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北师大UNIT 10.docx

1、北师大UNIT 10 学员 英语 科目 一对一 个性化教案授课时间月 日教师姓名备课时间月 日学员年级八年级课题名称 教学阶段第( )周课时总数共( )课时教育顾问教学目标个性化学习问题解决基础强化,查漏补缺教学重点1、2、3、4、教学难点1、2、3、教学过程教师活动学生活动 UNIT 10 MATERIAL WORLD一 重点词汇,词组1. put off 推迟Because of the heavy rain, we have to put off the departure.2. at present=nowThere are not many students at present.现

2、在没有多少学生。翻译:我们现在不需要它。_3. defeat,beat,win的区别defeat/beat + 对手, win +比赛 三者都有战胜的意思1)Defeat/beat + 宾语(对手)They defeated the enemy in the battle. 他们在那次战斗中打败敌人I think Jack canbeatall the runners in the country.我认为杰克可以胜过这个国家的所有赛跑选手2)win的宾语是比赛、游戏或奖牌等Their team haswonthe game.他们队赢了这场比赛win后面若跟表示人的宾语,是“说服,争取”的意思:

3、 You have won me。你说服我了。4.out of work 失业 out of memory 失忆 out of breath 喘不过起来 Out of control失控 out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过时的 Out of order 发生故障 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能 out of reach 够不着4. be obsessed with 着迷于,痴迷于 The little boy is obsessed with the fantasy novels.这个小男孩痴迷于玄幻小说。

4、5. determine to do sth= decide to do sth.= make up ones mind to do sth. Set up ones mind to do sth, 决定做某事 他决定把这本书看完。 He determined to finish reading this book. 换成同义句:6. be concerned about 关心,关注 We are quite concerned about the problems we are facing now.7. give away 1) 赠送;分发Shegave awayall her money

5、 to the poor.她把钱都送给穷人了2) 泄露;出卖His accentgavehimawayas a northerner.他的口音让人听出他是北方人I will give you some money, so please dont give me away.我会给你些钱,所以请你不要出卖我。8. be aware of 意识到We should at all times be aware of our own shortcomings. 我们必须随时注意自己的缺点9. drop out 退出Charles decided to drop out and has discovere

6、d that having a little money makes you free. Youll never go to college if you drop out of high school .如果高中辍学,你就永远不能上大学了10. I wouldnt go back to being rich for anything. 什么也不可能让我回到富人行列了。 Go back to doing, 这里的to 是介词 类似的: look forward to doing 期待做某事 Devote to 致力于 be used to 习惯于11. be/get drunk 醉的12. T

7、hat greedy little fellow eats so many bananas that he turns yellow.那个贪吃的小家伙吃了太多香蕉而变成了黄色13 1)turn ones back to转身,背朝着 He turned his back to the woman and left without a word.他背朝着那个女人,然后一声不吭地走了。2) turn ones back on sb. 不理睬,拒绝I wont ever forgive my older brother-he turned his back on me and refused to l

8、end me any money when I lost my job.我永远也不会原谅我的大哥哥。当我失去我的工作的时候,他根本不肯帮忙,一点钱都不愿意借给我。13. be tired of 厌倦, 相当于 be sick of / be fed up with I am tired of the food which I have every day. He is tired of working in that company and wants to leave I am sick of your lame excuses. 我听腻了你那些蹩脚的借口语法:一aWhere are_stu

9、dents?bPerhaps_may not think that wayAother,another Bothers,othersCthe other,other Dthe other,others1指单数时,若是泛指用another(若直接接名词一定是单数),若是特指用the other(若后接名词一定是单数):He finished his cake and asked for another(one)他吃完了那块蛋糕后又要了一块。(泛指)shut the other eye,too另一只眼也闭上。(特指)2指复数时,若泛指用other(若后接名词一定是复数),若特指用the other

10、(若后接名词一定是复数):Other people may object to your idea别人可能会反对你的意见。She is cleverer than the other students in her class她比班上的其他学生要聪明些。(特指)others(表泛指)永远表示复数意义(且其后不能再接名词),其用法大致相当于“other+复数名词”。同样地the others(表特指)也永远表示复数意义(其后也不能接名词),大致相当于“the other+复数名词”3. the other 和 the second 区别The other 表示两者中的一个The second 表

11、示一些列人物中的第二个The winners score was 10. the second ones is 9, the third got below 7.习题:( )1) Will you show me _?I dont like its colour.( )2) She has two computers. One is IBM PC 386 and _ is IBM PC 586.( )3) Tom runs faster than any _ student in his class.( )4) The students have English,Chinese,maths,b

12、iology and many_ subjects.( )5) Why are only three of you here in the classroom?Where are_?( )6) My classmates come from different parts of the country. Some come from Shanghai,some from Tianjin and _ _ from Beijing.答案:1) another 2) the other 3) other4) other 5) the others 6) others二3) some, any, no

13、可以与more连用,表示“更多”。【例如】Please give me some more water, for I am really thirsty.I have no more good ideas. I am at my wits end.Do you have any more books availableSome or Any?1. - Would you like _ more coffee ? (some/any) - Yes, please.2. I wonder if _ will show up at the meeting ? (someone/anyone)3. D

14、oesnt _ know the answer to this question ? (someone/anyone)4. On TV _ said that smoking does not cause lung cancer. (someone/anyone)5. (annoyed and emphatic) How can _ tell such a pack of lies ? (someone/anyone)6. It must be difficult to live without _ money. (some/any)7. Have you seen my shoes ? I

15、cant find them _. (somewhere/anywhere)8. - Can you believe weve run out of milk !- Would you like me to get _ at the nearest shop ? (some/any)9. _ say the internet is just a hype and that it will blow over. (Some/Any)10. _ day peace will come to Northern Ireland. (Some/Any)11. Our shipment is due to

16、 arrive _ day now. (some/any)12. I havent seen you for _ time now. (some/any)13. If in _ event a fire would break out, the first thing you should do is evacuate the building. (some/any)14. Is there _ real evidence that my client has actually committed the crime ? (some/any)15. Is there _ I can do fo

17、r you, madam ? (something/anything)解答在此。未作答請勿偷看1. some2. anyone3. anyone4. someone5. anyone6. any7. anywhere8. some 9. Some10. Some11. any12. some13. any14. any15.anything三1. many 和 much 许多Many+ 可数名词复数 ;much + 不可数名词ps: many 和 much 的区别不在于它们所在的句型,而在于它们后面所接的名词2. few 和 a few +可数名词复数;little 和 a little +不

18、可数名词few 表否定,很少,没几个;a few 表肯定,少许,少数little 表否定,很少,几乎没有;a little 表肯定,少量,少许”用much,many,few,little,a few和a little填空1)There are _ buses in London.2)I havent got _ time for study in recent weeks.3) Please dont make so _noise.4) Jane doesnt know _ people in Shanghai and has only a _ friends here.5)I dont li

19、ke _ butter on my bread.6) Bob said that he had _ money and he could not go anywhere.7) There are only _ cigarettes in the box. do you want to have one?8) There is only _ tea left in the teapot. Ill go and make some more.9) Jane gave me _ help with my work.10) Your homework is better than usual. You

20、 have only _ mistakes. lesson 2 the right price一 重要词汇,词组1. enthusiastic 很感兴趣的,热情的比较级more enthusiastic 最高级most enthusiasticMy parents areenthusiasticskiers.我的父母是滑雪迷2. bargain 1)n.便宜货 a bargain is a bargain. 便宜货就是便宜货2) V. 讨价还价 打折 我们对现金付款给予九折优惠。误:We give (a) 90% discount for cash.正:We give (

21、a) 10% discount for cash.3. comment 意见,看法The Pentagon refused to comment on the media report.五角大厦对这项报导不作任何评论Lesson 3 Money一重要单词,词组1. appeal to 使喜欢, 吸引The two mens life stories appeal to different groups.两人的人生故事吸引着不同的人群向.呼吁,恳求They neverappealed tous for mercy.他们从不向我们乞求怜悯2. approximately 近似地,大约地;= abo

22、ut3.containing 和 including 区别4. think twice 再三考虑,三思The teacher advised Lou to think twice before deciding to quit school.老师劝告罗在决定退学前要好好考虑5. force sb. To do sth. 强迫某人做某事The soil erosion has forced many local farmers to move to other areas.His father forced him to come here.6. agree with sb. 同意某人7. 1)

23、it is time for sb to do sth. 是时候做某事 it is time for you go to bed. 你是时候去睡觉了。3) It is ( high/about)time (that) 正是做时候了, 虚拟语句It is high time that we began the meetingIt is (high) time that we got home.是我们该回家的时候了It is (high) time that we went to bed. 是我们该睡觉的时候了8. play an important role 扮演重要的角色Father play

24、s an important role in a family. 父亲在家庭中扮演重要的角色9. make a living 谋生,维持生活To make a living, Verne had to write and sell stories. 为了谋生,他不得不撰写并销售他的故事书10. change into 把.变成11. whats more = moreover 而且,更重要的是She is my friend; what is more, she is my best friends girlfriend.语法 : 不定式动名词与不定式1)动名词与不定式的区别:动名词表达的是:

25、状态,性质,心境,抽象,经常性,已发生的不定式表达的是:目的,结果,原因,具体,一次性,将发生的2)动名词与不定式语义不同的有11组:1stoptodostopdoing2forgettodoforgetdoing 3remembertodorememberdoing4regrettodoregretdoing5ceasetodoceasedoing6trytodotrydoing7goontodogoondoing8afraidtodoafraiddoing9interestedtodointeresteddoing10meantodomeandoing11begin/starttodobe

26、gin/startdoing不定式的特殊句型1) Whynot原形表达向某人提出建议,翻译为:为什么不?干吗不?例如:Whynottakeaholiday?干吗不去度假?2) tooto太以至于Heistooexcitedtospeak.他太激动了,说不出话来。当too前面有only,all,but时,意思是:非常等于very。Imonlytoopleasedtobeabletohelpyou.我非常高兴能帮助你。Hewasbuttooeagertogethome.他非常想回家三动词不定式的否定式: not to do1)Tellhim_thewindow.A.toshutnotB.notto

27、shutC.tonotshutD.notshut2)Shepretended_mewhenIpassedby.A.nottoseeB.notseeing C.tonotseeD.havingnotseen3)Mrs.Smithwarnedherdaughter_afterdrinking.A.nevertodrive B.toneverdriverC.neverdrivingD.neverdrive四1)使役动词let,have,make:感官动词see,watch,lookat,notice,observe,hear,listento,smellfeel,find等后作宾补,省略to。注意:

28、在被动语态中则to不能省掉。Isawhimdance.=Hewasseentodance.Thebossmadethemworkthewholenight.=Theyweremadetoworkthewholenight.五. To +Vingadmitto承认,confessto承认,beaccustomedto习惯于,beusedto习惯于,stickto坚持, turnto开始,着手于,devoteoneselfto献身于, bedevotedto致力于,lookforwardto盼望,payattentionto注意 lesson 4 is no bigger than a credit card. no bigger than 相当于 as small as no 比较级 than表示前后两者都不 not比较级 than表示前者不如后者this book is no more interesting than that one这本书和那本书一样不令人感兴趣this book is not more interesting than that one这本书不如那本书有兴趣2. too;also;either;as wellAtoo 是个常用词,多用于口语,语气较随便。一般用在肯定句中,放在句末,

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