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1、巧学妙记学习英语单词看传奇学初中英语词汇妖怪考试妖怪考试1.背口诀记单词从前在west(西方)有一个pest(害虫)穿一件vest(背心)露出了chest(胸膛)去参加test(考试)考了个best(最好)2.识音标,记单词west n.西部,西方,西风;adj.西方的;西部的,朝西的,来自西方的(a gentle west wind柔和的西风);adv.向西方,在西方;习语 go west(归西,死)。pest n.有害动植物,瘟疫,令人讨厌的人或麻烦事,pests of society(害群之马,社会败类),financial pest(金融界败类);习语You little pest!(

2、你这个小讨厌鬼!)。vest n.汗衫,背心,马甲,无袖上衣;vt. vi.穿衣服,授予权力、财产等(与in连用),归属权力、财产等(与with连用);习语 Pull down your vest!(冷静点!规矩点!不要鲁莽行事!)。chest n.胸腔chest trouble(肺病),箱hope chest(女孩子贮放衣物以备出嫁使用的锦箱),柜,盒,金库,公款the community chest(社会基金)。test,身体检查,实地试验,判断的标准;v.测验,考查。best adj.最好的(good, well的最高级),最多的,最有用的,最适合的;adv.最好地,最,极;n

3、.最好的人或物,最大努力,大部分,最热烈的祝福;vt.打败;胜过were bested by opponents(被对方击败);习语second best (次的,二等的,仅次于最好的),all the best(万事吉利) make the best of (尽量利用)。3.邻里邻外west-在west前加south变为:southwest n.西南方pest-在pest后加house变为:pesthouse n.隔离病院vest-在vest前加in变为:invest v.投资,购买chest-在chest后加nut变为:chestnut n.栗子test-在test后加y变为:testy

4、adj.易怒的,暴躁的best-反义词:worst adj.最坏的4.佳句背诵East or west, home is best.东好西好,还是家最好。金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。Vines wither as pest returns.害虫来了,葡萄藤就枯萎了。Vest made for flea will not fit for elephant.为跳蚤做的马甲是不会适合大象的。(喻做事不能千篇一律。)Can a man hold fire against his chest and not be burned?玩火者,必自焚。Dont test the patience of drago

5、ns, wizards and women.不要测试妖魔鬼怪和女人的耐心。He who laughs last laughs best.笑到最后的人笑得最好。The best is the enemy of the good.至善者善之敌;好高鹜远成就有限。If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.如果没有更好的,就充分利用现有的。Strive for the best, prepare for the worst.作最坏的打算,争取最好的结果。看传奇学初中英语词汇拿枪的修女拿枪的修女1.背口诀记单词有一个nun (

6、修女) *非常地fun (有趣的)吃着块bun (面包)还拿把gun (枪)飞快地run (跑)枪打中sun (太阳)真令人stun (吃惊) *2.识音标,记单词nun n.尼姑,修女。fun n.玩笑I said it only for fun.(我是说着玩的),乐趣,有趣的人事物; vi.(funned; funning)开玩笑;adj.供娱乐用的fun house(游乐园),有趣的fun guy(有趣的人);习语 make fun of sb.(嘲弄某人)。bun n.小圆面包,圆髻。gun n.枪,炮,枪状物;vt.(gunned, gunning)向.开枪,开大油门;vi射击打猎,

7、开大油门前进;习语 jump the gun(抢跑,未获允许先行动),give it the gun(开动,加快),stick to ones guns(坚守阵地,站稳立场),gun for(急切追求),big gun(重要人物)。run n.跑,赛跑;vi.(ran, run; running)跑,逃跑,竞选ran for mayor.(竞选市长),行驶;vt.使跑,管理,是The story runs like this. (故事是这样说的),有效,开动;adj.熔化的;习语a good run for ones money(不白费力;不白花钱),in the long run(最后),r

8、un down(停产)。sun n.太阳,阳光sun shower(夏季的阵雨),恒星,鼎盛时期,源;vt.( sunned,sunning,suns)晒太阳,曝;vi.晒太阳;习语adore the rising sun(依附新发迹的权势人物), from sun to sun(从日出到日落;一天到晚)。stun vt. (stunned; stunning; stuns)打昏,使晕眩,震聋,使不知所措,使喜欢stunned by her beauty(被她的美貌所惊呆);n.震惊,晕眩。3.邻里邻外nun-把nun里的n换为t变为:nut n.坚果,难对付的人fun-在fun的后加ky变为

9、:funky adj.胆战心惊的,害怕的bun-在bun里加r变为:burn vt.烧,点燃gun-在gun的后加ge变为:gunge n油腻物run-在run后加ny变为:runny adj.松软的,水分过多的sun-在sun后加rise变为:sunrise n.日出stun-在stun后加t变为:stunt v.阻碍.发育,妨碍.生长4.佳句背诵Never trust a nun with a gun.绝不能相信带枪的尼姑。No fun without music, no music without fun.没有无音乐的娱乐,也没有无娱乐的音乐。He who does not get fu

10、n and enjoyment out of every day needs to reorganize his life.不会享受每日愉悦的人需要重新规划自己的生活。Work is more fun than fun.工作之中,其乐融融。You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.友爱加手枪的威力远甚于友爱本身。You have to learn to walk before you can run.奔跑之前必学走。He who would leap high

11、must take a long run.跳得高,跑得远。The morning sun never lasts a day.朝阳虽好,难以终日;好景不长。Let not the sun go down upon your wrath .生气不可过夜,勿留宿怒。She was stunned by the sudden news.她因听到这突然的消息而目瞪口呆。看传奇学初中英语词汇疯女子梅超风疯女子梅超风1.背口诀记单词立一根wand(棍子) *上有女stand(站立)伸出手hand(手)抓一把sand(沙子)撒向了land(陆地)落到了band(乐队)*气坏了husband(丈夫)2.识音标

12、,记单词wand n.棒tuning wand(调谐棒),棍杖, (表示官职的)权杖, (柳树等幼树的)嫩枝;习语as if touched with a wand(好象受了神棒的指挥一样),wave ones (magic) wand(挥动魔仗)。stand n.停止,立场,看台,架子,台;v. (stood, standing)站,立,站起, (使)竖立, (使)位于,维持不变The agreement stands(.合同有效),持久,经受;习语stand for(象征) Stand still! (不许动)stand out against(坚决反对)。hand n.手by hand(

13、人工完成),掌管,协助,支配,插手,指针,雇员,手艺;vt.支持,搀扶,交给hand over(让渡);习语at first hand(得自直接的体验),hand it to (sb.)(甘拜下风),hand out(散布)。sand n.沙,沙子, pl.沙滩,沙地;vt磨光,磨净掺沙子,撒沙子sand the road(在路上铺沙);vi.以喷沙器清洗;习语the sands of a mans life(毕生的岁月), built on sand(不切实际)。land n.陆地, (书面语)国土,地带, 复数地产,田产;vi.靠岸,登陆,卸货land cargo(.卸货),到达陷入;vt

14、.使上岸,使登陆,使到达; 习语desert land(荒芜的土地),forest land (林地),the land of make-believe(虚幻的境界)。band n.带子,镶边,波段,队a band of robbers(一伙强盗),乐队jazz band(爵士乐队);vt.联合;用带结; vi.联合,结合; 习语the bands of marriage and family.(婚姻和家庭的约束),band together(联合,结合)。husband n.丈夫;vt节俭地使用; 习语husband and wife (夫妻),to husband ones resourc

15、es (节约使用资金)。3.邻里邻外wand-在wand后加er变为wander vi.漫步,徘徊,迷路,迷失方向,离题stand-在stand的后加ard变为:standard n.标准,准则,判据,水平hand-在hand后加ful变为:handful n.一把,少数sand-把sand里的d换为e变为:send vt.送,寄发,派遣land-在land前加mother变为:motherland n.祖国band-把band里的d换为g变为:bang vt.重敲,猛撞husband-在husband后加man变为:husbandman n.农夫4.佳句背诵There is no magic

16、al wand to transform your future life and career.没有魔棒来指点未来的生活和工作。Stand up for your rights.为自己的权利,勇敢地站出来。Empty sacks will never stand upright.空袋子站不稳。If you stand straight do not fear a crooked shadow.身正不怕影子斜。One bird in the hand is worth two in the wood.二鸟在林不如一鸟在手。Show a dog a finger, and he wants th

17、e whole hand.给狗伸出一指头,它就想要你整个手。Use your enemys hand to catch a snake.用敌人地手去捉蛇。Life is playing a poor hand well.人生就像把一只柔软笨拙的手想办法玩弄好。Spending is like water soakingsintossand.花费支出就像水浸到沙子里一样迅速。Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble.仁慈刻在大理石上,侮辱写在沙子里。If you fail to be a lizard in your own land, you c

18、an never become a crocodile in a foreign land.在自家算不上蜥蜴者就别指望到别处当鳄鱼。Everyone praises his native land.谁不说自己家乡好。Dont bless the fish till it gets to the land.鱼尚未上岸,就先别高兴。The man who cant dance thinks the band is no good.不会跳舞的人认为乐队有问题。You should never fight the band that heeds you.从来不要攻击那些注意你行动的邦伙们。A hous

19、e without an owner is like a woman without a husband.没有主人的房子就像没有丈夫的女人。It is too late to husband when all is spent.花光了再讲节约,为时已晚。When a wife sins, the husband is never innocent.妻子有罪,丈夫也不清白。看传奇学初中英语词汇月中玉兔之死1.背口诀记单词有一个hare(野兔)*非常的rare(稀少)小脑袋bare(秃的)*大眼睛glare(瞪眼)被猎手scare(害怕)*跑到了square(广场)被杀了share(分享)没有人c

20、are(在意)2.识音标,记单词hare n.野兔,怪人,傻瓜; vi快跑,飞跑; 习语 (as) fast as a hare(快得象野兔一样), (as) timid as a hare(胆小如鼠)。rare adj.稀罕的rare metals(稀有金属),杰出的,珍贵的a rare bird(珍禽), (肉类)半熟的a rare steak.(鲜嫩的牛排);adv.很,非常a rare fine view(极好的风景);习语a rare event(罕见的事件),rare air.(稀薄的空气)。bare adj.赤裸的a bare arm.(赤着胳膊),无遮蔽的bare walls(

21、.没有装饰的墙),空的a bare room(空房间);vt.使赤裸,露出;习语a bare hill(秃山) bare ones heart(讲心里话),as bare as the palm of ones hand(一无所有)。glare n.眩目的光,显眼,怒目而视, (冰等的表面)光滑的表面;v.闪耀; 习语in the full glare of publicity(在众目睽睽下),look at sb. with an angry glare(对某人怒目而视)。scare v.惊吓,受惊get a scare(吓一跳),威吓;n.惊恐,恐慌,恐惧; adj.恐怖的scare st

22、ories(恐怖故事);习语be scared to death(吓得要死),strike sb. with scare(使某人感到惊惶)。square n.正方形,广场,平方,直角尺;adj.正方形的,四方的,直角的,正直的,公平的,平方的;adv.成直角地,公平地,坚定地;v.使成方形,弄平,与.一致,符合,结算;习语square with(使与.相符),be (all) square(两清,彼此不欠)。share n.共享,参与,一份,部分,参股; vt.分享,共有,分配;vi.分享; 习语share a room with sb.(与某人同居一室),go shares with (平分

23、,分享)。care n.注意,照料,烦恼,忧虑,由.转交;vi.关心,顾虑,照顾,喜爱;vt.在意; 习语Handle with care! (小心轻放!)care for(喜欢,照顾)。3.邻里邻外hare-把hare里的h换为w变为:ware n器皿,物品rare-把rare里的r换为t变为:rate n.比率,速度bare-在bare后加foot变为:barefoot adj.赤脚的share-把share里的r换为k变为:shake vt.摇动,摇撼care-在care后加ful变为:careful adj.小心的,仔细的4.佳句背诵He that will have a hare t

24、o breakfast must hunt overnight.早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.同时追两兔,一只也难捕。One should not run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.不应两面讨好。However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship.真爱诚可贵,友情更难寻。Its a rare person who wants to hear what he do

25、esnt want to hear.想听自己不喜欢听的事物的人是罕见的。A friend is as a rare book, of but only one copy is available.好朋友就像本珍贵的书,绝对没有副本。Bird never make nest in bare tree.鸟儿从不在光秃秃的树上搭窝。Dont think there are no golden apples just because the tree looks bare.秃树不一定不藏金果。There is no dust, the sun does not glare.凡有阳光的地方都有灰尘。A

26、good scare is worth more than good advice.一次有益的惊吓胜过良言相劝。You can never scare a dog away from a greasy hide.身后藏奶酪,甭想赶跑狗。Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.杀鸡给猴看。A lion is in the open square!大人物总在公共场合露面。Square peg in a round hole.不称职的人。To dance is to share,to share is to teach.跳舞既是分享,分享既是传授。Take

27、care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.小钱省一省,大钱自会来。We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is lost.有时不珍惜,失去悔太晚。Nobody cares how much you know unless they know how much you care.没有人在意你知道多少,除非他们知道你想多少。看传奇学初中英语词汇夜归的司机夜归的司机1.背口诀记单词天上有star(星星)路上铺tar(柏油) *有一辆car(小汽车)满身是sc

28、ar(伤疤) *司机喝jar(酒瓶)撞进了bar(酒吧)压坏了guitar(吉他)跑得很far(远)引起了war战争)2.识音标,记单词star n.星,恒星,明星a film star(电影明星),名角;vt, vi在加星标,由担任主角;adj.星的,名演员的,最好的;卓越的,主要的;习语 trust to ones star(相信自已的运气)。tar n.焦油,柏油tarred road(柏油路),水手; vt.(tarred; tarring)怂恿,煽动;adj涂焦油的,涂柏油;习语be tarred with the same brush (一路货色,一丘之貉)。car n.汽车,小汽

29、车,车辆,客车, 铁车厢,座舱。scar n.伤痕a mental scar(精神上的创伤),疤痕,悬崖,峭壁;v.结疤,使留下伤痕,创伤。jar n.震动,刺耳声,震惊,争吵,罐two jars of honey(两坛蜂蜜),广口瓶; vi.震惊,冲突,发刺耳声,不一致; vt.震动,刺激;习语 on the jar.(半开着)。bar n.条a bar of soap(一条肥皂),棒(常用作栅栏,扣栓物),横木,酒吧间,栅,障碍物;vt.禁止,妨碍,把门关住,除.之外;习语behind bars(监禁)。guitar n.吉他,六弦琴;vi.弹吉他;习语electric guitar(电吉他)。far adj.(常用于书面语)远的,久远的,遥远的;adv.(表示间或时间上的距离)远,很远,遥远地,久远地,甚远地,很晚地;n.远处,远方;习语as far as(远到,一直到,尽,就), so far(迄今为止),by far(尤其,更,显然地)。war n.战争,战斗,斗争,军事,战术; vi.作战,打仗,斗争。3.邻里邻外star-在star后加t变为:start vt开动,使起动, (使)开始

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