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1、江西省兴国县将军中学届高三上学期第四次大考英语试题江西省兴国县将军中学2014届高三上学期第四次大考英语试题第一部分:听力(共20题,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1What does the woman mean?AShe would like to go to the show . BShe has already gone to the show. CShe wont go to the show with the man.2. How big is the bedroom?A16 square meters. B20 squ

2、are meters. C25 square meters.3Why will the womans father go to Russia?ATo attend a meeting. BTo have a holiday. CTo meet the man.4Who baked the cake?AThe woman. BThe womans mother. CThe mans wife.5What are the speakers talking about?AParents worry. BSchool education. CStudents independence.第二节(共15小

3、题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What electronic product does the speakers mom have.AAn iPhone 4. BAn iPhone 4s. CAn iPhone 5.7Why does the woman think a dancing machine is a great present?AIts a very expen

4、sive present. BAll of them can enjoy it together. CHer mom has wanted one.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8What did the man think of his teeth before seeing the dentist?AThey would have to be fixed. BThey were okay despite of the pain. CThey would have to be taken out.9What does the woman tell the man at last?AHe ca

5、n have soft food tonight. BHe should be careful next time.CHe had better cancel the date.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What do you know about the game?AIt was held yesterday evening. BIt was held at the speakers school. CIts final score was 3 to 5.11What position does Peter play?AForward. BLeft back. CRight ba

6、ck.12Why did the speakers team lose, according to the man?AThe team members didnt prepare carefully. BThe team didnt carry out a practical plan. CThe team leader, William, was absent.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What does the man want to buy?ASome furniture. BSome shirts. CSome food .14What is the building ne

7、xt to the theater?AThe bank building. BThe City Hall . C.the Fairview Hotel15Where is the post office?AOn Mission Street. B. Behind the bus stationCOpposite the Richmond Hotel16What can we learn from the conversation?AKahns Department Store is located on Powell Street. BThe signs in front of the the

8、ater advertise a new play.CThe Richmond Hotel is the largest one in the city.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17How did the speaker get to the zoo?ABy bus. BBy subway. CBy bike.18What did the speaker first see after they entered the zoo?AThe birds in the cages. BSome kinds of water birds.CTigers, lions and bears.1

9、9What did the speaker and his friends do finally?AThey went on a boat trip. BThey saw different kinds of monkeys.CThey went to see crocodiles and snakes.20Why did the speaker feel a little disappointed?AHe couldnt get a discount. BHe didnt hear the birds sing.CHe failed to see the elephant.第二部分 英语知识

10、运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. -_Mr. Wood is asking for me? Do you mean _Mr. Wood elected chairman of the Trade Union?-Im not sure. I dont think I know him.A. /, the, B. A, the, C. the, the D. A, a22._to his research work all the time, and _ that he is really exhausted, the professor

11、 decided to have a good rest.A. Devoted; found B. Devoting; found C. Devoting; finding D. Devoted; finding23.-Fail to do your homework again? -Sorry, I _ something else and didnt hear your assignment.A. thought B. had thought C. was thinking D. have been thinking24. I was taken in and paid them a lo

12、t of money for breaking the contract.-You should have studied the details of the contract_.Ain return Bin advance Cat ease Don purpose25. Mum, would you please buy me an MP5 player?If you can help do the dishes the whole vacation, you _ have one as a rewardA. must B. need C. would D. shall26. The ba

13、sic design of the car is very similar to of earlier modelsAthat Bit Cthis Done27. you are unable to deal with it, perhaps we should ask someone else for helpAAlthough BWhile CSince DUnless28. Some students may _learning, because their parents are always expecting them to do far better than they real

14、ly can.A. get rid of B. get tired with C. get away with D. get tired of 29. Being unique should be encouraged because thats makes our society a societyAthat Bwhat Cwho Dwhich30. We did all we could to his creative thinking,expecting that he could think up some new ideas for the projectA .expand Bins

15、pire Cpresent Dinstruct31. The Voice of China has set up a stage some people can achieve their dreamsAwhich Bwhere Cthat Dwhen32. Thenewlawwillcomeinto_onthedayitispassed.A.power C.force D.strength33. Written in a hurry, _. How can it be satisfactory?A. they found many mistakes in the repor

16、t B. Sam made lots of mistakes in the reportC. there are plenty of mistakes in the report D. the report is full of mistakes34. -I must leave right now by bike instead of waiting for a taxi-Well, The ground is still quite wet.Agood idea ! Bcool! Chave a nice trip! Dtake care!35. The new technology, i

17、f _to farming, will help increase the gain output.A. applying B. to apply C. applied D. having applied第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。36Aqueue Bspace Cfigure Dtime 37Asupermarket Bwheelchair Chelmet Duniform 38Agoing on Bholding on Cpaying off

18、 Dsetting down39Ahappened Bseemed Cused Dpretended40Aselecting Bwrapping Chanding Dseparating41Acharge Bcontrol Cimprovement Dsettlement42Aempty Bheavy Clarge Dbroken 43Afelt Bsearched Creached Dseized44Aspot Bdirection Cdistance Dway45Acaught Bcarried Cmade Dsolved46Abasket Bbag Cwallet Dchange47Aa

19、rranged Bhung Cloaded Dconnected48AAnd BBut CSo DOr49Aturned out Bfound out Cpointed out Dput out50Aalready Balways Cotherwise Dfairly51Anoticed Bknown Cunderstood Dgreeted52Amany Bmuch Cfew Dlittle53Awealthy Bordinary Cother Dnormal54Astop Brequire Clead Dpersuade55Afinancially Bmorally Cmentally D

20、physically第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题, 每小题2分, 满分40分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AMy daughter Alisa was born blind in her right eye and was bullied (欺侮) pretty severely in school, So I quitted my job as a babysitter and then schooled my daughter heart and soul at homeA year ago a boy of 14 befriended my

21、 daughter on Face book after reading something Alisa wrote about bullying. Today he messaged her and asked if she would like six tickets to a Colorado Rockies baseball game. They have never met in person but she said, “Sure! That would be great.”Then I received a call from his mother explaining why

22、her son had chosen my daughter, She said he thought my daughter deserved them because of all the good she does in the community, Her son, she explained, had experienced a similar situation and was also home schooled.What she said is true. Now my daughter Alisa continues to teach groups of girls in t

23、rouble in our community how to look within themselves for the positive and how to be their own person.Everything taken into consideration, we decided to meet the mother and the boy at a local bike shop. After meeting, the boy approached my car and my daughter gave him a hug and thanked him for his g

24、enerosity. She told him that she had never been to a baseball game and that she was going to take her entire family, including myself, her dad, little sister, her cousin and an aunt who has brain cancer.We all thanked one another, got in our car, and went our way. As we drove home my daughter opened

25、 the envelope, Inside it were the tickets and 100 cash to buy hot dogs, pay for parking and not have any worries but a great time.My daughter has always been the giver and now she and our family are the receivers and I can not tell you how incredibly honored we feel to be on the other end. What an i

26、ncredible young man to have such a kind idea.56、What did the author once do according to the passage?A、She was a ticket seller B、She was a school teacherC、She was a babysitter D、She was a social worker57、How did the boy get to know my daughter?A、They met when buying tickets to a baseball game.B、They

27、 got in touch via the Internet.C、They became familiar when talking face to face.D、They went to the same school and met each other.58、Why did the boy want to offer free tickets to Alisa?A、Because Alisa is a disabled girl. B、Because he has a lot money to share.C、Because Alisa often helps those in trou

28、ble. D、Because he has a similar situation with Alisa.59、What can we learn about the boy?A、He is afraid of meeting strangers. B、He always bullies smaller children.C、He is addicted to the internet. D、He receives education at home.60、Which of the following best describes the passage?A、Good is rewarded

29、with good. B、A friend in need is a friend indeed.C、Two heads are better than one. D、Where there is a will, there is a way.BEducation and TrainingMake sure your skills are up-to-date If youre looking for a new job or you want to change your career, having up-to-date skills is the key to a successful

30、job search and your future earning power.Choose the right training If you need training to learn new skills or enhance(提高)existing skills, make sure you got to know the following What training program is the best for you? How will you pay for your training? You need to consider all these and more when you choose your training.Search for training providers Massachusetts school informa

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