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1、中英双语合同模板安全管理协议中英双语对照安全协议编号: Safety Agreement No.安全协议SAFETY AGREEMENT甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: 为了贯彻“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方针,落实安全生产责任制,明确双方的安全责任,加强对外来施工人员管理,防止和杜绝各类事件的发生,确保项目施工操作人员的安全与健康,促进施工顺利进行。In order to implement the policy of “Safety First, Prevention-oriented, Comprehensive Management”, implement th

2、e responsibility system for production safety, clarify the safety responsibilities of both parties, strengthen the management of external construction personnel, prevent and eliminate the occurrence of various events, ensure the project construction safety and health of operators and promote the smo

3、oth progress of construction.根据国家法律法规有关规定,结合本项目实际情况,经共同协商,就 项目工程施工中的安全、环境保护以及职业健康等责任,达成如下协议,双方必须共同遵守。According to the relevant provisions of national laws and regulations, combined with the actual situation of the project, through joint consultation, the following agreement shall be reached with res

4、pect to the responsibilities of safety, environmental protection and occupational health during the construction of the _ project, both parties shall abide by.一、安全目标Safety objectives1.不发生人身轻伤及以上安全生产责任事故;Personal slight injury or the worse safety production accidents is zero.2.不发生造成重大社会影响的不安全事件;There

5、 are no unsafe incidents that cause significant social impact.3.职业病发生率为零,不发生集体食物中毒和职业中毒事故;The incidence of occupational diseases is zero, and no collective food poisoning or occupational poisoning accidents occur.4.管辖区域有毒有害废弃物回收率100%,环境污染事故为零;The recovery rate of toxic and hazardous waste in the jur

6、isdiction area is 100%, and the environmental pollution accident is zero.5.重大设备事故为零;Major equipment accidents is zero.6.无重大火灾、爆炸事故;No major fire or explosion accidents.7.施工现场特种设备合规率100%;The compliance rate of special equipment on the construction site is 100%.8.特种作业人员持证上岗率100%;Electricians, welders,

7、 lifting workers and other special operations personnel, the certificate holding rate is 100%.9.人员安全生产教育培训合格率100%;The pass rate of personnel safety production education and training is 100%.10. 不发生因违反安全、环保法律法规被政府相关部门处罚或通报批评等处罚事件。Ensuring that violations of safety and environmental laws and regulatio

8、ns are punished by the relevant government departments or notified of criticism will not occur.二、双方权利与义务The Rights and Obligations of both parties(一)甲方权利与义务Rights and Obligations of Party A1.有权对乙方的资质进行审查,包括但不限于营业执照、资质证书、法人资格证书、项目管理人员资质证书、安全资格证书、特种作业人员资格证书、特种设备检验合格证、施工安全工器具登记表以及其他与施工相关资质证明文件等。Have th

9、e rights to review qualifications, including but not limited to business license, qualification certificate, legal person qualification certificate, project management personnel qualification certificate, safety qualification certificate, special operation personnel qualification certificate, specia

10、l equipment inspection certificate, construction safety work appliance registration form and other construction-related qualification documents of Party B.2.甲方有权进行或监督乙方进行人员工作前的安全教育培训、交底、告知等活动。Party A has the right to conduct or supervise activities of Party B in safety education training, disclosure

11、 and notification before the work of personnel.3.提供甲方安全管理方面的规章制度,并委派人员进行入场前的安全培训、安全告知。Provide safety management rules and regulations of Party A, and assign personnel to conduct safety training and safety notification before Party B enters the site.4.甲方有权对乙方施工场所进行监督检查。Party A has the right to superv

12、ise and inspect the construction site of Party B.(1)对不符合安全规定的,甲方安全管理人员有权要求停工,整改合格后方可继续施工。If the safety regulations are not met, the safety management personnel of Party A have the right to request the suspension of work, and the construction can be continued only after the rectification is passed.(2

13、)甲方有权要求乙方立刻撤走现场内不遵守、不执行安全生产法律法规、标准、操作规程、安全条例和指令的人员,无论在任何情况下,此人不得再雇佣于现场。Party A has the right to request Party B to immediately remove the personnel who do not comply with or carry out the safety production laws and regulations, standards, operating procedures, safety regulations and instructions on

14、the site. This person shall no longer be employed on site.(3)对违反安全生产、治安、消防、文明施工规定的行为,甲方有权依据协议相关规定对乙方进行处罚。According to the relevant provisions of the agreement, Party A has the right to impose penalties on Party B on violations of safety production, public security, fire protection and civilized cons

15、truction.(4)甲方有权对乙方施工人员进行安全监督抽查,并对不符合要求的人员无条件清退出现场。Party A has the right to conduct safety supervision and spot check on construction personnel of Party B, and has the right to clear out those who do not meet the safety requirements on site.5.甲方有为乙方提供施工所需的安全、技术等资料的义务。Party A has the obligation to pr

16、ovide the safety and technical information of construction which Party B required.6.在保证安全且符合合同约定(如有)的前提下,甲方应尽量向乙方提供工作方便,使工程圆满完成。Under the premise of ensuring safety and complying with the contract (if has), Party A shall provide convenience conditions before Party B complete the project.7.发生灾害事故,可能波

17、及对方施工范围的人员时,双方都有及时通知的义务,同时需配合对方进行撤离或救灾事宜。Both parties shall have the obligations to inform the other party in time and shall cooperate with the other party in evacuation or disaster rescue, in case of any disaster or accident that may affect the construction personnel of the other party.(二)乙方权利与义务Ri

18、ghts and Obligations of Party B1.乙方必须贯彻执行国家法律法规、条例、规定;遵守甲方的安全生产管理制度、规定及要求,并积极参加与安全生产有关的各项活动。Party B must implement the national laws, regulations, rules and regulations. Comply with safety production management system, regulations and requirements of Party A, and actively partake in activities relat

19、ed to safety production.2.乙方进入项目现场前必须接受甲方入厂前安全教育培训, 熟悉作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素、防范措施以及事故应急措施,保证从业人员熟悉并严格执行有关的安全施工规章制度和安全操作规程,掌握本岗位的安全操作技能,具备必要的安全防范知识,未经安全教育培训人员,不得进入项目现场工作。The employees of Party B must accept safety education training of Party A before entering the site. Do not enter the project site without

20、 safety education and training. The following abilities the employees of Party B shall have: Be familiar with and strictly conduct the relevant safety construction rules, regulations, safety operate procedures and master the safety operation skills, have the necessary safety and prevention knowledge

21、. Can identify the risk factors and make the preventive measures and emergency measures on site. 3.乙方人员进入项目现场应自觉接受厂区安保人员和安全管理人的监督检查,办理必要的入场登记手续和证件,严格遵守厂区的各项管理规定。Party B personnel shall consciously accept the supervision and inspection of the security personnel and safety management personnel at the

22、project site, handle the necessary admission procedures and certificates, and strictly abide by the various management regulations of the factory.4.乙方所有到项目现场工作人员需提供人员名单(包含身份信息),给甲方留存一份备案,人员发生变化时应及时更新。Party B shall provide a list of all personnel who working on the project site (including identity in

23、formation) to Party A, which shall be updated in time when personnel changes.5.电工、叉车司机、起重吊装司机、焊工等特种作业人员应将有效作业证随身携带,无证、证件过期人员禁止相关作业。乙方进场的特种设备必须经质量技术监督单位检验合格,取得合格证后方可使用,特种作业证需留存一份复印件备案。Electricians, forklift drivers, lifting hoist drivers, welders and other special operations personnel of Party B shal

24、l carry the valid certification. Those who are not certified or whose certificates have expired are prohibited from relevant operations. If Party B needs to use special equipment brought by them, the equipment must be inspected by the quality and technical supervision department, and the equipment c

25、an be used only after obtaining the certificate and Party B shall keep a copy of the special operation certificate for the record.6.乙方人员工作过程中如需使用水、电、气,应事先与甲方现场负责人取得联系,不得私拉乱接;不得擅自动用应急救援器材、消防设施,擅自触动或触发安全报警设施。不得擅自拆除、变更现场安全防护设施及安全标志。在工作过程中,如遇有情况不明时应事先与甲方项目负责人沟通明确情况后方可工作。If the employees of Party B need

26、to use water, electricity or gas during the work process, they shall contact with the person who is in charge of Party A in advance. The following unsafe behaviors of Party B are not allowed: Electrical work without permission, use of emergency rescue equipment and fire-fighting facilities without a

27、uthorization, activate or trigger safety alarm facilities without authorization, dismantle and change site safety protection facilities and safety signs without authorization. During the work, if there is any unclear situation, Party B shall communicate with the project leader of Party A to clarify

28、the situation before working.7.乙方必须为本单位工作人员提供必要、合格的劳动保护用品(如防护手套、安全帽、安全鞋、安全带、安全眼镜、防护口罩等),并督促本单位工作人员正确佩戴、使用劳动防护用品。Party B must provide necessary and qualified PPE (such as protective gloves, safety helmets, safety shoes, safety belts, safety glasses, protective masks, etc.) for its staff, and urge its

29、 staff to wear and use PPE properly. 8.项目现场材料应堆放有序,不得封堵逃生通道、安全出口、消防通道或设施等。使用后多余的材料或垃圾应及时清理,并按国家环保要求进行合法处置。Materials on the project site shall be stacked in an orderly manner and shall not block escape routes, safety exits, fire escapes or facilities. After use, the surplus materials or garbage shoul

30、d be cleaned up in time and legally disposed according to environmental protection requirements of China.9.乙方人员在项目现场进行动火、起重吊装、高处作业、临时电线、有限空间等危险作业时,须向甲方进行书面申请,批准后方可进行作业,作业前应采取相应的安全防护措施,并派专人监护。工作范围设置临时围栏或警告标志,不得超越指定的工作范围或时间进行工作,禁止无关人员进入工作现场。Party B shall apply to and obtain approval from Party A in wr

31、iting for the following dangerous work: hot working, hoisting, working at height, temporary electrical wiring, limited space working and other hazardous operations. Appropriate safety measures shall be taken before the hazardous work, and a special guard should be assigned. Temporary fences or warni

32、ng signs shall be set up in the work area. No work shall be carried out beyond the designated work scope or time. Irrelevant personnel shall not be allowed to enter the work site.10.乙方应当负责施工现场内的安全设施的建立、正常使用和维护工作;并应在有较大危险因素的场所、设施、设备上设置明显的符合国家标准的安全警示标志。Party B shall be responsible for the establishment, normal use and maintenance of safety facilities in the construction site, and shall set clear safety warning signs in accordance with standards of China on places, facilities and equipment with large risk factors.11.乙方应当定期进行安全

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