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1、学年仁爱版八年级上册期中英语试题答案2016-2017学年上学期八年级期中水平测试二:单项选择(15分) ( )1. We will stay at home instead of .walking B. to walkC. walk D. walks( )2.What s wrong with you? - Its A. nothing serious B. serious nothing C. serious something D. serious everything( )3 .We should take care ourselves. A. to B. with C .of D.

2、for( )4. I will ask my father to give up . A. smoke B. smoking C. smokes D. to smoke( )5. -Must I finish my homework before I go home? -No, you . But you finish it before tomorrow. A. mustnt; must B. neednt; must C. must; mustnt D. neednt mustnt( )6. Watching TV too much bad for you eyes. A. are B .

3、was C. be D. is ( ) 7. Would you mind down the music? A. not to turn B. not turn C. turning D. to turn( )8.Youd better too much meat. You are much too fat. A.not eat C.not to eat D.dont eat( )9.The old man has ,but he does not feel . A.enough money; enough happy B. money enough; happily enough

4、 C.enough money; happy enough D. money enough; enough happy ( )10.The woman eats meat,so she is fat. A.too much;many too. B. much too; too much C. much too; too many. D. too much; much too( )11.Ill play baseball, because it can . build me up. build up me. C. build up me. D. build me up( )1

5、2. a foreign language is not easy. You should it often. A.To learn; to practice B.Learning; practice C.Learn; practicing D.Learns; to practice( )13. necessary for us English well. A.This is; to learn B.Its; to learn C.Its; learn D.Thats; learn ( )14.Whats with Kang kang? He has headache. A.the wrong

6、; a B.wrong; the C.matter; the D.the matter; a ( ) 15.We will the school sports meeting next time.A. join B. take part in C. joins D. takes part in三:完型填空(10分) If you often have a cold, headache or backache, there is something wrong with your health. Eating healthy food 16 good for our health. Tofu(豆

7、腐), milk, vegetables are healthy for us. Tofu is a kind of traditional(传统的) 17 food. We often 18 it in China. Now more and more people 19 other countries think tofu is good for health, 20 . They also like eating it. Milk is 21 kind of health food. Every day you should 22 one or two glasses of milk.

8、It can 23 us strong. Vegetables are very important. You should eat 24 them. There are vitamin(维他命) A, B, C, D , E and so on in them. As we know, its important 25 a balanced diet(均衡饮食). We must have the right kinds of food. We should also eat some pork, chicken and beef. We should eat more fruit and

9、vegetables but less meat. ( )16. A are B is C will be D was ( )17.A Japanese B American C English D Chinese ( )18.A eat B drink C take D play ( )19. A for B with C in D at ( )20.A too B also C well D either ( )21.A the other B other C another D others ( )22.A drinking B drink C take D to take ( )23.

10、A keep B makes C keeps D keeping ( )24.A a lot B plenty C much D a lot of ( )25. A making B to keep C keeping D to drink四:阅读理解。(40分) ( A) Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby, she got very sick. After many weeks, the doctor said, “ She is better, but now she

11、cant see or cant hear.” Her mother and father were very sad. After a few years, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak with other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didnt understand anything. Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helpe

12、d Helen learn about words. Helen was a very bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older, she went to college(大学). Helen was very famous. She helped many blind(盲) and deaf(聋) people. She traveled around the world and helped many people. Helen was a very old woman whe

13、n she died. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear. ( )26. Helen Keller got very sick when A. she was a baby B.she went to college C.her teacher came to her home D.she was very old ( )27. taught Helen Keller her firs

14、t word. A.Her mother B.Her teacher C.Her father D.The doctor ( )28. Helen Keller was famous because A. she was an American. B. she traveled around the world C.her teacher taught her many things D .she learned to read and write and helped many people in the word ( )29. The world remembers Helen Kelle

15、r today because A. she was very bright. B. she was blind and deaf. C. she was a brave and wonderful person. D. she went to college. ( )30.Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but A. she found a way to understand the world. B. her mother and father didnt feel sad. C. she found a way to travel around the

16、world. D. she found out how people became blind and deaf. ( B) Jack Brown was very quiet as Dr. Johnson examined him. The doctor looked at the boys throat, took his temperature and listened to his heart. Finally, he asked Jacks mother a few questions “When did Jack begin to feel ill?” “This morning

17、when he got up. He said he felt too sick to go to school today.” “What did he eat for breakfast?” “He got orange juice, two pieces of bread, an egg and a glass of milk.” I see,” the doctor asked Jack, “How do you feel now,My boy?” Jack answered “Terrible, I think Im going to die(死).”The doctor said,

18、 “You wont die. In fact, youll be fine by dinner time.” “Oh, doctor! Do you really think so?” Jacks mother looked very glad, Dr. Johnson answered, “Mrs. Brown, you son has a sickness that is common(普通的)to boys at a time like this. It comes and goes quickly. Mrs. Brown said, “But I dont understand.”

19、“Today,” the doctor told her, “the most exciting football final of the World Cup is on TV. If Jack feel well enough to watch TV this afternoon, and I think he does. He will be find when the final is over. Its the only cure(疗法) I know of this sickness. Now, if youll excuse me, I must go across the st

20、reet to see the Fords boy, Steve. He seems to have the same thing as Jack has today.” ( )31. Jack said that he didnt feel well when he .A. had breakfast B. went to school C. got up D.took exercise ( )32.Jacks mother A.was happy. B.thought Jack was really ill.C.rang the doctor and asked many question

21、s D.examine Jack ( )33. Jack ate for breakfast. A. very little B.a lot C. nothing D. too much ( )34. What did Jack really want to do? A .He wanted to watch the football final on TV B .He wanted to be ill. C.He wanted to go to school. D.He wanted to have a big dinner. ( )35.In fact, Jack and Steve A.

22、 were not ill at all B.wanted to watch the football final on TV C.both A and B D. are terrible ill(C) One evening, Mrs. White said to her husband in surprise, “You look like the football player in the game on TV!” Mr. White watched that man carefully and then said, “Yeah. He is really like me.” A we

23、ek later, Mr. White heard that the football player would come to their city. He was very happy. He bought an expensive ticket and went to watch the football game. He wanted to have a look at the player face to face. However, a short time later, Mr. White ran back home. To Mrs. Whites surprise, her h

24、usband was black and blue all over his face. “Oh, dear! What happened to you?” , Mrs. White cried(大喊). Her husband answered angrily, “How terrible it was! Many people in our city wanted to hit that player. When I got there, someone began to hit me. Later, more and more people came to hit me. I turne

25、d and ran home at once. Luckily, I could run fast, or Ill never return home.”( ) 36.Mr. White felt when he knew the player would come to their city. A. sad B. angry C. happy( ) 37.Mr. White bought an expensive football ticket because . A. Mrs. White asked him to buy itB. he wanted to see the playerC

26、. he really wanted to watch the game( ) 38.The underlined words(划线单词) “black and blue” means(意思) “ ” in Chinese. A. 黑与蓝 B. 精神焕发 C. 青一块紫一块( ) 39.Mr. White ran back home a short time later because . A.the player didnt like him B. he game was very boring C.many people came to hit him( ) 40. Which is th

27、e best title for the passage? A. A Bad Player B. A Football FanC. A Football Game (D) During the day we work and play, and at night we sleep. Our body rests when we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most when we are asleep. Children who are tired usually need

28、sleep. We can get better at our lessons after having plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we are asleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not co

29、ver our head, our lungs need to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night, we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air.( ) 41Our body grows most while we are .A.eating B.playing C.sleeping D.exercising( )42Too little sleep makes us .A.tired B.hungry C.happy Dgrow( )

30、43What may cause us to feel tired in the morning? during the sleep.A.Too much air B.Not enough fresh air C.Too much cold air D.Too much sleep( )44How many hours of sleep should 9-year-old children have every night?A.8 hours. B.9 hours. C.10 hours. D.11 hours.( )45What do the lungs need most?A.Fresh

31、air. B.Covering. C.Warm air. D.Exercise.五:词语运用(10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空.使短文意思完整、通顺。注意:每个单词只能用一次.help, play, but, music,grow ,in, teacher, year, well,friend Lily is a middle school student. She is 12 1 old. She likes singing very much. Every afternoon, she goes to have the 2 class, because she wants to be a singer when she 3 up. In the music class, she also learns to 4 the piano and guitar.She thinks it is interesting 5 a little difficult. Anyway(无论如何),she enjoys the time 6 the class. She has a kind and beautiful 7 . Lily thinks s

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