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1、商务的英语入门术语总汇编商务英语入门术语汇编Chapter 1:TermsEnglish Definition中文翻译sole proprietorshipAn organization that is owned, and usually managed, by one person is called a sole proprietorship.个人独资企业partnershipA partnership is a legal relationship between persons carrying on a profit-motivated business.合伙企业general p

2、artnershipA general partnership is a business with at least one general partner who has unlimited liability for the debts of the business.普通合伙general partner主要合伙人limited partnershipA limited partnership is an arrangement where a person can contribute a business without being involved in the affairs

3、of the partnership.有限合伙limited partner有限合伙人investor投资者creditor债权人liability债务责任corporationThe corporation is a legal entity(法人实体),allowed by legislation, which permits a group of people, as shareholders or members, to create an organization, which can then focus on pursuing set objectives. (股份制)公司for

4、-profit company营利性公司non-profit company非营利性公司limited liability有限责任(以出资额为限)unlimited liability无线责任(个人财产也要用于清算)double taxationThe corporation has to pay taxes on its profits. The stockholders mush also pay income tax on the dividends they receive through ownership.双重课税joint ventureA joint venture is th

5、e pooling of resources and expertise by two or more businesses, typically from different areas or countries to achieve a particular goal.合资公司limited liability companies(LLC)A limited liability company(LLC) is a type of business ownership combining several features of corporation and partnership stru

6、ctures.有限责任公司minute会议记录mergerA merger is the result of the combination of two or more companies to form a new company.兼并acquisitionAn acquisition is one company buying the property and obligations of another company.收购horizontal mergerA horizontal merger joins firms in the same industry and allows t

7、hem to diversity or expand their products.横向兼并vertical mergerA vertical is the joining of two firms involved in different stages of related businesses a manufacturer merging with a supplier of component products, or a manufacturer merging with a distributor of its products.纵向兼并conglomerate mergerA c

8、onglomerate merger unites firms in completely unrelated industries.混合兼并franchiseA franchise is the right to use a business name and sell products or services, usually in a specific geographical territory.特许franchising特许经营franchiserthe person who sells a franchise特许者franchiseethe person who buys a fr

9、anchise被特许者Chapter 2:TermsEnglish Definition中文翻译bandwagon effect从众效应market assessment市场评估market niche缝隙市场market research市场调查business planBusiness plan is a detailed written document that defines the goals of your business and describes the means you will use to attain those goals, the advantages the

10、 business will have in relation to competition, and the resources and qualifications of the owners.企业计划书,企划书lease agreementA lease agreement is a contract between you and the owner of the property.租赁协议general business licenseA general business license is assessed annually for the privilege of operat

11、ing a business in the jurisdiction.普通经营许可证special licenseA special license is one that is issued to a business that will provide products or services that require regulation.特殊经营许可证cash float现金流overdraft透支bank statement银行结单Chapter 3:TermsEnglish Definition中文翻译fringe benefits附加福利corporate ethicscorpo

12、rate ethics are the evaluation of corporate activities and behavior as right or wrong.企业道德ethical dilemma道德困境corporate social responsibility(CSR)Corporate social responsibility is the awareness that business activities have an impact on society, and the consideration of that impact by firms in decis

13、ion making.企业社会责任corporate cultureCorporate culture is described as the personality of an organization, including such elements as core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior.企业文化core values核心价值观risk-taking personality喜欢冒险的个性attention-to-detail personalities注重细节的个性outcome-orient

14、ed personalities注重结果的个性customer service客服people-oriented personality以人为本的个性team-oriented personality注重团队合作的个性aggressive personality积极进取的个性non-stable personality不求稳的个性codes of ethics道德规范corporate climate企业氛围Chapter 4:TermsEnglish Definition中文翻译managementManagement is defined as the application of pla

15、nning, organizing, directing, and controlling functions in the most efficient manner possible to accomplish meaningful organizational objectives.管理planningPlanning is a management function which means defining goals for future organizational performance and deciding on the tasks and use of resources

16、 needed to attain them.计划strategic planning / long-range planningStrategic planning determines the major goals of the organization as well as the policies, procedures, and strategies for obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals.战略规划/长期规划tactical planning / short-range planningTactical pl

17、anning is the process of developing detailed, short-term strategies about what is to be done, who is to do it, and how it is to be done.战术规划/短期规划operational planningOperational planning is the process of setting work standards and schedules necessary to implement the tactical objectives. 运营规划conting

18、ency planningContingency planning is the process of preparing alternative courses of action that may be used if the primary plans dont achieve the organizations objectives.应急计划organizingOrganizing is a management function that typically follows planning and reflects how the organization tries to acc

19、omplish the plan.组织structural reorganization结构重组directingdirecting is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals.领导,指挥autocratic leadershipAutocratic leadership, the close style of supervision, means providing subordinates with detailed job instructions.专制型领导democrati

20、c leadershipDemocratic leadership, the general supervision, is a management style in which the manager consults with subordinates about job activities, problems, and corrective actions.民主性领导controllingControlling is a management function that involves verifying that actual performance matches the pl

21、an.控制organizational structureOrganizational structure is the formal decision-making framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated.组织结构top-level managersTop managers are those who take the responsibility of setting organizational goals, defining strategies for achieving them, mon

22、itoring and interpreting the external environment, and making decisions that affect the entire organization.高层管理者middle-level managersMiddle-level managers are those who receive the broad overall strategies, missions, and objectives from top-level managers and translate them into specific action pro

23、grams.中层管理者first-level managersFirst-level managers are those who emphasize directing and controlling the work of employees in order to achieve the team goals.基层管理者supervisor主管(基层管理者)managerial roles经理人角色figurehead roleThe manager handles ceremonial and symbolic activities for the department or orga

24、nization.名誉领袖角色liaison roleThe manager interacts with peers and people inside and outside the organization.联络人角色leader roleThe leader role encompasses relationships with subordinates, including motivation, communication, and influence.领导人角色monitor roleThe manager receives and collects information fr

25、om many sources.监听者角色disseminator roleThe manager transmits special information into the organization.传播者角色spokesperson roleThe manager disseminates the organizations information into its environment.发言人角色entrepreneur roleThe manager initiates change.企业家角色disturbance handler roleThe manager resolves

26、 conflicts among subordinates or between his/her department and other departments.障碍排除者resource allocator roleThe resource allocator role is about decisions of allocating people, time, equipment, budget, and other resources to attain desired outcomes.资源分配者negotiator roleThe manager negotiates on beh

27、alf of the organization.谈判者conceptual skillconceptual skill is the cognitive ability to see the organization as a whole and the relationship among its parts.概念技能human skillHuman skill is the managers ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group member.人际技能technica

28、l skillTechnical skill is the understanding of and proficiency in the performance of specific tasks.技术技能/业务技能Chapter 5:TermsEnglish Definition中文翻译productionProduction is the process of transforming inputs such as raw materials into outputs such as goods and services.生产manufacturingManufacturing is o

29、ne part of production which means making goods by hand or with machinery as opposed to extracting things from the earth (mining and fishing).制造operationOperations are the functions needed to keep the company producing, literally any function or series of functions introduced to carry out a strategic

30、 plan.运作inputsInputs to the production process are those resources that will be needed to produce the desired goods or services.投入品transformationTransformation consists of those production activities that take the inputs and combine them in some special way to produce the output.改造,转换outputsThe outp

31、ut is the final result of the production process.产品plant locationPlant location can mean the difference between profit and loss for a firm.厂址的选定production process生产工艺manufacturing process制造工艺assembly process装配工艺synthetic process合成工艺analytic process分解工艺continuous process连续性生产工艺intermittent process机械性生产工艺materials manage

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