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Module 6The Internet and Telecommunications主题语境人与社会信息技术.docx

1、Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications主题语境人与社会信息技术Module 6 阅读理解与完形填空1.科技发展与信息技术创新,科学精神,信息安全的文章在高考阅读理解中经常出现。2have access to/be designed for/on average/come up with/permission/disadvantage/create/invention均易出现在完形填空中。语篇填空1.consist of/concentrate on 中的介词是考查目标。2compared with/to中的compared也是必考重点。3不定冠

2、词和定冠词的恰当使用也是必考内容。书面表达make/finditadj.(for sb.)to do句式的使用会使文章增添色彩。1 contain vt. 包含;包括;容纳;忍住;抑制【经典例句】Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.有些动植物体内会有对人类有害的天然毒素。 (1)contain oneself 控制自己selfcontained adj. (人)独立自主的(2)container n 容器【易混辨析】contain/includecontain意为“含有,包含,容纳

3、,里面装有”,侧重所含的量和成分,不用于进行时态。另外,contain有“克制,抑制”之意。include意为“包含;连在内,计入,算入,包括”,侧重整体与部分,并常用于including和included短语中。基础练习单句语法填空(1)Be especially careful of the information contained (contain) in advertisements when buying products.(2)I have just bought a book containing (contain) what Ill need for my research

4、work.(3)We should contain ourselves (we) in face of so many temptations and concentrate on our study.能力提升高考小作文(4)听到这个令人失望的消息,他太悲伤不能控制自己。Hearing_the_disappointing_news,_he_was_too_sad_to_contain_himself.2 access n 接近;通路;接近或进入的权利/机会/通路 v进入;存取(尤指电脑数据)【经典例句】Two percent of the total population of China h

5、ave access to the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan与美国人口的百分之四十五和日本人口的百分之十五相比,中国只有总人口的百分之二使用因特网。 (1)access sth. 使用/接近/存取(2)have/get/gain access to 能够使用(3)accessible adj. 可进入的;可使用的;容易接近或得到的(常与to sb.连用)(4)be accessible to sb. 易被某人接近、使用、进入等基础练习单句语法填空(1)People have bet

6、ter access to health care than they used to, and theyre living longer as a result.(2)All the sites are free to the public and accessible (access) to anyone with an Internet connection能力提升一句多译(3)药品不应放在孩子们够得到的地方。Medicine should not be kept where_it_is_accessible_to_children (accessible)Medicine should

7、 be kept where_it_is_out_of_childrens_range. (range)Medicine should be kept where_it_is_out_of_childrens_reach. (reach)3 design vt. 设计;计划;打算将作用 n 设计;图案;意图【经典例句】Students are encouraged to do the exercises designed to strengthen their muscles.学生们被鼓励做一些旨在增强肌肉力量的运动。 (1)design.for.为而设计be designed for/to

8、do计划做;打算用来做be designed as被设置为(2)by design蓄意地,故意地基础练习单句语法填空(1)The organisation is designed to_help (help) people who wish to teach abroad.(2)This course is specially designed for beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice.(3)Do you think that he didnt turn up by accident or by de

9、sign?能力提升高考小作文(4)Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other sports designed_for_them (为他们而设计的). These exercises are_designed_to_build_up_their_body (目的是使他们强身健体),so they all like to do them.4 concentrate v集中(注意力等);集中于一点;汇合【经典例句】Concentrate on the good things about the Internet.专心于因特网好

10、的方面。 (1)concentrate(.)on/upon.集中在;专心于(2)concentrated adj.集中起来的concentration n集中,专心(3)表示“集中精力于”的短语有:基础练习单句语法填空(1)She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.(2)He concentrated his energies on studying (study) the history of Loulan(3)Speaking on the

11、phone requires concentration (concentrate) and takes a drivers attention from the road.能力提升补全句子/句式升级(4)他把思想集中于他的工作没有注意我的出现。He concentrated his mind on_his work and didnt notice my appearance.With_his_mind_concentrated_on_his_work,_he didnt notice my appearance. (用with复合结构改写)His_mind_concentrated_on_

12、his_work,_he didnt notice my appearance. (用独立主格结构改写)5 consist of由组成;由构成【经典例句】Life consists of happiness and sorrow.生活由幸福和悲伤组成。 (1)consist of 由组成(没有被动语态)(2)consist in 在于,存在于consist with 与一致,相吻合(3)consistent adj. 相容的;一致的be consistent with 和一致/相符基础练习单句语法填空(1)If what you say is not consistent (consist)

13、with what you do, it will have a bad effect on your children(2)Listening is thus an active, not a passive, behavior consisting (consist) of hearing, understanding and remembering.(3)The beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colors.(4)This doesnt consist with what you told me earlier.能力提升一

14、句多译(5)五个人组成了这个团队。换句话说,这个团队是由五个人组成的。Five people make up the team; in other words, the team consists_of five people.Five people make up the team; in other words, the team is_composed_of five people.Five people make up the team; in other words; the team is_made_up_of five people.6 come up with 提出;想出;赶上

15、【经典例句】Having discussed the problem all afternoon, they finally came up with a solution to it.讨论了这个问题整整一下午,他们最终想出了解决方法。come up走近;上来;被提出,被提及(无被动形式)come about发生;产生come across(偶然)遇见;发现;被理解come out出来;出版come to来到(某地);加起来总共;恢复知觉When it comes to.当涉及/谈到When it comes to students surfing the Internet, some peo

16、ple think students can benefit from it.当谈到学生上网时,有些人认为学生可以从中获益。基础练习介(副)词填空(1)When walking down the street, I came across David,whom I hadnt seen for years.(2)Several new books will have come out by the end of next month.(3)How did it come about that the man was dismissed?(4)A question came up at the

17、meeting yesterday.能力提升一句多译(5)这个设计者说在俄罗斯他看到街上的人淋湿了,才有了这种想法。The designer says the idea came_up_after he watched people get wet on streets in Russia.The designer says he came_up_with the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia.7 compared with/to与相比(在句中做状语)【经典例句】Ive had some difficulties

18、, but they were nothing compared with/to yours.我遇到了一些困难,但与你的困难比起来,就算不上什么了。compare.with.把与相比compare with.(可)与相比(前面常用情态动词 can, cant, be able to)把比作compared to/with.与比起来(常做状语)基础练习单句语法填空(1)Compared (compare) to/with men, women are more suitable to be doctors.(2)Compared (compare) to our small

19、 flat, Bills house seemed like a palace.(3)Compare (compare) your work with hers, and youll see hers is much better.(4)My handwriting cannot be compared with my fathers.(5)Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.能力提升高考小作文(6)与其他国家和地区比起来,中国享有着一个和平、稳定的社会环境。Compared_to_many_other_countries_and_regions

20、,_China enjoys a peaceful and stable social environment.1 (教材P52)BernersLee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.贝尔纳斯李使每个人都能使用互联网成为可能,而不仅仅限于大学和军队。该句型为“make itadj./nfor sb. to do sth.”结构,其中it作形式宾语,而真正的宾语是“to do sth.”。(1)makeit形容词/名词that从句makeit形容词/名词to

21、 do 不定式makeitno good/no use/no value.doing sth.(2)常用于这种句型的动词还有:think, consider, find, feel, take等。I find it easy to learn English.我发现学习英语比较容易。基础练习单句语法填空(1)Nowadays convenient transport makes it possible for us to_travel (travel) around the world within minutes.(2)She made it clear that she was again

22、st the plan能力提升补全句子(3)He found_it_very_important_for_students_to_learn English well.他发现对于学生来说学好英语很重要。(4)We thought_it_wrong_that the child is left alone in the house.我们认为把孩子单独留在家中是错误的。2 (教材P56)Our English teacher is excellent, but she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.我们的英语老师非常优秀,但她不能在50

23、分钟内帮助班里的每一个人。部分否定当both/all/every/everyone/everybody/everything/everywhere等表示全体意义的词与not连用时,表示部分否定,意思是“并非都”。not可放在这些词前,也可用来否定谓语。不管这些词在句中做主语,还是做宾语、状语,与not连用时都表示部分否定。基础练习单句改错(1)“Is anyone here?”“No,Bob has asked for a leave.”anyoneeveryone(2)Im afraid none of my students cant pass the examsome of them h

24、avent got prepared for it.noneall(3)When you listen the first time, dont panic! You will not understand anythingjust try to get the general idea and take notes.anythingeverything能力提升一句多译(4)并非每一位学生都把精力集中在学习上。Not_every_student concentrates their attention on their study.Every_student_does_not concentr

25、ate their attention on their study.单词拼写1The sun from which we get heat and light is the most important source (来源) of energy.2The public transportation in this city is very convenient, where many buses run frequently (经常)3If you are able to talk to a friend over the telephone,you feel that you are c

26、lose even if the actual distance is not shortened (缩短)4The dog may be a good companion for the old. However, the need to take it for walks may be a disadvantage (弊端)5Anyone who is in possession of weapons without permission (许可) is considered lawbreaking.6Tom, I know you are independent (独立的) and do

27、nt need any money but I think that you might just as well bring some just in case.7This kind of music created (创作) fifty years ago is still popular today.8Thanks to the invention (发明) of the mobile phone, people can now keep in touch with each other quite easily.9You need to double check the data (数

28、据) when you have finished in order to avoid any possible inaccuracy.10The lawyer was expected to come up with some proposals after reading all those documents (文件).单句语法填空1Yesterday, the guests from the United States visited the Forbidden City, and they climbed the Great Wall as well.2Because his boo

29、k won a prize, he became known as a famous writer overnight.3With the temperature going (go) down, we felt colder and colder in the cave.4From that moment on,_he taught English as a teacher in this primary school.5Once you leave college, you should be independent of your parents and make money on yo

30、ur own6There is (be) a series of interesting books in the shop.7No matter where he is, he makes it a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.8A team, consisting (consist) of two doctors and three policemen, was sent to search for the lost explorers.9Research findings seem to indicate that the creation (create) by a great artist is as permanent an achievement as the discovery by a great scientist.10If you wish to invite a friend over to visit, you must first ask for your hosts permission (permit).单句改错1What a nice day! Why not to go out for a walk?去掉to2Plastic bag

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