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1、届高三一轮复习人教课标版book3unit1概要Unit 1Festivals around the world1starve(vi.& vt.)(使)饿死;饿得要死2belief(n.)信任;信心;信仰3trick(n.)诡计;恶作剧;窍门 (vt.)欺骗;诈骗4gain(vt.)获得;得到5gather(vt.,vi.& n)搜集;集合;聚集6award(n.)奖;奖品(vt.)授予;判定7energetic(adj.)充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的8obvious(adj.)明显的;显而易见的9remind(vt.)提醒;使想起10forgive(vt.)原谅;饶恕11independe

2、nce (n.)独立;自主independent (adj.)独立的;自主的12origin(n.)来源;由来;起因original(adj.)原始的;最初的13religious(adj.)宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的religion(n.)宗教信仰14admire(vt.)赞美;钦佩;羡慕admirable(adj.)令人钦佩的admiration(n.)钦佩;羡慕15permission(n.)许可;允许permit(vt.)允许16apologize(vi.)(道歉;辩白)apology(n.)道歉1take_place发生2dress_up化装;打扮3look_forward_to期

3、望,期待,盼望4as_though好像5parking_lot停车场6keep_ones_word守信用;履行诺言7set_off出发;动身;使爆炸8in_memory_of为纪念9play_a_trick_(on_sb.)欺骗,开玩笑10day_and_night日夜;昼夜;整天11have_fun_with玩得开心12turn_up出现;到场13hold_ones_breath屏息;屏气14remind.of.使想起1At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the co

4、ld winter months.在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬天的岁月,人们就会挨饿。名师指津:主语 do句式。例句仿写:那十一个人很难被说服,但最终我还是说服了他们。Those eleven men were_very_difficult_to_persuade,but I managed it in the end.2Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,who might return either to help or to do harm.有些节日

5、是为了纪念死者,或者使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。名师指津:either.or.意为“或者或者”。例句仿写:要么你要么校长在会议上给那些有天赋的学生颁奖。Either_you_or_the_headmaster is to hand out the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting.3It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leavehe wiped the tables,

6、then sat down and turned on the TVjust what Li Fang needed!很明显,咖啡馆里的经理在等李方离开他擦好桌子,然后坐下来,打开电视机。这正合了李方的意!名师指津:It is obvious that.“很明显”,it为形式主语。例句仿写:显而易见中国不会因钓鱼岛事件屈服于日本。It_is_obvious_that China will not give in to Japan due to Diao Yu Island.4While she was on earth she met the herd boy Niulang and they

7、 fell in love.她在人间遇到了牛郎,两人相爱了。名师指津:while意为“当的时候”,在句中引导时间状语从句。例句仿写:趁着年轻,你应该多学点知识。While_you_are_young you should learn more knowledge.admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕教材原句P2:China and Japan have midautumn festivals,when people admire the moon and in China,enjoy mooncakes.中国和日本都有中秋节,这时,人们会赏月。在中国,人们还品尝月饼。(1)admire sb.

8、for sth.因某事而钦佩某人(2)express admiration for sb./sth.(表示)羡慕/钦佩某人/物with admiration钦佩地;羡慕地(3)admirer n赞赏者;羡慕者;追求者(4)admiring adj.赞赏的;羡慕的It was not until then that I realized what was worth admiring and what was the most important for young people.直到那时,我才明白什么是值得羡慕的,而对于年轻人来说什么是最重要的。(朗文P27)We stopped halfwa

9、y up the hill to admire_the_view.我们在半山腰停下来欣赏风景。Id like to express_my_admiration_for the courage and uncomplaining spirit of the wounded.我对伤员们的勇敢和毫无怨言的精神表示钦佩。apologize vi.道歉He smiled politely as Mary apologized for her drunken friends.当玛丽为她喝醉了的朋友道歉时,他礼貌地微笑着。(1)(2)I do apologize for giving you so much

10、 trouble while I am here.我在这期间给您添麻烦真是对不起。The teacher made a suggestion that she should make_an_apology/apologize_to_ er_deskmate for her bad behaviour.老师建议她为自己不得体的行为向同桌道歉。forgive (forgave,forgiven) vt.宽恕;饶恕;原谅All I ask is that you forgive me and keep my secret.我要求的只是请你原谅我并为我保守秘密。(1)forgive sb.for (d

11、oing) sth.原谅某人(做)某事be forgiven for情有可原(2) 原谅某人做某事Forgive_me_for_having taken up so much of your time and accept my best wishes for your health and happiness.请原谅我耽搁了你这么多时间,请答应我极其诚恳地祝你健康和幸福。Being forgiven for the past is the most precious gift we can receive.过去所做的一切被原谅是我们能收到的最珍贵的礼物。It is also a virtue

12、 to forgive and forget,especially in such a competitive and stressful society.不计前嫌也是一种美德,尤其是在竞争如此激烈,压力如此沉重的社会中。remind vt.提醒;使想起(2013天津卷阅读理解)A movement is underway to remind us to turn off lights when we are not using them.正在进行的一项运动提醒我们不用灯时要关掉。remind sb.of/about sth.提醒某人某事remind do sth.提醒某人做某事r

13、emind (sb.)that/how/what.提醒After getting the work done,we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees.做完所有的工作后我们竖起了布告牌提醒人们保护这些小树。(牛津P1682)Passengers are reminded that no smoking is allowed on this train.旅客们请注意,本次列车禁止吸烟。Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself remi

14、nded_of_his_own_dreams.迈克尔在床边挂了一张姚明的照片以提醒他自己的梦想。.完成句子1The photos on the wall_(使妈妈想起) those happy,old days when a large family lived together.答案:remind my mother of2_(提醒不要错过航班) at 1520;the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.答案:Reminded not to miss the flight3I dont think he _(原谅我误解) him last

15、week.答案:has forgiven me for misunderstanding4The Nobel Prize_(授予) those who make great contributions in many fields every year.答案:is awarded to5I_(坚信) that only when everybody makes an effort can our society be warmer and more harmonious.答案:hold the firm belief6Well_(在学生俱乐部集合) at 8 pm this Friday af

16、ter the evening classes.答案:gather at the Students Club.单项填空1Mary,I_John of his promise to help you.Atold BremindedCwarned Dadvised解析:考查动词短语搭配。句意为:玛丽,我提醒了约翰他要帮你的诺言。remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事或提醒某人做某事,符合语境,故B项为正确答案。warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事;advise sb.of sth.通知/(正式)告知某人某事,相当于tell sb.about sth.。答案:B2What was s

17、he doing when you came in?She was_the view from the window.Arespecting BadmiringCgathering Dhunting解析:句意为:她正透过窗户欣赏风景。admire欣赏,羡慕,符合句意。答案:B3The student had no other choice but_his teacher_the mistake he had made.Ato apologize to;for Bto apologize;forCapologizing for;to Dto apologize for;for解析:考查动词短语a

18、pologize to sb.for (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉。答案:A4Please_me for my rudeness.I really do not know the custom here.Aengage BcomfortCexecute Dforgive解析:句意为:请原谅我的鲁莽,我真的不知道这儿的习俗。A项“订婚;从事;保证”;B项“安慰”;C项“执行;实行”,D项“原谅,谅解”。答案:Din memory of纪念;追念教材原句P2:For the Japanese festival Obon,people should go to clean grav

19、es and light incense in memory of their ancestors.在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要上坟扫墓、烧香,以缅怀他们的祖先。in favour of支持;赞同;对某人有利in face of面临;面对in honour of为纪念;祝贺;为了向表示敬意in charge of负责;掌管in search of寻找A film will be made in memory of those brave firefighters.为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。There is a party tonight in_honour_of our new

20、 headmaster.为了庆祝新校长就任,今晚有个聚会。Are you in_favour_of or against the plan?你是赞成这项计划还是反对这项计划?look forward to期望;期待;盼望(2013陕西卷阅读理解)I was looking forward to having five days off from my duty.我盼望休五天假。含介词to的常用动词短语:stick to坚持lead to导致object to反对see to处理;料理refer to提及;查阅;参考contribute to促成;是成因之一get down to开始认真做Tha

21、nks for your kind consideration and I look forward to receiving your earliest reply.谢谢您的关心,盼望早日收到您的回复。She found the beautiful dress she had been looking forward to was_sold to others.她发现她一直盼望的衣服卖给他人了。Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do.Lets get_down_to it.我们刚刚搬进一个大一点的房子,因此有许多事

22、情要做,让我们开始做吧!turn up出现;到场;开大,调高;被发现(大纲全国卷)If you invite people to a party at 7 oclock your guests will consider it polite to turn up exactly on time in Germany.在德国,如果你邀请客人参加7点的晚会,他们会准时到达,因为他们认为(准时到达)是礼貌行为。turn on打开;开启turn off关掉turn down调小;拒绝turn to求助于turn over翻转turn in上交;欺骗turn out结果是;生产;制造;赶走I cant

23、hear the radio very well,could you turn_it_up a bit?我听不太清楚,你把收音机的声音开大点行吗?The hall was full,and hundreds of fans had to be turned down.大厅内挤满了人,数百名歌迷不得不被拒之门外。Dont worryIm sure it will all turn_out_fine.别担心我敢肯定一切最终会好起来的。.完成句子1Were_(盼望看到) the new policy carried out,which has drawn many peoples attention

24、.答案:looking forward to seeing2You should always_(遵守诺言),otherwise no one will trust you.答案:keep your word/promise3In order to get ready for the examination,the students are studying_(日日夜夜)答案:day and night4They built a monument_(纪念) those who died in the great earthquake.答案:in memory of5Its a small in

25、formal partyyou dont have to_(打扮)答案:dress up.单项填空1(2014河北唐山模拟)How will she behave in case of our failure?Shell put the blame on us if it_badly.Aturns up Bturns downCturns off Dturns out解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:万一我们失败了,她会怎样呢?如果结果很糟糕的话,她会把责任推到我们身上。turn out 结果(是),原来(是),符合语意。turn up开大,出现;turn down关小,拒绝;turn off关

26、掉。答案:D2(2014江西赣中四校高三第二次联考)A special title was awarded to Zhang Lili,an ordinary Chinese teacher,_her act of bravery to rescue two students at the risk of her own life.Ain favor of Bin place ofCin honor of Din terms of解析:考查介词短语。句意为:张丽莉一位普通的语文教师,被授予一个特殊的称号,以表彰她冒着生命危险挽救两名学生的英勇事迹。in favor of意为“支持,拥护”;in

27、 place of意为“代替”;in honor of意为“纪念,表彰”;in terms of意为“谈及,就而言”。答案:C3(2014陕西五校一模)Its said that a special building will be built in Japan_the terrible earthquake which happened in March.Ain place of Bin memory ofCin search of Din need of解析:根据句意可知,修建特殊建筑物的目的应该是纪念此次大地震,故使用in memory of纪念。in place of代替;in sea

28、rch of寻找;in need of需要。答案:B4The news which we looked forward to_that Shandong Lu Neng Football Team was beaten by Shanghai Shen Hua Team.Acomes BcameCcoming Dcome解析:考查定语从句。which we looked forward to为定语从句,用来修饰前面的news,故The news作主语,谓语动词用came。句中that引导同位语从句后置。答案:BWhile she was on earth she met the herd bo

29、y Niulang and they fell in love.她在人间遇到了牛郎,两人相爱了。句中while she was on earth作时间状语,其中while为连词,表示“当的时候”。He fell asleep while (he was) watching TV.他在看电视的时候睡着了。Mary made coffee while her guests were finishing their meal.客人们就要吃完饭的时候,玛丽去煮咖啡了。while作连词时的其他用法:(1)只要(2)但是,可是,表对比(3)虽然,尽管While_travel_can_broaden_your_mind,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time and money on it.尽管旅游能够增长见识,但是我认为你不应该在这方面花费太多的时间和金钱。(四川高考) In some places women are expected to earn money while men work at home

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