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1、改后的论文1论城市房屋拆迁中被拆迁人权益的法律保护On the law Protection of the Rights and Interests for the People being Demolished and Relocated during the Demolition and Removal of Urban Houses 学位申请人: 年 级: 2006级 学科专业: 法律硕士 研究方向: 民商法 指导教师: 定稿时间: 西南财经大学学位论文原创性及知识产权声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论

2、文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本学位论文引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。本学位论文成果归西南财经大学所有。 特此声明 学位申请人: 年 月 日摘 要城市房屋拆迁问题是我国工业化、城市化加速发展所引发矛盾的集中体现,它汇集了国家政策法律、土地制度、房屋使用权和所有权制度、公民的基本权利以及房地产市场秩序等诸多问题的焦点,涉及到政府、开发商、拆迁实施单位、拆迁评估机构、被拆迁群众等多元利益。如何建立适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求,维护广大被拆迁人利益、有利于城市经济发展和社会稳定的法律制度,是一个十分重大的理论问




6、济的提供等不同方面进行完善,为城市房屋拆迁中被拆迁人权益保护提供完善的法律制度保障。以下是本文的主要内容和行文逻辑:第一章,导论。从我国日益严峻的城市房屋拆迁出发,首先阐明本文要研究的意义,然后综述国内外当前关于城市房屋拆迁的研究成果,并介绍全文的主要研究方法、基本思路和逻辑结构。第二章,城市房屋拆迁行为的法律定位。本章首先界定了城市房屋拆迁行为性质,然后分析了政府与拆迁人、拆迁人与被拆迁人之间的法律关系。 第三章,对城市房屋拆迁中被拆迁人权益保护的应然与实然状态进行了分析。解构了被拆迁人实体上的和程序上的权利,同时,检视了城市房屋拆迁中被拆迁人权益保护的实然状态,指出了被拆迁人权益受损的现状


8、为进一步研究指明了努力的方向;其次,论文关注了新近颁行的物权法对城市房屋拆迁问题带来的影响,使得论文具有时效性;再次,文章以翔实的数据和案件为材料,有力地证明了文章的观点;最后,我们从法律角度,提出了若干富有对策性的建议,例如,文章较为系统地提出了被拆迁人权益保护的原则,提出了加强新闻媒体对拆迁行为进行社会监督等对策。关键词:房屋拆迁; 被拆迁人; 权益保护;补偿AbstractUrban housing removal integrates the conflicts during indusrtialization and urbanaization. Conceming the inte

9、rests among govermmnets,valuation orgnaizations and the owners of removal housings,it comprises mnay of cisuchasstate Policies & lwas ,landpoliy,land use and property policy,citize n privilege and real estate makret condition.It is a singifienat theoretieal issue and urgent practical problem how to

10、estbalish a porper rmeoval system which can not only adpats the demnad of socialism market economy and uphold the benefits of citizens but also fvors urban economy development and society stbale.In particular with the housing system reform is deepening, individual property rights of the increasing p

11、roportion of the protection of human rights and the demolition was to protect an increasingly important issue. In the process of house demolition, relocation and demolition was one of the main activities of the demolition is at the same time it is the governments macro-control next. In the process o

12、f demolition, was due to the relocation of people in the political, economic and other social resources have been with the demolition of peoples natural right, and so on, at the same time, as a result of the demolition activities of the macro-management of local government, as factors that lead to i

13、ts own interests in the exercise of the executive. The role of power in the process of dislocation or rent-seeking powers, so that the demolition was the legitimate interests of the vulnerable, and it is difficult to rely on administrative, judicial and effective way to get relief, acts of self-help

14、 is of no avail, as a result of the demolition triggered by a number of extreme events occur from time to time, Appeared in news -papers from time to time.Private property in the West have been regarded as sacred and inviolable, so into the wind and rain to enter the king can not enter, saying, but

15、with time, private property also has a certain social obligations to the public To achieve the interests of individual property rights are restricted. But what is meant by public interest? How to determine the urban housing demolition in the public interest? We believe that by the NPC Standing Commi

16、ttee should be in the public interest to explain the legislation, first of all, it is clear connotation, and then through the scope of its positive and negative aspects of the two lists. When have the legitimacy of the demolition, the demolition of the main ways to play their respective roles is a k

17、ey issue, we find that the practice of house demolition has considerable administrative color, and no demolition of public and commercial demolition to be treated differently; found that the city has been the demolition of housing Demolition of people in both the substantive rights or rights in the

18、procedure have been varying degrees of abuse. By no means accidental, the decision we had to re-examine the demolition was one of the reasons for the interests of the people. The imperfect legal system led to the practice is no legal basis, or even chaos in accordance with the law (for example, unde

19、r the guise of public welfare demolition in the name of the demolition of commercial real or misinterpreted legislative intent); the role of local governments there have been improper government intervention Compensation for the price and even directly involved in the demolition and other misconduct

20、.A set of principles, norms for urban housing demolition in the process of government, the demolition and relocation of people was very necessary. China in the present, the country can be said that the principle of neutrality is an essential principle of neutrality which includes legislation, admini

21、strative neutrality and judicial neutrality. Similarly, the principles of due process, as well as the principle of equity interests in favor of the weak principle is a demolition was to protect the rights and interests of the people should have meaning. 2004 Amendment to the Constitution states that

22、 lawful private property of citizens shall be inviolable and the existing legal system should respond to them. Legislation should define the concept, the distinction between acts of demolition and fair compensation system, to standardize procedures for demolition, the provision of relief and other a

23、spects of the improvement of the urban housing demolition in the demolition was the protection of human rights and provide the legal protection system.The following are the main contents of this article and the language of logic: Chapter I, Introduction. Chinas increasingly severe urban housing demo

24、lition, the first study to clarify the meaning of this article, and then summarized the current domestic and foreign cities on the demolition of the research and presentation of the full text of the main research methods, the basic thinking and logical structure. Chapter II, urban housing demolition

25、 as a legal act. First of all, this chapter defines the urban nature of the acts of house demolition, and then analyzes the Government and the demolition, relocation and demolition by the legal relationship between the people. Chapter III, the demolition of urban housing demolition was to protect th

26、e rights and interests of the people ought to be real and natural state are analyzed. Deconstruction was the demolition of peoples physical and procedural rights, at the same time, to view the demolition of urban housing demolition was to protect the rights and interests of people of the real likeli

27、hood, that the interests of the people who have been the demolition of the status quo. Chapter IV, who was the demolition of the analysis of the reasons for the interests of the people. The part of the law and government from two-dimensional analysis for the following measures proposed by the founda

28、tion. Chapter V, the demolition of urban housing demolition was to protect the rights and interests of the people to build the system. This part is the focus of this article. First of all, the article points out that the relocation was to protect the legal rights and interests of the four principles

29、, namely the principle of State neutrality, the principle of due process, the principle of balance of interests and conducive to the principles of the weak. Second, from the legislative point of view of the demolition has been put forward to protect human rights and fair compensation system, a fair

30、valuation of the institutions set up, the collection and use of administrative law, such as the development of a number of recommendations. Finally, the Governments housing demolition of the roles were discussed. That an article was based on questions, analyze and solve problems, the logical structu

31、re of the launch.This article have Several innovations, the first is the existing literature reviewed, revealing the immediate demolition of urban housing demolition was the protection of human rights and lack of research, in order to further study pointed out the direction; Secondly, the paper has

32、been concerned about the newly enacted Property Law, the demolition of urban housing problems, made with time-sensitive papers; Finally, from a legal point of view we have put forward a number of countermeasures full of proposals, for example, the article proposes strengthening the demolition of the news media to carry out acts of community supervision response.Key words: Houses demolition and removal; People being demolished and relocated; Protection

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