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九年级英语 Unit 7学案.docx

1、九年级英语 Unit 7学案翠屏区凉姜中心学校20122013学年度(上)学教案九 年级 英语 学科 第 7 单元 学生姓名: _ 班级:_ 班课题:Unit7 Section A(1a1c) 课型: 新授课 课时:第 1 课时编制人: 王小平 审核人: 王小平 使用时间: 年 月 日(星期 ) 【学习目标】1. 单词及短语tiring, educational, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, trek, jungle, fall, take it easy. 2. 学会谈论想要参观的地方,并描绘此地方的景物。3. 知道关系副词when、 where引导的

2、定语从句.【学习重点】定语从句中先行词是地点名词时如何选用关联词。【学习方法】自主学习完成1a , 1b,合作完成1c。【学习过程】【课前预习】一、学习与假期活动有关的词汇 写出下列国家和大洲的中文 Thailand_ Japan_ France _ Britain_ Greece_ Russia_ Brazil_ Singapore_ Canada_ Spain_ New Zealand_ Australia_Asia_ Europe_ Africa_ America_二、译词组、短语:1.慢慢来、别着急_ 2.长途跋涉穿过_ 3. 度假_三、首字母填空。1、We hate war(战争)

3、. We need a p_ world to live in .2、The film is e_ . I can learn a lot from it .3、Trekking through the jungle is a t_ experience.【课内探究】一、热身导入:Do you like vacation?Where do you usually go on vacation? Where do you want/ would you like to go on your school trip?二、活动探究:1、自主学习:完成1a、听录音,完成1b。2、合作交流:理解1c中的

4、内容并仿照进行对话。三、知识点拨:1、take it easy一般是指你很紧张啊,或者忧愁的时候,人家对你说的“放轻松、不紧张、慢慢来、别放在心上”。【例】别着急。一切由我们照料。_ _ _. Well take care of everything.2、-ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别:前者表被动,主语是人,意为“令人的”;后者表主动,主语是物,表示事物本身的性质、特征。【例】1) The kids are _ at the coming vacation . We heard a piece of _ news yesterday . (excited ,exciting )2) My

5、brother was _ when he got back from the long trip . Climbing is very _ (tired , tiring )3) He is feeling _ after the exam . Id like to go somewhere _ (relaxing , relaxed ).4) The young people are _ in the popular music . The book is so _ that all the children like it very much .(interested, interest

6、ing).3、go on vacation 去度假 类似的有:(1)go on a picnic_ (2)去旅行_ _ _ _4、would like “想要” ,用来委婉地表达说话人的邀请、请求或意愿、打算。常用结构如下:would like sth.(=want sth.) _ would like to do sth. (=want to do sth.) _ would like sb. to sth. (=want sb. to do sth.) _1) would you like sth. 常用于征求意见,意为“你想要- -吗?”是一种委婉、客气的表达方法,问句中常用someth

7、ing而不用anything。 肯定回答用 Yes, please. 否定回答用 No, thanks.2) would you like to do sth. 常用于发出邀请或给出建议。肯定回答用 Yes, Id like/love to. 否定回答常用Id like/love to, but-.would like 后可接名词、动词不定式。意为“想要”。would like sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事【例】1)I want some cakes.(同义句) I _ _ some cakes. 2) I want to go there. (同义句) I _ _ _ _ th

8、ere. 3) Would you like _ (give) me a hand?4) His father would like him _ (visit) his uncle.5)-你想要吃什么?不了,-谢谢。-What_? - _, _.6)-Would you like to go to a movie with me? - Yes, I _. A .would like to B. would like C. like D. do【课堂练习】一、我能选:25%( ) 1.What kind of dress do you want to buy ? I would like som

9、ething _ the one my sister is wearing. A. such B. like C. as D. that ( ) 2. My family will go to Beijing for our holiday . _ . A. OK B. Have a good time C. Sorry to hear that D. Take it easy ( ) 3. Have you decided _Shanghai ?A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. to visit to ( ) 4. Dont let the kids w

10、alk _ the road . A. through B. across C. cross D. crossing( ) 5.They had to walk _ the jungle because their car broke down. A. across B. through C. on D. under 二、用所给词适当形式填空: 30%1.Several _ (foreign) visited our school yesterday .2.Volunteering is both interesting and _ (education) .3.All of us love

11、_ (peace) .4.Looking after the children is a _(tired ) job.5) Gina was _(bore) after hearing the same story many times . I spent a _ (bore)evening yesterday .三、完成下列各句:2.8*18=45%1.Sam, 你想去哪儿度假?我想去穿越丛林。Where _ you _ to go _ _, Sam? I _ _ to _ _ the jungle.2. -你想喝点什么吗?-好的,请来杯果汁。 -Would you _ _ to drink

12、? - _, _. Id like a cup of juice.3. -你想去看电影吗?-很想去,但我必须学习以准备考试。 - Would you like _ _to the movies? -I _ _ _, _ I have to study for the test.【课后反思】:翠屏区凉姜中心学校20122013学年度(上)学教案九 年级 英语 学科 第 7 单元 学生姓名: _ 班级:_ 班课题:Unit7 Section A(2a2c and Grammar Focus) 课型: 新授课 课时:第 2 课时编制人: 王小平 审核人: 王小平 使用时间: 年 月 日(星期 ) 【

13、学习目标】1、掌握本课的重点短语并继续谈论假期情况,谈论自己最想去的地方。2、对目标语言的听力训练。【学习重点】hope和wish的用法。【学习方法】自主学习2a、2b内容,为听力作好准备,合作完成2c和Grammar.【学习过程】【课前预习】一、译词组、句子1、有朝一日 2、游客太拥挤 3、我喜欢那些人们非常友好的地方。 I love places _the people are really friendly.4. 我希望有一天去看尼加拉大瀑布。 I _ _see Niagara Falls some day.5. 那里没什么事可做。 Theres not _ _ _ there. 6.

14、How about Florida beach ? I know you would like somewhere r_ .二、复习unit 6 的内容,填入可用的关联词 1I like music _has great lyrics. 2. He prefers groups _play different kinds of music3. The girl _is standing there is his best friend. 4. Do you know the man _is talking.5. The boy _studies hard should be learned f

15、rom. 6. They like the bike _is blue.以上各句叫做_从句。 第_句,先行词是人,因此关系词用_; 第_句,先行词是物,因此关系词用_.请大家看下面几句,用了什么做关系词呢?1. I want to go to a place where the people are friendly. 2. He lives in a village where there is a river.3. I dreamed to live in a city where the weather is always warm.以上各句也属于_从句,其先行词不是人,也不是物,而是_

16、,因此关系词应该用_, 这时的where 也可用介词+ which 来代替。测一测:1. Id like to choose the bag _ has a flower in it. A who B what C which D whose2. The songs _the Beetles sang were very popular. A which B who C where D whose3. Do you know the girl _father owns a company? A who B which C that D whose4. Is this the pen _you

17、bought yesterday? A which B whose C where D what5. He lives in a country _the weather is always warm. A which B whose C where D what6. Guangzhou is a beautiful city _there are many flowers. A in which B whose C that D what【课内探究】一、导入:Where would you like to visit? Eg. Id like to go where the people a

18、re friendly/go somewhere relaxing/go to the places where the weather is always warm/go where it is beautiful/go where it is educational.二、自主朗读2a、2b中的句子,小组质疑解疑。三、听录音完成2a、2b。四、对话表演 根据2a、2b完成2c任务(小组两人一组完成)。五、巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension)Free talk:(参照1C及Grammar Focus) (1)小组进行 (2)班上展示六、知识点拨1.hope 表实

19、现可能性很大的希望,常用为hope to do 和hope (that). 而不能说hope sb. to do sth. wish 表希望、愿望大体上可以实现,其句型为wish sb. to do sth. 后接从句时多用虚拟语气。【例】 (1) I _ to finish my homework before 6:00.(2) I _ that you can come to meet my family.(3) We _ her to visit Beijing one day.(4) We _ that he could come.(5) I wish that we_ (have)

20、a car.(6)我希望我能年轻10岁。 I _ I _ten years younger.2.some day 和one day :都可指“某一天”,some day 经常只用在将来时中,而one day 在将来、过去都能用。【例】(1)下个月的某一天我将来看你。Ill come and see you _ _ next month. (2)我希望某一天能够成为一名像钱学森一样的科学家。I hope to be a scientist like Qian Xuesen _ _(3)上个月的某一天他去参观了上海世博会。_ _last month, he visited the Shanghai

21、 World Expo.3、I love places where the people are really friendly. Where在此处作关系副词指地点,引导定语从句,修饰先行词places; where在定语从句中作地点状语,相当于介词+ which.【例】这是他两年前住过的房子。 This is the house _he lived two years ago.= This is the house _he was born two years ago. = This is the house _ _ he was born two years ago.【课堂练习】一、选择填

22、空。(60%)( )1 -Where would you like _vacation, Jack? -I hope_ Canada some day. A to go on, going to B to go on, to go to C going on, going to D going on, to go to ( )2 -Lets go _. -Thats a great idea. A somewhere relaxing B relaxing somewhere C anywhere relaxing D relaxing anywhere ( )3 -Would you lik

23、e to go to the concert with us? -_, but I must finish my homework first. A Of course not B Yes, I do C Thats all right D. Id like to( )4 This is the city in_ I used to live. A that B which C where D what( )5 The teachers _ all of us to pass the final exam. A hope B wish C like D make ( )6 I like pla

24、ces _ the weather is neither too hot nor too cold . A. where B. that C. which D. what ( )7 Please tell me _ . I have some good news for him . A. where Robert lives B. where does Robert live C. where Robert lived D. where did Robert live ( )8 I hope _ play basketball tomorrow . Yes , I _ .A. him not

25、, hope not too B. he wont , hope it , too C. he wont , hope so , too D. him to not , hope that , too ( )9 Id like to go _ . A. to somewhere relaxing B. to relaxing somewhere C. somewhere relaxing D. somewhere relaxed ( )10 This watch is much cheaper than _ one . A. it B. this C. that D. those 二、完成句子

26、:(40%)1.我希望有朝一日去法国。 I _ _ go to France _ _ .2.我妈妈喜欢那些可以买到便宜货的商店。My mother loves the shops _ she can buy _ _ .3. 昆明冬天的气候总是很暖和。The _ in Kunming in _ is always_ .4. 尼亚加拉大瀑布是我希望去参观的一个地方。Niagara Falls is the place _ I _ _ visit .5. I dont want to go to Hawaii because its too _ (游客很多的).【课后反思】九 年级 英语 学科 第

27、7 单元 学生姓名: 班级: 班课题:Unit7 Section A(3a4) 课型: 新授课 课时:第 3 课时编制人: 王小平 审核人: 王小平 使用时间: 年 月 日(星期 ) 【学习目标】了解一些世界著名的旅游城市. 学习怎样描写一个旅游城市。【学习重点】1掌握本课的重点短语和句型: consider doing sth., in general 2. 能用所学语言知识描写自己喜欢的一个城市【学习方法】文章的描写是有一定的条理的,如描写它的交通,建筑物,地理位置,语言等。【学习过程】【课前预习】 一、阅读”Travel spotlight: Paris”, 在文中找出下列重点词语, 并翻译句子。1.考虑做某事_ 2. 法国的首都_

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