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1、最新雅思口语2013年最新雅思口语Part2新题范文Describe an important plant in your country.You should say:what the plant is;how you know it;why it is important;and explain how much you like this plant.answer:The plum blossom, which is known as the MeiHua, is one of the most beloved flowers in China and has been frequent

2、ly depicted in Chinese art and poetry for centuries. I fell in love with plum blossom when I first saw them in a Flower Exhibition several years ago. Ever since then, I started to learn more about them.Plum blossom is a deciduous tree that starts to flower in mid-winter, typically around January unt

3、il late February. They have strong fragrant scent. And their colors are in varying shades of white, pink, and red. The leave which is oval-shaped with a pointed tip will only appear shortly after the falling of petals. The plum blossom is seen as a symbol of Winter and a harbinger of Spring. The blo

4、ssoms are so special because they are viewed as blooming most vibrantly amidst the winter snow, exuding an ethereal elegance, while their fragrance is noticed to still subtly pervade the air at even the coldest times of the year. Therefore the plum blossom came to symbolize perseverance and hope, bu

5、t also beauty, purity, and the transitoriness of life. In Confucianism, the plum blossom stands for the principles and values of virtue. More recently, it has also been used as a metaphor to symbolize revolutionary struggle since the turn of the 20th century.I love plum blossom because of its spirit

6、. It is the most significant flower since it symbolize the resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity during the harsh time. I would love to be like plum blossom so that I would be strong enough to stay tough no matter what hardship I conquer in life.In a word, plum blossom is important to

7、 me because of its essence. It is important in our culture since it represents Chinese peoples virtue.Describe a math class you ever had beforeYou should say:When and where you had this classWhat you learned in this classHow you learned in the classAnd explain your feeling about this math classanswe

8、r:There was one math class I have ever had which I found quite unforgettable. It was one of my primary school math lessons when I was a child, studying in my hometown. The teacher was a lovely lady called Ms. He.In the class, we got the basic understanding of parallel lines and perpendicular ones. O

9、ur teacher Ms. He started by asking us to identify parallel or perpendicular to the phenomenon in the sports arena, e.g. single and parallel bars. After that, we were told to place two sticks in various ways, which we had different results of two lines“Two straight lines that do not intersect are ca

10、lled Parallel lines. It can be said that these two straight lines parallel to each other. If the two straight lines intersect at right angles, then these two straight lines perpendicular to one another.”I liked the way by which our teacher Ms. He taught in this class. She allowed us to combine life

11、situations with abstract knowledge so that we could start to have vivid connection in the process of cultivating our concepts of space and spatial imagination. Furthermore, Ms. He made good use of our observation and thinking by asking us to have some actual hands-on activities which made the math c

12、lass lively. It was of great help in attracting our attention.So, I will not forget this interesting math class.Describe a physics experiment you ever didYou should say:When you did the experimentWhat kind of experiment you didWhat the process wasAnd explain what you learned from this experiment.ans

13、wer:When I was in middle school, I was especially fond of doing experiment while studying Physics. There was one particular experiment I would always remember. It was called boiling frog.To start the experiment, we first put a frog into a pot of boiling water. Then the frog leaped out right away to

14、escape the danger. For the second round, we put the frog in a pot which was full of cool and pleasant water. However, this pot was gradually warmed up until it started to boil. It was so interesting to found out that the frog would not be aware of the danger until it was too late. That was to say, t

15、he frogs survival instincts were geared towards detecting sudden changes.I learned a lot from this experiment. This phenomenon has often been used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to important changes that occur gradually. Thus, we would have to be careful in those slowly changing

16、trends in our surroundings.I fancy this kind of vivid learning. I learn as I do the experiment myself.2013年2月雅思口语预测复习资料 Part 1 Q & A1.NameWhat is your full name?Does your Chinese name have any special meaning?Do you think you would change your name in the future?2.Study or workDo you work or Are you

17、 a student?If student: What subjects or major are you studying? Do you like your subjects /major?If work: What do you do? Do you want to change your job in future?3. HometownWhere are you from?Are there any special places in your hometown?Is your hometown suitable for young/old people to live in?Hav

18、e there been any changes happened in your hometown in the past years?4. Weather and seasonWhat weather do you like the most?How is the weather like in your hometown?Is there any change about the weather this year compared to the past?What season do you like the most?What do you usually do in your fa

19、vorite season?5. SleepingWhat time do you usually go to sleep?How long should a person sleep every day in order to be healthy?What would you do if you could not fall asleep?6. Public ParkDo you like going to parks?Are there many parks in your hometown?What can people benefit from going to parks?(Sim

20、ilar from above) What roles parks play in peoples life?7. ConcentrationHow can people concentrate well when they study or work?How do you usually maintain your concentration?Is concentration important for doing any kind of work?8. BoatHave you ever traveled by boat?Are there a lot of boats in your c

21、ountry?What are the differences between travelling by boat and travelling by other means of transportation?9. keeping fit & healthyHow do you keep fit?Do schools have courses that teach people how to keep fit?How do people that you know keep fit?10. ArtDo you like art?Do you think art galleries shou

22、ld be built in cities? (Why?)What is the influence of art in peoples life?11. HouseworkDo you do any housework?Who does most of the housework at home?Is there any housework that you dont like doing?Do you think it necessary for children to do housework?12. Photography & PhotosDo you like photography

23、?Do you prefer taking photos of yourself or taking photos of others?Do you like collecting photos?Do you have a lot of old photos from the past?What is the meaning of keeping pictures?13. NewsHow do you usually get news?Do you prefer watching news on the Internet or reading it from newspaper?Do you

24、think newspaper will be taken place in the future?14. Traditional BuildingAre there any traditional buildings in your hometown?How should people preserve traditional buildings?15. ReadingDo you like reading?What kinds of books do you like to read?What can people benefit from reading?16. SportsDo you

25、 like doing sports?What is your favorite sport?Do you like doing outdoor activities? If yes, what outdoor activities do you like?What can you benefit from doing sports?17. MuseumDo you like going to museum?What kinds of museum do you like to go to?What can people benefit from going to museums?Do you

26、 think museums should be free for the public to go to?18. Internet and computerDo you use computer a lot? How often do you use computer?What do you use computer for most of the time?How has Internet had an impact on peoples life?19. Clothes and fashionWhat types of clothes do you like the most?Do yo

27、u always buy clothes that are expensive or not?Do you like fashion?How does fashion affect our life?20FlowerDo Chinese people like to send flowers to others as gifts?Have you ever sent flowers to people?What kinds of flowers are popular in China? What are the meanings of those flowers?Are fake flowe

28、rs popular in China?21. DancingCan you dance?Do you like dancing? Why or why not?What kinds of dances do Chinese people do a lot?What can people benefit from dancing?22. PostcardsDo you like sending postcards to people?What are the functions of sending postcards to others?Can sending e-mail replace

29、sending postcard? And why?23.BagsWhat type of bags do you like to use?Why do you like this type of bags?Are there any differences between the bags used by boys(men) and girls (women)?24.LivingDo you live in a house or an apartment?Which room do you like the most at home?If you redecorated the room,

30、how would you do it?Do you like inviting people to hang out? What do you usually do when friends coming over?Do you prefer living in the city or in the rural area?25. Music & Musical InstrumentDo you like music?When appreciating music, do you prefer going to the Concert Hall or staying at home?Can y

31、ou play any musical instrument? Would you like to study a certain type of it?What can people benefit from playing musical instruments?26. Cell Phone & Text MessageDo you use your cell phone very often?Which one do you like better, making phone calls or sending text messages?Do you think phones will

32、be replaced on one?27. DrawingCan you draw pictures?Are there any special techniques required for drawing?What can people benefit from drawing?Should children learn drawing? And Why?28. WeekendWhat do you do during the weekend?Are there any changes about how people spend their weekend compared with the way they did in the past?Do you think people should get extra

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