences between the

28、culture of China and the West. Because we believe that, as the fundamental and core culture of the society, advertising holds a deep and indelible impact upon the social culture and the material culture. Although the material culture of China seems to have the tendency of globalization and westerniz

29、ation with the development of economy.3.1.1 Chinese mode Chinese has an inclination toward imagination while American toward abstract thought. Imagination is the common style of thinking in Chinese advertisements. The Chinese are accustomed to the imagination and like concrete, imaginable and straig

30、htforward talk which is more conspicuous in advertising language.The Chinese advertising language is usually oral. For example:书为山谷,笔为径(A pencil is the path to the book valleyan advertisement for a brand of colored pencil)把柔媚浇在身上(feel softan advertisement for a brand of body shampoo)嘉士力饼干 为你珍藏童年的滋味!

31、那一年,我和妹妹去乡下姥姥家,我们在田野上奔跑,在小河里钓鱼,在收割过的麦地里拾麦穗,空气里尽是迷人的清香!现在很难找到那种感觉了, 田野变成了厂房,小河也不见了咦?这是什么味道?味道真特别,让我想起乡下那麦地里迷人的清香!嘉士力饼干,为你珍藏童年的滋味!In this advertising poem, the first paragraph is a memory of the childhood, and it gives the receptor the sweet imagination of happy time. It has no business with Jia Shi L

32、i cookie in the first pattern of the advertising verse. As to the last paragraph, readers can be suddenly enlightened. This also shows the mode of Chinese thinking is implicit and presents in a way of helical form. And from the angle of advertising language, this advertisement uses an oral way to tell a story, such as:“那一年,我和妹妹去乡下姥姥家,我们在田野上奔跑,在小河里钓鱼,在收割过的麦地里拾麦穗,空气里尽是迷人的清香!”3.1.2 English mode There was something different in the mode of thinking between Chinese and the westerners, Linguists and psychologists are exploring the

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