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1、成功人士的励志英语故事成功人士的励志英语故事分享成功人士的励志英语故事,希望可以帮助大家!成功人士的励志英语故事:人生变幻,“富二代成了鞋钉匠The hardworking blacksmith Jones used to work all day in his shop and so hard working was he that at times he would make the sparks fly from his hammer.琼斯是个非常勤劳的铁匠,常常一整天都在店里工作。他工作非常努力,他的铁锤下常常是火花飞舞。The son of Mr. Smith, a rich nei

2、ghbor, used to come to see the blacksmith everyday and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the tradesman worked.邻居史密斯先生很有钱,他的儿子常常来看琼斯打铁。他喜欢看这位工匠工作,常常一看就是几个小时。Young man, why dont you try your hand to learn to make shoe tacks, even if it is only to pass the time? said the blacksmit

3、h. Who knows, one day, it may be of use to you.“年轻人,为什么不亲自尝试一下如何制作鞋钉呢,哪怕只是为了消磨时间?铁匠说,“没准,有一天它会对你有帮助。The lazy boy began to see what he could do. But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.懒懒的孩子开始想看看自己到底能做什么。然而,仅仅经过很短的练习,他便发现自

4、己非常熟练起来,很快他就做出了最好的鞋钉。Old Mr. Smith died and the son on account of the war lost all his goods. He had to leave home and was forced to take up residence in another country. It so happened that in this village there were numerous shoemakers who were spending a lot of money to buy tacks for their shoes

5、and even at times when they paid high prices they were not always able to get what they wanted, because in that part of the country there was a high demand for soldiers shoes.老史密斯先生去世了,而他的儿子则因为战争的缘故失去了所有的财产。他不得不离开家园,在另外一个国家住了下来。巧的是,这个国家的这个地区,急需大量军鞋,所以这个村子里有很多鞋匠,他们总是花费很多钱购买鞋钉。有时,即使付了很高的价钱,也买不到他们想要的鞋钉

6、。Our young Mr. Smith, who was finding it difficult to earn his daily bread, remembered that once upon a time he had learned the art of making tacks and had the sudden idea of making a bargain with the shoemakers. He told them that he would make the tacks if they would help to get him settled in his

7、workshop. The shoemakers were only too glad of the offer. And after a while, Mr. Smith found that he was soon making the finest tacks in the village.在这食不果腹的困难时刻,年轻的史密斯记起自己曾学过制鞋钉这门手艺,便突发奇想,想和这些鞋匠们做一个交易。他对他们说,如果他们可以帮助他成立一个店铺,他就可以做鞋钉。鞋匠们对他的这一提议欣喜若狂。很快,史密斯发现他做的鞋钉是村里面最好的。How funny it seems, he used to sa

8、y, even making tacks can bring a fortune. My trade is more useful to me than were all my former riches.“这真是有趣,他常常会说,“即便是做鞋钉也会带来财富。与我以前所有的财富相比,我现在做的事情对于我来说更有用。撒切尔是英国任职最长的首相,也是唯一的女首相。Leaders lined up to pay their respects to the former prime minister, who revolutionised the UK economy during an 11-yea

9、r tenure, as she rolled back the state and put in place some of the countrys most radical and controversial reforms.各国领导人纷纷向这位英国前首相表达敬意。在其长达11年的任期中,撒切尔领导了英国经济的革命,缩减了政府职能,并实施了该国最为激进、最有争议的一些改革。David Cameron, UK prime minister, described the former Conservative prime minister as the “greatest peacetime

10、 prime minister.英国现首相戴维?卡梅伦(David Cameron)把这位前保守党首相称为“英国和平时期最伟大的首相。“She took a country that was on its knees and made Britain stand tall again. We cant deny that Lady Thatcher divided opinion. For many of us, she was and is an inspiration. For others she was a force to be defined against.卡梅伦表示:“(她)临

11、危受命,让英国重新站起来,再度屹立。不可否认,人们对她的评价各异。在我们许多人看来,她过去和现在都是一位鼓舞人心的人物。在其他人看来,她是一种特色鲜明的力量。“But if there is one thing that cuts through all of this one thing that runs through everything she did it was her lion-hearted love for this country, he said.“但如果说有一个中心贯穿着她的一生在她所做的每一件事中都体现出来,那就是她对这个国家的无比热爱。President Bara

12、ck Obama said: “The world has lost one of the great champions of freedom and liberty, and America has lost a true friend.美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)表示:“世界失去了一位积极倡导自由的领袖,美国失去了一位真正的朋友。The prime ministers office announced that parliament would be recalled for a special session on Wednesday to pay tribute

13、 to Thatcher. Her funeral will be held at the end of next week at St Pauls Cathedral.英国首相办公室宣布,周三议会将召开一次特别会议,向撒切尔致哀。她的葬礼将于下周末在伦敦圣保罗大教堂(St Pauls Cathedral)举行。She will have a “full ceremonial funeral with military honours as was afforded to the Queen Mother and Lady Diana. The British flag flew at hal

14、f mast over Parliament to honour Thatcher as all UK political parties suspended campaigning for the local elections on May 2.撒切尔将享有带有军事礼仪的“礼仪葬礼,礼遇同王太后和戴安娜一样。英国国会降半旗向撒切尔致哀,各政党暂停针对5月2日地方选举的竞选活动。Thatcher, who transformed Britain with her free-market revolution, had been in poor health since suffering m

15、inor strokes in 2002.自从2002年患上中风以来,撒切尔的健康状况一直很差。她曾以自己的自由市场革命改变了英国的面貌。Statesmen past and present shared their memories of the woman dubbed the “Iron Lady. Tony Blair, the second longest-serving postwar prime minister, called her “a towering political figure. “Very few leaders get to change not only t

16、he political landscape of their country but of the world. Margaret was such a leader. Her global impact was vast.已卸任和在任的政治家们共同悼念有“铁娘子绰号的撒切尔。英国战后任期第二长的首相托尼?布莱尔(Tony Blair)称撒切尔为“一位伟大的政治人物。“不但改变本国政治版图、还改变世界政治版图的领袖人物非常少,撒切尔就是其中的一位。她在全球播下了深远的影响。George W. Bush, former US president, described her as a “gre

17、at ally who “strengthened the special relationship.美国前总统小布什(George W. Bush)称撒切尔为一位“强化了美英特殊关系的伟大盟友。Thatcher had a particularly close relationship with Ronald Reagan, the former US president.撒切尔与美国前总统罗纳德?里根(Ronald Reagan)之间保持了一种极为密切的关系。With Reagan, she helped bring about the end of the Soviet Union an

18、d the fall of the Berlin Wall. The British prime minister saw herself as the perfect intermediary between the two countries, having struck up constructive relationships with both Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet president, and a man with whom she told Reagan “we can do business.她和里根一道促成了苏联的解

19、体和柏林墙的倒塌。这位英国前首相把自己视为美苏两国间的完美中间人,与里根和苏联总统米哈伊尔?戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)都建立了富有建设意义的关系。她告诉里根,戈尔巴乔夫是一个“我们能和他打交道的人。Mr Gorbachev said Thatcher helped end the Cold War: “Thatcher was a politician whose word carried great weight, he said in a statement on his website. “Our first meeting in 1984 marked the b

20、eginning of a relationship that was at times difficult, not always smooth, but was treated seriously and responsibly by both sides.戈尔巴乔夫在自己网站上发布的声明中表示,撒切尔帮助结束了冷战:“撒切尔是一位一言九鼎的政治家。我们在1984年第一次会面,随后便开启了一段时而棘手、并非一帆风顺但双方都认真负责予以对待的关系。Lech Walesa, Polands former president and anti-communist freedom figure,

21、said Thatcher was key in hastening the fall of the Iron Curtain: “She was a great person. She did a great deal for the world, along with Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II and Solidarity, she contributed to the demise of communism in Poland and central Europe.波兰前总统、反对共产主义的自由派人士列赫?瓦文萨(Lech Walesa)表示,撒切

22、尔在加速“铁幕(Iron Curtain)倒塌的过程中发挥了关键的作用:“她是一位伟人。她为世界做出了巨大的贡献,她与罗纳德?里根、教皇约翰?保罗二世(Pope John Paul II)和波兰团结工会(Solidarity)一起,推动了波兰与中欧共产主义政权的终结。Her other great success abroad was in the Falklands War against Argentina, which invaded the islands in 1982. Thatcher defied resistance in her own cabinet to send a

23、25,000-strong task force to the tiny archipelago, which troops eventually recaptured after two months.撒切尔在海外的其他巨大胜利,还包括1982年的英阿福克兰群岛战争(Falklands war,又称马岛战争)。她不顾自己内阁的反对,向面积微小的福克兰群岛派出了2.5万人的特遣部队,最终于两个月后夺回了该群岛。Her legacy was just as long-lasting at home. A succession of prime ministers, Labour and Cons

24、ervative alike, have felt unable or unwilling to depart from the blueprint she established of a state serviced by privatised utilities and free of the stranglehold of organised unions.撒切尔在国内留下的遗产同样意义深远。历任首相,无论出自工党还是保守党,都感到不能或不愿背离她为英国设定的蓝图公用事业私有化,企业不受有组织工会的钳制。他是杰克逊家族的第七个孩子。他第一次登上专业的音乐舞台是作为杰克逊五兄弟演唱组的成

25、员。那时候他11岁。1971年,他还在这个组合时就开始了自己的独唱生涯。他的个人专辑成为了世界上销量最好的唱片培外(1979),颤栗(1982),真棒(1987),危险和历史,并在之后的岁月里被誉为“流行音乐之王。In the early 1980s, he became a dominant figure in popular music and the first African-American entertainer to amass a strong crossover following on MTV. The popularity of his music videos airi

26、ng on MTV, such as Beat it, Billie jean and Thriller-credited for transforming the music videos into an art form and a promotional tool-helped bring the relatively new channel to fame. Videos such as Black or White and Scream kept Jackson as a staple on MTV into the 1990s. With stage performances an

27、d music videos, Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced numerous hip-hop, pop and contemporary R&B artists.在20世纪80年代,他成为了流行音乐的代表人物,也是第一个在音乐电视成功之后强势转型的非洲裔美国人。他的音乐视频在音乐电视台播放,很受

28、欢迎,比如“避开“比利 琼和“颤栗因为把音乐录像带变成了一种艺术形式和一种促销手段而受赞誉这帮他把名声提到一个相当新的层次。录像带比如“是黑是白和“尖叫让杰克逊成为了20世纪90年代音乐电视上的重要部分。杰克逊的舞台表演和音乐视频推广了很多运用身体的复杂的跳舞技巧,比如机械舞和太空步。他与众不同的悦耳嗓音和发声方式影响了许多街舞、流行音乐和同时期的蓝调音乐艺术家们。Jackson has donated and raised millions of dollars for beneficial causes through his Dangerous World Tour, charity s

29、ingles and support of 39 charities. However, other aspects of his personal life-including his changing appearance and eccentric behaviour-generated significant controversy which damaged his public image. He was accused of child sexual abuse in 1993, the criminal investigation was closed clue to lack

30、 of evidence and Jackson was not charged. He then married twice and fathered three children, all of which caused further controversy. The singer has experienced health concerns since the early 1990s and conflicting reports regarding the state of his finances since the late 1990s. In 2005, Jackson wa

31、s tried and acquitted of further sexual abuse allegations and several other charges.杰克逊通过他的“危险世界巡演,慈善单曲演唱和对39个慈善机构的支持为公益事业捐赠或募集了成百万上千万美元。然而,他个人生活的其他方面 包括他面貌的改变和古怪的行为引发了严重的争议,损害了他的公众形象。1993年他被指控犯了虐童罪,但是由于证据不足调查结束,杰克逊没有被起诉。后来,他结过两次婚,成为了三个孩子的父亲,这也引起了更大的争议。从20世纪90年代早期,这位歌手就经历了健康上的麻烦;20世纪90年代后期他的财务状况报告又自相矛盾。2005年时,杰克逊因为更多的性虐待和其他指控被审判,最终被无罪释放。Jackson died on June 25, 2009 from a drug overdose, amidst preparations for his This Is It concert series.2009年6月25日,杰克逊死于用药过量。当时他正在准备他的This Is It系列演唱会。看了“成功人士的励志英语故事的人还看了:1.成功人士的英文故事2.关于成功的英语故事3.成功励志故事英语翻译4.5个英语励志故事短文5.我心目中的成功人士英语作文

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