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1、诺奖作家英文作品赏析诺奖作家英文作品赏析 2018-04-03 千寻尔雅 测验1【单选题】What is thekey to the concept of symbol? CA、A concrete objectB、An abstract ideaC、Association ofconcrete object and an abstract ideaD、A sign2【单选题】Which of the following does not affect thesymbolic representations? BA、CultureB、GenderC、HistoryD、Mythology3【单选

2、题】Which of the following object can representpurification?A、FireB、MoonC、ForrestD、Sun4【单选题】Which of the following things is consideredto be a place closer to God? DA、The seaB、The floodC、The forestD、The summit5【单选题】According to the lecture, what might forestin a literary work represent? AA、Inner insec

3、urityB、Natural beautyC、DeathD、Purification6【单选题】What does the well represent in the novelNorwegian Forest? BA、A tunnel connecting the real world and thepsychological world.B、DeathC、TerrorD、Enlightenment7【单选题】What function does the description of thewell play in Norwegian Forest? BA、Creating the scar

4、y moodB、A metaphor of theinner world of Naoko.C、Foreshadowing thedeath of the protagonist.D、A metaphor of theunderground world.8【单选题】What does Jacobs ladder represent? AA、Ascendance to heavenB、TranscendenceC、Uplifting onessocial statusD、Connection betweenheaven and earth.9【单选题】Which of the following

5、 is not associated withmountain?A、spiritual transcendenceB、renunciation ofworldly desiresC、purification ofones mindD、Gods grace10【单选题】In “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”, the mountainrepresents: DA、Unfulfilled creativityB、Unrequited loveC、Life under threatD、Spiritualtranscendence11【单选题】What can one learn

6、from the quest for onesfather?A、ResponsibilityB、Finding a role modelC、Getting to know theworldD、The importance ofleadership12【单选题】What does the word “free” mean in The BluestEye as a result of failed quest? BA、Acting as an outlawB、Free from socialresponsibility and emotional attachmentC、No family at

7、tachmentD、Leading a wanderinglife13【单选题】In the poem, Animals in that country, why isthe activity of bullfighting alluded? BA、It tells mans close encounter with death.B、It shows the readerthe rich tradition in European continent associated with animalsC、It shows the braveryof human beingD、It describe

8、s thebloody scene for the reader14【单选题】What in the poem makes the bullfight aritualistic event? AA、Blowing of trumpet and naming the bullB、Killing the bullwith a swordC、The bull is mademanlikeD、The bull isembroidered with blood15【单选题】How do you interpret the tradition offoxhunting in the Great Brita

9、in? AA、It is a representation of gentry culture.B、It is a barbaroustradition.C、It is a pretentioustradition.D、It is a practice ofthe peasants.16【单选题】Why does Pecola identify herself withdandelions? DA、It is a kind of weed.B、It isvulnerableC、It is usefulD、It is ignored anddistained.17【单选题】Why do you

10、think hair is considered thesource of ones strength? AA、Because it seems to grow unceasingly.B、Because it is asymbol of ones sexuality.C、Because it isusually covered up for prudences sake.D、Because it isunusually long.18【单选题】Why do people of certain profession wearuniform? BA、Because uniform is a sy

11、mbol of ones class.B、Because uniformerases ones individuality and stresses uniformity.C、Because uniformmakes one look handsome.D、Because uniform is asymbol of ones social status.19【单选题】Why has corset been popular among women evenin modern days? CA、Because it is inexpensive and pretty.B、Because it ac

12、centuates the shapely curve of a woman.C、Because womanshourglass shape is considered as having the utmost aesthetic value.D、Because it is a symbolof a persons social class.20【单选题】Why do people pay attention to their body? AA、People want to conform to the beauty standard in thesociety.B、Because peopl

13、e attach great importance to theirhealth.C、Because people likediet, liposuction, or breast implant to make themselves more attractive.D、Because people arefascinated by their own body.第二章章节测试1【单选题】JohnSteinbeck is the Nobel Laureate of Literature in the year of _B_?A、1958B、1962C、1964D、19632【单选题】Usual

14、ly the Nobel Laureate will receive thefollowing _C_ as an honor.A、Nobel MedalB、Nobel trophyC、Nobel Medal andDiplomaD、A gold laureate3【单选题】What is the main group of people thatSteinbeck wrote about? AA、The lower middle classB、The intellectualsC、The ethnic groupsD、Professional women4【单选题】Why are some

15、of the works of Steinbeckconsidered controversial? CA、He depicted human nature in the ivory tower.B、He set out to undermine the racial injustice.C、His works criticizethe governmental policy and capitalism.D、His works containobscene content.5【单选题】What is the title of the book that won himthe Nobel Pr

16、ize? AA、The Grape of WrathB、Of Mice and ManC、East of EdenD、The Old Man and TheSea6【单选题】What idea does the short story “TheChrysanthemums”embody?A、Discourse constructionB、Ecological thinkingC、Post-structuralismD、Narratology7【单选题】What social event is “The Chrysanthemums”associated with? CA、Black is be

17、autiful.B、Civil Rights Movement.C、Women gaining theright of suffrage.D、Third wave feminism.8【单选题】What is the social setting of “TheChrysanthemum”? AA、It happens in a male-dominated society.B、It shows a society with great social upheaval.C、It is a time ofeconomic depression.D、It is a time ofcivil mov

18、ement.9【单选题】What kind of feeling does the natural settingof the story invoke?A、SuffocationB、Enlightenment.C、Outrage.D、Delight.10【单选题】What kind of outfit do Elisa wear? BA、Her figured print dress accentuates her body shape.B、She wears gardening costume to cover up her realidentity as a woman.C、She we

19、ars an armyoutfit.D、She dressescasually.11【单选题】What can you see from the way Elisa, theprotagonist, is dressed? BA、She is limited by her gender role.B、She is uneasy with her femininity.C、She is brimmed withvitality.D、She wants to be aman.12【单选题】Her transformation in the later part of thestory comes

20、from _C_.A、The inspiration she gets from the growing of thechrysanthemum.B、The encouragement she gets from her husband.C、The appreciation shereceives from the Tinker.D、She wants tolead a wandering life.13【单选题】In what way, can her hair reflect her innerchanges?A、From covering up her hair to showcasin

21、g her hair, shereconciles with her identity as a woman.B、Taking good care of her hair, she enjoys her naturalbeauty.C、Covering up herhair, she is oblivious of her beauty.D、She likes admiringherself with long hair.14【单选题】Which of the following statement showsHenry, the husbands practicality? BA、He co

22、mpliments her gift of raising plants.B、He wish she would workout in the orchard and raise some big apples.C、He likes it whenseeing her “strong new crops”.D、He talksbusiness with the men in the tractor shed.15【单选题】How does the fence indicate herpsychological distance with the tinker? CA、The tinker is

23、 able to get into her house.B、The tinker gets into her flower garden and helps herwith the chrysanthemum.C、The tinker startstalking to her from outside the fence but later comes inside the fence.D、She is wellprotected by the fence from outside intrusion.16【单选题】What does the wagon represent for Elisa

24、 inthe story? AA、MobilityB、PropertyC、StabilityD、Prosperity17【单选题】Why does the tinker say “it aint the kindof like for a woman”? AA、Because he thinks that woman is not suitable forleading a wandering life.B、Because he thinks that its not worth it to give up astable life.C、Because he thinksthat woman

25、is too weak physically to work as a tinker.D、Because he thinksthat women will increase competition.18【单选题】Henry, the husband comments on the size ofthe chrysanthemum shows that _B_.A、He loves his wife and appreciates her as a goodhousewife.B、He is a person who is down-to-earth.C、He is a typical farm

26、erwho only cares about material gains.D、He loves the flowerin an aesthetical way.19【单选题】Which of the following statement showsElisas identification with the chrysanthemum? BA、The chrysanthemums are like a quick puff of coloredsmoke.B、She becomes one with the plants when she tends tothem.C、She knows

27、which budto pick.D、She is delightedwhen the chrysanthemum is complimented on.20【单选题】Why is the husband able to make adjustmentto the change Elisa has been through? CA、He is overwhelmed by her transformation.B、He loves Elisa no matter what kind of transformationsshe is through.C、The tractor shedremin

28、ds him of his bread-winner status in the family.D、He is used to herwhims.第三章章节测试1【单选题】What is thenationality of Naipaul? BA、Trinidad TobagoB、The Great Britain.C、IndiaD、Canadian2【单选题】What is the feature of the Miguel Street? AA、It is a slum with indentured laborers.B、It is a caste society like India.

29、C、It mainly consistsof the native laborers.D、It is a place forartists.3【单选题】How many stories does The Miguel Streetconsist of? CA、15B、16C、17D、184【单选题】Who is the narrator? AA、A young boy.B、An intellectual.C、A poet.D、A boxer.5【单选题】What kind of world is created in The MiguelStreet? BA、A slum.B、A world

30、rich in characters with distinct features.C、A world that centersaround the narrators family.D、A world full ofthieves and villain.6【单选题】Why are people on the Miguel Street scared ofBig Foot? CA、He looks like a terrible dog.B、He is black.C、He is strong andbrooding.D、He is big.7【单选题】Why do people like

31、claiming Big Foot as afriend of them? AA、Because they want to have his protection.B、Because the father of Big Foot is a policeman.C、Because they arefrom the same street.D、Because they arereally his friends.8【单选题】How does the narrator start friendship withBig Foot? BA、He sympathizes with him after seeing his defeat inboxing.B、He keeps the secret of Big Foot.C、He thanks Big Footfor his protection from the American soldier.D、He saves Big Footfrom the attack o

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