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1、16年改革后英语专四考试新题型材料作文模拟练习及范文分析精品范本专四新题型写作自2016年起,专四考试写作部分改革,要求根据所给的题目、图表或阅读材料等,写一篇200词左右的作文。出现的新题型命题+材料作文对考生的阅读理解及归纳能力提出了更高的要求。考生可以采取“简短概述材料评论总结”的写作模式。值得注意的是,在写作过程中,概述材料和进行评论缺一不可,否则将可能被扣分例题1PAR I WIGeadcarfuhe ollowin eerptand henwri yurrespos in O LESS HN20WORDS, ichyou shud:1)ummariz th main meage o

2、f the excert,and then2)ommen weher tuts lea more om laseshn fromotherrsorcecn upporyourslf it informatonfrom the excert。arkwil b awardefocntent relevanc, contentsuffciency, oraniationadlanuage qali. Faiue to flow theabov istructins may esut in a lssof mark。o stdents learn mrefrm lsses thanfrmther re

3、sorce?Wit the ave o theternet nd other teecmmuications technoogi, ther is a astl grong ealth rsurce vailable from immnserang of mei outlts。Sdents have the bility to absrbnfmaton in qier and moreeficet wa hnresearching on their ownthrogh rading ubliaionor bwing webpages oli. As a rslt, som people gue

4、 hat tens nearn more from other reorces thn fo cass.Condcing eec wthonlne aterials sa activepress,which alwsyougst focs in grater detilrther thanpssielyistning to lecture in a largeclasrom。Th ten and TV also eaily accessibe platforsfor studentsin remote ceswhere eacing resorces ae ot abunant asth n

5、moreevelpd regions。 Hwevr,teacher have theapaliy of xpaninthe we n a eer wayand noonly provide teoreical exlanatn bu also pactialexerience aboulife.They have aumulated largeod of inllgnce ht isprofoundy ore prcie than thr ouce. Teachers nt oly functon a iniiator wo iar knowledebu alo serve as suprvi

6、sosor arians。 Te conventional ro of istrucr, i tis day adge, hasvedto ecoe evaluatrs an aiitator,guidg tdensin tiracademicand ersonalefors。范文1nheinforaionae, he radiona tdentacherreltionsh as been fetedely an peopl egto doubt whher stent ca learnmor from clssesthn frother reurs。(介绍背景) Accordigto he

7、cnention viw, ecesresill thprimary source frhich sdentsobtain preonal knoledge,tiellas nteaction, a effectivspervision from techs(总结第一种观点)Onhecorary, nodys,many people believe that suescanernmoefrom otherresours uhsnenet andTVnc theyae moreaccessiblad egagestuden more activeyinreserch(总结第二种观点)Fr m,

8、am favor f thefirst vew。(表明立场) Teacers play an rreplaceale roleinedution,wethr its i the pasor a present,sice they no only imp knowlede,bt alsoedcate pople.(总论据)or n tng, wha student learn frmthei classe is more rese tan fom thr resources ich rovde a norouson of data ned to b sifed throut termin whi

9、c inforatiis accrate。(理由一)oraothr, ersi schl u the shapig personltyin a placas iportant as the tahing fknlde,wich is hardfor student toobtainfrom other esorce。(理由二)n conclui,the dvopnofcutting-egetecnlogy ert a ig ipat oodeneducai。 However, it cannevelinate te need fr hihuality ofesionals ilassroo。(

10、重申论点)(23 wrs)例题2P VI WRTIRead carfully thefolo excrptand hen wrieyor esone i NO LSTAN 20 WRDS, n whch yu shold:1)Smaze themain mesagothe excerpt, ad en)ommento wheher pepl shuld hoos to become nosyYo can support yoursel ith iormation rom the except。Markswl b awadedroen releanc, content ufficienc, or

11、ganizationad languagequlit。Falre t followthe oveinction maesl in a os ofaks。Sholdeple choset bcome indoory modn wold?In dr imes wh we can bu eveythn we ed on e Intent, andcomunicat and even work throug the nene,becomiindry en o omn ssimpy a choice of differet lifesyl.n h pt, f you wt to bu somehi,yu

12、 need to o ouof ur house, g toth sore, andpend an ou or wo conthepro yo wanttoby. But nowyo cajust sit inronf oputer nd clck your ouse, nd theproduct an elivrd to you。 Being idrsycan sve people lot o tim。Being idoorsyca alo people to tink andwk n aeacefu environmnt。 o exmle, writers cn be quit ceati

13、ve heheyae alone ahoe wthoutbng intrpte。 ome coists rnttth idoors lifstyle wll mke popl become slcetered andnaiv If popl sta at home for a longtime, tey willhve ltl terpesoal contct with thers.The do nokwhw to ha face-t-face communication wih other, d theymaybcome s,ncoortabe, orsefentered he they a

14、r iolved in reallife omunicatn. Thi inoorsyifetle wll ve a ad effet o thir norml interpersonal eltionshipandther norml work。Indorsy menor women spedms fhei tisitng in front of a coputer,nteyselom ttnd outdoo actvites.Watchng he compur een fora long tie wil o geat rm oheir eyesAlso,anyindorsypeole do

15、 o like to atedsporcivities, an i h logrn, thir heah willg ore范文2审题思路本题讨论“宅生活是否可取。在具体行文方面,考生应首先简要概述正方观点:“宅”是现代的一种新型生活方式。然后概述反方观点:“宅”有种种弊端接下来给出自己的观点:现代科技是把双刃剑,我们要把握好,适当利用可以使我们的生活更便利,但过度依赖则会对身体有害。最后总结全文,重申观点。ShuldW EmbaInoory Lestle?Witte lobalizatio of oderntecnology,epecl the orldwdeacces to ntrnt s

16、rvice, peosletye as bengreat influnced. (介绍背景)Soe ej inosyliestl Tehold ta indoo lfetyl s tmn and peaceu. In cotast, those gai te idea lai at ke anidoorsy lfetylewil o hrto people botchological and phyicall.(总结材料)Asfar as I am concered,oern technoogys a dol- swor(点明观点)f w osider it as aseful tool to

17、 improve or life,t ilcetainl bri uprceeted onvnence to us ithth asitanc o th Inteet,onecan avehstim throughworkn, soping, o comuniatig wih others atome。(正方理由一)lo, olitude int alwaseual tonelines。 Fre fom utsi ntrruion, ne a creativeandkep his mishap。(正方理由二)On theother hand,too mhliance on orinulgenc

18、en the Internet wil certaily hae anmpac on our nomal lifen work。For istane,idulgigi socal newrkonliemay crode peopls s klls。To pecifc, the ay fee lost whn talking with people faetofae,hch mayaffect their na elationship with mily mers and end.(反方理由一)Wasworse,sttng infron f a cmuteral day lg ean littleutoor actviti, wicmay damageons heth.(反方理由二) conclsion,while enoyinll te efis the virtualworld has buht o us,indoorsypeopl shoul alsosep ut o thrhom nd egaethemelvs inth real wld。(总结上一段)(3 words)

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