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1、生物材料转移协议中英文双语版XXXXX生物材料转移协议本协议确定了关于提供方向接收方所供应的由研究人员研制的特定生物材料的规定,希望在本协议的条款和细则的约束下该材料使用于非商业性研究目的。此材料转移协议(MTA)由_,即一家_类型的组织机构(接收方),与XXXXX(提供方)签订。此协议于各方最后签立之日起生效,并按以下条款与细则管辖生物材料的转移和使用。一、定义1.提供方: XXXXX 2.提供方科学家:_3.接收方:_4.接收方科学家:_5.原始材料:_6.材料:原始材料、后代和未改性衍生物,其中不包括(1)改性物质(2)由接收方使用材料创制的除了改性物质、后代和未改性衍生物之外的物质。7




5、(2)在本协议的独立实施函件(或一份至少可作为保护提供方权利的协议)指导下,接收方可将改性物质分配给非营利组织机构用于单纯性的科研与教学。(3)未经提供方的书面同意,接收方和(或)接收方科学家不得将改性物质投入商业用途。接收方应认识到,此类商业用途需获得提供方的商业许可,提供方拥有对包含在改性物质中的材料的所有权,但没有义务对其授予商业许可。该项条款将防止接收方在其知识产权声明中对改性物质、或其制造方法及使用方法授予商业许可。6. 接收方需知晓该材料有可能用于专利申请。除非在本协议中明确规定,否则接收方不拥有提供方对专利、专利申请书、商业秘密或其他所有权的任何明示或默示的许可及其他权利,包括提

6、供方对该材料所做的任何改变形式。特别是,接收方并未获得任何明示或默示的许可表明其可将提供方的材料、改性物质或任何相关的专利投入商业用途。7.如果接收方拟将该材料或改性物质投入商业用途,须同意,在此之前与提供方商议并确立一份商业许可的条款。接收方应了解,提供方没有义务授予接收方此类许可,而且可能会授予他人一些专用性或非专用性的商业许可,或出售、转让材料的全部/部分权利给任何第三方,并受到已有的所有权和对政府应尽的义务条款的约束。8. 接收方通过使用该材料而获得的发明可自由提出专利申请,但需告知提供方在专利申请中已声明的该材料的改性物质、制备方法或用途等。 9. 根据本协议提供的任何材料都被理解为

7、实验性质,并可能具有危险性。提供方对此不作任何陈述和任何明示或默示的保证。对于任何适销性、特定目的适用性以及不侵犯任何专利权、版权、商标或其他所有权的用途,提供方不做任何明示或默示的保证。10. 接收方应对可能发生在该材料使用、储存或弃置过程中造成的损害承担赔偿责任,法律禁止范围的除外。接收方在使用该材料时发生重大过失、故意的不当行为所造成的任何损失、索赔、需求,或有关的所有第三方索赔、损失和损害,提供方将不承担任何责任,法律另有规定的除外。11. 此协议不得被解释为因使用该材料或改性物质而阻止或延误了研究结果的发表。接收方科学家同意在所有的出版物中对材料来源予以适当的致谢。12. 接收方同意

8、遵照法律法规使用该材料。 13. 本协议在以下日期到来之初即可终止:(1)当本材料可轻易从第三方如试剂公司或公共仓库获得时;(2)当接收方已完成利用本材料进行的最新研究时;(3)任何一方书面通知中提出的三十日期限或失效日前的期限,或(4) 在实施函件中指定的日期。如果: 1)协议是因条款13(1)而终止,则接收方从后续可用的来源中获得该材料时受到的限制性条款最少;2)协议是因13(2)或(4)终止,则接收方停止使用该材料并在提供方的指导下,返还或销毁所有剩余材料。接收方可自行决定,销毁或保留改性物质,但要受到其相应的条款约束;3)提供方在13(3)的情况下终止协议,且不是因为违反协议或类似于健

9、康风险、专利侵权等原因,则提供方将根据接收方要求将合同有效终止日期延长一年,以使接收方完成相应研究。截止到合同有效终止日期,或延期后的有效终止日期,接收方应停止使用材料,并在提供方的要求和指引下返还或销毁剩余材料。接收方可自行决定,销毁或保留改性物质,但要受到其相应的条款约束。 14. 提供该材料原则上是不收取费用的,但是,为补偿提供方制备及配送该材料的成本,接收方可适当支付部分运输费用。如提供方要求收取费用,则需在单独的实施函件中注明数额。15.本协议中英文版本各2份,提供方和接收方各执1份,均具有同等法律效力。各方的授权代表在下面签字,即表示他们已经阅读、理解并同意此材料转移协议中所载的条

10、款和细则,特此签字为证。提供方: XXXXX 地 址: XXXXXX,510275 提供方授权人: 职 务: 签 字: 日 期: 提供方科研人员:签 字: 日 期: 接收方: 地 址: 接收方授权人: 职 务: 签 字: 日 期: 接收方科研人员:签 字: 日 期: * UNIVERSITYUNIFORM BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENTThis Agreement sets out the understanding of the parties with respect to the provision of certain biological

11、 material created by researchers at the Provider to the Recipient, which wishes to use the material for non-commercial research purposes subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Material Transfer Agreement (“MTA”) is between the_, a _ type organization (“Recipient”) and the * Univ

12、ersity (“Provider”).This MTA is effective as of the last date of execution by the parties and governs the transfer and use of all Biological Materials under the terms and conditions set forth below.Definitions1. PROVIDER: * University2. PROVIDER SCIENTIST: 3. RECIPIENT:4. RECIPIENT SCIENTIST: 5. ORI


14、ed descendant from the MATERIAL, such as virus from virus, cell from cell, or organism from organism.8. UNMODIFIED DERIVATIVES: Substances created by the RECIPIENT which constitute an unmodified functional subunit or product expressed by the ORIGINAL MATERIAL. Some examples include: subclones of unm

15、odified cell lines, purified or fractionated subsets of the ORIGINAL MATERIAL, proteins expressed by DNA/RNA supplied by the PROVIDER, or monoclonal antibodies secreted by a hybridoma cell line.9. MODIFICATIONS: Substances created by the RECIPIENT which contain/incorporate the MATERIAL.10. COMMERCIA

16、L PURPOSES: The sale, lease, license, or other transfer of the MATERIAL or MODIFICATIONS to a for-profit organization. COMMERCIAL PURPOSES shall also include uses of the MATERIAL or MODIFICATIONS by any organization, including RECIPIENT, to perform contract research, to screen compound libraries, to

17、 produce or manufacture products for general sale, or to conduct research activities that result in any sale, lease, license, or transfer of the MATERIAL or MODIFICATIONS to a for-profit organization. However, industrially sponsored academic research shall not be considereda use of the MATERIAL or M

18、ODIFICATIONSforCOMMERCIAL PURPOSES per se unless any of the above conditions of this definition are met.Material Transfer1. The PROVIDER retains ownership of the MATERIAL, including any MATERIAL contained or incorporated in MODIFICATIONS. 2. The RECIPIENT retains ownership of: (a) MODIFICATIONS (exc

19、ept that, the PROVIDER retains ownership rights to the MATERIAL included therein), and (b) those substances created through the use of the MATERIAL or MODIFICATIONS, but which are not PROGENY, UNMODIFIED DERIVATIVES or MODIFICATIONS ., do not contain the ORIGINAL MATERIAL, PROGENY, UNMODIFIED DERIVA

20、TIVES). If either 2 (a) or 2 (b) results from the collaborative efforts of the PROVIDER and the RECIPIENT, joint ownership may be negotiated. 3. The RECIPIENT and the RECIPIENT SCIENTIST agree that the MATERIAL: (a) is to be used solely for teaching and academic research purposes; (b) will not be us

21、ed in human subjects, in clinical trials, or for diagnostic purposes involving human subjects without the written consent of the PROVIDER; (c) is to be used only at the RECIPIENT organization and only in the RECIPIENT SCIENTISTs laboratory under the direction of the RECIPIENT SCIENTIST or others wor

22、king under his/her direct supervision; and (d) will not be transferred to anyone else within the RECIPIENT organization without the prior written consent of the PROVIDER.4. The RECIPIENT and the RECIPIENT SCIENTIST agree to refer to the PROVIDER any request for the MATERIAL from anyone other than th

23、ose persons working under the RECIPIENT SCIENTISTs direct supervision. To the extent supplies are available, the PROVIDER or the PROVIDER SCIENTIST agrees to make the MATERIAL available, under a separate implementing letter to this Agreement or other agreement having terms consistent with the terms

24、of this Agreement, to other scientists who wish to replicate the RECIPIENT SCIENTISTs research; provided that such other scientists reimburse the PROVIDER for any costs relating to the preparation and distribution of the MATERIAL.5.(a) The RECIPIENT and/or the RECIPIENT SCIENTIST shall have the righ

25、t, without restriction, to distribute substances created by the RECIPIENT through the use of the ORIGINAL MATERIAL only if those substances are not PROGENY, UNMODIFIED DERIVATIVES, or MODIFICATIONS.(b) Under a separate implementing letter to this Agreement (or an agreement at least as protective of

26、the PROVIDERs rights), the RECIPIENT may distribute MODIFICATIONS to NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION(S) for research and teaching purposes only.(c) Without written consent from the PROVIDER, the RECIPIENT and/or the RECIPIENT SCIENTIST may NOT provide MODIFICATIONS for COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. It is recognized

27、by the RECIPIENT that such COMMERCIAL PURPOSES may require a commercial license from the PROVIDER and the PROVIDER has no obligation to grant a commercial license to its ownership interest in the MATERIAL incorporated in the MODIFICATIONS. Nothing in this paragraph, however, shall prevent the RECIPI

28、ENT from granting commercial licenses under the RECIPIENTs intellectual property rights claiming such MODIFICATIONS, or methods of their manufacture or their use.6. The RECIPIENT acknowledges that the MATERIAL is or may be the subject of a patent application. Except as provided in this Agreement, no

29、 express or implied licenses or other rights are provided to the RECIPIENT under any patents, patent applications, trade secrets or other proprietary rights of the PROVIDER, including any altered forms of the MATERIAL made by the PROVIDER. In particular, no express or implied licenses or other right

30、s are provided to use the MATERIAL, MODIFICATIONS, or any related patents of the PROVIDER for COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.7. If the RECIPIENT desires to use or license the MATERIAL or MODIFICATIONS for COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, the RECIPIENT agrees, in advance of such use, to negotiate in good faith with the PRO

31、VIDER to establish the terms of a commercial license. It is understood by the RECIPIENT that the PROVIDER shall have no obligation to grant such a license to the RECIPIENT, and may grant exclusive or non-exclusive commercial licenses to others, or sell or assign all or part of the rights in the MATE

32、RIAL to any third party(ies), subject to any pre-existing rights held by others and obligations to the government.8. The RECIPIENT is free to file patent application(s) claiming inventions made by the RECIPIENT through the use of the MATERIAL but agrees to notify the PROVIDER upon filing a patent application claiming MODIFICATIONS or method(s) of manufacture or use(s) of the MATERIAL

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