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本文(kk美国部分州有关消费品和儿童产品的安全性和限用某些有害物.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、kk美国部分州有关消费品和儿童产品的安全性和限用某些有害物CN-097 / Feb 2008美国部分州有关消费品和儿童产品的安全性和限用某些有害物质的最新提案美国有更多州提案限制邻苯二甲酸盐和双酚A在玩具和儿童护理品中的使用美国已有很多州提案限制双酚A和某些邻苯二甲酸盐的使用,最近又有夏威夷州、伊利诺斯州、西弗吉尼亚州和华盛顿州提案限制双酚A和某些邻苯二甲酸盐的使用。夏威夷州:提案通过后,任何人不得生产或销售含有以下有害物质的玩具或儿童护理品:1. 邻苯二甲酸二-2-乙基己酯(DEHP)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)或邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯(BBP)的浓度超过0.1%;或2. 含有双酚A,并适用于3岁

2、以下儿童;或3. 邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯(DINP)、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯(DIDP)或邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DNOP)的浓度超过0.1%,适用于3岁以下儿童并可能被放入儿童口中。伊利诺斯州和西弗吉尼亚州:提案通过后,从2009年1月1日起,任何人不得生产或销售含有以下有害物质的玩具或儿童护理品:1. 邻苯二甲酸二-2-乙基己酯(DEHP)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)或邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯(BBP)的浓度超过0.1%;或2. 邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯(DINP)、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯(DIDP)或邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DNOP)的浓度超过0.1%,适用于3岁以下儿童并可能被放入儿童口中。华盛顿州:提案通过后,从2009

3、年1月1日起,任何人不得生产,或在知情的情况下销售某些邻苯二甲酸盐(邻苯二甲酸二-2-乙基己酯DEHP、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯DBP、邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯BBP、邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯DINP、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯DIDP,或邻苯二甲酸二辛酯DNOP)或其合成物的含量超过0.01%的儿童产品或产品部件。在上述提案中,“儿童产品”包括玩具、儿童护理品(包括服装)、汽车儿童座椅、化妆品(不包括香皂),以及适用于12岁以下儿童的儿童珠宝。订阅更多信息,请登录我们的网站注册: 免责声明:本公司已尽一切努力确保上述信息准确可靠,但对其内容的准确性、真实性及合法性不做任何形式的担保;阅读者在重要事项上源引相关信息时,应自

4、行分析审慎判断。CN-097 / Feb 2008美国更多州提案制定儿童产品安全法规美国印地安那州、田纳西州和华盛顿州最近提案禁止任何人生产、翻新或销售不安全的儿童产品。上述各州的健康部门将制定一份不安全儿童产品的清单,并向公众公布。在上述各州的提案中,“儿童产品”包括但不限于以下产品:1. 标准尺寸和非标准尺寸的婴儿床;2. 幼儿床、床;3. 汽车椅;4. 坐椅、高脚椅、升高椅、悬挂椅、沐浴椅;5. 围护儿童用的围栏和门等;6. 游乐园、固定的活动区;7. 婴儿背带、婴儿车、学步车、秋千;或者8. 符合以下情况的玩具或娱乐设备:o 用于护理儿童或儿童使用的;o 在使用时与儿童身体接触的。备注

5、:儿童产品不包括以下产品:A. 可能用于儿童护理或被儿童使用,但其设计目的为一般大众所使用,并非仅适用于儿童;B. 药物或食品,或需要被咽下的产品。但是,上述三个州对“儿童”的定义和法案生效日期有所不同:印地安那州(i) “儿童”指年龄12岁以下的未成年人;(ii) 法案通过后立即生效。田纳西州(i) “儿童”指年龄14岁以下的未成年人;(ii) 法案通过后于2008年7月1日起生效。华盛顿州(i) “儿童”指年龄12岁以下的未成年人;(ii) 法案通过后于2009年1月1日起生效。订阅更多信息,请登录我们的网站注册: 免责声明:本公司已尽一切努力确保上述信息准确可靠,但对其内容的准确性、真实

6、性及合法性不做任何形式的担保;阅读者在重要事项上源引相关信息时,应自行分析审慎判断。CN-097 / Feb 2008美国华盛顿州提案含铅消费品需加贴标签从 2010年1月1日起,生产商和销售商不得在华盛顿州销售铅含量超过0.009%的消费品,除非该产品对铅含量做出标识。该限制不适用于所有边面尺寸小于 0.5英寸的产品,或者在安装或使用时其含铅部位不与人体接触的产品。生产商负责在含铅产品上加注标识。正确的标识方法为在产品上以标签或印刻的方式,用不小于10磅大小的文字标识出铅的含量(如:“铅含量百分之八”)。标识的位置必须在产品包装的外部,即消费者购买产品时可以看得到的地方,或者,如果含铅的消费


8、富品牌和声誉。与Intertek的合作为客户的产品和流程带来了更大的价值,最终促进客户在全球市场取得成功。详情请咨询:深圳 龚会艳 上海 吴颖捷电话:+86 755 26020189 电话:+86 21 6091 7610传真:+86 755 26837118 传真:+86 21 6127 9740Email: testing.shenzhen E-mail: jessie.wu订阅更多信息,请登录我们的网站注册: 免责声明:本公司已尽一切努力确保上述信息准确可靠,但对其内容的准确性、真实性及合法性不做任何形式的担保;阅读者在重要事项上源引相关信息时,应自行分析审慎判断。CN-097 / Fe

9、b 2008Some States in the USA Propose Bills on Safety and Restrict the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in ConsumerProducts and Childrens ProductsMore States in the USA propose to prohibit the use of Phthalates or Bisphenol-A in Toys and Child Care ArticlesIn the US, many states have proposed Bill

10、s prohibiting the use of bisphenol-A and certain phthalates. The states of Hawaii, Illinois, West Virginia and Washington have also recently introduced bills pertaining to the restrictions of use of bisphenol-A and certain phthalates.Hawaii:Upon approval, no person may manufacture, sell or distribut

11、e in commerce any toy or child care article that:1. contains DEHP, DBP, or BBP in concentrations exceeding 0.1%; or2. is intended for use by a child under 3 years of age and contains Bisphenol-A; or3. is intended for use by a child under 3 years of age if that product can be placed in the childs mou

12、th and contains DINP, DIDP, or DNOP in concentrations exceeding 0.1%.Illinois and West Virginia:Upon approval, on or after January 1, 2009, no person may manufacture, sell or distribute incommerce any toy or child care article that:1. contains DEHP, DBP, or BBP in concentrations exceeding 0.1%; or2.

13、 is intended for use by a child under 3 years of age if that product can be placed in thechilds mouth and contains DINP, DIDP, or DNOP in concentrations exceeding 0.1%.Washington:Upon approval, on or after January 1, 2009, no person may manufacture, knowingly sell, offer forsale, distribute for sale

14、, or distribute for use in this state a childrens product or product componentthat contains phthalates (DEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, DIDP, or DNOP), individually or in combination, at more than 0.01% by weight.For the purpose of this Bill, “Childrens product”includes toys, child care articles (including cl

15、othing), child car seats, cosmetics (excluding soap) and children jewelry for children aged 12 and under.To receive more of this kind of information, please register at: .Disclaimer: Intertek Testing Services made all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, the informa

16、tion provided should not be relied upon as legal advice or regarded as a substitute for legal advice. The reader should exercise his own care and judgment before relying on this information in any important matter.CN-097 / Feb 2008More States in the USA propose Bills of Childrens Product Safety ActT

17、he states of Indiana, Tennessee and Washington have introduced bills to prohibit any personfrom manufacturing, remanufacturing, retrofitting, distributing, selling at wholesale or retail,contracting to sell or resell, leasing, subletting, or otherwise placing into the stream of commercean unsafe chi

18、ldrens product. The state departments of health have to create and maintain a list ofunsafe childrens products and make the list available to the public.For the purpose of the bills, “childrens product” means a product, including, but not limited to:1. a full-size crib or non-full-size crib;2. toddl

19、er bed, bed;3. car seat;4. chair, high chair, booster chair, hook-on chair, bath seat;5. gate or other enclosure for confining a child;6. play yard, stationary activity center;7. carrier, stroller, walker, swing; or8. toy or play equipment with the following criteria:o Designed or intended for the c

20、are of, or use by, a child; oro Designed or intended to come into contact with a child while the product is used.Notes:Childrens product DOES NOT include a product that:(A) may be used by or for the care of a child, but it is designed or intended for use by the generalpopulation or segments of the g

21、eneral population and not solely or primarily for use by or for thecare of a child;(B) is a medication, drug, or food or is intended to be ingested.However, there are several differences in the provisions between the 3 states:Indiana(i) Child means a person less than 12 years of age;(ii) The bill wi

22、ll take effect once the bill is passed.Tennessee(i) Child means a person less than 14 years of age;(ii) The bill will take effect on July 1, 2008, if passed.Washington(i) Child means a person under the age of 12 years of age;(ii) The bill will take effect on January 1, 2009, if passed.To receive mor

23、e of this kind of information, please register at: .Disclaimer: Intertek Testing Services made all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, the information provided should not be relied upon as legal advice or regarded as a substitute for legal advice. The reader should

24、 exercise his own care and judgment before relying on this information in any important matter.CN-097 / Feb 2008The State of Washington of the USA proposes tolabel Lead-containing Consumer ProductsEffective January 1, 2010, manufacturers and wholesalers may not sell a lead-containingconsumer product

25、 with lead greater than 0.009% in the state of Washington, unless the lead-containing product is labeled. This prohibition does not apply to products that are under 0.5 inchesin all dimensions, or products in which the lead portion of the product does not come into humancontact during installation o

26、r use.Manufacturers are responsible for affixing the labels on lead-containing consumer products. Alead-containing consumer product is considered properly labeled if it has a label and an imprintidentifying the percentage content of lead in a minimum of 10 point font (e.g. eight percent leadcontent)

27、. The label must be on the outer portion of the package viewable to consumers at the timeof purchase, or, if the lead-containing consumer product is not contained in a package, thendirectly on the lead-containing consumer product. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers areprohibited from removing

28、 any required label or imprint that relates to lead.Notes:“Lead-containing consumer product” means a product, commodity, chemical, or compound that contains lead and is being sold to a consumer for personal, family, or household use, including products with a component that contains lead or a lead c

29、ompound.“Package” means the immediate container or wrapping in which any product is contained formarketing, protecting, handling, or for use by consumers, and also means any outer container orwrapping used in the retail display of such a product to consumers.The Solution:Intertek is a leading non-go

30、vernmental independent third-party laboratory qualified to perform anextensive range of product safety tests and to issue internationally recognized reports. Our globalnetwork caters to every part of the world and provides convenience no matter where you are. AtIntertek, our business philosophy is s

31、imple; we go where our clients require us to go and utilize ourvast resources and expertise in ensuring that their needs are fulfilled.Partnership with Intertek brings increased value to your product and process, and ultimately pavesthe way for success in the marketplace.For more information, please contact:Shenzhen Lisa Gong Shanghai Jessie WuTel: +86 755 26020189 Tel: +86 21 60917610Fax: +86 755 26837118 Fax: +86 2

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