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1、备战高考情景交际专项练习题【备战高考】情景交际专项练习题一、单项选择情景交际1- Mary, what do you think of the soup I cooked especially for you?-_, but it tastes too oily.AMy fault BForget it CExcuse me DNo offence【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:-玛丽,你觉得我特别为你做的汤怎么样? -没有冒犯您的意思,但它的味道太油腻了。A. My fault我的错;B. Forget it没关系;C. Excuse me打扰了;D. No offe

2、nce没有冒犯您的意思。No offence“没有冒犯你的意思”符合语境。故选D项。2Going to Bookuu this weekend? ! Would you like to go with me?AYou bet. BYou know better CYou got me DYou there【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。A. You bet.你说的没错; B. You know better明事理,有头脑; C. You got me你难住我了; D. You there你在那里。句意:这个周末去Bookuu吗?你说的没错!你愿意和我一起去吗?结合句意可知答案为A。3

3、Shall we go for a drink downstairs? . Will two oclock be OK?ASorry, m not available now BSure, no problemCSorry, I cant make it today DSure, its up to you【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查情景对话。句意:-我们去楼下喝一杯好吗?-对不起,现在没空。两点可以吗? Sorry, Im not available now. 抱歉,现在没空;Sure, no problem当然,没问题;Sorry, I cant make it today对不起,今天不

4、行;D. Sure, its up to you当然,由你决定。根据“两点钟可以吗”可知,现在没空,故选A。4-Was he _when he got an A+ in the English exam?-Absolutely! He even went to the cinema with his classmates to celebrate it .AOn cloud nine Bhot under the collarCDown in the dumps Das cool as a cucumber【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查习惯用语。句意:当他在英语考试中得了A+时,他是不是非常高

5、兴?当然!他甚至和同学一起去看电影院庆祝。A. On cloud nine乐不可支;B. hot under the collar愤怒的;C. Down in the dumps气馁;D. as cool as a cucumber冷静沉着。故选A。5If the boss is angry when he comes in, dont tell him about the customers complaints Youll just be _Akilling the fatted calfBseeing the handwriting on the wallChitting your ow

6、n feet of clayDadding fuel to the fire【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查习语。A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆;hitting your own feet of clay自找麻烦;D. adding fuel to the fire火上浇油。句意:如果老板进来时很生气,你把顾客的投诉告诉他,这只会火上浇油。根据句意可知此处表示“火上浇油”,故D项正确。【点睛】习语是江苏单选的必考考点,也是难度较大的一个知识点,因此平时对习语的积累很关键,本题中四个习

7、语的意思为:A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆;hitting your own feet of clay自找麻烦;D. adding fuel to the fire火上浇油。根据句意“如果老板进来时很生气,你把顾客的投诉告诉他,这只会火上浇油。”可知D项正确。6 Shall we stay at home or go fishing? _.AThats not the point. BSo what?COh, come on! DIts up to you.【答案】D【解析】【详解

8、】考查情景交际。A. Thats not the point.那不是重点;B. So what? 那又怎么样;C. Oh, come on!加油;D. Its up to you.完全由你决定。句意:我们是呆在家里还是去钓鱼?完全由你决定。结合句意可知答案为D。7-What do you think of the book?-Its _ a bookIt serves as a really good guide to job huntersAother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查短语辨析。句意:-你觉得这本书怎么

9、样? 它不仅仅是一本书,它还是一本很好的求职者指南。other than 除了,不同于;more than 超过,不仅仅是;rather than 而不是;less than 少于,不到,故选B。8- Havent we met before? You seem to be Mr Richard-_ Did we meet at James birthday party?ASo do I BSo I doCSo am I DSo I am【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查语言交际。句意:我们以前见过吗?你好像是理查德先生。 是的。我们在詹姆斯的生日聚会上见过吗?A项意为我也一样,B项意为我确实如此

10、,C项意为我也是,D项意为是的,我是,根据句意,故选D。9 Would you like to go to the opera with me?_ I prefer jazz.AGood idea! BIts not my cup of tea.CWhy not? DIts up to you【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查习惯用语。句意:你愿意和我去看歌剧吗?我不喜欢。我喜欢爵士乐。A. Good idea!好主意!B. Its not my cup of tea.非我所爱;不是我喜欢的;C. Why not?为什么不?D. Its up to you你决定;随便你。根据句意故选B。10I g

11、uess this dress no longer fits me. I am almost 30. _ ? You look pretty in it!AWhat if BWhy notCHow about DHow come【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查习惯用语。句意:我想这件衣服不适合我了。我快30岁了。怎么会?你穿它很漂亮! A. What if假使将会怎样;倘若;B. Why not为什么不;C. How about如何;怎么样,用于提议,后接名词或动名词;D. How come为什么;怎么会(那样)。根据句意可知选D。11Im afraid we need to hurry. Ou

12、r teacher will come to meet us in a minute._. He called and said he would be late.AThere you go again BDont risk your neckCTake your time DSave your breath【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:恐怕我们得快点了。我们的老师一会儿就来接我们。慢慢来。他打电话说他要迟到了。A. There you go again你又来了;B. Dont risk your neck别冒险;C. Take your time别着急;D. Sav

13、e your breath省口气吧。根据后文He called and said he would be late.可知,是不着急,故选C。12Ill need to _ to have any chance of finishing this paper before class tomorrow morning.Aburn the midnight oil Bpour oil on the flameChave butterflies in the stomach Ddo my homework【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查习惯表达。句意:我得开夜车了,才能有机会在明天早上上课前完成这篇论

14、文。A. burn the midnight oil开夜车;工作到深夜;B. pour oil on the flame火上浇油;C. have butterflies in the stomach心里七上八下的;D. do my homework做作业。根据语境,故选A。13-Do you mind if I record your lecture? - _. Go ahead.ANever mind BNo way CNot at all DNo, youd better not【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:-你介意我把你的讲座录下来吗?-不介意,录吧。A 没关系(用于安慰

15、别人);B 没门,不可能;C 一点也不,根本不;D 不,你最好别这样。从go ahead 判断对方不介意,所以C 选项正确。14Have you heard that more flights from WuXi to Beijing are available this year?Of course. Many citizens are _ for its quite convenient for them to travel.Agreen with envy Bfeeling blueCover the moon Dhot under the collar【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查习惯

16、用语。A. green with envy非常嫉妒;B. feeling blue心情压抑;C. over the moon欣喜若狂;D. hot under the collar怒不可遏。句意:你听说今年从无锡到北京的航班增加了吗?当然。许多市民欣喜若狂,因为旅行非常方便。故C选项正确。15 Are you going to take part in the speech contest?_ Its too good an opportunity to miss.ANo problem. BThats for sure. CWhy me? DHow come?【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查交

17、际用语。句意:你准备参加演讲比赛吗?那当然,这是个不容错过的好机会。A. No problem. 没问题;B. Thats for sure. 那当然,毫无疑问;C. Why me? 为什么是我;D. How come? 为什么,怎么回事。根据后半部分他做出的回答,可知该处应做出爽快的肯定式回答,故选B。【点睛】本题有两个易错点,应引起注意。一是回答中的“tooto”结构,学生可能会据此直接判定为否定,但结合miss(错过)的含义,应为“不容错过的好机会”,类似于双重否定表肯定;二是No problem.与Thats for sure.的辨析,虽然两者都是一种爽快的肯定,但前者更多用于答应别人

18、提出的请求,而后者则用于给予别人问题一个肯定的回答(对别人的说法表示赞同),两者应注意区别。16Mr. Green was very famous when he lived there. There is _ to be someone in this district who remembers him.Acontent BopposedCbound Drestricted【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查固定搭配。句意:格林先生住在那里时非常有名。这个地区一定有人记得他。be content to do.意为“满足于做某事”;be opposed to doing sth.意为“反对做某事”

19、;“be bound to do.”意为“必定会”;be restricted to sth.意为“仅限于.”。根据前句“住在那里时非常有名”可知,有人必定(be bound to)会记得他。故选C。17 Dad, what major do you think I should choose when I go to college? _. You should choose it according to your own interest.AYou got it BYou speak CThats it DIts up to you【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:-爸爸,你

20、认为我大学应该选什么专业?-这由你决定。你应该根据你的兴趣来选择。A. You got it你明白了;B. You speak 你说;C. Thats it就这样; D.Its up to you由你决定。分析句意可知,爸爸的意思是选择什么专业由他自己决定。结合选项,故选D。18 We d better invite Tom to the Friday meeting. Yes, _? Ill call him at once.Awhy not Bwhat for Cwhy Dwhat【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:我们最好邀请汤姆参加星期五的会议。是的,为什么不呢?我马上给他打

21、电话。A. why not为什么不;B. what for为何目的;C. why为什么;D. what什么。此对话上句是在征求建议,根据回答,why not符合题意。故选A。19Im afraid I cant find the key to the car._ Ill wait for you. We have enough time.AHurry up. BAll right.CIt is up to you. DHold your horses.【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:我担心找不到汽车锁匙了。沉住气。我会等你的。我们时间足够。A. Hurry up.快点。B. Al

22、l right.好的。C. It is up to you.这取决于你。D. Hold your horses.沉住气,别冒火。在情景对话中,前一句是担心,所以回答的应该是有关安慰的话,选项D切题。故选D。20(高考新课标全国卷)Im sorry I made a mistake!_. Nobody is perfect.ATake your time BYoure rightCWhatever you say DTake it easy【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:对不起我犯错了!别紧张。没有人是完美的。A. Take your time别着急(侧重时间);B. Youre

23、right你是对的;C. Whatever you say不管你说什么;D. Take it easy别紧张(强调情绪)。根据语境可知,此处是指“别紧张。”故选D。21You couldnt have chosen any present better for me._.AOh, dont complain about a gift BIll give you a better one next timeCIm glad you like it so much DOh, nothing much【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查交际用语。句意:你为我挑选的礼物真是再好不过了。A. Oh, dont

24、 complain about a gift哦,不要抱怨一个礼物;B. Ill give you a better one next time.下次我送你更好的;C. Im glad you like it so much很高兴你这么喜欢;D. Oh, nothing much没有什么要紧的。根据句意可知,not表示否定和比较级连用时表示最高级,notbetter意为“再好不过了”,故只有C项符合题意。故选C。22Could you do me a favor to carry a big shelf,please?_.AWith pleasure BIts my pleasure CI ca

25、nt agree more DYes,I could【答案】A【解析】23-Thank you for your explanation. Now I understand what our teacher said.-_.A Youre very clever. B. My pleasure C No, thanks D Dont say【答案】B【解析】情景对话题。多谢你的解释现在我明白老师所说的内容了,不客气。A. Youre very clever. 你太聪明了 B. My pleasure不客气 C. No, thanks 不,谢谢 D. Dont say 别说 根据句意选B。24

26、Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. I am sure we will win. _!ACongratulations BCheersCBest wishes DGood luck【答案】D【解析】考查交际用语。Congratulations 意为祝贺你 cheers意为干杯 best wishes 意为致以最美好的祝愿 good luck 祝你好运。句意为-麦克,我们队将会在这个周末和火箭队比赛,我确信我们会赢的。 -祝你们好运。25-Sorry to have broken your glass.-_. Yo

27、u didnt mean to, did you?ANo problem BForget itCAll right DDont say so【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查交际用语。A. No problem没问题;B. Forget it不必在意;C. All right好的;D. Dont say so不要这么说。句意:-很抱歉打碎了你的杯子。-没关系,你也不是故意的,不是吗?根据后面的You didnt mean to可知,要用表达原谅的词,故选B。26_ that I wouldnt support myself at that moment.AI was weak enough BI

28、was too weakCSo weak was I DSuch weak was I【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查倒装句。句意:我如此的虚弱,以至于那一刻我无法支撑自己。so/such.that如此以至于,引导结果状语从句,so后紧跟形容词,such后跟名词,因此此处用so;so.that引导状语从句时,so位于句首时,句子要到装。故选C。【点睛】倒装句是高考特殊句式的其中一种,对于倒装,大家需要掌握倒装的两种形式和倒装的几个规则,什么词位于句首,如何倒装。本小题主要考查so.that,so位于句首,句子要构成部分倒装。27Thank God I passed the interview y

29、esterday. I was sweating heavily.Me too. I _ when I was sitting outside waiting.Alooked down my nose Blet my hair downChad butterflies in my stomach Dchanced my arm【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查情景交际及习惯表达。A. looked down my nose看不起我;B. let my hair down 让我们放松一下;C. had butterflies in my stomach心里七上八下的;D. chanced my ar

30、m冒险一试。句意:感谢上帝,我昨天通过了面试。我汗流浃背。我也是。我在外面等的时候心里七上八下的。根据上下文可语境可知,此处是指等待的时候感到很紧张,选项C最合语境。故选C。28Guess what! I came across an old friend at the station last weekend. Im sure you talked with him happily.ASounds good! BVery well.CHow nice! DAll right.【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查交际用语。句意:-你猜怎么着!上周末我在车站碰见一位老朋友。-太好了!我相信你和他谈得很愉快。Sounds good! 听上去不错;

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